A Note On Vertex Distinguishing Edge colorings of Trees Songling Shana, Bing Yaob,1, a. Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Georgia State University,Atlanta,30303-3083, USA. E-mail: [email protected] 6 b. College of Mathematics and Statistics, Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou,730070, P.R.China 1 0 Abstract 2 A proper edge coloring of a simple graph G is called a vertex distinguishing edge coloring n a (vdec) if for any two distinct vertices u and v of G, the set of the colors assigned to the edges J incidenttoudiffersfromthesetofthecolorsassignedtotheedgesincidenttov. Theminimum 9 number of colors required for all vdecs of G is denoted by χ′(G) called the vdec chromatic s ] number of G. Let nd(G) denote the number of vertices of degree d in G. In this note, we show O thatatreeT withn2(T)≤n1(T)holdsχs′(T)=n1(T)+1ifitsdiameterD(T)=3oroneoftwo C particular trees with D(T) = 4, and χs′(T) = n1(T) otherwise; furthermore χe′s(T) = χ′s(T) . h when |E(T)|≤2(n1(T)+1), where χ′es(T) is the equitable vdec chromatic number of T. t a m AMS Subject Classification (2000): 05C15 [ Keywords: vertex distinguishing coloring, edge coloring, trees 1 v 1 1 Introduction and concepts 0 6 2 Labeled graphs are becoming an increasingly useful family of mathematical models for a broad 0 range of applications, suchas time tabling and scheduling, frequency assignment, register allocation, . 1 computer security and so on. In [2], Burris and Schelp introduced that a proper edge k-coloring 0 6 of a simple graph G is called a vertex distinguishing edge k-coloring (k-vdec, or vdec for short) if 1 for any two distinct vertices u and v of G, the set of the colors assigned to the edges incident to : v u differs from the set of the colors assigned to the edges incident to v. The minimum number of i X colors required for a vertex distinguishing coloring of G is denoted by χ′(G). The maximum and s r a minimum degrees of G are denoted by ∆(G) and δ(G), respectively. Let nd(G) denote the number of vertices of degree d with respect to δ(G) ≤ d ≤ ∆(G) in G, or write n = n (G) if there is no d d confusion. Burris and Schelp [2] presented the following conjecture: Conjecture 1. Let G be a simple graph having no isolated edges and at most one isolated vertex, and let k be the smallest integer such that (k) ≥ n for all d with respect to δ(G) ≤ d ≤ ∆(G). d d Then k ≤ χ′(G) ≤ k+1. s It seems very difficult to settle down Conjecture 1, since no more results to verify it (cf. [1], [2], [3]). We show some results on trees to confirm positively Conjecture 1, and try to approximate χ′(G) of a graph G by χ′(T) of some tree T generated from G. Graphs mentioned here are finite, s s 1Corresponding author, Email: [email protected] simple and undirected. We use standard terminology and notation of graph theory, and write [m,n] = {m,m+1,...,n} for integers m,n with respect to 0 ≤ m < n. Let π be a k-vdec of a graph G, and S = {uv : π(uv) = i,uv ∈ E(G)} for i ∈ [1,k]. We call π an equitable k-vdec if S i i and S differ in size at most one for distinct i,j ∈ [1,k]. The smallest value of k such that G has an j equitable k-vdec is denoted by χ′ (G). Clearly, χ′(G) ≤ χ′ (G). The set of neighbors of a vertex es s es u of G is denoted as N (u), or N(u) if no confusion. The diameter of G is written as D(G). A leaf G is a vertex of degree one, and a k-degree vertex is one of degree k ≥ 2. P is a path of length n−1. n A tree Q of diameter four has its own vertex set V(Q) = Wr ∪Xm ∪(cid:0)Sni=1Yi(cid:1), where Wr = {w ,w : i ∈ [1,r]} if r ≥ 1, X = {s ,s′ : i ∈ [1,m]} if m ≥ 1, Y = {t ,t′ : j ∈ [1,r ]} for r ≥ 2 0 i m i i i i i,j i i and i∈ [1,n] if n ≥ 1; and Q has its own edge set E(Q) =E(Wr)∪E(Xm)∪(cid:0)Sni=1E(Yi)(cid:1), where E(W )= {w w : i∈ [1,r]}, E(X ) = {w s ,s s′ : i∈ [1,m]}, E(Y ) = {w t ,t t′ :j ∈ [1,r ]} for r 0 i m 0 i i i i 0 i i i,j i r ≥ 2andi∈ [1,n]. Thereby,wecanwritethistreeQhavingdiameterD(Q) = 4asQ = Q(r,m,n) i withthecenterw hereafter. Especially,Q(0,2,0) = P suchthatχ′(Q(0,2,0)) = n (Q(0,2,0))+2. 0 5 s 1 let U = {Q(0,2,0), Q(r,2,0), Q(0,1,1)}. We will show the following results in this note. Theorem1. LetT beatreewithn (T) ≤ n (T)andatleastthree vertices. Thenχ′(T) = n (T)+1 2 1 s 1 if D(T) = 3 and T ∈ U \{Q(0,2,0)}; χ′(T) = n (T)+2 if T = Q(0,2,0); and χ′(T) = n (T) if s 1 s 1 D(T) ≥4 and T 6∈ U. Theorem2. LetT beatree withn (T) ≤ n (T)andatleastthree vertices. If|E(T)| ≤ 2[n (T)+1], 2 1 1 then χ′ (T)= χ′(T). es s 2 Lemmas and proofs Lemma 3. Let T be a tree with n (T)≥ n (T). Then there exists a 2-degree vertex such that one 2 1 of its neighbors is either a leaf or a vertex of degree 2. Proof. Write n = n (T) for d ∈ [δ(T),∆(T)], here n = n (T) = 0 if T has no vertices of degree d d d d d. Let n = |V(T)|−n −n −···−n for k ≥ 2. By contradiction. Assume that each 2-degree ≥k 1 2 k−1 vertex x has its neighborhood N(x) = {x ,x } such that degree deg (x ) ≥ 3 for i = 1,2. So, we 1 2 T i have n2 ≤ n≥3 by the assumption. Applying the formula n1 = 2+P3≤d≤∆(T)(d−2)nd shown in the article [4], we have n ≥ 2+n for d ≥ 3, and n ≥ 2+n +2n = 2+2n −n , which 1 d 1 3 ≥4 ≥3 3 shows that n ≤ 1(n +n )−1. Thereby, the following inequalities ≥3 2 1 3 1 n ≤ n ≤ (n +n )−1 ≤ n −2 2 ≥3 1 3 1 2 show a contradiction. Lemma 4. Let T be a tree with diameter three. Then χ′(T)= n (T)+1, and χ′ (T) = χ′(T). s 1 es s 2 Proof. Let two complete graphs K and K have their own vertex and edge sets as follows: 1,m 1,n V(K ) = {s,s ,s ,...,s } and E(K ) = {ss ,ss ,...,ss }, V(K ) = {t,t ,t ,...,t } and 1,m 1 2 m 1,m 1 2 m 1,n 1 2 n E(K ) = {tt ,tt ,...,tt }, where s,t are the centers of K and K . Each tree of diameter 3, 1,n 1 2 n 1,m 1,n denoted as S , can be obtained by joining two centers of K and K with an edge. So, m+1,n+1 1,m 1,n S has its own vertex set V(S ) = V(K )∪V(K ) and edge set E(S ) = m+1,n+1 m+1,n+1 1,m 1,n m+1,n+1 E(K )∪E(K )∪{st}. Supposethatf isak-vdecof S suchthatk = χ′(S ). Let 1,m 1,n m+1,n+1 s m+1,n+1 C(u,f) be the set of the colors assigned to the edges incident to u of S . Since C(s ,f) 6= m+1,n+1 i C(s ,f), C(s ,f) 6= C(t ,f), C(t ,f)6= C(t ,f),andC(s,f)6= C(t,f),soweknow k ≥ m+n+1 = j i l i j n (S )+1. This k-vdec f can be exactly defined as: f(ss )= i for i∈ [1,m]; f(st)= m+1; 1 m+1,n+1 i f(tt )= m+1+j for j ∈ [1,n]. Thereby, k = m+n+1. By the definition of the k-vdec f, we are j not hard to see χ′ (T)= χ′(T). es s Lemma 5. Let U = {Q(0,2,0), Q(r,2,0), Q(0,1,1)}. For all trees Q = Q(r,m,n) of diameter four we have χ′(Q) = n (Q)+1 if Q ∈ U \{Q(0,2,0)}; χ′(Q) = n (Q)+2 if Q = Q(0,2,0); and s 1 s 1 χ′(Q) = n (Q) for Q 6∈ U. Furthermore, χ′ (Q) = χ′(Q). s 1 es s Proof. UsingthedescriptionofatreeQ = Q(r,m,n)ofdiameterfourinSection1. Letn = n (Q), 1 1 and f be a k-vdec of Q such that k = χ′(Q). Note that D(Q)= 4. s Case A. (r,m,n) = (r,m,0) with m ≥ 2 and r ≥ 0. Clearly, n = r+m. 1 Case A1. (r,m,0) = (r,2,0), n = r+2. We can easily see χ′(Q) = n +1 for r ≥ 0, since we 1 s 1 have to color one of two edges w s and w s with one color that is not in {f(w w ),f(s s′) : s ∈ 0 1 0 2 0 s i i [1,r],i ∈ [1,2]}. As r = 0, Q is a path with 4 vertices, so χ′(Q) = n +2= 4. s 1 Case A2. (r,m,0) with m ≥ 3, n = r + m. We show f in the following: f(s s′) = i for 1 i i i ∈ [1,m]; f(w s ) = i+1 for i ∈ [1,m−1], and f(w s ) = 1; f(w w ) = m+j for j ∈ [1,r] if 0 i 0 m 0 j r 6= 0. Clearly, C(u,f) 6= C(v,f) for any two vertices u,v ∈ V(Q), which means χ′(Q) = n . s 1 Case B. (r,0,n) with n≥ 2, n1 = r+Pni=1ri. It is easy to show χ′s(Q)= n1 in this case, since n ≤ 1. 2 Case C. (0,m,n) with m ≥ 1 and n ≥ 1, n1 = m+Pni=1ri. Case C1. (0,m,n) = (0,1,1), n = 1+r . Since f(s s′) = f(w t ) if χ′(Q) = n in this case, 1 1 1 1 0 1 s 1 we can see C(w ,f)= C(s ,f); a contradiction. So χ′(Q(0,1,1)) = 2+r = n +1. 0 1 s 1 1 Case C1. (0,m,n) = (0,1,n) with n ≥ 2, n1 = 1+Pni=1ri. To show χ′s(Q) = n1, we have f defined as: f(s s′) = 1; f(t t′ ) = 1+j for j ∈ [1,r ]; f(t t′ ) = f(t t′ )+j for j ∈ [1,r ] 1 1 1 1,j 1 i i,j i−1 i−1,j i and i∈ [2,n]; f(w s ) =f(t t′ ); f(w t ) = f(t t′ ) for j ∈ [1,n−1]; f(w t ) = f(s s′). 0 1 n n,1 0 j j+1 j+1,1 0 n 1 1 Case C2. (0,m,n) = (0,m,1) with m ≥ 2, n = m + r . For showing χ′(Q) = n we 1 1 s 1 define: f(s s′) = i for i ∈ [1,m]; f(w s ) = i + 1 for i ∈ [1,m − 1], and f(w s ) = f(t t′ ); i i 0 i 0 m 1 1,1 f(t t′ ) = m+j for j ∈ [1,r ] and f(w t ) = m. 1 1,j 1 0 1 Case C3. (0,m,n) = (0,m,n) with m ≥ 2 and n ≥ 1, n1 = m+Pni=1ri. We have χ′s(Q) = n1 by defining f appropriately by the methods showing in Case C1 and Case C2. 3 Case D. (r,m,n) with r ≥ 1, m ≥ 1 and n ≥ 1, n1 = r+m+Pni=1ri. By the techniques use in the above cases, we can define f to show χ′(Q)= n . s 1 Through the above Cases A, B, C and D, we conclude χ′ (Q) = χ′(Q), since one color is used es s at most twice under the vdec f. The lemma is covered. The proof of Theorem 1. Let n = n (T) for i = 1,2, and neighborhoods N(w) = N (w) i i T for w ∈ V(T). Because T = K when D(T) = 2, so χ′(T) = n = n−1. For D(T) = 3,4, by 1,n−1 s 1 Lemmas 4 and 5, the theorem holds true. So, we show χ′(T)= n by induction on vertex numbers s 1 of trees T with diameter D(T) ≥ 5. We will use the description of trees having diameter four in the following discussion. Case 1. There exists a leaf v having a neighbor u with degree deg (u) ≥ 4. Let T ′ = T −v, so T n (T ′)= n −1. Clearly, D(T ′) ≥ 5. 1 1 Case 1.1. n2(T ′) ≤ n1(T ′). Then by induction hypothesis, there is an edge coloring ξT′ : E(T ′) → {1,2,...,b′} such that χ′(T ′) = b′ = n (T ′) = n −1. It is straightforward to define s 1 1 a vdec ξT: E(T) → {1,2,...,b′,b′ + 1} such that ξT(e) = ξT′(e) for e ∈ E(T) \ {uv}, and ξ (uv) = b′+1. T Case 1.2. n (T ′) = n (T ′)−1. By Lemma 3, there exists a 2-degree vertex x ∈ V(T ′) with 1 2 NT′(x) = {x1,x2} such that degT(x1) = degT′(x1) ≤ 2. Notice that degT′(x) = degT(x) and degT′(x1) = degT(x1). Let T1 be the tree obtained from T ′ by suppressing the vertex x, that is, T = T ′−x+x x . Clearly, D(T )≥ 4, n (T ) = n (T ′) and n (T )= n (T ′)−1. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 If D(T ) = 4, we have T = Q(0,m,0) with m ≥ 3, since n (T ) = n (T ) and deg (u) ≥ 4. 1 1 1 1 2 1 T Thus, u is the center of T = Q(0,m,0), the leaf v is the leaf w of Q(1,m,0), and T is the tree 1 1 obtained by subdivision of the edge s s′. It is not difficult to see χ′(Q(1,m,0)) = n (Q(1,m,0)), 1 1 s 1 so χ′(T) = n . s 1 If D(T ) ≥ 5, again by induction hypothesis, there is a vdec ξ : E(T ) → {1,2,...,b } 1 T1 1 1 such that χ′(T ) = b = n (T ) = n − 1. Hence, T has a proper edge coloring ξ defined s 1 1 1 1 1 T as: ξ (e) = ξ (e) for e ∈ E(T) \ {uv,xx ,xx }, and ξ (uv) = b + 1, ξ (xx ) = b + 1 and T T1 1 2 T 1 T 1 1 ξ (xx )= ξ (x x ). Itiseasy tocheck ξ tobeadesiredn -vdecofT,sinceC(ξ ,u) 6= C(ξ ,x ). T 2 T1 1 2 T 1 T T 1 Case 2. There is a leaf v having a 3-degree neighbor u, and Case 1 is false. Case 2.1. v′ isanother leaf intheneighborhoodN(u) = {v,v′,u′}, andT hasa2-degreevertex x having its neighborhood {x ,x } such that x is a leaf of T. 1 2 1 We have a tree T = T −{v,v′,x}+x x . Clearly, D(T ) ≥ 3 since D(T) ≥ 5, n (T )= n −1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 and n (T )= n −1. 2 1 2 If D(T ) = 3, T is a 3-diameter tree S (we use the description shown in the proof of 1 1 m+1,n+1 Lemma 4) obtained by joining two centers of K and K with an edge. Since D(T) ≥ 5, so 1,m 1,n T can be obtained by subdividing the edge ss (= x x ) to form a path sxs = x xx of T and 1 1 2 1 1 2 joining t (= u) to two new vertices v and v′ to S . It is not hard to make a desired n -vdec 1 m+1,n+1 1 of T based on the structure of T. 4 If D(T ) = 4, then T = Q(r,m,n). If T = Q(0,2,0), thus it goes to T such that n = 3 and 1 1 1 1 n = 4; a contradiction. As T = Q(r,m,n) 6= Q(0,2,0), we can show χ′(T) = n by the edge 2 1 s 1 colorings used in the proof of Lemma 5. For D(T ) ≥ 5, T , by induction hypothesis, has a vdec ξ : E(T ) → {1,2,...,b } such that 1 1 T1 1 1 χ′(T ) = b = n (T ) = n −1. Notice that u is a leaf of T . So, we can extend ξ to a vdec s 1 1 1 1 1 1 T1 ξ of T as follows: ξ (e) = ξ (e) for e ∈ E(T) \ {uv,uv′,xx ,xx }; if ξ (x x ) 6∈ C(ξ ,u′), T T T1 1 2 T1 1 2 T1 we set ξ (uu′) = b + 1, ξ (uv′) = ξ (uu′), ξ (uv) = ξ (x x ), ξ (xx ) = ξ (x x ) and T 1 T T1 T T1 1 2 T 2 T1 1 2 ξ (xx ) = b + 1; if ξ (x x ) ∈ C(ξ ,u′), we define ξ (uu′) = ξ (uu′), ξ (uv) = ξ (x x ), T 1 1 T1 1 2 T1 T T1 T T1 1 2 ξ (uv′) = b +1, ξ (xx )= b +1 and ξ (xx )= ξ (uu′). T 1 T 2 1 T 1 T1 Case 2.2. deg (v′) = 1 for v′ ∈ N(u) = {v,v′,u′}, and T has no a 2-degree vertex that is T adjacent to a leaf of T. Let P = p p ···p p be a longest path of T, where D is the diameter 1 2 D−1 D of T. Here, deg (p ) = 3 = deg (p ). T 2 T D−1 Without loss of generality, p 6= u, so p is adjacent to two leaves p ,p′ ∈ N(p ) = {p ,p′,p } 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 with deg (p ) 6= 1. Suppose that x,y are two 2-degree vertices of T. Let N(x) = {x ,x } and T 3 1 2 N(y) = {y ,y }, then we know that deg (x ) ≥ 2 and deg (y ) ≥ 2 for i = 1,2 by the hypothesis 1 2 T i T i of Case 2.2. Make a tree T = T −{v,v′,p ,p′,x,y} + {x x ,y y } with n (T ) = n −2 and 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 n (T ) =n −2. 2 2 2 IfD(T ) = 2,soT = K withV(K ) = {s,s ,s ,...,s }andE(K )= {ss ,ss ,...,ss } 2 2 1,m 1,m 1 2 m 1,m 1 2 m for m ≥ 2. Without loss of generality, u = s , p = s , ss = x x and ss = y y for j 6= 1 since 1 2 2 1 1 2 j 1 2 D(T) ≥ 5. So, D(T) = 5 or 6, n ≥ 4 and n = 2. The structure of T enables us to show 1 2 χ′(T) =n by defining a desired n -vdec of T. s 1 1 Consider the case D(T ) = 3. As T = P , T is obtained by replacing by a path w xx yt the 2 2 4 0 1 1 edge w t of Q(0,0,2) with r = r = 2 (t = u, t = p ), so n = n = 4. It is easy to define a 0 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 desired4-vdecof T bymeans ofthetechniques usedintheproofof Lemma5. WhenT = S 2 m+1,n+1 with m+n ≥ 3, the structure of T is clear such that we can show easily χ′(T)= n . s 1 For D(T ) = 4, thus T = Q(r,0,n) with 0≤ r ≤ 1 and n ≥2 according to T has no a 2-degree 2 2 vertex that is adjacent to a leaf of T. We have two subcases T = Q(1,0,2) and T = Q(0,0,n) 2 2 with n ≥ 3. So, x x = w t and y y = w t , and u and p both are the leaves of T = Q(1,0,2) 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 2 2 2 or T = Q(0,0,n) with n ≥ 3. We claim χ′(T) = n by the structure of T in this situation. 2 s 1 When D(T ) ≥ 5, by induction hypothesis, we take a vdec ξ : E(T ) → {1,2,...,b } having 2 T2 2 2 χ′(T ) = b = n (T ) = n − 2, and extend ξ to a proper edge coloring ξ of T by setting s 2 2 1 2 1 T2 T ξ (e) = ξ (e)fore∈ E(T)\{uv,uv′,uu′,xx ,xx ,p p ,p p′,p p ,yy ,yy },andξ (uu′)= b +2, T T2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 T 2 ξ (uv′) = ξ (uu′), ξ (uv) = b +1, ξ (xx ) = ξ (x x ), and ξ (xx ) = b +1; ξ (p p ) = b +1, T T2 T 2 T 2 T2 1 2 T 1 2 T 2 3 2 ξ (p p′) = ξ (p p ), ξ (p p ) = b + 2, ξ (yy ) = ξ (y y ), and ξ (yy ) = b + 2. Since T 2 1 T2 2 3 T 2 1 2 T 2 T2 1 2 T 1 2 C(ξ ,p )\{ξ (p p )} is not equal to one of C(ξ ,x )\{ξ (x x )} for i = 1,2, and C(ξ ,u)\ T2 3 T2 2 3 T2 i T2 1 2 T2 {ξ (uu′)} is not equal to one of C(ξ ,y )\{ξ (y y )} for i = 1,2, so C(ξ ,p ) 6= C(ξ ,x ) and T2 T2 i T2 1 2 T 3 T 1 C(ξ ,u′) 6= C(ξ ,y ), without loss of generality. Hence, it is not hard to verify that ξ is a vdec T T 1 T of T such that χ′(T) = b +2= n . s 2 1 5 Case 2.3. The above Case 2.1 and Case 2.2 are false, simultaneously. So, any leaf of T is either adjacent to a 2-degree vertex or a 3-degree vertex having two neighbors of non-leaves. Thereby, deg (v) = 1, deg (v′) ≥ 2 and deg (u′) ≥ 2 in N(u) = {v,v′,u′}. Let P = x x ···x x be T T T 1 2 D−1 D a longest path of T with deg (x ) = 2 or deg (x ) = 2, where D = D(T). Without loss of T 2 T D−1 generality, x has its two neighbors x and x holding deg (x ) = 1 and deg (x )≥ 2. 2 1 3 T 1 T 3 We have a tree T = T−{v,u,x }+{x x ,v′u′}. Clearly, D(T ) ≥ 3 since D(T) ≥ 5, n (T ) = 3 2 1 3 3 1 3 n −1andn (T )= n −1. IfD(T ) = 3,thepossiblecaseisT = P = x x x x = x u′v′x ,which 1 2 3 2 3 3 4 1 3 4 5 1 5 implies T = x x u′uv′x +uv. Thereby, we have χ′(T) = n . IfD(T )= 4, thenT = Q(1,2,0) or 1 2 5 s 1 3 3 T = Q(0,m,0) with m ≥ 3 (T = Q(0,2,0) will induce T has n = 3 and n = 4; a contradiction). 3 3 1 2 Therefore, s = u′, w = v′, and x is a leaf of T = Q(1,2,0) or T = Q(0,m,0) with m ≥ 3. The 1 0 1 3 3 structure of T is clear when D(T ) = 4, so we can show a n -vdec of T by the methods used in the 3 1 proof of Lemma 5. ForD(T )≥ 5, byinductionhypothesis,T admitsavdecξ : E(T )→ {1,2,...,b }suchthat 3 3 T3 3 3 χ′(T )= b = n (T )= n −1. It is straightforward to definea n -vdec ξ of T as follows: ξ (e) = s 3 3 1 3 1 1 T T ξ (e) for e ∈ E(T) \ {uv,uv′,uu′,x x ,x x }, and ξ (uu′) = b + 1 if ξ (x x ) 6∈ C(ξ ,u′), T3 2 1 2 3 T 3 T3 1 3 T3 ξ (uv′) = ξ (u′v′), ξ (uv) = ξ (x x ), ξ (x x ) = ξ (x x ), and ξ (x x ) = b +1. T T3 T T3 1 3 T 2 3 T3 1 3 T 2 1 3 Case 3. The above Case 1 and Case 2 do not appear simultaneously, and every leaf is adjacent to a 2-degree vertex in T, which means n = n . 2 1 Case 3.1. Each 2-degree vertex x has its neighborhood N(x) = {x ,x } such that deg (x )= 1 1 2 T 1 and deg (x ) ≥ 3, and no two 2-degree vertices have a common neighbor. Let R = p p ···p be T 2 1 2 l a longest path in T, where l = D(T). Thereby, deg (p ) ≥ 3 and deg (p ) ≥ 3 since n = n . T 3 T l−2 2 1 Notice that deg (x) ≤ 2 for x ∈ N(p ) \ {p ,p } (resp. x ∈ N(p ) \ {p ,p }) because T 3 2 4 l−2 l−3 l−1 x 6∈ V(R), and furthermore this vertex x is neither a leaf (Case 2 has been assumed to disappear) nor a 2-degree vertex (by the hypothesis of this subcase and n = n ). We claim that this subcase 2 1 does not exist. Case 3.2. Case 3.1 does not exist at all. We have a subgraph H with V(H) = {w,u}∪V ′ with m ≥ 2 and V ′ = {y ,x : i ∈ [1,m]} and E(H) = {wu,uy ,y x : i ∈ [1,m]}, where deg (w) ≥ 2, i i i i i T every y is a 2-degree vertex and every x is a leaf for i∈ [1,m]. Then we have a tree T = T −V ′ i i 1 such that D(T )≥ 3 because D(T) ≥ 5. 1 If D(T )= 3, the possible structure is T = P , but, which implies n = n +1; a contradiction. 1 1 4 2 1 For D(T )= 4, thus T = Q(1,m,0) with m ≥ 2 under the restriction of Case 3.2, and s′ = u. 1 1 1 The clear structure of T enables us to show χ′(T) = n . s 1 For D(T ) ≥ 5, n (T ) = n − m + 1 > n (T ) = n − m from n = n , and u is a leaf 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 of T . By induction hypothesis, T admits a vdec ξ : E(T ) → S = {1,2,...,b } having 1 1 T1 1 1 χ′(T ) = b = n (T ) = n −(m−1). We can define a n -vdec ξ of T as follows: ξ (e) = ξ (e) s 1 1 1 1 1 1 T T T1 for e ∈ E(T)\E(H), and ξ (wu) = ξ (wu); ξ (uy ) = b +i for i ∈ [1,m−1], and ξ (uy ) ∈ T T1 T i 1 T m S \{ξ (wu)}; ξ (y x )= ξ (wu), ξ (y x ) = b +j−1 for j ∈ [2,m]. T1 T 1 1 T1 T j j 1 Thereby, Theorem 1 follows from the principle of induction. (cid:3) 6 Proof of Theorem 2. It is not hard to let the number of a color be one or two in the desired vdecs ξ of T in all cases of the proof of Theorem 1, since |E(T)| ≤ 2(n +1). Thereby, Theorem T 1 2 follows from the principle of induction. (cid:3) Corollary 6. Let G be a connected graph having cycles, p vertices and q edges. If n (G) ≤ 2 2(q−p+1)+n (G), then χ′(G) ≤ 2(q−p+1)+n (G). 1 s 1 Proof. Let H be a spanning tree of G, so E′ = E(G) \ E(H). Hence, we have another tree T obtained by deleting every edge uv ∈ E′, and then adding two new vertices u′,v′ by joining u′ with u and v′ with v simultaneously. Clearly, n (T) = 2(q −p+1)+n (G), and n (T) = n (G) 1 1 2 2 and ∆(T) = ∆(G). On the other hand, each k-vdec π of G with k = χ′(G) corresponds to an s edge coloring π′ of T such that for any two distinct non-leaf vertices u and v of T, the set of the colors assigned to the edges incident to u differs from the set of the colors assigned to the edges incident to v. Also, π′ is a proper edge coloring of T by setting π′(uu′) = π′(vv′) = π(uv) for uu′,vv′ ∈ E(T) and uv ∈ E′; and π′(e) = π(e) for e ∈ E(H) ⊂ E(T). Thereby, k ≤ χ′(T) since s k = χ′(G). This corollary follows by Theorem 1. s Corollary 7. Let T be a spanning tree of a connected graph G, and G[E′] be an induced graph over the edge subset E′ = E(G)\E(T). Then χ′(G) ≤ χ′(T)+χ′(G[E′]), where χ′(H) is the s s chromatic index of a graph H. As further work we present the following Conjecture 2. Let T be a tree with 2n (T)≤ (n (T)+k−1)2 for k ≥ 1. Then χ′(T) ≤ n (T)+k. 2 1 s 1 Acknowledgment. The authors thank sincerely two referees’ sharp opinions and helpful sug- gestions that improve greatly the article. B. Yao was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61163054 and No. 61363060; X.-en Chen was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61163037. 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