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A Note on the Status of Metzgeria macrospora (Metzgeriaceae, Marchantiophyta) PDF

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Preview A Note on the Status of Metzgeria macrospora (Metzgeriaceae, Marchantiophyta)

168 NELUMBO vols NELUMBO 55: 166-171, 2018 Ish 0876 5068 NOTE ON THE STATUS OF METZGERIA MACROSPORA (METZGERIACEAE, MARCHANTIOPHYTA) _DEvENDRA Smit AND D.K, SINGH? "Botanical Survey of Inia (Central Nationa Herbarium, Howrah -711103 "Botanical Survey of India, CGO Complex 3° MSO Building, Block F (3 lor), Salt Lake Sector, Kolkata -700 064 ‘E-mail singh drik@redifnailcom ABSTRACT _Mezgeria macrospora is found taxonomically distinct from M.consangulnea Schill A detailed <eserption and illusion including SEM study of spores hasbeen provided and its taxonomic stats is ddscurted Keywords: Metzgeriamacrspora, Metzgeriacea, Rediscover, Taxonomic tats INTRODUCTION _Metsgeria macrospora Kuwah, was established by Kuwahara (1969) based on collections made by’ M. Togashi from Migothang-Nayathang and by Hara and others from Dzongri and Nayathang-Phalut in West istrict of Sikkim in 1960. The species is characterized by dioicous plans with the thal having both tapered and blunt apices; small, more or lsspapillose, mucilsginous gemmae present along the tapered apical portion ofthe thallus; large antheridial branches; club-shaped calypta; nodulose thickenings inthe cells of outer layer and. semianaular thickenings in those of the inner layer of capsule wall and large, spinose spores, 31.0 ~36.0um in iameter (Kuwabara, 1969). Ina revision of Indian Metzgeriaceue, Srivastava and Uda (1975) treated this species as doubtful because of non availability of specimens. Recently, inher treatise onthe Asiatic species ofthe ‘genus Metzgeria Radi, So (2003) treated this species as a synonym under M. consanguinea Schffn, based. ‘exclusively on vegetative features, lke tapered and obtuse thallus apices; marginal and apical gemmae; width of ‘hallus lamina nd the numberof ventral and dorsal costal cell. Observations on our recent collections of fruiting specimens, referable to M, macrospora, from Zaluk- Lungthung and Lungthung in East district of Sikkim, and the paratypes obtained from NICH, however, have revealed a number of morphological character, inluding sizeof male branch, shape of calypta and the capsule, ature of thickenings inthe cells ofthe capsule wall andthe size and sporoderm ornamentation of spores, which provide vital taxonomic parameters for distinguishing it rom M. consanguinea, While gametophytic features in ‘bryophytes show considerable variation under the influence ofthe growing condition, the sporophytie features are considered more conservative and stable, hace more reliable and useful for taxonomic delimitation ofthe axa, We have examined materials of M. macrospora ftom five different locations in East and the West districts of Sikkim and found that range of variations in the Key characters are consistent across the populations and hence of considerable taxonomic significance. As the two species are remarkably distinct from each other in their gametoecial and sporophytic details, an elaborate description of M. macrospora, including seanning electron microscopic details of spores, is provided to remove any doubts about its taxonomic distinctiveness, DESCRIPTION Metzgeria macrospora Kuwah, in J. Hattori Bot, Lab. 32: 17, 1969; S Hatt in Hara, The Flora of Easter Himalaya 2:240. 1971. M, consanguinea auc. non Schiff: M.L, Soin J Hattori Bot Lab. 94: 160. 2003. (igs.1,2) Da ofpbtewin 0 Deonbe, 2018 Rese 21-00-2018 + Ae 19042013 ‘© Savy on 2013 2013) SINGH & SINGH :ANOTE ON THE STATUS OF METZGERIA MACROSPORA f ge io ¢ f ge, BF ee ‘capsule wall 1921. Spores; 2. Anelae (Figure | drawa ftom D.K. Singh &. Singh 39981; 8,1 fom M. Topas $167 NICH ad, 1 dave Hom Hara etl 201208 (NICH) ors fomDCSingh Singh 39967) ‘er 168 NELUMBO vols ig. 2. Metzera macrpora Kua I. Iver layer of ape wall under LM; 2A spre in equal vew nice LM $.Asprctude’SEM Apron feta enlaped(Amicopboogpts om DK. Singh Sigh 3967). Plants bright green-light yellowish green when fresh, pale yellow in herbarium, 8.0 18.0mm long 0.7- 1.2mm wide, dichotomously branched; apices acute-obtuse or slightly retuse; ventral adventitious shoots present. Midrib dstint, 55 - 75m wide dorsally, 55 - 8Qum ventrally; dorsal epidermal cells in 2 rows, subquadrate-rectangulate, 25.0 - 75.0 x 22.5 -35,0um; ventral epidermal cells in 2-3 rows, except nea the ‘main point of branching, subquadrate-rectangulate, 25-70 x25 40pm, inner cells 10- 11 in number, 4 cells Wide, 3 cells high, thin-walled; wing 16 - 24 cells wide on either side of mii; marginal cells of thallus rectangulate-polygonal, 30.0 - 65.0 x 17.5 -40:0um; median cells polygonal, 27.5 - 62.5 x 20.0 - 45.0 cells thin-walled with minute-indistinet trigones, intermediate thickenings absent; hairs poorly developed, short-long, straight, 45.0- 112.5um long, 10.0 - 12.5m wide, sparsely disposed singly along the margins of thallus, als scattered on ventral surface of midrib, Rhizoids not seen. Gemmae marginal, usually on tapered portion, papillose, mucilaginous. 2013) SINGH & SINGH :ANOTE ON THE STATUS OF METZGERIA MACROSPORA 160 Dioicous. Male plants smaller than female plans, 6 - 14mm long, 0.4 - 0.6mm wide, wing 10-19 cells ‘wide on ether sie of midrib; male branches globose-subglobose, 252.5 -4S4.5um in diameter, midrib cellsin ‘wo rows, hairs absent over the surface. Female branches broadly obovate-more or less cordate, covered with hairs; calyptra club-shaped, offen curved, 1.7-2.0mm long, covered with hits, hairs lightly broader and larger than marginal or ventral epidermal hairs, 151 - 252um long, 12.5 - 17.Sym wide. Seta 252.5 - 303.0um in iameter, 4-5 cells acros; capsule clavate, blackish, 0.3 -06x 0.2-0.35mm, valves light brown, 0.6 - 0.8mm. Jong, 0.3-0:4mm wide, each bearing auf of fixed elaters tthe apex; wall istratose, thick-walled longitudinal ‘median tine absent; cells of the outer layer of capsule wall rectangulate, 3.0 - $0.0 x 12.5 ~ 30.0um, with thickenings onthe radial as well as transverse walls, with the thickenings sometimes confined to one side of ‘adial wall only thickenings not extending over tangential wall, thus appearing nodulose in surface view; those ofthe inner layer rectangulate, 27.5 -77.5 x 12.5 -35.0um, with thickenings on radial walls extending on the ‘nner tangential walls thus forming semiannular bands. Spores light brown, globose, 32.5 45.0um in diameter, spinose, spines with bulbous base and often branched apices, Elaters 200,0-550.0um long, 7.5 -10.5um wide, unispral ‘SEM study on spores revealed a double sculptured sporoderm which appears tobe basicaly lamellate, with the lmellac anastamoring to give ita more or less reticuoid patter. The lamellate surface is interspersed ‘with variously oriented, ong spines which have a slightly bulbous base and obliquely truncate-furcated apices often appearing star-like’ in surface view. Habitat Conicolous, growing on the bark of Viburnum sp. and Rhododendron sp. in association with ‘Specimens examined : India: Easter Himalaya, Sikkim, East district, Skm from Zaluk towards Lungthung, e8 2986m, 09.06.2006, DK Singh & D. Singh 39966, 39967; Lungthung, ca 3671m, 09.06.2006, DX Singh & D. Singh 39981. West district, Dzongri Jongr’, 4000m, 21.05.1960, H. Hara & al, 201208 (Paratype: NICH}; Migothang-Nayathang, 3300m, 01.06.1960, M. Togashi 201677 (Paratype: NICH}); ‘Nayathang-Phalut,3300-3500m, 02.06.1960, H, Hara &al,200043 (Paratype: NICH), “Metzgeria consanguinea Schiffn, India: Wester Himalaya, Himachal Pradesh, Great Himalayan National Park, Sain valley, Majhan, 17.09.2003, .K. Singh 104307 (CAL); Eastern Himalaya, Sikkim, East istrict, Pangthang, ce 1988m, 05.03.2005, D. Singh 36488, 37511 (CAL); 25.10.2005, D. Singh 365248 (CAL); 25.02.2006, D. Singh 36961 (CAL); Bitu, c2 1650m, 27.10.2005, D. Singh 36675B (CAL); 21.02.2006, D. Singh 36873B, 36875C (CAL); Rate Chu, ca 1788m, 21.02.2006, D. Singh 36893 36897, 36899 (CAL); 1km from Zaluk towads Lungthung, ca 284m, 08.06.2006, D.K Singh & D. Singh 39907 (CAL); Eastern Ghats, Tamil Nadu (Kodaikanal), Coakers wall, ca 2000m, 04.01.1966, R. Udar & 8. C. Srivastava 53M/1966 (WU). Distribution : India [Eastern Himalaya (Sikkim, West Benga], Nepal (Kuwahara, 1969, 1975; Hattori, 1971; Pradhan & Joshi,2008). ‘Note: During the studies on the liverworts of Indian part ofthe eastem Himalaya, authors examined 10 ‘axa ofthe genus Metzgeria recorded from Indi and noted thatthe features like nature of thallus apex, number of epidermal and inne cells of midi, position (dorsal or ventral surface) and number (single or paired along the margins) of hairs, position and nature of gemmae, sexuality, size and surface of antheriial branches, shape of calyptas and capsule, thickening pattem inthe cells of diferent layers of capsule wall and size and surface ‘omamentation of spores, when used in combination, provide vitel taxonomic parameters for taxonomic <elimittion of species. These morphological features have been found fairly consistent indifferent taxa even. ‘when not growing under similar ecological conditions. Evenin vegctative condition the plants FM. macrospora and M. consanguinea, growing in the same environ, can be easily differentiated from each other in their ‘considerably distinct costal anatomy withthe former having only 10 11, thin-walled inner cells as compared to ‘usually 16-18, thick-walled cells inthe late. 70 NELUMBO vols Using the morphological characters derived from both vegetative as wellas the fertile materials (Table 1), -M. consanguinea and M. macrospora can be easily keyed out. As M. consanguinea is represented in Indian herbaria by sterile plants only, the characters of male and female plants in this species have been adopted from ‘Kuwahara (196, 1984) and Srivastava and Udar (1975), ‘able :Acompanivemorpologic unysis of consangunea nM. macrospora Pat sie °96-20*05- 13mm ‘98-18 07-1 2 Not smaller ha femal aretha fre, 6-14 04 0602 pide cell fini i. 2-7 roms sho drs and |n2 sows on dos suze; 2-3 owson eat rice ‘etal sure ner eis of id (103 16-18 asin mute, 10-1 eli. sumbe, hi-walled ‘histone Wing 30 (40) cel wide 12-2 wide Malebranch ‘wp t9280,min dame 210-484 5pmin diameter (Kaaba, 1966, £210) calypes ior 10-1 3mm long lb sbapsd 162.00 long capsule spb conve Cape walt ‘lls of outer ye wih rail wal. als of ote yer with hickenings ‘cheng crening ver tungetl coupe] ord and vrsvere wall ‘wall harming eral bands; hur appearing dso nrc ie, ‘those finer yer wih heknings” thse of ner ayer with nial wal oe oil walls, hae {thkening extending aco neil “pperingnodulose insure view ‘val us foming ear bends spores rales, 18-264 spine, 31-45u0. lee spi, (106) 160-2004 spiel, 280-480um og, 7- Bum wide Tong, 6-8 um wide Referees Kaba 1965, 1984; Scvatave & Soe slo Kaba, 1969 ‘ae 197; Zu & So, 200; Singh al, 2007; Singh & Singh 2009 1a, Inner cells of midrib 10-11 number, thin-walled mal plans smaller than female pans male branch 210-484 5m in dameter;clypa cub-shaped, 16 ~ 2.0mm long; capsule clavate; cells ofeute layer of capsule wall with thickenings confined io radial and transverse walls, thus ppearing nodule in surface view; those of inner ayer wth radial wall thickenings extending ‘ross angen! wal ths forming emianular bands; spore spinose, 31 ~ 45pm in diametr...M. macrospora 1B, nner cells of midi (04) 16-18 jn number, thick-walled: mle plants no smaller than female plants; ile branch up to 2504 in diameter, calypta pyrifm, 1.0 1.3mm long: capsule spherical; cell of outer ayer of capsule wall with radial wal thickenings extending over tangential wal, hus forming semiannulr bands; those of iner layer with thickenings confined to radial wal, thus sppeaingnodulose in surface view; spores pranlose, 18» 26ym in diameter. LM, consanguinen ‘The Metzgeria macrospora has been collected forthe first time from Sikkim since is typ collection in 1960, ‘The species has a very narrow range of distribution confined to just two districts of the tiny Himalayan State of Sikkim, Sundakphu in nearby West Bengal and Nepal with very limited extent of occurrence and the area of ceupancy. ‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘The authors are grateful tothe Director, Botanical Survey of India for facilites, the Chief Wildlife Warden, Sikkim Forest Department for facilitating the exploration work in Sikkim, the Curator, Hatori Botanical Laboratory, Japan (NICH for facilitating the study of type specimens and tothe Ministry of Environment and. 2013) SINGH & SINGH :ANOTE ON THE STATUS OF METZGERIA MACROSPORA nm Forests, New Delhi for finan assistance under the Al India Coordinated Project on Taxonomy (AICOPTAX). REFERENCES. HATTOn, S. 1971. Hopatcs. in Hara, H.(e.) The Fora of astern Himalaya, Second report. University of Tokyo Press, Japan: 222-240, KUWAHARA, ¥, 1966, The Family Metzgericene in Nor and South East Asa, Pacific Oceania, Australis and New Zealand Rewe Bry et Licino. 34: 191-239. Kwaaana,¥. 1969, Anaddendum othe Himalayan Metzgeracea./: Hatori Bot Lab. 32:17-20. KUWAIARA,¥.1975, Arecentcollection of Metzgeriacae inthe Fast Himalayas. Haro Bot Lab, 39:363-371 KWANARA, Y. 1984, Amtated Keystothe species ofthe Metzgeriacene fom Japan, Fast Himalayas, Tropical East Asi ‘snd Tropical Oceania, Nov Hedwig 40; 273-284, PRADILAN,N. AND. JOSH 2009, Liverworts andhormworts of Nepal: synopsis Ol. Sc. 6:69-75 ‘Stvat, D, M. Dey aND DK. S1Nct 2007, Diversity in epptyllous taxa of genus Metsgeria Ra from Easter Himalaya withanoteonthreenew records of genus fom India. roc. Nat Acad. Sel. India 7B: 375-386. ‘SiNot, S.K. AND D.K. Sot 2009, Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Great Himalayan National Park and its environs (HP), India, Botanical Survey finda, Debra Dun ‘0, MLL. 2003.The genus MtegeriaHepatcae)in Asin. J Hatton Bot Lab. 94: 189-177 SRIVASTAVA, S.C. AND R, UDAR 1975. Taxonomy ofthe Indian Metzgeriacse, A monographic stay. New Botan Int (Quart JPL Sci Res. 2: 1-51 Zau,RL ANDML.S0. 2001 Epiphylos liverworts of China. Beh. Nowa Hedwig 12 18, aephtear Aaecer (Reoheesh, aeBRerdveree!) A Rake ve RRO tr Rie et St. #. Rie varia Ae ae, ese 8 A aH Ho, ae a a 8 ae a1} ge, songs & eer eg ew eer af, Ree ae seg Rota re aie Ret cael at

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