Journal of Lhe Bombay Natural History Society, 104 (1), Jan-Apr 2007 82-123 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES A NOTE ON THE LATEX LICKING HABIT OF FIVE-STRIPED I . AND THREE-STRIPED PALM SQUIRRELS 1 Satish KumarSharma2 'Accepted February 22, 2005 foundation for Ecological Security, 18, New Ahinsapuri, Fatehpura, Udaipur 313 001. Rajasthan, India. Email: [email protected] Information about the food habits of the Five-striped Palm Squirrel (Funambulus pennanti) and Three-striped Palm Squirrel (F.palmarum) comes from the workofBalasubramanian 1989, 1995), BarnettandPrakash ( (1975),GuptaandAgarwal(1968),Harit(1996),Mathewand Lukose(1995),Prater(1980),SadakathullaandKareem(1995) and Tiwari (1990). These squirrels primarily feed on fruits, nuts, young shoots, buds and bark. The Five-striped Palm Squirrel sometimesalsofeedson birds(Harit 1996; Mathew andLukose 1995;Tiwari 1990);theThree-stripedPalmSquirrel even feeds on nectar and insects (Balasubramanian 1989; Prater 1980). Cannibalism has been recorded in both the Five-striped(GuptaandAgarwal 1968)andThree-stripedPalm Fig. 1: Positionontheabaxialsurfaceoftheleaf of Ficusbenghaiensislickedbysquirrels Squirrels(SadakathullaandKareem 1995). During my field studies in various parts ofRajasthan, latex from the leaves of Ficus benghaiensis. The latex is Haryana, Andhra Pradesh and Karnatakabetween 1996 and procuredfromthefurcatingpointofbasalveinsattheabaxial 2005 (Table 1),IfoundF.pennantiandF.palmarum licking surfaceofleaves(Fig. 1). Boththesquirrelsmovequicklyon Table 1: Details of latex licking of Ficus benghaiensis leaves by striped squirrels Date of observation Locality of observation No. of leaves licked Funambulus pennanti 30.viii.1996 Brahminoka-Khairwara (Jhadol tehsil, Udaipur district, Rajasthan) 400 1.ix.1996 Madri (Jhadol tehsil, Udaipurdistrict, Rajasthan)* 1000 29.viii.2002 Polo Forest (Vanaj, Gujarat) 700 27.xi.2004 Patauda (Jhajjar district, Haryana) 249 10.xi.2004 Chitrawas (Gogunda tehsil, Udaipur district, Rajasthan) 100 3.i.2005 Banswara (Rajasthan) 200 Funambulus palmarum 26.ix.2004 Kokkanti Cross (Kadiri taluka, Annantpur district, Andhra Pradesh) 100 26.ix.2004 Thimmama Merry Manu (Kadiri taluka, Annantpurdistrict, Andhra Pradesh)** 500 27.xi.2004 Royalpadu (Kolar district, Karnataka) 295*** * Largest Banyan tree of Rajasthan ** Largest Banyan tree of the world *** Only very young leaves were not licked MISCELLANEOUS NOTES theextremitiesofbranchletstolickthelatexfromeverymature The latex probably provides nutrition to squirrels; it leaf. A gentle gnawing and/or licking at the vein furcating seems thatthe squirrels procure water, minerals andorganic point of the leaf initiates the flow of latex. Once the latex nutritionfromthelatex. beginsto How, thesquirrelslickitandgotoanotherleafand this action is then repeated. A scar oT dried latex could be ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS seen on the underside ofevery licked leaf. The fresh scars are whitish, while old dried scars are dirty white or black. Iamgrateful toMr. Jagdeesh Rao,ExecutiveDirector, Presenceofalatex-scarontheundersideofaleafisindicative FoundationforEcologicalSecurity(FES),Anand;Mr. Dinesh of it having been tapped by a squirrel. This behaviour of Reddy, Dr. Subba Rao and members of FES-Chintamani, squirrels is commonly seen in various parts ofthe country MadanapalleandUdaipurforextendinghelpduringthefield (Table 1). studies. Balasubramanian, P. (1989): Nectar feeding by Three-striped Palm sp. J. BombayNat. Hist. Soc. 93(1): 84. Squirrel Funambulus palmarum at Point Calimere Wildlife Mathew, K.L. &C.Lukose(1995): Five-stripedSquirrel Funambulus Sanctuary,Tamil Nadu. J. BombayNat. Hist. Soc. 86: 437. pennanti(Wroughton)feedingonfledglingHouseSparrowPasser Balasubramanian, P. (1995): Some notes on the fruits, seeds and domesticus. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 92(2): 256. nectar consumed by Three-striped Palm Squirrel Funambulus Prater. S.H. (1980): The Book of Indian Animals. Bombay Natural palmarum at Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary. Tamil Nadu. History Society and Oxford University Press. Mumbai. Pp. 1- J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 95(2): 256-258. 324. Barnett,S.A.& I.Prakash(1975):RodentsofEconomicImportance Sadakathulla,S.&A.A. Kareem(1995):CannibalisminsouthIndian in India.Arnold-Heinemann,NewDelhi andLondon. Pp. 1-175. Palm Squirrel Funambuluspalmarum. J. BombayNat. Hist. Soc. Gupta, P.D. & V.C. Agarwal (1968): Cannibalism in Five-striped 92(1): I 13-114. Squirrel Funambuluspennanti. Sci. Cult. 34: 185. Tiwari, J. (1990): Five-striped Squirrel Funambulus pennanti Harit,D.N.(1996):UnusualfeedingbehaviourofsquirrelsFunambulus (Wroughton) killing birds. J. BombayNat. Hist. Soc. 87: 137. 2. STRANDING OF A SPERM WHALE PHYSETER MACROCEPHALUS (LINNAEUS 1758) ON THE CHENNAI COAST 1 K. Venkataraman2-3, M.C. John Milton2 4and K.P. Raghuram2-5 'Accepted March 07, 2005 -Marine Biological Station, Zoological Survey of India, 130, Santhome High Road, Chennai 600 028, Tamil Nadu, India. ’Email: [email protected] ''Email: [email protected] "Email: [email protected] WhalesarethemostdominantmarinemammalsofOrder onthepresenceofteethorbaleenplates,whalesareclassified Cetacea. They are mostly denizens of temperate and polar astoothed(Odontoceti)orbaleenwhales(Mysticeti).Toothed oceanic waters, but they do migrate to tropical waters for whales mostly feedonfishes andcephalopods, while baleen breedingand/orescapingextremeclimaticconditionsduring whales mostly feed on plankton such as euphausids, by a certainseasons(CorbettandHill 1992).However,notallwhales filter-feeding mechanism, and sometimes pelagic fishes and thataredenizensoftemperateandpolaroceanicwatersmigrate cephalopods(Bensam andMenon 1996). to tropical waters, e.g. the Bowhead Whale Balaena mysticetus Bryde’s WhaleBalaenoptera edeni are believed StrandingofaSpermWhaleontheChennaiCoast , toliveprimarily intropicalandsubtropicalwatersalltheyear A Sperm Whale Physeter macrocephalus Linn, was round. There is no evidence of their migration away from stranded on the Chennai coast, behind Napier’s Bridge these regions. The body ofthe whale is protected by a thick (13°06'N,80°18'E),intheearlyhoursofJanuary21,2002. It layer of oil rich blubber beneath the skin, which acts as a wasamale,measuringabout995cm long,andweighingabout thermal insulator, a store ofenergy forlong migrations, and 3tons.Theanimalhadinjuriesthroughoutthecaudal region, plays an important role for maintaining its hydrostatic which could have been caused by the propeller of fishing buoyancy. Whalesare usuallyfoundintheupperfew metres boats. Ingeneral,however,theanimalwasingoodcondition ofthesea,butarecapableofextensivedeepdives.Depending withallspecificcharacteristicfeatures. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 104 (1), Jan-Apr 2007 83