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A note on the existence of H-bubbles via perturbation methods PDF

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Preview A note on the existence of H-bubbles via perturbation methods

A note on the existence of H-bubbles via perturbation methods 3 0 0 2 Veronica Felli ∗ n a S.I.S.S.A. - Via Beirut 2-4 J 0 34014 Trieste, Italy 3 [email protected] e-mail: ] P A . h Abstract t a m We study the problem of existence of surfaces in R3 parametrized on the sphere S2 [ with prescribed mean curvature H in the perturbative case, i.e. for H =H0+εH1, where H is a nonzero constant, H is a C2 function and ε is a small perturbation 3 0 1 v parameter. 5 6 2 Key Words: H-surfaces, nonlinear elliptic systems, perturbative methods. 1 0 MSC classification: 53A10, 35J50, 35B20. 3 0 / h 1 Introduction t a m v: In this paper we are interested in the existence of H-bubbles, namely of S2-type para- Xi metric surfaces in R3 with prescribed mean curvature H. This geometrical problem is r motivated by some models describing capillarity phenomena and has the following ana- a lytical formulation: given a function H C1(R3), find a smooth nonconstant function ∈ ω : R2 R3 which is conformal as a map on S2 and solves the problem → ∆ω = 2H(ω)ω ω , in R2, x y ∧  (P ) H  ω 2 < + , ZR2|∇ | ∞   where ω = ∂ω1, ∂ω2, ∂ω3 , ω = ∂ω1, ∂ω2, ∂ω3 , ∆ω = ω +ω , ω = (ω ,ω ), and x ∂x ∂x ∂x y ∂y ∂y ∂y xx yy ∇ x y ∧ denotes the e(cid:0)xterior produ(cid:1)ct in R(cid:0)3. (cid:1) ∗Supported by MIUR, national project “Variational Methods and Nonlinear Differential Equations”. 1 2 V. Felli Brezis and Coron [4] proved that for constant nonzero mean curvature H(u) H the 0 ≡ only nonconstant solutions are spheres of radius H −1. 0 | | While the Plateau and the Dirichlet problems has been largely studied both for H constant and for H nonconstant (see [3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]), problem (P ) in the H caseof nonconstantH has beeninvestigated onlyrecently, see [5,6,7]. In[5]Caldiroliand Musina proved the existence of H-bubbles with minimal energy under the assumptions that H C1(R3) satisfies ∈ (i) sup H(u+ξ) uu < 1 for some ξ R3, u∈R3|∇ · | ∈ (ii) H(u) H as u for some H R, ∞ ∞ → | | → ∞ ∈ 4π (iii) c = inf sup (su) < H H u∈Cc1(R2,R3) s>0 E 3H∞2 u6=0 where (u) = 1 u 2+2 Q(u) u u and Q : R3 R3 is any vector field such EH 2 R2 |∇ | R2 · x∧ y → that divQ = H. R R The perturbative method introduced by Ambrosetti and Badiale [1, 2] was used in [7] to treat the case in which H is a small perturbation of a constant, namely H(u) = H (u) = H +εH (u), ε 0 1 where H R 0 , H C2(R3), and ε is a small real parameter. This method allows to 0 1 ∈ \{ } ∈ find critical points of a functional f of the type f (u) = f (u) εG(u) in a Banach space ε ε 0 − by studying a finite dimensional problem. More precisely, if the unperturbed functional f has a finite dimensional manifold of critical points Z which satisfies a nondegeneracy 0 condition, it is possible to prove, for ε sufficiently small, the existence of a smooth | | function η (z) : Z (T Z)⊥ such that any critical point z¯ Z of the function ε z → ∈ Φ : Z R, Φ (z) = f z +η (z) ε ε ε ε → (cid:0) (cid:1) gives rise to a critical point u = z¯ + η (z¯) of f , i.e. the perturbed manifold Z := ε ε ε ε z +η (z) : z Z is a natural constraint for f . Furthermore Φ can be expanded as ε ε ε { ∈ } Φ (z) = b εΓ(z)+o(ε) as ε 0 (1.1) ε − → where b = f (z) and Γ is the Melnikov function defined as the restriction of the pertur- 0 bation G on Z, namely Γ = G . For problem (P ), Γ is given by Z Hε (cid:12) (cid:12) Γ : R3 R, Γ(p) = H (q)dq. 1 → Z 1 |p−q|< |H0| In [7] Caldiroli and Musina studied the functional Γ giving some existence results in the perturbativesetting forproblem(P ). They provethatfor ε smallthereexists asmooth Hε | | Existence of H-bubbles 3 H -bubble if one of the following conditions holds ε 1) H has a nondegenerate stationary point and H is large; 1 0 | | 2) maxH (p) < maxH (p) or min H (p) > minH (p) 1 1 1 1 p∈∂K p∈K p∈∂K p∈K for some nonempty compact set K R3 and H is large; 0 ⊂ | | 3) H Lr(R3) for some r [1,2]. 1 ∈ ∈ They prove that critical points of Γ give rise to solutions to (P ) for ε sufficiently small. Hε Precisely the assumption that H is large required in cases 1) and 2) ensures that if H 0 1 is not constant then Γ is not identically constant. If we let this assumption drop, it may happen that Γ is constant even if H is not. This fact produces some loss of information 1 because the first order expansion (1.1) is not sufficient to deduce the existence of critical points of Φ from the existence of critical points of Γ. Instead of studying Γ we perform a ε direct study of Φ which allows us to prove some new results. In the first one, we assume ε that H vanishes at and has bounded gradient, and prove the existence of a solution 1 ∞ without branch points. Let us recall that a branch point for asolution ω to (P ) is a point H where ω = 0, i.e. a point where the surface parametrized by ω fails to be immersed. ∇ Theorem 1.1 Let H R 0 , H C2(R3) such that 0 1 ∈ \{ } ∈ (H1) lim H (p) = 0; 1 |p|→∞ (H2) H L∞(R3,R3). 1 ∇ ∈ Let H = H +εH . Then for ε sufficiently small there exists a smooth H -bubble without ε 0 1 ε | | branch points. With respect to case 1) of [7] we require neither nondegeneracy of critical points of H 1 nor largeness of H . With respect to case 2) we do not assume that H is large; on the 0 0 other hand our assumption (H1) implies 2). Moreover we do not assume any integrability condition of type 3). With respect to the result proved in [5], we have the same kind of behavior of H at (see (ii) and assumption (H1)) but we do not need any assumption 1 ∞ of type (iii); on the other hand in [5] it is not required that the prescribed curvature is a small perturbation of a constant. ThefollowingresultsgivesomeconditionsonH inordertohavetwoorthreesolutions. 1 Theorem 1.2 Let H R 0 , H C2(R3) such that (H1), (H2), 0 1 ∈ \{ } ∈ (H3) HessH (p) is positive definite for any p B (0), 1 ∈ 1/|H0| (H4) H (p) > 0 in B (0), 1 1/|H0| hold. Then for ε sufficiently small there exist at least three smooth H -bubbles without ε | | branch points. 4 V. Felli Remark 1.3 If we assume (H1), (H2), and, instead of (H3) (H4), that H (0) > 0 1 − and HessH (0) is positive definite, then we can prove that for H sufficiently large and 1 0 | | ε sufficiently small there exist at least three smooth H -bubbles without branch points. ε | | Theorem 1.4 Let H R 0 , H C2(R3) such that (H1) and (H2) hold. Assume 0 1 ∈ \{ } ∈ that there exist p ,p R3 such that 1 2 ∈ (H5) H (ξ)dξ > 0 and H (ξ)dξ < 0. 1 1 Z Z B(p1,1/|H0|) B(p2,1/|H0|) Then for ε sufficiently small there exist at least two smooth H -bubbles without branch ε | | points. Remark 1.5 If we assume (H1), (H2), and, instead of (H5), that there exist p ,p R3 1 2 ∈ such that H (p ) > 0 and H (p ) < 0, then we can prove that for H sufficiently large 1 1 1 2 0 | | and ε sufficiently small there exist at least two smooth H -bubbles without branch points. ε | | The present paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce some notation and recall some known facts whereas Section 3 is devoted to the proof of Theorems 1.1, 1.2, and 1.4. Acknowledgments. TheauthorwishestothankProfessorA.AmbrosettiandProfessor R. Musina for many helpful suggestions. 2 Notation and known facts In the sequel we will take H = 1; this is not restrictive since we can do the change 0 H (u) = H H (H u). Hence we will always write 1 0 1 0 e H (u) = 1+εH(u), ε where H C2(R3). Let us denote by ω the function ω : R2 S2 defined as ∈ → 2 ω(x,y) = µ(x,y)x,µ(x,y)y,1 µ(x,y) where µ(x,y) = , (x,y) R2. − 1+x2 +y2 ∈ (cid:0) (cid:1) Note that ω is a conformal parametrization of the unit sphere and solves ∆ω = 2ω ω on R2 x y ∧  (2.1)  ω 2 < + . ZR2|∇ | ∞   Existence of H-bubbles 5 Problem (2.1) has in fact a family of solutions of the form ω φ+p where p R3 and φ is ◦ ∈ any conformal diffeomorphism ofR2 . Fors (1,+ ), we will set Ls := Ls(S2,R3), ∪{∞} ∈ ∞ where any map v Ls is identified with the map v ω : R2 R3 which satisfies ∈ ◦ → v ω sµ2 = v s. ZR2 | ◦ | ZS2| | We will use the same notation for v and v ω. By W1,s we denote the Sobolev space ◦ W1,s(S2,R3) endowed (according to the above identification) with the norm 1/s 1/s v W1,s = v sµ2−s + v sµ2 . k k (cid:20)ZR2|∇ | (cid:21) (cid:20)ZR2| | (cid:21) If s′ is the conjugate exponent of s, i.e. 1 + 1 = 1, the duality product between W1,s and s s′ W1,s′ is given by v,ϕ = v ϕ+ v ϕµ2 for any v W1,s and ϕ W1,s′. h i ZR2∇ ·∇ ZR2 · ∈ ∈ Let Q be any smooth vector field on R3 such that divQ = H. The energy functional associated to problem ∆u = 2 1+εH(u) u u , in R2, x y ∧  (cid:0) (cid:1) (P ) ε  u 2 < + , ZR2|∇ | ∞   is given by 1 (u) = u 2 +2 (u)+2ε (u), u W1,3, ε 1 H E 2 ZR2|∇ | V V ∈ where (u) = Q(u) u u H x y V ZR2 · ∧ has the meaning of an algebraic volume enclosed by the surface parametrized by u with weight H (it is independent of the choice of Q); in particular 1 (u) = u u u . 1 x y V 3 ZR2 · ∧ In [7], Caldiroli and Musina studied some regularity properties of on the space W1,3. H V In particular they proved the following properties. a) ForH C1(R3), thefunctional isofclass C1 onW1,3 andtheFr´echet differential H ∈ V of at u W1,3 is given by H V ∈ d (u)ϕ = H(u)ϕ u u for any ϕ W1,3 (2.2) H x y V ZR2 · ∧ ∈ 6 V. Felli and admits a unique continuous and linear extension on W1,3/2 defined by (2.2). Moreover for every u W1,3 there exists ′ (u) W1,3 such that ∈ VH ∈ ′ (u),ϕ = H(u)ϕ u u for any ϕ W1,3/2. (2.3) hVH i ZR2 · x ∧ y ∈ b) For H C2(R3), the map ′ : W1,3 W1,3 is of class C1 and ∈ VH → ′′(u) η,ϕ = H(u)ϕ (η u +u η )+ ( H(u) η)ϕ (u u ) hVH · i ZR2 · x ∧ y x ∧ y ZR2 ∇ · · x ∧ y for any u,η W1,3 and ϕ W1,3/2. (2.4) ∈ ∈ Hence for all u W1,3, ′(u) W1,3 and for any ϕ W1,3/2 ∈ Eε ∈ ∈ ′(u),ϕ = u ϕ+2 ϕ u u +2ε H(u)ϕ u u . hEε i ZR2∇ ·∇ ZR2 · x ∧ y ZR2 · x ∧ y As remarked in [7], critical points of in W1,3 give rise to bounded weak solutions to (P ) ε ε E and hence by the regularity theory for H-systems (see [9]) to classical conformal solutions which are C3,α as maps on S2. Theunperturbedproblem,i.e. (P )forε = 0,hasa9-dimensionalmanifoldofsolutions ε given by Z = Rω L +p : R SO(3), l > 0, ξ R2, p R3 l,ξ { ◦ ∈ ∈ ∈ } where L z = l(z ξ) (see [11]). In [11] the nondegeneracy condition T Z = ker ′′(u) for l,ξ − u E0 any u Z (where T Z denotes the tangent space of Z at u) is proved (see also [8]). u ∈ As observed in [7], in performing the finite dimensional reduction, the dependence on the 6-dimensional conformal group can be neglected since any H-system is conformally invariant. Hence we look for critical points of constrained on a three-dimensional ε E manifold Z just depending on the translation variable p R3. ε ∈ 3 Proof of Theorem 1.1 We start by constructing a perturbed manifold which is a natural constraint for . ε E Lemma 3.1 Assume H C2(R3) L∞(R3) and H L∞(R3,R3). Then there exist ∈ ∩ ∇ ∈ ε > 0, C > 0, and a C1 map η : ( ε ,ε ) R3 W1,3 such that for any p R3 and 0 1 0 0 − × → ∈ ε ( ε ,ε ) 0 0 ∈ − ′ ω +p+η(ε,p) T Z, (3.1) Eε ∈ ω η((cid:0)ε,p) (T Z)⊥,(cid:1) (3.2) ω ∈ η(ε,p) = 0, (3.3) ZS2 η(ε,p) W1,3 C1 ε . (3.4) k k ≤ | | Existence of H-bubbles 7 Moreover if we assume that the limit of H at exists and ∞ lim H(p) = 0 (3.5) |p|→∞ we have that η(ε,p) converges to 0 in W1,3 as p uniformly with respect to ε < ε . 0 | | → ∞ | | Proof. Let us define the map F = (F ,F ) : R R3 W1,3 R6 R3 W1,3 R6 R3 1 2 × × × × → × × 6 F (ε,p,η,l,α),ϕ = ′(ω +p+η),ϕ l ϕ τ +α ϕ, ϕ W1,3/2 h 1 i hEε i−Xi=1 iZR2 ∇ ·∇ i ·ZS2 ∀ ∈ F (ε,p,η,l,α) = η τ ,..., η τ , η 2 1 6 (cid:18)ZR2∇ ·∇ ZR2 ∇ ·∇ ZS2 (cid:19) where τ ,...,τ are chosen in T Z such that 1 6 ω τ τ = δ and τ = 0 i,j = 1,...,6 i j ij i ZR2∇ ·∇ ZS2 so that T Z is spanned by τ ,...,τ ,e ,e ,e . It has been proved by Caldiroli and ω 1 6 1 2 3 Musina [7] that F is of class C1 and that the linear continuous operator : W1,3 R6 R3 W1,3 R6 R3 L × × → × × ∂F = (0,p,0,0,0) L ∂(η,l,α) i.e. 6 (v,µ,β),ϕ = ′′(ω) v,ϕ µ ϕ τ β ϕ ϕ W1,3/2 hL1 i hE0 · i−Xi=1 iZR2 ∇ · i − ZS2 ∀ ∈ (v,µ,β) = v τ ,..., v τ , v 2 1 6 L (cid:18)ZR2∇ ·∇ ZR2 ∇ ·∇ ZS2 (cid:19) is invertible. Caldiroli and Musina applied the Implicit Function Theorem to solve the equation F(ε,p,η,l,α) = 0 locally with respect to the variables ε,p, thus finding a C1- functionη onaneighborhood( ε ,ε ) B R R3 satisfying (3.1), (3.2), and(3.3). We 0 0 R − × ⊂ × will use instead the Contraction Mapping Theorem, which allows to prove the existence of such a function η globally on R3, thanks to the fact that the operator does not depend L on p and hence it is invertible uniformly with respect to p R3. ∈ We have that F(ε,p,η,l,α) = 0 if and only if (η,l,α) is a fixed point of the map T ε,p defined as T (η,l,α) = −1F(ε,p,η,l,α)+(η,l,α). ε,p −L 8 V. Felli To prove the existence of η satisfying (3.1), (3.2), and (3.3), it is enough to prove that T is a contraction in some ball B (0) with ρ = ρ(ε) > 0 independent of p, whereas the ε,p ρ regularity of η(ε,p) follows from the Implicit Function Theorem. We have that if η W1,3 ρ k k ≤ Tε,p(η,l,α) W1,3×R6×R3 k k ≤ C2kF(ε,p,η,l,α)−L(η,l,α)kW1,3×R6×R3 ≤ C2kEε′(ω +p+η)−E0′′(ω)ηkW1,3 ≤ C2 kE0′(ω +η)−E0′′(ω)ηkW1,3 +2|ε|kVH′ (ω +p+η)kW1,3 (cid:0) 1 (cid:1) ≤ C2(cid:18)Z kE0′′(ω +tη)−E0′′(ω)kW1,3/2dtkηkW1,3 +2|ε|kVH′ (ω +p+η)kW1,3(cid:19) 0 ≤ C2ρ sup kE0′′(ω +η)−E0′′(ω)kW1,3/2 +2C2|ε| sup kVH′ (ω +p+η)kW1,3 kηkW1,3≤ρ kηkW1,3≤ρ (3.6) where C2 = −1 L(W1,3×R6×R3). For (η1,l1,α1), (η2,l2,α2) Bρ(0) W1,3 R6 R3 we kL k ∈ ⊂ × × have Tε,p(η1,l1,α1) Tε,p(η2,l2,α2) W1,3×R6×R3 k − k C η η 2 1 2 W1,3 k − k kEε′(ω +p+η1)−Eε′(ω +p+η2)−E0′′(ω)(η1 −η2)kW1,3 ≤ C2 η1 η2 W1,3 k − k 1 ′′(ω +p+η +t(η η )) ′′(ω) dt ≤ Z kEε 2 1 − 2 −E0 kW1,3/2 0 1 ′′(ω +p+η +t(η η )) ′′(ω) dt ≤ Z kE0 2 1 − 2 −E0 kW1,3/2 0 1 +2 ε ′′(ω +p+η +t(η η )) dt | |Z kVH 2 1 − 2 kW1,3/2 0 sup ′′(ω +η) ′′(ω) +2 ε sup ′′(ω +p+η) . ≤ kE0 −E0 kW1,3/2 | | kVH kW1,3/2 kηkW1,3≤3ρ kηkW1,3≤3ρ From (2.3), (2.4), and the H¨older inequality it follows that there exists a positive constant C such that for any η W1,3, p R3 3 ∈ ∈ 2/3 kVH′ (ω +p+η)kW1,3 ≤ C3(cid:20)(cid:18)ZR2 |H(ω+p+η)|3/2|∇ω|3µ−1(cid:19) +kηk2W1,3(cid:21) (3.7) 1/2 ′′(ω +p+η) C H(ω+p+η) 2 (ω +η) 2 kVH kW1,3/2 ≤ 3(cid:20)(cid:18)ZR2 | | |∇ | (cid:19) 2/3 + H(ω+p+η) 3/2 (ω +η) 3µ−1 . (3.8) (cid:18)ZR2 |∇ | |∇ | (cid:19) (cid:21) Existence of H-bubbles 9 Choosing ρ > 0 such that 0 1 C sup ′′(ω +η) ′′(ω) < 2 E0 −E0 W1,3/2 2 kηkW1,3≤3ρ0(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) and ε > 0 such that 0 1 8C2C3ε0kHkL∞(R3)kωk2W1,3 < min(cid:26)1,ρ0, 8C C ε (cid:27), (3.9) 2 3 0 ρ sup VH′ (ω +p+η)kW1,3 < 6ε 0C , (3.10) kηkW1,3≤ρ0(cid:13) 0 2 p∈R3 (cid:13) 1 sup ′′(ω +p+η) < , (3.11) VH kW1,3/2 8ε C kηkW1,3≤3ρ0(cid:13) 0 2 p∈R3 (cid:13) we obtain that T maps the ball B (0) into itself for any ε < ε , p R3, and is a ε,p ρ0 | | 0 ∈ contraction there. Hence it has a unique fixed point η(ε,p),l(ε,p),α(ε,p) B (0). ∈ ρ0 From (3.6) we have that the following property holds (cid:0) (cid:1) ( ) T maps a ball B (0) W1,3 R6 R3 into itself whenever ρ ρ and ε,p ρ 0 ∗ ⊂ × × ≤ ρ > 4|ε|C2 sup VH′ (ω +p+η)kW1,3. kηkW1,3≤ρ(cid:13) (cid:13) In particular let us set ρε = 5|ε|C2 sup VH′ (ω +p+η)kW1,3. (3.12) kηkW1,3≤ρ0(cid:13) p∈R3 (cid:13) In view of (3.10) and (3.12), we have that for any ε < ε and for any p R3 0 | | ∈ ρε ≤ ρ0 and ρε > 4|ε|C2 sup VH′ (ω +p+η)kW1,3 kηkW1,3≤ρε(cid:13) (cid:13) so that, due to ( ), T maps B (0) into itself. From the uniqueness of the fixed point ∗ ε,p ρε we have that for any ε < ε and p R3 0 | | ∈ (η(ε,p),l(ε,p),α(ε,p)) W1,3×R6×R3 ρε C1 ε (3.13) k k ≤ ≤ | | for some positive constant C1 independent of p and hence η(ε,p) W1,3 ρε C1 ε thus k k ≤ ≤ | | proving (3.4). Assume now (3.5) and set for any p R3 ∈ 2/3 ρ = 8C C ε sup H(q) 3/2 ω 3µ−1 p 2 3 0 (cid:18)ZR2|q−p|≤1+C0| | |∇ | (cid:19) 10 V. Felli whereC0 isapositiveconstantsuchthat u L∞ C0 u W1,3 foranyu W1,3. From(3.9) k k ≤ k k ∈ we have that 1 ρ < min 1,ρ , . p (cid:26) 0 8C C ε (cid:27) 2 3 0 Hence, due to (3.7), we have that for ε < ε0 and η W1,3 ρp | | k k ≤ 4|ε|C2 VH′ (ω +p+η)kW1,3 (cid:13) 2/3 (cid:13) 4ε C C sup H(q) 3/2 ω 3µ−1 +4ε C C ρ2 < ρ . ≤ 0 2 3(cid:18)ZR2|q−p|≤1+C0| | |∇ | (cid:19) 0 2 3 p p From ( ) and the uniqueness of the fixed point, we deduce that η(ε,p) W1,3 ρp for any ∗ k k ≤ ε < ε and p R3. On the other hand, since H vanishes at , by the definition of ρ 0 p | | ∈ ∞ we have that ρ 0 as p , hence p → | | → ∞ lim η(ε,p) = 0 in W1,3 uniformly for ε < ε . 0 |p|→∞ | | 2 The proof of Lemma 3.1 is now complete. Remark 3.2 The map η given in Lemma 3.1 satisfies 6 ′(ω +p+η(ε,p)),ϕ l (ε,p) ϕ τ +α(ε,p) ϕ, ϕ W1,3/2 hEε i−Xi=1 i ZR2∇ ·∇ i ·ZS2 ∀ ∈ where η(ε,p),l(ε,p),α(ε,p) B (0) W1,3 R6 R3 being ρ given in (3.12), hence ∈ ρε ⊂ × × ε (cid:0) (cid:1) (ω +η(ε,p)) ϕ+2 ϕ (ω +η(ε,p)) (ω +η(ε,p)) x y ZR2∇ ·∇ ZR2 · ∧ +2ε H(ω +p+η(ε,p))ϕ (ω +η(ε,p)) (ω +η(ε,p)) x y ZR2 · ∧ 6 = l (ε,p) ϕ τ α(ε,p) ϕ, ϕ W1,3/2, i i Xi=1 ZR2∇ ·∇ − ·ZS2 ∀ ∈ i.e. η(ε,p) satisfies the equation ∆η(ε,p) = F(ε,p) where F(ε,p) =2(ω +η(ε,p)) (ω +η(ε,p)) 2ω ω +l(ε,p) ∆τ α(ε,p)µ2 x y x y ∧ − ∧ · − +2εH(ω+p+η(ε,p))(ω+η(ε,p)) (ω +η(ε,p)) in R2. x y ∧

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