. A NOTE ON THE ANNIHILATOR OF LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES IN CHARACTERISTIC ZERO 5 MAJIDEGHBALI 1 0 Abstract. Wegiveanalternativeprooftotheannihilatoroflocalcohomology 2 incharacteristiczerowhichwasprovedbyLyubeznik. n a J 4 ] C 1. Introduction A . Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring and I ⊂ R be an ideal. The ith h t local cohomology module of R with support in I is denoted by Hi(R). In the a I m present note, our main result (Theorem 2.3) provides a different point of view of [ Ann Hi(R)=0creditedtoLyubeznik[3,Corollary3.6],whereRisaregularlocal R I 1 ringcontainingafieldofcharacteristic0. Ourwaytoprovetheresultsistousethe v so-called D-modules. This method has played a decisive role in many subsequent 8 1 studies in the rings of characteristic zero. 7 Let R be a commutative algebra over a field k of characteristic zero. We de- 0 0 note by Endk(R) the k-linear endomorphism ring. The ring of k-linear differential . 1 operators D ⊆ End (R) generated by the k-linear derivations R → R and the R|k k 0 multiplications by elements of R. By a D -module we always mean a left D - 5 R|k R|k 1 module. The injective ring homomorphism R → D that sends r to the map R|k : v R→Rwhichisthemultiplicationbyr,givesD astructureofR-algebra. Every R|k i X D -module M is automatically an R-module via this map. The natural action R|k ar of DR|k on R makes R a DR|k-module. If R = k[[x1,...,xn]] is a formal power series ring of n variables x1,...,xn over k, then DR|k is left and right Noether- ian. Moreover, D is a simple ring. Noteworthy, the local cohomology module R|k Hi(R), i∈Z is a finitely generatedD -module. For a moreadvancedexposition I R|k based on differential operators and undefined concepts the interested reader might consult [1]. For brevity we often write D for D when there is no ambiguity R R|k about the field k. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 13D45. Key words and phrases. AnnihilatorofLocalcohomology, Characteristiczero,D-modules. Theauthor issupportedinpartbyagrantfromIPM. 1 2 MAJIDEGHBALI 2. results Lemma 2.1. Let R be k[|x1,...,xn|], a formal power series ring of n variables x1,...,xn over a field k of characteristic zero. Suppose that HIi(R) 6= 0, then Ann Hi(R)=0. DR I Proof. Consider the homomorphism (2.1) D −f→Hom (Hi(R),Hi(R)) R k I I of D -modules defined by f(P)(m)=Pm, P ∈D and m∈Hi(R) for all i∈Z. R R I The homomorphism f is injective, as D is a simple ring, i.e. Ann Hi(R) = R DR I kerf =0. (cid:3) Lemma 2.2. Let R be as in Lemma 2.1. Let M be both an R module and a D -module. Then Ann M =0 implies Ann M =0. R DR R Proof. Letr ∈Ann M beanarbitraryelement. Astheendomorphismϕ :R→R R r with ϕ (s)=rs for all s∈R is an element of D so from rsM =0 (for all s∈R) r R we have ϕ (s)M = 0. That is ϕ (s) ∈ Ann M = 0, i.e. rs = ϕ (s) = 0, for all r r DR r s∈R. Hence, we have r =0, as desired. (cid:3) Theorem 2.3. Let (R,m)bea regular local ringcontaining a fieldof characteristic zero. Suppose that Hi(R)6=0. Then Ann Hi(R)=0. I R I Proof. Suppose k =R/m, where m is the maximal ideal of R and char(k)=0. By virtueof[2,ChapterIX,Appendice 2.] thereexistsafaithfully flathomomorphism from (R,m) to a regular local ring (S,n) such that S/n is the algebraic closure of k. As S is faithfully flat over R then the homomorphism is injective so S contains a field. Moreover, it is known that Ann Hi(R) = (Ann Hi (S))∩R R I S IS and HIi(R)⊗RS ∼=HIiS(S)6=0, because of faithfully flatness of S. Then, we may assumethatk isalgebraicallyclosed. As Rˆ isalsofaithfully flatR-module,wemay assume that R is complete, so that R = k[[x1,...,xn]] by the Cohen Structure Theorem, where n = dimR. Since, k[[x1,...,xn]] has a DR-module structure so, we are done by Lemma 2.2 and Lemma 2.1. (cid:3) Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to Gennady Lyubeznik for pointing out an error in a previous version of the paper. Many thanks to Josep A`lvarez- Montaner, who taught me the theory of D-modules, generously. References [1] J.E.Bjo¨rk,Rings of differentialoperators. AmsterdamNorth-Holland(1979). [2] N. Bourbaki , E´l´ements de math´ematique. Alg`ebre commutative. Chapters 8 et 9, Springer Verlag,(2006). ANNIHILATOR OF LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 3 [3] G. Lyubeznik, Finiteness properties of local cohomology modules (an application of D- modules to Commutative Algebra).Invent. math.113,41–55(1993). School of Mathematics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), P. O.Box: 19395-5746,Tehran-Iran. E-mail address: [email protected]