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A NOTE ABOUT RATIONAL REPRESENTATIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GALOIS GROUPS. MARC REVERSAT 7 0 Abstra t. We give a des ription of the rational representations 0 of the di(cid:27)erential Galois group of a Pi ard-Vessiot extension. 2 n a J 9 Contents 2 ] 1. On representations of Galois groups of Pi ard-Vessiot S extensions. 1 D 2. A orrespondan e. 6 . h Referen es 8 t a m [ 1 We give a des ription of the rational representations of the di(cid:27)eren- v tial Galois group of a Pi ard-Vessiot extension (theorems 1.1 and 2.1). 4 4 This gives a new des ription of the di(cid:27)erential Galois orresponden e. 8 More results will be given for abelian di(cid:27)erential extensions in a forth- 1 oming paper [1℄, espe ially the analog of the Artin orresponden e. 0 7 0 / 1. On representations of Galois groups of Pi ard-Vessiot h extensions. t a m Inallthisnote we onsiderdi(cid:27)erential(cid:28)eldswithalgebrai ally losed C : (cid:28)elds of onstants, denoted by . The derivative will be denoted by a v i dash. X K n ≥ 1 Mn(K) Let be a di(cid:27)erential (cid:28)eld. Let be an integer, and r GLn(K) n×n a are the usual notationsfor algebraand group of matri es K GL (K) M (K) n n with entries in . The group a ts on by the following rule: GL (K)×M (K) −→ M (K) n n n (U,A) 7−→ U′U−1 +UAU−1 U = (u ) U′ = (u′ ) i,j 1≤i,j≤n i,j 1≤i,j≤n where if , then . This a tion an be de(cid:28)ned in an other way, maybe more omprehensible. Consider the group H (K) := M (K)×GL (K), n n n Date: February 2, 2008. 1 2 MARC REVERSAT A,B M (K) n the law being de(cid:28)ned by the following formula: for all in F,G ∈ GL (K) n and all (A,F)(B,G) = (A+FBF−1,FG). It admits the subgroups ∆ (K) := (U′U−1,U) / U ∈ GL (K) , n n (cid:8) (cid:9) {0}×GL (K) M (K)×{1} n n and , this last one being normal. We set Z (K) := ∆ (K)\H (K)/({0}×GL (K)). n n n n GL (K) M (K)×{1} n n The group a ts on by the following rule: GL (K)×(M (K)×{1}) −→ (M (K)×{1}) n n n (U,(A,1)) 7−→ (U′U−1,U)(A,1)(0,U−1) = (U′U−1 +UAU−1,1) M (K) = (M (K)×{1}) n n With the identi(cid:28) ation and in lusion (M (K)×{1}) ⊂ H (K) n n , it indu es a anoni al bije tion GL (K)\M (K) ≃ ∆ (K)\H (K)/({0}×GL (K)) = Z (K). n n n n n n (1) Z (K) n We will use below these two de(cid:28)nitions of . A M (K) F GL (K) [(A,F)] n n Let be in and be in , we denote by , [A] Z (K) (A,F) ∈ H (K) A ∈ M (K) n n n resp. , the lass in of , resp. of . L/K H (K) ⊆ n Let be a Pi ard-Vessiot extension. The in lusion H (L) α(L/K) : Z (K) → Z (L) n n n gives rise to a map . We set Z (L/K) := {a ∈ Z (K) / α(L/K)(a) = [0]}. n n G Rep (G) n For any group we denote by the set of equivalent lasses G GL (C) G = dGal(L/K) n of representations of in , if isthe di(cid:27)erential L K Rep (L/K) := Rep (G) n n group of over , we set . L/K Theorem 1.1. Let be a Pi ard-Vessiot extension, then there ex- Z (L/K) Rep (L/K) n n ists a natural bije tion between and . Proof. First of all we re all some fa ts that are of main importan e in our proof. c Y′ = A 1.0.1. The representation . Consider the di(cid:27)erential equation AY A ∈ M (K) E/K m , with , and let be a orresponding Pi ard-Vessiot E K extension, i.e. is generated over by the oe(cid:30) ients of a funda- F c A A mental matrix of the equation. The rational representation is dGal(E/K) −→ GL (C) m σ 7−→ c (σ) A c (σ) σ(F ) = F c (σ) c A A A A A where [Ais]su (hAt,h1a)t Z (K) . NBot=e tUh′aUt−1+dUepAeUn−d1s only m Uon∈thGeL las(sK) of in ,be auseif Y′ = BY UwFith m A , a fundamental matrix of the equation is c = c B A and we see that . Note also that an other fundamemtal matrix F γ γ ∈ GL (C) A n is of the form , with , then it gives the representation γ−1c γ c A A equivalent to . DIFFERENTIAL GALOIS GROUP. 3 c c c A [A] E We will write equivalently , or for this lass of representa- tions. dGal(E/K) A ∈ M (K) m 1.0.2. The Galois group . Let and R = K[(X ) ,(det)−1]/q = K[(x ) ] i,j 1≤i,j≤m i,j 1≤i,j≤m K Y′ = AY be aPi ard-Vessiotringover fortheequation . In these for- X K[(X ) ] i,j i,j 1≤i,j≤m mulasthe areindetermin(Xate′s),thering= A(X ) isdeetquipped i,j 1≤i,j≤m i,j 1≤i,j≤m by the derivation satisfying , (cid:16) (cid:17) is the (X ) q i,j 1≤i,j≤m deterxminantofthematriXx E =,Quisota(Rm)aximaUld=i(cid:27)edrGenatli(aEl/idKea)l i,j i,j and is the image of . Let and , onsider K (X ) ,(det)−1 ⊆ E (X ) ,(det)−1 i,j 1≤i,j≤m i,j 1≤i,j≤m (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) = E (Y ) ,(det)−1 ⊇ C (Y ) ,(det)−1 , i,j 1≤i,j≤m i,j 1≤i,j≤m (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) (Y ) (X ) = (x ) (Y ) i,j 1≤i,j≤m i,j 1≤i,j≤m i,j 1≤i,j≤m i,j 1≤i,j≤m where Y′ = 0 isde(cid:28)nedby . i,j Note that . We know that U = dGal(E/K) = SpecC (Y ) ,(det)−1 /J i,j 1≤i,j≤m (cid:2) (cid:3) J = qE[(Y ) ,(det)−1]∩C[(Y ) ,(det)−1] i,j 1≤i,j≤m i,j 1≤i,j≤m where ([2℄proof y i,j of prop. 1.24 or the beginning of Ÿ1.5). We denote by the image of Y i,j , then we have U = dGal(E/K) = SpecC[(y ) ] i,j 1≤i,j≤m U = dGal(E/K) 1.0.3. T = SpecRas a torsor. We T ontinueUwith the prKevious notations. Set , we know that is an -torsor over ([2℄ theorem 1.30), moreover, we know that there exists a (cid:28)nite extension K K T× K = Spec R⊗ K U K (cid:16) K (cid:17) of su h that is a trivial -torsor over Ke e e b ∈ T(K) ([2℄ or. 1.31), this means that there exists su h that the e K e following map is an isomorphism of -s hemes ψ : U× K −→e T × K C K (c ) e 7−→ b(c ) e i,j 1≤i,j≤m i,j 1≤i,j≤m b ( an be seen as a matrix, on the right this is a produ t of matri es; R see the de(cid:28)nition of above). σ U = dGal(E/K) 1.0.4. Galois a tions. Let be an element of , the σ R x i,j a tion of on is given by the images of the , whi h are de(cid:28)ned (σ(x )) = (x )c (σ) σ♭ i,j i,j E by the matrix formula . We denote by the σ T T× K U K morphismindu es by on or on , this isthe a tionof whi h e T(K) de(cid:28)nes the torsor stru ture. An element of an be represented by a = (a ) a K e σ♭(a) = ac (σ) i,j 1≤i,j≤m i,j E a matrixσ U λwith in e, its image isU σ . σ For any in denote by the right translation on by , i.e. λ : U → U σ τ 7→ τσ 4 MARC REVERSAT ψWrite again λσ for λσ ×IdKe : U×C Ke → U×C Ke, σth∈enUthe morphism of (1.0.3) is equivariant, this means that for any the following diagram is ommutative U× K →ψ T × K C K λ ↓e ↓ σ♭e σ U× K →ψ T × K C K e e Z (L/K) → R (L/K) n n Proof of the theorem, the map . A ∈ M (K) [A] ∈ Z (L/K) U ∈ n n Let su h that , then there exists GL (L) n su h that A = U′U−1, U Y′ = AY this means that is a fundamental matrix of the equation , L E L as it is with entries in , it exists a di(cid:27)erential subYex′t=enAsiYon of whi h is a Pi ard-Vessiot extension for the equation . Denote ρ A by the representation ρ : dGal(L/K) res−tr→iction dGal(E/K) −c→A GL (C). A n (2) ρ A Now we prove that this representation does not depend on the A Z (K) U ∈ GL (L) A = n n Ula′Uss−1of in and of the hoi e of su h that . B ∈ M (K) [B] = [A] Z (K) n n Let su h that in , then there exists W,T ∈ GL (K) n su h that (B,1) = (W′W−1,W)(A,1)(0,T), B = W′W−1 + WAW−1 WU it follows that , this means that is a Y′ = BY ρ = ρ A B fundamental matrix of the equation . We see that , ρ [A] and we denote this representation by . V ∈ GL (L) A = U′U−1 = V′V−1 n (VL−e1tU)′ = 0 su h that γ ∈ GL (), then we Usee=thVaγt n , this meansthat there exists su h that and the two representations de(cid:28)ne as before in (2) are onjugate. [A] Z (L/K) n Thentoea h element of we have asso iatedtheelement ρ Rep (L/K) [A] n of . R (L/K) → Z (L/K) n n Proof of the theorem, the map . ρ : dGal(L/K) → GL (C) n E Let kerρ beUa=radtGioanla(El r/eKpr)esentation. Let be theρ(cid:28)xed (cid:28)eld of ,Uw֒e→seGtL (C) and we denote n again by the representation oming from the given one. E TYh′ e=(cid:28)AelYd is aAPi∈ aMrd-V(Kes)siot extension orresponding to an equatioAn m , with . Our aim is to prove that one an hose M (K) m = n [A] 7→ ρ n [A] in , i.e. , andthatthisgivestheinversemaEpoRf U T . We uGseLth(eC)pr=evSiopuescCn[o(tTati)ons and,(ddeest )r−i1p]tions of , , , et . n r,s 1≤r,s≤n We set , let ρ♯ : C (T ) ,(det)−1 −→ C (Y ) ,(det)−1 /J r,s 1≤r,s≤n i,j 1≤i,j≤m (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) DIFFERENTIAL GALOIS GROUP. 5 ρ : U ֒→ GL (C) ρ♯ I = ker(ρ♯) n be the omorphism of ; is onto. Set , ρ♯ then we have an isomorphism indu es by ρ¯: C (T ) ,(det)−1 /I ≃ C (Y ) ,(det)−1 /J. r,s 1≤r,s≤n i,j 1≤i,j≤m (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) t T r,s r,s Let be the image of in the quotient on the left, and re all that y Y i,j i,j are that of in the quotient on the right, then the pre eding formula an be written ρ¯: C[(t ) ] ≃ C[(y ) ]. r,s 1≤r,s≤n i,j 1≤i,j≤m V = Spec(C[(t ) ]) GL (C) r,s 1≤r,s≤n n Set U ,thisisanalgebrai sρ¯ubgroupof , it is isomorpρhi: Uto≃ Vvia the morphism indu es by , denoted by abuse of language . The omposed morphism (see (1.0.3)) ϕ : T ⊗ K −ψ→−1 U× K ρ−×→IdKe V× K K C C (3) K e e e U iVs an isomorphism of e-s heσmes,Uequivariantϕf◦orσt♭h=e aλ tion◦sϕof and ρ(σ) , this means that for any in we have , where, λ V× K ρ(σ) C as before, ρi(sσt)he enVdomorphism of e oming from the right translation by on (1.0.4). ϕ♯ ϕ rL,esm=m1a,··1·.2,n. Let z =beϕth♯(et o)morphism ofV =(sSepeec(C2)[()tand) for an]y r,s r,s r,s 1≤r,s≤n σs∈etU (re all thaat(σ) ∈ GL (C) ). n Then, for all , there exists a matrix su h that we (σ(z )) = (z ) a(σ) r,s 1≤r,s≤n r,s 1≤r,s≤n have the equality of matri es: . ♯ λ ρ(σ) Proof. Denote by ρ(σ) the omorphismof the right translation by V× K C on , we have the equalities of matri es e (σ(z )) = σ ϕ♯(t ) r,s 1≤r,s≤n (cid:0) (cid:0) r,s (cid:1)(cid:1)1≤r,s≤n = ϕ♯ λ♯ (t ) , (cid:16) (cid:16) ρ(σ) r,s (cid:17)(cid:17) 1≤r,s≤n ϕ be ause is equivariant, and λ♯ (t ) = (t ) a(ρ(σ)) (cid:16) ρ(σ) r,s (cid:17) r,s 1≤r,s≤n 1≤r,s≤n τ ∈ V a(τ) GL (C) n where for any the matrix is in and is su h that (τ(t )) = (t ) a(τ) the formula r,s 1≤r,s≤n r,s 1≤r,s≤n de(cid:28)nes the images of the t λ♯ V τ r,s τ by the omorphism of the right translation on by . We have (cid:28)nd (σ(z )) = (z ) a(ρ(σ)) r,s 1≤r,s≤n r,s 1≤r,s≤n a(ρ(σ)) GL (C) (cid:3) n with in . ϕ R⊗ K K The fa t that is an isomorphism implies that is generated K z 1 ≤ r,s ≤ n R⊗ K e K r,s K over by the , , indeed is generated over e C V := Cz e e by the -spa e P1≤r,s≤n r,s and the lemma shows that this V spa e is (globally) invariant under the a tion of the Galois group U Gal(K/K) . The (ordinary) Galois group a ts as usual on the right e 6 MARC REVERSAT R⊗ K K hand fa tor of and trivially on the left one, then we see that R Ke z 1 ≤ r,s ≤ n r,s is generated over by the , . Another onsequen e of the previous lemma is that the matrix D d=ef z′ (z )−1 , (cid:0) r,s(cid:1)1≤r,s≤n r,s 1≤r,s≤n M (K) ϕ♯ R n is in , then, be ause is an isomorphism, the ring Yi′s=geDneYr- ated by the entries of a fundamental matrix of the equation , R R we know also that is a simple di(cid:27)erential ring. It follows that , E K resp. , is the Pi ard-Vessiot ring, resp. (cid:28)eld, over of this equation. ρ : dGAl(L/K) → GL (C) n To a rational representation we have [D] Z (L/K) n ass[oA ]ia7→tedρan element of , this is learly the inverse ma(cid:3)p [A] of . 2. A orrespondan e. Kdiff K Gdiff = Let be auniversalPi ard-Vessiotextension of andset dGal(Kdiff/K) GL (C) = GL(Cn) n .We hooseon eofallanidenti(cid:28) ation . Rep (Gdiff) Gdiff GL (C) n Let n be the ategoryofrepresentations of in : ρ : Gdiff → GL (C) f : ρ → ρ n 1 2 the obje ts are morphisms , an arrow C Cn g ∈ Gdiff is a -linear map from into itself su h that, for any , the following diagram is ommutative Cn −ρ1→(g) Cn f ↓ ↓ f Cn −ρ2→(g) Cn Z (K) n To de(cid:28)ne the ategory we need the following remarks. Let M N M (K) n and be two elements of , we say that they are equivalent U V GL (K) N = VMU n if there exists and in su h that . We denote M M A ∈ M (K) i = 1,2 i n by the equivalent lass of . Let , and let M ∈ M (K) n su h that M′ = A M −MA . 2 1 (4) B ∈ [A ] U ∈ GL (K) i i i n Let , let su h that A = U′U−1 +U B U−1, i i i i i i then an easy al ulation shows that (U−1MU )′ = B (U−1MU )−(U−1MU )B . 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 M ∈ GL (K) n Suppose that and satis(cid:28)es (4), then (M−1)′ = A M−1 −M−1A . 1 2 Z (K) n Now we an de(cid:28)ne the ategory . Its obje ts are elements of Z (K) [A ] → [A ] A A n 1 2 1 2 (see (1)), an arrow , where and are elements M (K) M M (K) n n of , is an equivalen e lass in su h that there exists M ∈ M satisfying (4). The two pre eding formulas show that this A [A ] i = 1,2 i i de(cid:28)nition does not depend on the hoi e of in , , and DIFFERENTIAL GALOIS GROUP. 7 Z (K) n that invertible arrows in orrespond to equivalen e lasses of M : invertible matri es. We explain the omposition of arrows. Let [A ] → [A ] N : [A ] → [A ] Z (K) M ∈ M 1 2 2 3 n and two arrows of , hoose , N ∈ N su h that M′ = A M −MA N′ = A N −NA , 2 1 3 2 and then we see that (NM)′ = A NM −NMA . 3 1 N◦M = NM The omposed arrow is , fora good hoi e of representing elements of the di(cid:27)erent lasses of matri es. Z (K) n Then is a ategory, indeed it is easily to see that it is an additive ategory. Z (K) Rep (Gdiff) Theorem 2.1. The two ategories n and n are equiva- [A] 7→ c [A] lent. On obje ts, this equivalen e is (see (1.0.1)). c L/K [A] Proof. Note that here towrite isan abuse of notation,if isthe Kdiff PYi′ =ardA-YVessiotextension ( onctainedin ) asso iatedtotheequation [A] , we denote always the representation Gdiff res−tr→iction dGal(L/K) −c[→A] GL (C). n [A] 7→ c [A] The map on obje ts of the ategories has been onstru ted [A ] [A ] 1 2 in the previous theorem, it is one to one. Let and be two Z (K) M : [A ] → [A ] M ∈ M n 1 1 obje ts ofM′ = A aMnd−MA F ,F ∈beGaLn(aKrrdoiffw), sele t 2 1 1 2 n su h that . Let Y′ = A Y Yb′e=fuAndYamental 1 2 mF′a=triA esFforir=esp1,e2 tivelyfth=e eFq−u1aMtioFns f and GL (K) . Then i i i, . Let 2 1, a priori is in n , but f′ = (F−1)′MF +F−1M′F +F−1MF′ 2 1 2 1 2 1 = (−F−1A )MF +F−1(A M −MA )F 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 +F−1MA F = 0. 2 1 1 f = F−1MF GL (C) f 2 1 n Then is in . Now we prove that is a morphism c c g Gdiff g from [A1] to [A2]. Let be an element of . Applying to the f = F−1MF relation 2 1 we (cid:28)nd f = g(F−1)Mg(F ) = g(F−1)F fF−1g(F ) = c (g)−1fc (g), 2 1 2 2 1 1 [A2] [A1] g f : c → c (see (1.0.1)) for all . This means that [A1] [A2] is a map in Rep (Gdiff) n . f : ρ → ρ Rep (Gdiff) 1 2 Conversely let be an arrow of n , then we an f C A i see as a matrixwith oe(cid:30) ient in . We know that there exists in M (K) ρ = c i = 1,2 F n su h that i [Ai], . Let as before i be a fundamental Y′ = A Y M = F fF−1 matrix for the equation i . Set 2 1 . M M (K) f n - We prove that is in . The fa t that is a morphism of g Gdiff representations means that for all in we have fc (g) = c (g)f, [A1] [A1] 8 MARC REVERSAT whi h is equivalent to fF−1g(F ) = F−1g(F )f, 1 1 2 2 then F fF−1 = g(F )fg(F−1) = g(F fF−1). 2 1 2 1 2 1 M K This prove that the entrMies′ =ofA Mare−inMA. 2 1 - We prove the formula . We have M′ = F′fF−1 +F f(F−1)′ = A F fF−1 +F f(−F−1A ) 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 (cid:3) whi h is the expe ted formula. Referen es [1℄ vanderPUTMarius-REVERSATMar .Arithmeti problemsfordi(cid:27)ren- tial equations (forth oming). [2℄ van der PUT Marius - SINGER Mi hael F. Galois theory of linear dif- ferential equations. Grundlehren der Mathematis he Wissens haften 328, Springer Verlag 2003. Intitut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse edex 9, Fran e. E-mail address: mar .reversatmath.ups-tlse.fr

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