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A non-linear hardening model based on two coupled internal hardening variables: formulation and implementation PDF

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Preview A non-linear hardening model based on two coupled internal hardening variables: formulation and implementation

A non-linear hardening model based on two coupled internal hardening variables: formulation and implementation 9 0 Nelly Point1,2 and Silvano Erlicher1,3 0 2 1 Ecole Nationale desPonts et Chauss´ees, n Laboratoire d’Analyse des Mat´eriaux et Identification, a 6-8 avenueBlaise Pascal, J Cit´e Descartes, Champs-sur-Marne, 1 F-77455 Marne la Vall´ee Cedex 2, France 1 2 Conservatoire National desArts et M´etiers, D´epartement de Math´ematiques, ] h 292 rueSaint Martin, p F-75141 Paris Cedex 03, France - E-mail: [email protected] s s 3 Universit`a diTrento, a Dipartimento diIngegneria Meccanica e Strutturale l c Via Mesiano 77, 38050, Trento, Italy . E-mail: [email protected] s c i s Abstract. An elasto-plasticity model with coupled hardening variables of strain y type is presented. In the theoretical framework of generalized associativity, the h formulation of this model is based on the introduction of two hardening variables p [ with acoupledevolution. Evenifthecorresponding hardeningrulesarelinear, the stress-strainhardeningevolutionisnon-linear.Thenumericalimplementationbya 1 standardreturnmappingalgorithmisdiscussedandsomenumericalsimulationsof v cyclic behaviour in the univariatecase are presented. 9 4 4 1 Introduction 1 . 1 Starting fromthe analysisofthe dislocationphenomenoninmetallic materi- 0 als, Zarka and Casier [1] and Kabhou et al. [2] proposed an elasto-plasticity 9 model (”four-parameter model”) where, in addition to the usual kinematic 0 : hardening internal variable, a second strain like internal variable was intro- v duced. It plays a role in a modified definition of the von Mises criterion and i X itsevolution,definedbylinearflowrules,iscoupledwiththeoneofthekine- r matichardeningvariable.Theresultingelasto-plasticmodeldependsonlyon a four parameters. Its non-linear hardening behavior was studied in [4] and a parameter identification method using essentially a cyclic uniaxial test was presented in [5] . In this note, the thermodynamic formulation of the classi- calelasto-plasticmodelwith linearkinematic andisotropichardeningis first recalled. Then, by using the same theoretical framework, a generalization of the four-parameter model is suggested, relying on the introduction of an 2 Nelly Point and Silvano Erlicher additionalisotropichardeningvariable.Finally,areturnmappingimplemen- tation of the generalized model is presented and some numerical simulations are briefly discussed. 2 Thermodynamic formulation of a plasticity model with linear kinematic/isotropic hardening Under the assumption of isothermal infinitesimal transformations and of isotropicmaterial,thehydrostaticandthedeviatoricresponsescanbetreated separately (see, among others, [7]). Hence, the free energy density Ψ can be split into its spherical part Ψ and its deviatoric part Ψ . To obtain linear h d state equations, Ψ and Ψ are assumed quadratic. Moreover, experimental h d results for metals show that permanent strain is only due to deviatoric slip. Hence, an elastic spherical behaviour is assumed, leading to the following definition : 1 2µ 1 Ψ = λ+ tr(ε)2 = K tr(ε)2 (1) h 2 3 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) whereεisthe(small)straintensor,λandµaretheLam´econstantsandK is the bulk modulus. Under the same assumptions, the deviatoric potential Ψ d mustdependonlyondeviatoricstatevariables.Theplasticflowisassociated to the plasticstrainεp,while the kinematic/isotropichardeningbehaviouris introduced by the tensorial internal variable α and by the scalar variable p : 2µ B H Ψ =Ψ (ε ,εp,α,p)= (ε εp):(ε εp)+ α:α+ p2 (2) d d d d d 2 − − 2 2 where tr(α)=tr(εp)=0 and B, H >0 . The evolution of p will be related to the norm of εp. The state equation concerning the deviatoric stress tensor is easily derived: ∂Ψ σ = d =2µ(ε εp) (3) d d ∂ε − d and the thermodynamic forces associated to εp, α and p are defined by : σd =−∂∂Ψεpd =2µ(εd−εp) X= ∂Ψd =B α (4)  ∂α R= ∂Ψd =K p  ∂p Onecan notice that tr(ε) = 0. The linearity of the hardening rules (4) 2−3 follows from the quadratic form assumed for the last two terms in (2). The second principle of thermodynamics can be written as follows [7] : σ :ε˙ Ψ˙ 0 (5) d d d − ≥ A non-linear hardeningmodel 3 By using (4) in (5), the Clausius Duhem inequality is obtained : σ :ε˙p X:α˙ R p˙ 0 (6) d − − ≥ Inordertofulfilthisinequality,aclassicalassumptionistoimposethat(ε˙p,α˙, p˙)belongstothesubdifferentialofapositiveconvexfunctionφ∗,equaltozero d in zero, called pseudo-potential. In such a case, the evolution of the internal variables is compatible with (6) [3]. The von Mises criterion corresponds to a special choice for the pseudo- potential φ∗(σ ,X,R) which is equal, in this case, to the indicator function d d I of the elastic domain, or, to be more specific, of the set of (σ ,X,R) f≤0 d such that the so-called yielding function f is non-positive : 2 f =f(σ ,X,R)= σ X σ R 0 (7) d d y k − k− 3 − ≤ r where is the standard L -norm. To impose that (ε˙p,α˙, p˙) belongs to the 2 subdiffker·kential of I is equivalent to write : f≤0 ε˙p =λ˙ ∂f =λ˙ σd−X α˙ =−λ˙∂σ∂∂dXf =λ˙kkσσσddd−−−XXXkk (8) p˙= λ˙ ∂f =λ˙ − ∂R withthe conditions λ˙ 0 , f 0 and λ˙f =0 . ≥ ≤ Equations (8) are called generalized associativity conditions or associative flow rules. The relations (8) yield in this case α˙ = ε˙p and λ˙ =p˙ = ε˙p . k k ¿From(8) and(4) oneobtainsthePrager’slinearkinematichardeningrule 2 2 and a linear isotropic hardening rule : X˙ =B ε˙p , R˙ =H p˙ (9) The coefficient λ˙ is strictly positive only if f = 0. In this case, its value can be derived from the so-called consistency condition f˙=0, i.e. ∂f ∂f ∂f :σ˙ + :X˙ + R˙ = 0 d ∂σ ∂X ∂R d Theintroductionintothepreviousequationofthestateequation(3),aswell as the thermodynamic force definitions (4) and the normality (8), yield : 2−3 ∂f ∂f ∂f ∂f ∂f :σ˙ λ˙ B : λ˙ H =0 (10) d ∂σ − ∂X ∂X − ∂R∂R d Moreover,inastraindrivenapproach,Eq.(10)hastoberewrittenstillusing the state equation (3). As a result, by collecting λ˙, one obtains 2µ ∂f :ε˙ λ˙ = (f) ∂σd d = H(f) h(σd−X):ε˙di 0 H 2µ∂∂σfd:∂∂σfd +DB∂∂Xf :∂∂XfE+H∂∂Rf ∂∂Rf 1+ B2+µK kσd−Xk ≥ 4 Nelly Point and Silvano Erlicher where (f) is zero when f < 0 and equal to 1 for f = 0. The symbol . H hi represents the MacCauley brackets. 3 A generalization of the four-parameter model The linear hardening model discussed previously is used here to suggest a generalizationofthe4-parametermodelcitedintheintroduction.Thetensor α into Eq. (2) is replaced by a couple of tensors (α ,α ). As a result, the 1 2 scalarconstantBbecomesa2 2symmetricpositivedefinitematrix,denoted × by B=[b ]. For sake of simplicity, only the thermodynamic potential Ψ is ij d considered here and it is defined as: 2µ 1 H Ψ (ε ,εp,α ,α ,p)= (ε εp):(ε εp)+ αT B α+ p2 d d 1 2 d d 2 − − 2 2 where µ and H havethe same meaning as before and α is the column vector defined as α=[α ;α ]. The state equation becomes : 1 2 ∂Ψ σ = d =2µ(ε εp) (11) d d ∂ε − d and the thermodynamic forces have the following form : σ = ∂Ψd =2µ(ε εp) Xd1 =−∂∂Ψα∂d1εp=b11 α1d+−b12 α2 or σXd==B2µα(εd−εp) (12) RX2==∂Ψ∂∂dαΨd2==Hb2p1 r α1+b22 α2 R=H p ∂p where X=[X ;X ]. The Clausius -Duhem inequality becomes in this case : 1 2 σ :ε˙p X :α˙ X :α˙ R p˙ 0 or σ :ε˙p XT α˙ R p˙ 0 d 1 1 2 2 d − − − ≥ − − ≥ Moreover,the loading function f is defined as follows : 2 f =f(σ ,X ,X ,R)= σ X 2+ρ2 X 2 σ R 0 (13) d 1 2 d 1 2 y k − k k k − 3 − ≤ q r with ρ a positive scalar. One can remark that for ρ = 0 and H = 0 the standard von Mises criterion is derived while for ρ = 1 and H = 0 the 4-parameter model is retrieved. The flow rules are defined by a normality condition : (ε˙p, α˙ , α˙ , p˙) ∂φ∗ =∂I − 1 − 2 − ∈ d f≤0 Therefore,the proposedmodelbelongstothe frameworkofgeneralizedasso- ciative plasticity [3] . The loading function (13) can be rewritten as A non-linear hardeningmodel 5 f =g(Y ,Y ) 2σ R 0 with Y =σ X and Y = X . Hence 1 2 − 3 y− ≤ 1 d− 1 2 − 2 q ε˙p =λ˙ ∂f =λ˙ σd−X1 αα˙˙12 ==−−∂λλ˙˙σ∂∂d∂∂XXff12 ==√λ−˙k√λσ˙d√k−σkXdσ−1dkXσ−2d1+X−kρρ122X2k+kX21ρX+222ρkk2X2k2Xk22k2 or εαp˙˙˙p===λλ˙˙λ˙∇∂∂gσfd (14) p˙= λ˙ ∂f =λ˙ It can be s−een∂fRrom (14) that α˙ =ε˙p and p˙ =λ˙ = α˙ = α˙ 2+ α˙ 2. 1 1 2 k k k k k k Moreover,from (14)1−2 and (12)2−4 one obtains the kinemaqtic and isotropic hardening rules : X˙ =b ε˙p+b α˙ , X˙ =b ε˙p+b α˙ , R˙ =H p˙ 1 11 12 2 2 21 22 2 In [4] it was proved that B can be written as : A +r2b rb B= ∞ − rb b (cid:20)(cid:0) − (cid:1) (cid:21) where the scalars A and b are strictly positive and have the dimension ∞ of stresses. For r = 0, there is no coupling and B is diagonal, so that the dimensionless scalar r can be seen as a coupling factor in the evolutions of X and X : 1 2 X˙ =A ε˙p+rb (rε˙p α˙ ), X˙ =b(rε˙p α˙ ), = X˙ +rX˙ =A ε˙p 1 ∞ 2 2 2 1 2 ∞ − − ⇒ In the first two flow rules a recalling term appears, as in the non-linear kinematic hardening model of Frederich and Armstrong [8]. As before, the plastic multiplier can be explicitly computed by the consistency condition : ∂f :ε˙ λ˙ = (f) ∂σd d 0. H 1+D∇g.B.∇gE+H ≥ 2µ 4 Implementation and some numerical results In this section, a numerical implementation of the model is proposed. A standard return mapping algorithm is considered (see [6]). The formulation isexplicitlydescribedintheunivariatecase,butthetensorialgeneralizationis straightforward.Let∆t betheamplitudeofthetime stepdefinedbyt and n n t andletα˜ =[α ,α ,p ]T andX˜ =[X ,X ,R ]T bethevectors n+1 n 1,n 2,n n n 1,n 2,n n collectingtheinternalvariablesandthecorrespondingthermodynamicforces. Moreover,let B 0 D= 0 H (cid:20) (cid:21) 6 Nelly Point and Silvano Erlicher betheglobalhardeningmodulusmatrix.Inastraindrivenapproach,knowing the value of all the variables at the time t and the strain increment ∆ε n n occurring during the time step t t , the numerical scheme computes n n+1 → the variables value at t : n+1 ε ,εp,α˜ ,σ ,X˜ ,f +∆ε = ε ,εp ,α˜ ,σ ,X˜ ,f n n n n n n n ⇒ n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) The flow equations (14) define a first order differential system, which can be solved by the implicit Euler method. Therefore, the discrete form of the model evolution rules is (the notation ∂wf is equivalent to ∂f/∂w) : f := (σ X )2+ρ2(X )2 (σ +R ) 0 n+1 n+1 1,n+1 2,n+1 y n+1 − − ≤ q σ =E ε εp ; X˜ =Dα˜ with E =µ3λ+2µ n+1 n+1− n+1 n+1 n+1 λ+µ εpn+1−εpn(cid:0)=∆γn+1 ∂σf(cid:1)n+1 ; α˜n+1−α˜n =−∆γn+1 ∂X˜fn+1 ∆γ 0, f 0, ∆γ f =0. n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 ≥ ≤ An elastic predictor-plastic corrector algorithm is used to take into ac- count the Kuhn-Tucker conditions [6] (cf the last row). At every time step, in the first predictor phase it holds f <0 , an elastic behaviour is assumed n andatrialvalueoff ,i.e.f(0) ,iscomputed.Iff(0) 0,thenanelastic n+1 n+1 n+1 ≤ behaviour occurs, ∆γ has to be zero and no corrector phase is required. n+1 On the other hand, if f(0) > 0 , then plastic strains occur, the elastic pre- n+1 dictionhas to be correctedand∆γ >0 has to be computed. This is done n+1 by a suitable return mapping algorithm, described below : i) Initialization k=0; εp(0) =εp,α˜(0) =α˜ ,γ(0) =0 n+1 n n+1 n n+1 ii) Check yield condition and evaluate residuals σ(k) :=E ε εp(k) ; X˜(k) :=D α˜(k) ; f(k) :=f σ(k) ,X˜(k) n+1 n+1− n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 R(k) := (cid:16)−εpn(+k1) +εpn (cid:17)+γ(k) ∂σf (k) (cid:16) (cid:17) n+1 " α˜n(k+)1−α˜n # n+1(cid:20)∂X˜f(cid:21)n+1 if: f(k) <tol & R(k) <tol then: EXIT n+1 1 n+1 2 iii) Elastic moduli an(cid:13)d con(cid:13)sistent tangent moduli (cid:13) (cid:13) C(k) =E D(k)(cid:13)=D (cid:13) n+1 n+1 A(k) −1 = Cn−+11+γn+1∂σ2σfn+1 γn+1∂σ2X˜fn+1 (k) (cid:16) n+1(cid:17) "(cid:0) γn+1∂X2˜σfn+1 (cid:1) D−n+11+γn+1∂X2˜X˜fn+1 # iv) Increment of the consistency pa(cid:16)rameter (cid:17) ∆γ(k) = fn(k+)1−»∂σfn(k+)1 ∂X˜fn(k+)1–TAn(k+)1Rn(k+)1 n+1 »∂σfn(k+)1 ∂X˜fn(k+)1–TAn(k+)1»∂σfn(k+)1 ∂X˜fn(k+)1–T v) Increments of plastic strain and internal variables A non-linear hardeningmodel 7 ∆εpn(+k1) = Cn−+11 0 (k)A(k) R(k) +∆γ(k) ∂σfn(k+)1 "∆α˜n(k+)1# (cid:20) 0 −D−n+11(cid:21) n+1 n+1 n+1"∂X˜fn(k+)1#! vi) Update state variables and consistency parameter εp(k+1) =εp(k)+∆εp(k) ; α˜(k+1) =α˜(k) +∆α˜(k) γ(k+1) =γ(k) +∆γ(k) n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 This procedure to determine ∆γ requires the computation, at each it- n+1 eration, of the gradient and the Hessian matrix of f . Other algorithmic approachesby-passtheneedoftheHessianoff ,buttheyarenotconsidered here. 8 Nelly Point and Silvano Erlicher Thisimplementation isusedto obtainhysteresisloops insomeparticular cases.ThevaluesofthefourparametersE,σ ,A andbarethesameasthose y ∞ used in [5] and correspond to the identified values of an Inconel alloy (E = 205580 Mpa, σ = 1708,9 Mpa, A = 35500 Mpa, b = 380700 Mpa). The y ∞ valueofthenewparameterρisρ=1andthevaluesofr andH areindicated in the caption of each figure. /newline Fig. 1 llustrates the hysteresis loops obtainedwithanincreasingamplitude strainhistory.The effectofthe newly introduced isotropic hardening term is highlighted. Fig. 2 refers to a stress inputhistory,withconstantamplitudeandnon-zeromean.Theplasticstrain accumulation(ratchetting)andthe shakedownphenomenonaremodelledby changing only one parameter. The hysteresis loops are qualitatively similar to the ones of the non-linear kinematic hardening model of Armstrong and Frederick [8]. a) 4000 1500 1000 2000 ma) 500 g stress (si 0 Y2 −5000 −2000 −1000 −1500 −4000 −0.03 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02 −2000 −1000 0 1000 2000 b) plastic strain (epsp) Y1 4000 1500 1000 2000 ma) 500 g stress (si 0 Y2 −5000 −2000 −1000 −1500 −4000 −0.03 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02 −2000 0 2000 plastic strain (epsp) Y1 Fig.1. Hysteresis loops for an imposed history with increasing strain amplitude. a) r=0.608, H =0 MPa b) r=0.608, H =6500 MPa. 5 Conclusions A modelwithcoupledhardening variablesof straintype has beenpresented. It permits to take into account isotropic hardening and to have an elastic unloadingpathofvaryinglengthdependingonthehistoryoftheloading.The simplicity of this model, which depends only on six parameters, seems to be A non-linear hardeningmodel 9 very attractive for structuralmodelling applications with ratchetting effects. To this aim, the proposed return mapping algorithm is a useful numerical tool,whichallowsnumericalsimulationstobe performedinaneffective way. a) 3000 1500 2000 1000 ma) 1000 500 g stress (si−10000 Y2 −5000 −1000 −2000 −1500 −3000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 −2000 −1000 0 1000 2000 b) plastic strain (epsp) x 10−3 Y1 3000 1500 2000 1000 ma) 1000 500 g stress (si−10000 Y2 −5000 −1000 −2000 −1500 −3000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 −2000 −1000 0 1000 2000 plastic strain (epsp) x 10−3 Y1 Fig.2. Hysteresisloopsforanimposedhistorywithconstantstressamplitudeand non-zero mean stress. a) r=0.608, H =0 MPa; b) r=0.9, H =0 MPa. References 1. ZarkaJ.,CasierJ.(1979)Elasticplasticresponseofastructuretocyclicloadings: practical rules. Mechanics Today, 6, Ed. Nemat-Nasser, Pergamon Press 2. Khabou M.L., Castex L., Inglebert G. (1985) Eur. J. Mech., A/Solids, 9, 6, 537-549. 3. Halphen B.,NguyenQ.S.,(1975) Surles mat´eriaux standardsg´en´eralis´es. J. de M´ecanique, 14, 1 , 39-63 4. Inglebert G., Vial D., Point N. 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