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A new subspecies of Macroscelesia longipes (Moore) (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Japan PDF

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Preview A new subspecies of Macroscelesia longipes (Moore) (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Japan

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan utkue 1)i6toGa 43<3):221-224,September1992 A Macroscelesialongipes(Moore()LepidopterSeas,iidae) new subspecies of from Japan Yutaka ARITA Zoological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo University, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya, 468 Japan Abstract nfucroscete slioangip eysamatoensis is describe das a new subspecies and its host- plant, Actinostemma gobatu m<Maximowicz M)aximowicz is newly recorded from Japan. Key words Lepidoptera, Sesiidae, Mtrcroscelesi alovegipe s(Moore )M,hicroscelesi alongipes vamatoensis ssp, n., host-plant, Actinostemma lobatum. A curious long-legge dclearwing moth has been littl eknown in Japan ,except for a descriptio onf behaviour of laying eggs on the leaf and fruit of the vine of Cucurbitaceae, Actinostemma lobatum (Maximowic sM)aximowics, by Gyotoku, 1964: 2. The moth seerns to belong to an Orienta lChinese species Mtzcrosceie slioangipe s(Moor e1,877) ,but is evidently differen ftrom specimens from China in the colour of hind tibia ltufts . Accord- ingly I will describ ethe Japanes erepresentative as a new subspecies. In writing this paper, I express my hearty thanks to Mr. I. Ohtsuka, Kumamoto-shi, Mr.M. Okimoto and Mr. H.Yoshitomi of our laborator yf,or their help during my field survey, and Dr.H,Inoue, Iruma-shi, Saitama-ken and Dr.M,Owada, National Science Museum, Tokyo, for loan of the material dealt with in this paper. Macroscelesia longipes yamatoensis Arita, subsp. nov, (Fig s1,-2, 7-8) cl and 9. 19,O-28. 0mm. Distinguishe fdrom the nominotypical subspecies bymore brown- ish colour of hind tibia ltufts , The hind tibia ltufts have black with long ocher brown and sparsely white hairs and basal 1/3 whitish in subspecies ivamatoensis, but black mixed with long hairsin longipes. ocher and white subspecies Male genitalia (Fig 7.) . Uncus very long ,bilobe dapically, broac llinear w,ith rather sparse long hairs ,Tegumen broad, with stout, rather long projecting pedunculi, Tuba analis tubular, very long , Vinculum short, slender. Saccus clavate, remarkably long ,shorter than cucullus. Anellus membranous. Valva slencler, long ; cucullus very long and slen- der, with long dense hairs ,apex with a robust thorn ; long and stout projection from just before broad, Aedeaguslong, middle of ventral margin ; sacculus without cornuti. Female genitalia <Fi g8,) . Papill aanalis rather short, with long hairs .Both apophyses long, inlength.Ostium bursaebroad,large, rather almost equal opening near anterior Antrumlarge,cup-shaped.Ductusbursaeratherlong. marginbf7thabdominalsternite. Corpusbursaelarge ovate, without signum, Holotype Japan,Kyushu,Kumameto-ken, Ezuko, 29.VIII.1991,Y. Arita legit, cln, Paratypes : 1 9 (alloty pseam)e, locality as holotype, 30, VIII. 1991, Y, Arita legit , 1 cJn 1 \, Meguro [Tokyo ]n,o other data, genitalia on slide no. NSMT c{i 1973 and NSMT 9 1974, mounted by Y. Arita ,collection of the National Scienc Meuseum (Nat ,Hist,) ,Tokyo ; 1 9, Ukiha-gun, Fukuoka-ken, 1, VI, 1950, N. Gyotoku legit ,co,llection of Dr, H. Inoue ; NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 222 Yutaka ARITA . 4 tS aAt i .t ..o, , .・----=/ 51/' e a i' , '.''l・-・i・・lSg・.i' ts,'t" gm-・;tt/'.t/s-,s.'./i.2.1t'nLt lt,t'g,'''.f i u m' . . ,8r. a.,.lR' / . on/tI .. n v- . . -- ・'6LH 5 Figs.1-6. nfucroscele sloinagipes (Moore) .1.M/ longipe s)timatoensi sArita ,subsp. nov. di,holotype;2, Ditto ,9,paratyp;e3. M. Iongipe slongipe (sMoore) ,9, lectotype ,Chekiang; 4. Ditto,labels; 5.Ditto ,9, paralectotype, Shanghai; 6. Ditto l,abels. 1?, Tanushimaru-cho, Ukiha-gun, Fukuoka-ken, 27. VII.1966, N. Gyotoku legit ,c,ollec- tion of Dr. H. Inoue ; 2 c{fi ,same localit ays holotype ,25. II.1990, reared from larvae in gall of Actinostemma lobatum ; 15 cl 6 \, same locality as holotype, 29-30. VIII. 1991, Y. Arita,M. Okimoto & H,Yoshitomi legit, Distribution Japan(Honshu Kyushu). : and NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan A New Subspecie s o f t t4i tcr os cele si a longipe sfrom Japan 223 F・ 'N">....---'-""'" i '"・i-g'/,t-1.1.:1-1--=--'11'・---.... svht"'tMaVltT"-s"ttt: ''":fit".''- -=-L'J}'2i' l=r 't .'g.."i,-i'tt J-C)l.E)ix.-l>tJII-- ci℃.1. .LtiLsss.-z=... J-..-J=..s-....Lt, Figs.7-8 ,Mkecroscete slioangr ' Peyasmatoensis Arita, subsp. nov., male and fema!e genitalia ,paratypes. 7.Male genitalia ,genitalia slide no.NSMT 1973; 8. Female genitalia ,genital i a sl id e n o, NS M T 1974 (Scal eline-ID mm). Host-plan t: Actinostemma lvbatum (Maximowicz )Maximowicz (Cucurbitaceae). References Dalla Torre ,K, W, von and E. Strand, 1925 . Aegeriidae. In Strand,E.,LopidoPtero xCuamtalagu spars 31, 202 pp. W. Junk, Berlin, Gaede,M,, 1933. Farnily :Aegeriida e..in Seitz ,A., ildkecrolopid. "'orld 10: 775-802, pls .94-95. Gy6toku, N., 1964. IJkiha-gu nsan Aeger i i d a eS u k as h ib a g a- k a ni tsuite [Aegerii fdraoem Ukiha-gun]. Korasana 4: 1-6, Hampson, G, F., 1919. A classification of the Aegeriada eof the Orienta land Ethiopian Regions. IVbvit. 2ool. 26: 46-ll9. Heppner, J. B. and W.D.Duckworth, 19 Sl . Classificatio nof the $uperfamily Sesioidea (Lepidoptera: Ditrysia) .Smithson. Contr, Zlr)o g3.1 4: 1-144. Moore, F., 1877. New species of Heterocerou sLepidopter aoi the tribe Bombyces, collected by Mr. W.B. Pryer chiefly in distri cotf Shanghai . A m t . itfag. nat. Hist. (4 )20: 83-94. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 224 Yutaka ARITA   摘 要 eeMacroscelesialongipes 一 日本     の 新亜種 (有田 豊) 日本に後脚の非常に長い 奇妙なモ モ ブトス カシ バ (Figs.1−2)が居るこ とは以前か ら知 られてい た.ま た,こ の種が蔓植物で あるウ リ科の ゴ キズ ル Actinostemma lobatumの葉や果実に産卵するこ とも知ら れて いた (行徳,1964:2).この種は調査の結果,中国の 上海か ら記載された Macroscelesi alongipes (Moore, 1877)(Figs.3−6)である こ とがわかっ た.しか し後脚の tibial tuftの 色彩がよ り茶色い こ とで 原名亜種と異なるこ とが明か となっ た.そこで 日本の個体群を新亜種 として記載した.和名はア シ ナ ガ モ モ ブ トス カシ バ (新称)としたい.  食草の ゴキズル は池の 周辺や河川に沿 っ た所に生える植物なの で アシ ナ ガモ モ ブ トス カシ バ もその ような環境で 見い だ される. (Accepted June 4,1992) Published by the Lep量dopterological SQciet yof Japan c/oOgata  Hospital2−17 Imabashi 3−chome , Chuo−ku, Osaka 541 Japan , , , , 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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