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A New Subspecies of Macrodorcas okinawanus (coleoptera,Lucanidae) from the Ryukyu Islands PDF

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by  HoriS
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Preview A New Subspecies of Macrodorcas okinawanus (coleoptera,Lucanidae) from the Ryukyu Islands

Elyt1・a, Tokyo,19(1):75-76, May15, l991 ANewSubspeciesofMacrodorcasokinawanus(Coleoptera, Lucanidae) fromtheRyukyu Islands ShigehisaHoRI Kitanosawa2-20-18, Minami-ku,SapporoCity,005Japan Abstract A new subspecies of Mad・odot(・as okinawa,1us NoMuRA is described andillustratedfromthesouthernRyukyuIslands,SouthwestJapan. Macrodorcasok1llaH.,a,1usNoMuRA, l964,wasoriginallydescribedfromOkinawa- hontoasasubspeciesof M rectus(MoTscHuLsKY, 1857). Later, it wasconsidered by KUROSAWA (1976) to bea fullspecies, which was split up into twosubspecies, M.1'ecfMso mail,a'n'sandM.'.amam!a?'t'sNoMURA, 1964. Sincethen,M.o. oral FuJITAet IcHIKAwA,1985,has beendescribed from Tokunoshima Is. It is therefore regardedasanendemicspeciestotheAmami-0kinawagroupofthecentralRyukyus. In thesummer of1982, the author found another formof M.okina、l,amis in the Yaeyamagroup of thesouthern Ryukyus. Despite intensiveandrepeatedsurveys, onlyasingleindividual hasbeen knownso far. It will bedescribed in the following lines. Beforegoing further, theauthor wishestoexpresshissinceregratitudetoPro- fessor Seiji AzuMA of the University of the Ryukyus, Messrs. Kano SuGIMoTo, Koji AzuMA, Tokuzo OMoTo, KazuoMINAToand HirokiSATo for their kindaid in thisstudy,andalsotoMr.FumikiBANDoforpreparingtheexcellentdrawinginserted inthispaper. Maclodo,casokinawanusyaeyamaensissubsp nov. (Fig. l) This new subspecies is different from the nominotypica1one in the following points: l) body above reddishbrown (almost blackishinthenominotypical form); 2) coarsepuncturesonelytralessshiny;3) bodyshorter andbroader;4)mandibles shorterandbroader inmale;5)pronotumaswideaselytra(wider thanelytrainthe nominotypica1form); 6) pronota1sideswith lateral angulationroundedandsituated at basal third. Length. Male, 28.2mm (incl mandibles), 24.7mm (excl mandibles). Width. Male,10.0mm. Locality.Japan(lriomote-jimals). T)pcspecime/1. Holotype , Urauchi River, lriomote-jima ls., OkinawaProf., l6-VIl-1982,S.HoRlleg. TheholotypeisdepositedintheUniversityoftheRyukyus 76 ShigehisaHoR1 Fig. 1. MacrodorcasokinawallusyaeyamaensisHoRl,subspnov.;?,fromIriomote-jimaofthe Yaeyama[standsinOkinawaPrefecture. Museum. Until now only oneindividual has beencaught at theupstream of the River Urauchiat thewesternsideof Iriomote-jimaIsland. It wasaccidentally foundflying at night. 要 約 堀 繁久: 、冲 県八重山諸島産リュウキュウコクフガタの1新,Ill種. - 、冲 県の八重山諸島にあ る西表島で得られたリュウキュウコクノ' ガタ MacrodorcasokinawanusNoMuRA を,調べた結果, い ままで知られていない形質をもっていることが判明したので, これを新?E極 yaeyamaensis subsp nov. として記載した. このfiEl種は, 奄美イi幅-および沖系l?イ、f島に分布する M.okinawanussubsPP.に イ,1.ているが, 体色や点刻, 大、や前1111株板wの形態などの差異に1っ:て区別できる References FuJITAH.,& T.1cHIKAwA, l985. A revisionalsynopsisofthefamily Lucanidae(Coleoptera) from the Nanseiand lzulslands. Gekkan-Mush1,Tokyo, (l70):4-13. KUROSAWA,Y.,1976. FamilyLucanidae. Check-listCo/copt.Japan,(1):6-7. NoMuRA,S.,1964. SomenewspeciesoftheColeopterafromLoochoo Is and its adjacent regions, 11. Ent..Rev.Japan, Osaka,17:47-57.

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