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A new species, Pretestis laticaecum (Trematoda: Cladorchiidae), from Emydura krefftii Gray, 1871 (Pleurodira: Chelidae) from Central Queensland, Australia PDF

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Preview A new species, Pretestis laticaecum (Trematoda: Cladorchiidae), from Emydura krefftii Gray, 1871 (Pleurodira: Chelidae) from Central Queensland, Australia

A rrumHvfumvFfiii RpmtSmii} vJ'S Ant) I2W1), \is<2). |3ii iJn A NEW SPECIES, PHirriiSTIS LATICAFXVSL (TKEMATOI)A; t LADORl.'HIIDAEh I ROM EMYIH H\ KHI I I III CRAY, 1S71 (PLEURODIRA: CHELIDAE) FROM CEYI RAL QUEENSLAND. Al'STRALI by M. A. N ut.nsov L. |i, Smai is & I II < R»hkv Summary Hkoisov M A.. Smaiiv I K. A. Ouim. I- II, (J(Hllj A new specie* PttfWlU itifimanut iTremalnila: rhta,iit(s!.iMTkh.tiWil.iK),vIr,\ufm/v/,hn1v2h5i1r?.)t,kIi?e?l.ili1i37t.rWavN,ovl,pS7mlb<vIr*k,-Li2niUi0j1u.-i: Clieliilaei limn Cunlial QuceilslaiUl. Ailslmlia. f'ait;\ii\ luiinufitm is described from ilie small intestine ofIhc EcfssllWtU'ttt uirlle Ijnvtlnni hnffiti. The new .|Hrirst;an heilixijnyiiisheil fnun ilsatnr^eiier #itu\tn>liunn\ by the [blltittiltfitliMfticiei'fi significantly Miialk-r •)\aiv. main lymph vcwsels reach unlerior 10 pcjitlefiw testis, genual atrium in intd oesophageal region, small vfiuliinL- IoIIilIl--, t;lunt|iL*tt itnuiitd i\\t ovaty and Mtiniticnntly larger caeca overlapping. The- position of il>i*= species iiUtl related genera, in fish, Ihc 11IV cvclc »>l I* wt\tntlt<i>iH\ .mil the prctofiei; u-l H htliio>rmtt in moles -iiv:11esl Ihrtl it fc it rcliiuNcly rcecnl host captiin. kr, WtiMU*: ytnvilunt kreffni. lieshuatci nnil\ urmaiouV- amnhUtcinla Intrwluction lL)l)S| and is common in larger rivers, vvaietholes. billabonys anil asxteialcd llootlplaiiis ((r0ggCI Only II .speues pramphistomc nematodes hase 1942)- .luveuile Ijnvihtnt species are mainly been reported from Australia; LTjjhl ol these art carnivorous bill increase the proportions of othei endemic (Soy lL)nh_ of the endemic species lood types as (hey mature iGeorges IVS2) and \1dcn>poin'ma jwrtitun Blair. Bevcruh.-c & Speaa. become omnivorous, iipportunistie I'cedcrs which !l)7'-> i/yyotoiylidae Sey I'JNXC and Gt'tiicflironlc adapt u> local avadabiliiy of lood (Caun I9W3, wnllahnolti Prudhoe. Il>7ft iParamphistomidae \h\nH£ a survey ol ficshwalci turtles from the Ati'tl\sfchroachdictf/,iMlnl>\0| )iHmtifHtiUrtyiwnhtmtatero(pJoodhnisdtomna.rsup1i1a>\ls2,) tbhiot./u:toyofR_iMverhm,catkcrihfmffeinitweiineCet'noturtnall HQ>ueheanrsbloaunrd,a iDipludiscidae Skriahiii- 1040) occurs m previously undcsctibed amphistome species. amphibians. I'tvwuis unstmliwtus Angel tSc Maniet. Kxanunmion showed this to be a new species of 1070. Auunilolh'nnt hri\fhifun\t< khnlil, I9N1, /'rcrrs/Av. which is described below. Itamn'fttvtwt nc<nin>to<li Aii^cl. L%6 (all Materials ami Methods Cladorcluidae Sonllnvcll cl Ktrshncr. IV_?Zl occur in fish and UfhalPilfotVXuttsinthvnsis Rhode. [9H4 and f\ht'\niiYnnt tnhrotfct'tahuldris Rohdc. I-9HJ tbotii Tunics were captured U&iH£ drum nets and hand CladoiKhiidae) 00CUJ in WrtlWi ISlv |49|}r These lines baited wilh o\ heart. Turtles were culhanased Inllcr two species oceur in ihc rrohwalcr lutlle with a cervical injeeiion ol Ncmbuial (sodium I'.lww tlvnrwtt CJray, IS36. pentobarbitone) and all organs examined under a With the exceptionni'Catrltochrfvs tUM'UlpW Item dissecting microscope lor helminths. Tremalodcs Nesv (itiinea ami ihe Norlhein Temi(tr\. all wl'iv lixc«l unllaticnco* in near-boil\np. hauutlin, Auslraliaii frcshwalei (utiles belong to the Oixler stainml woih Ciowcr\ Larmine and mounied in Pleurodiia, cliaraeterisetl by Itori/onlal llcxton ol ihe Canada baKani. Hrawines weie made with the .ml "I neck vertebrae during heud retraction, himilx a dtawine lube. All measurements arc in Chcltdae. a jironp lhal lias no fossil recordoutside its tnteiometiVs given as the range followed b\ ihe prosenl distribution, Auslralin and South America mean in parentheses. tlirnsi & BiirWoill1 IQS9).i EttiydtJW kripfftii is All work Tor ihis projeci was carried out tindci tlisinbulcd across most ofeastern Queenslatid ((.'ami t'entral Queensland Universily Animal lilhtcs /\ppti»val No- 9?/7-Ul5 ami all collections were made under Queensland Hnvironmcntal pioieetion s.Iimmi ii| Bj^ifi^j^ ii ii..1 1 nviromniitutl Sii^i-v-.tvntiai At-ency permits N()AH)lb6:^7/SAA and (.Jti^Lii^l.iiitl t iinvi\ilv KtK'kliitintiiiniQll 1702, Chtt)\)iMI77/WSAA. Specimens have been deposited IIK-pM.li.cIi'nIt"rt•i«il,,..m,IkT>I'Vl,lSvM,|i|!<'>7ilIClh|"H\.flItUi.niUvIetMiyi>t ^uvcnslutKlSi I ttn. in die South Australian Museum.Adelaide (S'\MA> Qkl '07: and the Queensland Museum. Brisbane (QMH). -•'I M \ i RRCti SON. I . R, SMAlJAM. II C'KIBH Prvlestis laticaectim sp. imv Ut vential sucker. Pharynx 5N-04 (72l \ oO-IOI W) ( | (I ics ksi Willi extramural pharyneeal sacs47 101 iuOi s o".' ''1 (74) Oesophagus lone. 107-1-17 fcl24)) wiih H i(tii<n\pv tVtim tho lowersmall intestine tif l.mvihuu oesophaeeal hnlh Caeca short 134 201 (171) v krvfjtfi Gray. Fil/roy River, Queensland (23 32' S. 40 <37l,^odtltj midl>odv, Ifsfe- two. 34-*U tool v ISO JJ' ' I-), toll VI hcrguson. 17/Jx/|990 34-SO (>(>), anlenoi Leslis precaeeal. suhnndhne posteriortestis intraeaeeal. midline. < >vaiy small. 13- 40 (251. posterior lo testis. Caudal everciory luhc /".//.(M/v\- II specimens SAMA All('2*364. Larye lymph vessel rtpcjrfllg ihion^h y-s|iaped poir in papilla of venlral suekci. Venlral sucker tit ft rtfUin/i ffl tulnlt veniroierminal. Oeninil pore at anterior margin ol <MeuM.i!YinL<.!> of SO specimens. lype.O. liody anietior testis. Two eyespots pieseni. 34-87 f57) cylindrical, 8^J-t!fl5 I'Mh loDgi nHiik! in ettes s.ciion. IH7-JM fZ5T) ;il widest poinl. I'haiynx KJ2-I32 (I III) long \ n(i-X2 f75> witle. cup-shaped /./w/'o/oe', anti sLiuiii:lv museulariscd, with anterior sphinctci The spet [CS OOniC lelei's to the efiaiaeten-,tii. wide i Ul GjC .•Miaii.nial pharyngeal $*« - 59-09 (.XI I k»flg caeca. \ fti S2(07> wide, Oesophagus 14* 270*213')King wilh oesophageal bulb 33 42 P3fi) lung s 46-00 Kemurks <5h wide, Ciuura rtttM. 231 44ft (.302) k Ml-117 (9i) wide, oreiipying middle thiol of body, with /'/v7(,n/m lalimtiuni sp. mn,, with two testes, the thin muscular walls and a thick layer t»fglandulat anteriorexlracaeeal. a post-lesticulaovary, cirrus sac tissue. Venn*aI sucker vcntrotciininilI. 154 247 iind primary pharyngeal sacs, is elearly a memhei nl il')7i lone x 20I-26X tlJD) wide, well the lamily Cladoiehiidac. Suhlamilv Saudoniinae mtiscutarised. Lymph glands large, opening likoli. 1*372, Ol' the four genera loniposiiiM i|K- lluough y shaped pore in cup ol venlral suckci, Saudoniinae, /J. ttilittU'Lintt lall-s within the main paired lymph vessels extending to just pasi nionospeeille geilUS Pretehtfa Aneel Oc Mantel l*)/0. pomerioi testis. Iiveiciory bluddci y-shaped, as it has a cylindrical hody shape, ventral -aickei excretory pote doisal. posterior, exiling inst smaller than the hodv witllh with an o\al a|vjiiuiv anterior to margin irf at-etahtilum, Testes two. and caeca llial terminate mulhody. Q\ Ihe other Ihrec oblique, round l** slightly ovid, Anterior leslis 69- genera ol the Saudoniinae. die newf species can he 105 |S4) diameter, precaeeal. snhmidline. I'osterioi exeluded from BaxidicttlftCBa lasehthal Ut Kunt/. leslis 75-145 IIOol diameter, intraeaeeal. midline. 1959, heeause the aeeiiilntlum is smaller than the dOiviavrelylymipdolsiineeii,otovlaol,po3s0terJif)or(3.txes|tihsn,vjl,.aumrmcru'aseccaanla.l chaondyhewiedxtchluadmeidwOitohmoutSapuadpoinliluoloMicmdeplilojaenecthiou[vV»5|7| opening on dorsal surface: posterior lo ovary because the eaceal termination ami o\ar\ are Vitelline follicles intraeaeeal. eueudiug from juM midhtxly. and tlo tlHt reach lo die level ol the behind posterior leslis \i\ just pasl termination ot acetabulum.Austnilonrtwt Khalil. I0SI. h.is ijiitCat ....... I Herns intraeaeeal, No eggs present, Cinus- testis and an acetabulum with a transverse opening sac wilh vesicula scminalo- iiileina. Cirrus spmed. and strong splunctei. chiiraciers iihseni from P. C.onoporc midline. (7l-2o4(22l) |"nnn anterior, ill ftiintiU'lltit, margin oi anterior testis, just posterior to The new species can be disdneuished loan /! diverticula, Distinct eyespots in mid-ocsophageal ttuMiitlittims in flHV'iny II sinaller ttsaiy ^o- J9 pin /one compared to 530-S-10 fitn loiti!. The main lymph vessels in /' ut^nitftftiuis reach only to the level ol ht'.Si rt/tuon o/ nulla the o\aiv, whereas the main lympl) Vessels in P. Body cylindrical, 850-452 (H95) long \ j7(KKl& htlk'iiVCUHt reach a point in front of Ihe posterior t221 i wide. LaiLie oral opening with muscular leslis (l;iii. I ). Thejierhlal ulrium in /* uustmihttw is pharyn\ 142 165 (T4V) long x 112-132 (12-1) wide, mid oesophageal (Angel <X: Mantei |\>70). whereas without extramural sacs Sae like intestine 2KX 40o in die new speciesit sitson the anteriormargin ol the iUf>) lone v I "U-26K ilM)) w ide I p I.. .-. anterior testis ll;ie. 2). The caeca ofnil specimens of developing cerearuic in hody o) redia. /' (uiitijci uiu are very wide and. in many specimens overlapcentrally, whereas in f (tUMr&luVW& thCY aiv f>i\<rf'i>tion ojii'ivitrid slendei and disliuell) separate, linally, the vitelline liudv oval lo elongate 6?0*710 (662) v ?<>S -o follicles of Ihe new^species are not "considerably <25'J|. heavily pigmented. Tail Miriplc. shorter than huge" (Sev Wl] the lollictes jie ctumprd lU)Lh 677-7ID<6**31 \ 1M-I27 111X9). altiiehed dorsal aroiimJ the ovarv, whereas in P. ttUMTiilwnus ihev arc A NEW SPECIES OH PRIJESTISFROM AUSTRALIAN THRTI.RS 125 in two distinct fields which align with the caeca and are not confluent posteriorly. A single papilla can he seen in the hase ofthe ventral sucker (Fig. 3), Figs \-3. Prclcsiis IdiiciiccHin sp*. nov. 1. Adull. ventral view. 2. Cirrus sac. lateral view. 3. Ventral sucker papilla, lateral view. m M. A. FERGUSON. L. R. ShCAL&S & T. H. CRIRB Angel & Manter (1970) mention 'Vercarial Baudiodkcits eviorchis Fischthal & Rum/. 059 are 1 eyespots" in their specimens, and anlerior from North Africa (Egypt, Ghana, Nigerand Sudan). pigmentation in this area, presumably as a result of P. uii\lral't(um\ and /\. brishaiwitse are from disrupted cyespois. The specimens we examined had Australia. This modern disjunct distribution suggests large amounts erf sperm siored in the vcsieula Gondwunan origins for the group (Sey 1991 ). As all scminalis iniernaand a single egg has beenrecorded, othei representatives of the Sandoniinac occur in All of the specimens we examined had cyespois and fish. /Vc'/t'.v/M Utiicut'cum may be an example of we therefore consider them to be a feature ofadults. recent host capture. The fish hosts for P. uinlniliumts commonly occur Discussion in coastal rivers and estuaries in Queensland (Grant I982). Angel & Manter (I970) observed the The subfamily Sandoniinac comprises three metacercariae n\' P. (Utstraliawts encysting on monotypic genera plus Prclcstis, all species with the filamentousalgae. Probably the fish become infected exception of P. faiicaevttm, occurring in fish (Sey when they eat such algae and presumably tunics 1991 i. Sandonia siukmens'ts McClelland, 1057 and become infected the same way. J \ /«K Klgs 4-5. h*rt'ii'\li\ iulicacauri sp. nov, 4. Rcdiu. ventral view. 5. C'ercariu. ventral and lateral view, t: anteriortestis Senli hars= I.J-5 200 mm; 2.50 mm. — — A NRW SPECIES OFPfiMESnS FROM AUSTRALIAN TURTLES 127 The rediae (Fig. 4) and cereariae (Fiii. 5) were the northern pari Of Em. morqimrii's range (Cann recovered from the snail host Thiaru haloin'misis, 1998), and the two species have similar dietary Conrad. The eercariae especially have many of the habits. No amphislomcs howeverhave been found in features of the adult, including the distinctive Em. nuuyitarii . pharyngeal sacs, eycspols. alignment o\' the testes. All other amphistomes known from turtles, also small ovary, short caeca and papilla in the ventral cladorchids, arc included in the subfamilies sucker. Nematophilinae, Schi/.amphislominae and Caball- fimyiiitra krefftii has a sympatric distribution wilh erodiscinae. The previously known Australian Em. maajHitrii (nay. 1830 in southern Queensland. representatives. L. austraEwnsis and E, mirro- —— — a<-(((shul(iiis\ are placed within the latter two r'.JAuuls:traSli'iia:.,(1r9^rr7r-6^1ftwS-rilckuI*il'stuonn**irciPifkeiDMd,VsHi.(mis'-l.ayiuonirihvieorlsai)tyIrmunf sGuobnfdamwialnieasn, da„insitlr.i.abruetriotnho(.th_mrJhsreyutotivrmepar)esaenndt pbaortalhlela UnLVHsiaiuiHui|Hihi. evolution (Lohatodisciis) (Sey L9*?1 ). References ANtilK M. A. & Manilk, It. W. ( I°7()> Pivleslis Gioroi s, A. ( 19K2) DietoftheAustralian freshwater turtle ausint/iaiiiis gen., el sp. nov. (Digenea: Param Emydtirukrefftii{Chelonia:Chelidae)inanunproduetive phislomidac) From Australian fish, and a closely related lenlie environment. Cppe'm 2. 331-336, ceicaria, Cercaria iwemivthpapillosa sp. nov., with Orant, K. (158J) "Guide Ui Fishes" (Deparlmcnl oi noteson the hiehistory.An. Ins!. Hwl. Univ. NacAiilnn. Harbours and Marine Brisbane) CCtaXnM(AJnvuBOxs.eHl.aKru,4am.1l1o..uInIf.t1(1(1GP0R9.u.e9beKld(,i1sB9ho9i"o2nAk)ugss.tS"riCRanhel^paiptatoi*sl!rweeos)o.dFa)rn.edshwAamtpehribiTaurntsleso"f _R"a<'I"wIi'0"ut|I;",u-"bm"nh,_kle<<-Gimmms(s.lm^nf".4wgn.^).g.n..s_TpEwnU.oosrrpuo.s^munaopntLhhdie'6s.Aihu2ots1mst9ere-asv2l.a2in7atn.L_roleubw.raullu„entkh,ml,u.e-snen,vs-a i-KNSl, C. II. & Bauhoijk. R. W. (19X0) "Turtles of the Sky, O. (1991) "Handbook oi the Zoology of World" (Smithsonian Institute Press. London). Amphislomes" (CRC Press, Boea Raton).

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