PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 106(4), 2004, pp. 779-783 A NEW SPECIES OF XESTOPHANES FORSTER (HYMENOPTERA: CYNIPIDAE) FROM AZERBAIJAN Zhiwei Liu Center of Insect Systematics, University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ, and Department of & Research Conservation, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, 2021 N. Kinney Road, Tuc- AZ son, 85743, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. A new species of cynipid gall wasp, Xestophanes caspiana, is described from the Caspian Azerbaijan in western Asia. It differs from the two previously known species of the genus in having 12 antennal flagellomeres. The discovery of the new species indicates a much broader distribution for Xestophanes, which was previously known only from western Europe. Key Words: new species, gall wasps, Xestophanes, Cynipidae, Aylacini, western Asia The genus Xestophanes Forster, 1869 is they together with Diastrophus form a of special interest to studies on the evolu- monophyletic clade deeply nested within tion of cynipid gall wasps. The genus and the Cynipidae phylogenetic tree (Ronquist Diastrophus Hartig (the genus Gonaspis 1994, Liljeblad and Ronquist 1998). Ashmead has recently been synonymized Xestophanes comprises two known spe- with Diastrophus (Schick et al. 2003)) con- cies, X. bravitarsis (Thomson) and X. po- stitute a morphologically unique group tentillae (Retzius), and was previously within the cynipid tribe Aylacini. They dif- known only from western Europe (Nieves- fer from all other aylacine members in hav- Aldrey 2001). Here I describe a new spe- ing 1) claws with a distinct basal lobe or cies from Chatshmas, Azerbaijan, in west- tooth and 2) mesopleuron, mesoscutum, ern Asia. and vertex smooth and shining. Biological- Methods and Materials ly, these two genera also differ from other The type specimen was loaned from the aylacines in that they induce galls on host Cynipidae collection at the American Mu- plants belonging to the family Rosaceae seum of Natural History, New York, NY (the two known Xestophanes species are as- (AMNH). SEM images were taken from sociated with the plant genus Potentilla, uncoated specimen with a Hitachi S4700 and species of Diastrophus make galls on Field Emission Scanning Electron Micro- Rubus and Potentilla (Nieves-Aldrey scope (FE-SEM) at AMNH. Structural ter- 1994)), in contrast to the other aylacine minology follows Ronquist and Nordlander genera making galls on host plants of more (1989) and Ronquist (1995), and sculptural advanced plant families, such as Apiaceae, terminology follows Harris (1979). Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Papaveraceae, Ru- biaceae, and Valerianaceae (Ronquist and Xestophanes caspiana Liu, new species Liljeblad 2001). According to recent phy- (Figs. 1-7) — logenetic studies, Xestophanes and the in- Description. Female: Body length, quiline tribe Synergini are sister groups and measured from anterior margin of head to 780 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 1-7. Xestophanes caspiaiia, female. 1, Head, anterior view. 2, Head, dorsal view. 3. Antenna. 4, Mesonotum. 5, Metatibia. 6. Head and mesosoma, lateral view. 7, Metasoma. VOLUME NUMBER 106, 4 781 posterior margin of eighth metasomal ter- mostly glabrous, shining, and without hair gum: 2.3 mm. Length of forewing: 2.0 mm. (Fig. 6). Head and mesosoma brown, legs and me- Mesosoma (Fig. 4. 6): Scutum glabrous tasoma bright brown. and shining. Median mesoscutal impression Head: Anterior view (Fig. 1). Lower barely present, only weakly impressed pos- face glabrous and not keeled medially; fa- teriorly. Notauli present only in posterior cial strigae present laterally, radiating from one third, nanow, shallow, and strongly di- clypeus and reaching to compound eyes and vergent anteriorly. Scutellar foveae shallow lower margin of antennal sockets. Head in and closed posteriorly. Dorsal surface of anterior view broader than high; lateral scutellum rugulose. Posterior margin of margin of gena smoothly rounded, height of scutellum smoothly rounded. Mesopectus malar space about half height of compound (mesopleuron including subpleuron and eye. Clypeus trapezoid. Ventral margin of sternum) (Fig. 6). Mesopleuron mostly gla- clypeus broadly rounded, slightly project- brous and shining, except with sparse pu- ing from cranial margin. Anterior tentorial bescence in ventral longitudinal impression. pits small and distinct. Epistomal sulcus Middle part of mesopleuron without hori- and clypeo-pleurostomal lines weak and zontal impression or carinae. Mesopleural triangle distinctly impressed, ventral margin barely detectable. Antennal sockets situated slightly above middle of compound eye; clearly marked. Metanotum: Metapectal-propodeal com- distance between antennal rim and com- pound eye twice as broad as distance be- plex (Fig. 6). Metapleural sulcus meeting anterior margin of metapectal-propodeal tween inner rims of antennal socket. Gena complex at about three-quarters height of not expanded behind eyes (Fig. 1-2, 4). Dorsal view (Fig. 2). Upper face (see also latter. Metepimeron subrectangular, rela- tively large. Lateral propodeal carinae sub- Fig. I) and vertex glabrous; median frontal parallel, narrow, not flattened above, slight- carina and lateral frontal carinae absent. ly higher anteriorly. Nucha short, 2.7 times Ocellar plate not raised. Occiput (see Fig. as broad as long, longitudinally carinate, 4) transversely wrinkled. Antenna (Fig. 3) posterior margin slightly incised medially. with flagellum with 12 connate articles. Legs: Procoxa with a weak, but distinct Length of first flagellomere (F1)1.1 times anterolateral crest. Metacoxa elongate. Lon- length of second (F2). F3 2.2 times as long gitudinal carina absent on posterior surface as broad. Ultimate flagellomere 1 .6 times as of metatibia. Claws with a distinct basal long as penultimate. Elongate placodeal lobe. sensilla present on all flagellomeres except Forewing: Clear. Marginal cell open in Fl. distal two thirds along anterior margin. M Pronotum (Figs. 2, 4, 6): Medially long Rs+ arising from middle of basal vein. (high), ratio of median distance between an- Bulla in Rl+Sc distinctly present. Areolet terior and posterior margins to lateral dis- triangular and small. Hair fringe along api- tance between these margins 0.45 (Fig. 6). cal margin short. Lateral pronotal carinae more or less dis- Metasoma (Fig. 7): Petiolar tergum shin- tinct, meeting posteroventral pronotal mar- ing smooth and reduced to a small lobular gin. Submedian pronotal depressions oval, structure above petiolar articulate. Postpe- small and shallow, open laterally, connected tiolar metasoma laterally compressed, in by a shallow groove medially (Fig. 1 ). Pos- lateral view as high as long, lenticular. Me- terior pronotal plate distinctly marked by tasomal terga 3-4 fused to form a large depressed pronotal surface behind (Fig. 6). syntergum covering almost qntire metaso- Dorsal pronotal area slightly visible later- ma; fusion between tergum 3 and 4 vaguely ally (Fig. 4). Lateral surface of pronotum detectable across middle of syntergum. Ter- 782 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON gite 5-8 mostly covered by syntergum, be- logeny-informative, they are of limited ing exposed only posteroventral to synter- practical use in distinguishing Xestophanes gum. Syntergum with a few hairs close to from Synergini. It is difficult to create a tax- base in the middle, otherwise nude. Ex- onomical key to separate Xestophanes from posed part of terga 7-8 distinctly and all synergine genera. In practice, it is easier densely micropunctate. Eighth tergum also to separate Xestophanes and Synophromor- with a dorsal row of fine hairs. Ventral pha from other synergine genera than sep- spine of hypopygium not projecting, united arating Xestophanes from all synergine gen- almost to apex with lateral flaps. Hypopy- era including Synophromorpha: both genera gium ventrally with sparse pubescence to- have a smooth and shining vertex, prono- ward apex. tum, mesoscutum and mesopleuron (those Male: Unknown. of all other synergine genera are either — Type material. Holotype 9, Chatshmas, sculptured or coriarious). Xestophanes can Transac, Azerbaijan, 1935-V-28, collected be separated from Synophromorpha by the by Lubischew (AMNH). The specimen was number of antennal flagellomeres: Xesto- remounted on a retangular cardboard stage; phanes species have either II or 12 flagel- metasoma and the old small triangular stage lomeres, whereas all known Synophromor- with leg parts in glue are mounted sepa- pha species have only 10 flagellomeres. rately on the new stage. Host association data certainly will assist — Diagnosis. The new species can be eas- the separation Xestophanes from Synophro- ily separated from the two known species morpha, which are inquilines exploiting by the number of antennal flagellomeres: X. galls induced by Diastrophus species on caspiana has 12 flagellomeres whereas both Rubus host plants. X. potentillae and X. bravitarsis have only 1 1 flagellomeres. In addition, the new spe- Acknowledgments cies has the notauli strongly divergent an- The research was funded by the Center teriorly and the syntergum covering the en- for Insect Science through NIH Training tire post-petiolar metasoma (thus no other Grant #1 K12 Gm00708. SEM images were tergum than—syntergum is seen from above). taken at the AMNH while the author held Biology. Unknown. The two known a Kalbfleisch postdoctoral fellowship there. species of Xestophanes induce galls on Po- tentilla. It is likely that the new species is Literature Cited also associated with Potentilla. — Distribution. Chatshmas, Azerbaijan. Forster, A. 1869. Ueber die Gallwespen. Verhandlun- gen der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Zoologisch-Bo- Taxonomical Notes tanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 19: 332. A Harris. R. A. 1979. glossary of surface sculpturing. Although Xestophanes can be easily dis- Occasional Papers of Laboratory Services/Ento- tinguished from Diastrophus by a number mology 28: 1-31. of features, including 1) weak tooth on tar- Liljeblad, J. and F. Ronquist. 1998. A phylogenetic sal claws, 2) subcosta and radius reaching analysis of higher-level gall wasp relationships to anterior margin of wing and radial cell (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). Systematic Entomol- ogy 23: 29-252. sometimes partly closed, and 3) abdominal Nieves-Aldrey, J. L. 1994. Revision of West-European terga 3 and 4 fused, it can be difficult to genera of the tribe Aylacini Ashmead (Hymenop- separate it from the Synergini. particularly tera, Cynipidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Re- from Synophromorpha Ashmead, which search 3: 175-206. — live in Diastrophus galls on Rubus (Rosa- . 2001. Hymenoptera Cynipidae. //; Ramos, M. ceae). Liljeblad and Ronquist (1998) found A., J. Alba Tercedor, X. Belle's i Ros, J. Gosa'lbes Noguera, A. Guerra Sierra, E. Macpherson May- 13 synapomorphic characters for the Sy- oil, E MartLn Piera, J. Serrano Marino, and J. nergini. Although these characters are phy- Templado Gonza'les, eds. Fauna Iberica, Madrid: VOLUME NUMBER 106, 4 783 Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. CSIC, gall wasp-host plant association. Evolution Vol. 16, 636 pp., 148 figs. 55(12): 2503-2522. Ronquist, E 1994. Evolution of parasitism among Ronquist, E and G. Nordlander. 1989. Skeletal mor- closely related species: Phylogenetic relationships phology of an archaic cynipoid, Ibalia rufipes and the origin of inquilinism in gall wasps (Hy- (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae). Entomologica Scandi- menoptera, Cynipidae). 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