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A new species of Uscana Girault (Trichogrammatidae: Hymenoptera) from the eggs of field bruchids PDF

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Preview A new species of Uscana Girault (Trichogrammatidae: Hymenoptera) from the eggs of field bruchids

, Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 101 (2), May-Aug 2004 285-287 A NEW SPECIES OF USCANA GIRAULT (TRICHOGRAMMATIDAE: HYMENOPTERA) FROM THE EGGS OF FIELD BRUCHIDS 1 H.R. Pajni2andP.K.Tewari2'3 'Accepted April 2001 -’Department of Zoology, Panjab University, Chandigarh 160 014, Punjab, India, -’Email: [email protected] Anewparasitoid UscanabruchidiusiontheeggsoffourspeciesofBruchidius namelyB pvgomaculatus B saundersi , , B aureus B multilineolatus all attackingAlbizzialebbek in thefield, hasbeen described. A keytothe known Indian , , speciesofgenus Uscana isalsogiven. Key words: Uscana bruchidiusi sp nov., Bruchidiuspygomaculatus, B saundersi B. aureus, B multilineolatus, , Albizzialebbek INTRODUCTION KeytothespeciesofGenus Uscana UscanaGiraultisasmallgenusofTrichogrammatidae 1. Malewith hind femoranormal 2 — (Girault 1911; Dout and Viggiani 1968) and includes about Malewith hind femoraswollen femoralisPajni &Sood. 20 species, which are mostly associated with the eggs of 2. Female antennal club with placoid sensilla formula 2:1 0:1 differentbmchtdbeetles(Mant 1935; Viggiani 1979;Fursov mukerjii Mam) ( 1987;Hutsetal. 1991;PajniandSood 1999).Onlytwospecies 3. Female antennal club with placoid sensilla formula 2:1:2:2 have so far been recorded from India i.e. Uscana mukerjii bruchidiusisp. nov (Mant) from the eggs of stored product pest bmchtds and Uscana femoralis Pajni and Sood from the eggs of Uscanabruchidiusisp. nov(Figs 1-7) Conicobruchus albopubens (Pic.) attacking Cyamopsis psoraloides DC. A third species has been found attacking the Description eggs of four species of genus Bruchidius, namely Female: Bodyshort,flat, length0.30to0.42mm. Head B pvgomaculatusArora,B. saundersi(Jek.),B aureusArora, and thorax pale yellow, abdomen slightly darker than other andB multilineolatusArora,allofwhichattackthegreenseeds body parts; legs pale, becoming lighter at apices; eyes and ofAlbizzialebbekBenth.Incidentally,onlytheabovementioned ocellicrimsonred, headalmostaslongaswideinfrontview, threespecieshavebeenrecordedfromtheOrientalregion,with notwiderthanthorax. Mandiblesquadndentate. Pedicel 1.45 the remaining 17 known species having been recorded from timesas longaswide; annuletstwo, normal; antennalsocket Palaearctic and Nearctic regions. The present species, though withitsuppermarginatmuchhigherlevelthanlowermargin distinct from all described species, shows resemblance with ofeye; club 3.2 times as long as its greatest width at first Uscana mukerjii, as both fall in the same group of species segment, with placoid sensilla 2:1:2:2, its fourth segment fomuilated on the basis ofarrangement ofplacoid sensilla in pointed apically, with sides ofthe first segment 1.5 times as thecluboftheantenna(Steffan 1954;PajniandSingh 1973). long as second segment; eyes asetose. Mesoscutum 1.56timesaswideaslong,withtwopairs OBSERVATIONS ofshort setae, with finely reticulate sculpture and stripe of long reticulations in middle. Scutellum 2.2 times as wide as The Family Trichogrammatidae can be distinguished long. PostphragmareachingabdominaltergiteIV,almostequal from other families of Superfamily Chalcidoidea by the tolengthofmesonotum; scutumandscutellum 53:50. presence of 3-segnrented tarsus without a stergil on the Forewing twice as long as its greatest width; fringe foretarsusandbroadforewmgwithmarginalandstigmalveins about0.24ofgreatestwidthofwing; costal cell 1.84timesas formingasinglecurve. Genus Uscanacanbeseparatedfrom long as marginal vein and 2.2 times as long as wide, with other genera of Trichogrammatidae by a combination of 3 costal setae, 5 dorsal and3 ventral hairs; discal setulae and characters including antenna with one or two annulets, veinlets obscure. Hindwing about 6.75 times as long as its 4-segmentedantennalclubwithplacoid,fungoidandchaetoid greatestwidth, itsfringe 1.31 timesthegreatestwidthoffree sensilla,straightandthickenedmarginalveinandstigmalvein membrane. with a constricted neck. The distribution ofplacoid sensilla Abdomen 1.69 times as long asthorax; Ovipositornot on the female antennal club separates different species. protruding,almostequalto lengthofmidtibia(47:48). NEW DESCRIPTIONS Fig 1: Uscanabruchidiusisp. nov.; A Male;B.Antennamale;C.Antennafemale;D Forewingfemale; E. Hindwingfemale,F. Mandiblefemale, G.Genitaliamale Male:Length0.30to0.46mm.Pedicel 1.20timesaslong material in Entomology Section, Department of Zoology, as wide; antennal annulets 2; club 2.4 times as long as its PanjabUniversity,Chandigarh;underAccessionNo. 138. greatest width at first segment and 1.6 times as long as Distribution: ShivalikforestareanearChandigarhand segments 1 and2 combined,withsecondandfourthsegments Chandigarh-Mullanpurroad. subequal; distributionofplacoidsensilla0:1:0:1. Biology: The species, in nature, attacks the eggs offour Forewing 2.25 timesas longas itsgreatestwidth, with species of Bruchidius infesting Albizzia lebbek in the wild. fringe one third ofitsgreatest width; discal setulae arranged However,itiscapableofparasitisingtheeggsofCallosobnichus in 17 rows, with 14 ofthem uniform. Hindwing 6.92 times maculatus (Fab.) in the laboratory and is being exploited for longer than its greatest width; fringe 0.65 times the greatest accepting the eggs ofstored product bruchids as its host. width offreemembrane. Malegenitaliawithphallobase2.92 Etymology: The specieshasbeen namedafterits host times as long as wide. Bruchidius four species of which are attacked by the egg , Material: Holotype: Male, from eggs ofBruchidius parasitoid. pygomaculatus, B. saundersi, B. aureus and Discussion: The new species is different from both B multilineolatus attacking seeds ofAlbizzia lebbek Benth U. mukerjii and U.femoralis as its body is entirely pale (Sann)Coll. P.K.Tewari, 16.ix.1999;Chandigarh. Paratypes: yellowish, compared to the black body of U. mukerjii and 6 males, 4 females; collection data same as holotype. Type partly black body of U.femoralis. Taxonomically, the new 286 1 Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 101 (2), May-Aug 2004 NEW DESCRIPTIONS species is close to U. mukerjii as the first segment of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS female club in both the species carries two placoid sensilla. This is according to the classification ofUscana species by The authors thank the University Grants Commission Steffan (1954), extended by Pajni and Singh (1973). for financing a project on parasitoids ofBruchidae and the Furthermore, U.femoralisisdistinctinhavingcharacteristic Chairman, Department ofZoology. Panjab University, for greatlyswollenhindfemorainthemale. researchfacilities. REFERENCES Dout, R.L & G Viggiani (1968): The classification of the Chaetostricha Walker from India with a description ofa new Trichogrammatidae(Hymenoptera:Chalcidoidea).Proc. Calif. species. Rec Indian Mas 37: 337-338. Acad. Sci. 35: 477-586. Pajni, H.R. & S. Sood (1999): A new species of Uscana Girault Fursov, V.N. (1987): New speciesofUscana Girault (Hymenoptera; (Trichogrammatidae Hymenoptera) from the eggs of Trichogrammatidae) fromGruzia and the Ukraine. Ent Obozr Conicobruchus albopubens (Pic). J Bombay Nat Hist. Soc I: 175-183. 96(1): 116-122 Girault, A.A. (1911): Descriptions of nine new genera of the Pajni, H.R. & T. Singh (1973): A note on the taxonomic position of chalcidoidfamilyTrichogrammatidae. Trans. Amer. Ent Soc. Uscana mukerjii (Mam), an egg parasite of store-bruchids 37: 22-25. (Trichogrammatidae: Hymenoptera) Res Bull Punjab Univ Huis,A.Van,N.K. Kaashoek& H.M. Maes(1991): Biologicalcontrol 24: 163-164. ofBruchids,(Coleoptera: Bruchidae) instored pulsesby using Steffan,.1 R (1954):Notesurlegenre UscanaGirault(Hymenoptera: egg parasitoids of the genus Uscana (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)etdescriptiond'especesnouvellesparasites Trichogrammatidae): Areview. Pp.99-108.In: Proceedingsof debruches. BullMas. Hist, nat Paris2eSer 26: 667-673. the 5th International Working Conference on Stored Product Viggiani,G.(1979): RicercheSugli Hymenoptera:Chalcidoidea LXIf Protection(Eds: FleuratLessard,F.&P Ducom).September9- Uscanaspermophagi n sp. (Trichogrammatidae) parassita de 14, 1990, Bordeaux, France. Spermophagus sericeus Geoffr (Col. Bruchidae). Boll Lab Mani. M.S.(1935): FirstrecordoftheTrichogrammatidchalcidgenus Entomol. Agr. “F. Silvestri” 36: 51-54. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 101 (2), May-Aug 2004 287

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