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A new species of Triaspis Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitic on the pepper weevil, Anthonomus Eugenii cano (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) PDF

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Preview A new species of Triaspis Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitic on the pepper weevil, Anthonomus Eugenii cano (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 102(4). 2000, pp. 794-801 A NEW SPECIES OF TRIASPIS HALmAY (HYMENOPTERA: BRACONIDAE) PARASITIC ON THE PEPPER WEEVIL, ANTHONOMUS EUGENII CANO (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE) Robert A. Wharton and Victor Lopez-Martinez (RAW) Department ofEntomology,Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]); (VL-M) Colegio de Postgraduados, IFIT-En- tomologia Km 35.5 carr. Mexico-Texcoco Montecillo, edo. de Mexico C.P. 56230 Mexico — Abstract. A new species ofbraconid wasp, Triaspis eugenii, is described. This species is a parasitoid of the pepper weevil, Anthonomus eugenii, in Nayarit, Mexico. It is being investigated as part of a classical biological control program directed against this pest in Florida. Diagnostic features are provided for separating this species from other species of Triaspis attacking weevil pests. The overall similarity to another pepper weevil parasitoid in the genus Urosigalphus is also noted. Key Words: Braconidae, Helconinae, Brachistini, pepper weevil, parasitoid, biological control, Mexico The genus Triaspis was first described by World is the genus Urosigalphus Ashmead, Haliday (1835), and is currently placed in otherwise distinguished by having the outer the tribe Brachistini of the subfamily Hel- tarsal claw ofthe hind leg much larger than coninae by most workers (Mason 1974, the inner claw. In the New World, various Sharkey 1997). Though confused with 5"/- species of Triaspis have been reared from galphis Latreille for nearly 80 years, the the same weevil hosts as other brachistines true identity of Triaspis was fixed in the in the genera Urosigalphus, Nealiolus Ma- early 1900s and has remained stable ever son, and/or Aliolus Say. since (Martin 1955). Triaspis is character- The most recent revisions or reviews of ized by the presence of a completely fused Triaspis include those of Martin (1955) for carapace and the absence of the r-m cross- North America, Papp (1984) for Australia, vein in the fore wing. In typical Triaspis, Tobias (1986) for the European part of the the carapace retains the two transverse fur- former USSR, Priore and Tremblay (1987) rows: all that remain of the sutures that for Italy, Chou and Hsu (1996) for Taiwan, originally separated the three segments and Belokobylskij (1998) for Eastern Rus- comprising the carapace. Schizoprymnus sia. The neotropical fauna has never been Foerster, sometimes recognized as a sepa- revised and isolated descriptions of only rate genus and sometimes treated as a sub- five species have been published to date A genus of Triaspis, is separated from typical (Shenefelt 1970). Palaearctic species at- Triaspis by the absence of the two trans- tacking the pea weevil, Bruchus pisorum verse furrows, at least dorsally. Most other (L.), has also been introduced to the Neo- brachistines have at least the first two me- tropics (Shenefeh 1970). tasomal segments separated by a flexible In general, members of the genus Trias- suture. The only exception in the New pis are poorly known biologically (Shaw VOLUME 102, NUMBER 4 795 and Huddleston 1991). Nevertheless, a few nm gold, using a Hurrmier 6.2 spu ering species have been reared from weevils, bru- unit with argon as a source gas. chids, and anthribids, and those that are best studied oviposit in the host egg and emerge Results from late instar larvae. The species de- Triaspis eugenii Wharton and scribed here has been reported as the most Lopez-Martinez, new species abundant parasitoid of the pepper weevil, (Figs. 1-17) Anthonomus eugenii Cano, in the Mexican — state of Nayarit, attaining 50% parasitism Holotype female. Top label — "MEX- in some of the samples from commercial ICO: Nayarit Mpio. Santiago Ixcuintla, hot pepper crops there (Mariscal et al. Puerta de Mango, 24.iii.1999 Toapanta & 1998). The species is currently being tested Stansly" Second label = "reared from An- for possible use in the biological control of thonomus eugenii on Serrano pepper the pepper weevil in Florida. Information emerged 7.iv.l999". Deposited in collec- on the host weevil has recently been sum- tion of Universidad Nacional Autonoma de marized by Clark and Burke (1996). Mexico, Mexico City. Paratypes: 9 females, 10 males, same data as holotype. 25 fe- Material and Methods males, 26 males, "MEXICO: Nayarit Bal- adero 2.ii.l997 E. Mariscal"; 3 females, All of the material used for this study "Santiago Ixc. Nay. 23 febrero 1997 E. was collected in Nayarit, Mexico, and was Mariscal Chile Serrano 1 1 msnm Hosp. An- reared from peppers containing the pest thonomus eugenii". Paratypes deposited in weevilA. eugenii. The majority ofthe spec- the entomological collections ofthe follow- imens were collected by Eugenio Mariscal A&M ing institutions: Texas University, and by Marco Toapanta and Phil Stansly as College Station; The Natural History Mu- part ofa biological control program through seum, London; Universidad Autonoma de the University of Florida, in cooperation Yucatan, Merida; Universidad Postgradua- with Mario Urias of the National Institute dos, Montecillos; Universidad Autonoma of Agriculture and Forestry Research (IN- de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey; The Canadian IFAP). National Collection, Ottawa; El Colegio de Terminology for the desciption generally la Frontera Sur, Tapachula; National Mu- follows Sharkey and Wharton (1997). Ad- seum of Natural History, Smithsonian In- ditionally, the 3 segments of the carapace stitution, Washington, DC; and Instituto de are referred to as Tl, T2, and T3. Total Ecologia, Xalapa. — length ofovipositor was determined by dis- Diagnosis. This species is characterized section of 10 individuals, and comparing by the nearly bare mesoscutum and scutel- the total length with that of the dissected lum (Fig. 13), the propodeum with a very metasoma. Approximate length of oviposi- short anterior face and sharply declivous tor is also indicated in the description, as posterior face (Figs. 10-11), the pattern of distance protruding beyond apex of cara- sculpture on the metasoma (Figs. 14-17), pace. The carapace is bordered by a thin and a clypeus that is twice wider than high flange called the marginal lamella (Martin (Figs. 1-2). Triaspis eugenii is most similar 1955). Variation in quantitative traits is in- to Triaspis azteca Martin from Mexico and dicated by a range and mean, based on 10 especially Triaspis vestiticida Viereck from males and 10 females. Peru. The flagellum is uniformly dark in T. Figures were produced using a scanning azteca but the basal flagellomeres are pale electron microscope (SEM). All SEM im- (especially ventrally) in T. eugenii and most ages were shot at lOkv on a JOEL JSM- specimens of T. vestiticida. The mesonotum 5600. Specimens were coated with about 20 is almost uniformly sparsely setose in T. 796 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 1-6. Head of Triaspis eugenii. I, Clypeus in frontal view, arrows showing median and lateral lobes. 2, Face in frontal view showing setal pattern. 3, Anterior-dorsal view of clypeus showing rugulose and pitted surface. 4, Head in dorsal view, arrow showing depression on frons immediately posteriorad antennal base. 5, Mandible. 6, Lateral view ofhead. vestiticida but largely bare in T. eugenii. Of giniensis, the species described here differs the North American species treated by Mar- in having more extensive sculpture on the tin (1955), T. eugenii most closely resem- carapace, and a taller, narrower clypeus bles Triaspis virginiensis Ashmead and (clypeus "transverse" in T. virginiensis, Triaspis rectangulata Martin. From T. vir- about 0.75 X width of face). From T. rec- VOLUME 102, NUMBER 4 797 Figs. 7-9. Antenna of female Triaspis eugenii. 7, Composite view offlagellum (scape and pedicel absent). 8, Basal 3 flagellomeres showing relative lengths of the 3 segments and patch of short sensilla (arrow) on flagellomere 1. 9, Flagellomeres 7-9, showing patch ofirregular setae and placode sensilla; see Fig. 7 forscale. tangulata, it differs in antennal coloration epistomal suture deeply impressed through- and shape of t—he head. out; clypeus narrow: width 0.57-0.65 (m = Description. Female. Length: 1.85-2.15 0.62) X width of face, about twice wider mm. than high, surface uneven and distinctly Head: Polished; somewhat trapezoidal, punctate (Fig. 3), ventral margin sinuate: slightly narrowed ventrally in frontal view with weak, broadly rounded median lobe (gena thus not inflated: Fig. 2); vertex, oc- and a large, very obtuse angulation near the ciput, temple, and gena sparsely setose base of each mandible (Figs. 1, 5), weakly (Figs. 4, 6), the setae arising from indistinct convex in profile; mandible (Fig. 5) lacking punctures; face smooth, more densely cov- obvious sculpture; ocelli not surrounded by ered with ventrally and ventral-medially di- an impressed groove; antenna (Fig. 7) with rected setae (Fig. 2); frons (Fig. 4) sparsely 18-19 segments; first two flagellomeres setose laterally, bare medially, with shallow equal in length (Fig. 8), flagellomeres 3-9 depressions posteriorad scape on either side gradually shortening towards apex, flagel- of a low, median ridge, depressions weakly lomeres 9 through 14-15 bead-like (Fig. 9), sculptured in part, frons otherwise polished; nearly as wide as long; maxillary palps eye large, about twice longer than temple short, about equal in length to eye height, in dorsal view, with temple strongly reced- 6-segmented; labial palps with only three ing behind eye; malar space 0.25-0.3 X eye apparent segments. height, 0.4-0.45 X height of face; face Mesosoma: Pronotum dorsally deeply 1.65-1.85 (m = 1.75) X wider than high; pitted along posterior margin, the sculpture 798 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ^^^^IHI VOLUME 102, NUMBER 4 799 Figs. 16—17. Metasoma ofThaspis eugenii showing marginal lamella and apically sinuate carapace margin. 16, Posterior-lateral view. 17, Posterior view. equal to or shorter than median carina of terior-medially adjacent T2/T3 suture (Fig. propodeum; metapleuron densely and uni- 14), sculpture usually more strongly cari- formly rugose beneath a mat ofshort, white nate laterally, with at least some carinae ex- setae. Propodeum (Figs. 10-12) very short tending across the foveolate T1/T2 suture; anteriorly, steeply declivous posteriorly; T3 polished and unsculptured over medial short-setose throughout, the sculpture read- 0.2-0.4 (Fig. 17), strigose laterally, T2/T3 ily visible through the setae; with well-de- suture (Figs. 14-15) complete, very broadly fined pentagonal areola occupying roughly U-shaped, finely crenulate; dorsal carinae of median third of declivity, declivity (includ- Tl distinctly elevated above surrounding ing areola) otherwise irregularly carinate- sculpture and weakly converging overbasal rugulose, the sculpture varying in intensity, half, separated by about 0.4 X carapace posterior-lateral ridge distinctly protruding. width at this point, parallel-sided and grad- Hind femur short, broad, 2.85-3.1 (m = ually weakening over distal half, usually 3.0) X longer than wide; tarsal claw with reaching suture as a pair of simple carinae distinct basal tooth. Fore wing 2.4-2.5 X similar in appearance to adjacent carinate longer than maximal width; basal cell sculpture; carapace somewhat truncate pos- sparsely setose; IM distinctly bowed; Rla teriorly, with distinct concavity mid-ven- 1.55-2.1 (m = 1.8) X longer than Rib, the trally (Fig. 17); marginal lamella (Figs. 10, latter not extending to wing tip; m-cu 1.7- 16-17) present as a very narrow ridge along 2.3 (m = 1.9) X longer than (RS+M)b; Tl and T2, widening posteriorly on T3, ex- Icu-a distinctly postfurcal, 1.15-2.5 (m = tending completely around posteriormargin 1.5) X longer than ICUa; 2cu-a absent, 2- of carapace as a broad, thin flange. Ovipos- lA usually very short, thus 1st subdiscal itor 1.15-1.4 (m = 1.25) X longer than me- cell broadly open posterior-distally. tasoma; at rest, extending roughly 0.7 X Metasoma: Approximately equal in carapace length beyond apex (Fig. 14). length to mesosoma. Carapace short and Color: Black; tegula mostly black except broadly oval, in dorsal view 1.25-1.35 (m outer margin brown; antenna dark brown = 1.27) X longer than maximum width; ex- with scape, pedicel, and basal 3-6 flagel- tensively sculptured; Tl and T2 carinate lomeres yellowish ventrally; clypeus vari- over a finely rugulose and variously pitted ously dark reddish brown; mandible yellow background, the surface of T1+T2 usually except apically; palps pale yellow to whit- (80%) completely sculptured (Figs. 15-16), ish; legs patterned as follows: hind coxa more rarely with sculpture evanescent pos- dark brown to black basally and posteriorly, 800 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON yellow anteriorly and apically, fore and mid attacks the bean pod weevil, Apion god- coxae more extensively yellow; trochanters mani Wagner (Martin 1952, Perez 1985), yellow; hind femur yellow with broad, sub- and the description of T. vestiticida was apical brown band, band somewhat more based on material reared from Anthonomus diffuse and largely limited to dorsal and vestitus Boheman infesting cotton (Viereck posterior sides of mid femur, fore femur 1912). yellow with dark brown spot dorsally over Members of the genus Triaspis are su- much of basal half; hind tibia gradually perficially similar to members of the genus darkening from base to apex, at least basal Urosigalpus, since both have a carapace- fourth dark brown, fore and mid tibiae yel- like abdomen and similar wing venation. low; tarsi brown to light brown dorsally, Since both can be reared from the same yellowis—h ventrally. weevil hosts (including pepper weevil), it is Male. As in female except face 1.75- important to exercise care when identifying 2.0 (m = 1.85) X wider than high; antenna reared material. As noted above, the species with 19-20 segments, flagellomeres grad- of Urosigalphus have an unusually large ually becoming shorter towards apex, but outer claw on—the hind leg. subapical flagellomeres longer and usually Etymology. The species epithet is taken not as distinctly bead-like as in female, first from the only known host, Anthonomus eu- flagellomere shorter, 0.75-0.9 (m = 0.8) X genii. length of second. Hind femur somewhat more slender, 2.95-3.55 (m = 3.25) X lon- Acknowledgments ger than maximum width. Carapace dis- tinctly narrower, in dorsal view 1.3-1.45 (m We are grateAfu&lMto Ed Riley and Horace = 1.4) X longer than maximum width. Sub- Burke (Texas University) for infor- apical brown band on hind femur often mation on weevil hosts of T. azteca, Terry more diffuse, fore and mid femora more ex- Junek for assistance with the literature, and Dave Smith (USDA/ARS, Systematic En- tensively yellow. — Discussion. Martin (1955), in his revi- tomology Laboratory) for faciliting exami- sion of the North American species, delin- nation of the Triaspis collection at the Na- eated several species groups in Triaspis. tional Museum of Natural History. Phil The species described here, however, is not Stansly, Marco Toapanta, Eugenio Maris- readily assignable to any of Martin's infor- cal, Jose Antonio Sanchez-Garcia, and Jor- mal groups. To accommodate the neotrop- ge Leyva-Vazquez kindly made material ical species in general, species groups will available for the description, and provided have to be re-defined using a larger suite of additional information on hosts and the bi- characters including the propodeal structure ological control program. Special thanks to A&M and shape of the clypeus. The sculpture of Matt Buffington (Texas University) the carapace is of value in separating some and Jim Ehrman for preparation of the im- species and species groups, but examination ages. All SEM work was done by Jim Ehr- ofthe large amount ofreared material avail- man at the Digital Microscopy Facility, able to us indicates that caution is needed Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB, when using sculpture alone to identify iso- Canada. This work was supported in part lated individuals. In T. eugenii, for exam- by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Sta- ple, the sculpture underlying the carinations tion. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Depart- may vary from rugulose and distinctly ment is gratefully acknowledged for per- punctate to nearly smooth. mission to collect in state parks (permits The two previously described neotropical 39-49, 41-95, and 10-98), from which we species that most closely resemble T. eu- obtained specimens of Triaspis useful for genii have both been reared. Triaspisazteca comparison of species-level characteristics. VOLUME NUMBER 102, 4 801 Literature Cited Perez, G. 1985. Himenopteros parasitoides dc Apian spp. (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Apionidae) en Belokobylskij, S. A. 1998. 12 Subfamily Brachistinae Tepoztlan, Morelos. Folia Entomologica Mexi- (Calyptinae), pp. 440-489. In Ler, R A., ed.. Key cana 63: 39-46. to the Insects of Russian Far East, Vol. IV. Neu- Priore, R. and E. Tremblay. 1987. Contributo alia re- ropteroidea, Mecoptera, Hymenoptera. Pt. 3. visione delle specie italiane dei generi Thaspis Vladivostok: Dal'nauka, 708 pp. [In Russian] Haliday e Schizoprymnus Foerster (Hymenoptera Chou, L.-y. andT.-C. Hsu. 1996. The Braconidae (Hy- Braconidae). Bollettino del Laboratorio di Ento- menoptera) ofTaiwan. 7. SubtribeTriaspina.Jour- mologia Agraria "Filippo Silvestri" di Portici44: nal of Agricultural Research of China 45: 436— 47-61. 497. Sharkey, M. J. 1997. Subfamily Helconinae, pp. 260- ClarkA,ntWh.onE.omaunsdGHe.rmRa.rBu(rCkoele.op1t9e9r6a.: TChurecuslpieocniiedsaeo)f 2S7h2a.rkIeny,Whedasr.t.oMn,anRu.alA.o,fPtheM.NeMwarsWho,rladndGeMn.erJa. associated with plants in the family Solanaceae. of the Family Braconidae (Hymenoptera). Inter- Southwestern Entomologist Supplement 19: 1- national Society of Hymenopterists. Special pub- 114. Haliday, A. H. 1835. Essay on parasitic Hymenoptera lication 1, 439 pp. oftheIchneumonesAdsciti (cont.).Entomological Sharkey, M. J. and R. A. Wharton. 1997. Morphology Magazine 3: 121-147. and Terminology, pp. 19-37. In Wharton, R. A., Mariscal Mejorado, E., J. L. Leyva Vazquez, and R. Pt.heM.NeMwarWsohr,ladndGeMn.erJa.oSfhatrhkeeyF,ameidlsy..BMraancuonaildaoef Bujanos Muniz. 1998. Parasitoides del picudo del chile, Anthonomus eugenii Cano (Coleoptera: (Hymenoptera). International Society of Hymen- Curculionidae), en Nayarit, Mexico. Vedalia 5: opterists. Special publication 1, 439 pp. 39-46. Shaw, M. R. and T. Huddleston. 1991. Classification Martin, J. C. 1952. A new braconid from Mexico. The and biologyofbraconidwasps. Handbooksforthe Canadian Entomologist 84: 30-31. Identification of British Insects 7(11): 1—126. . 1955. A taxonomic revision ofthe triaspidine Shenefelt, R. D. 1970. Braconidae 2: Heliconinae [sic], braconid wasps of Nearctic America (Hymenop- Calyptinae, Mimagathidinae, Triaspinae. In Ferri- tera). Canada Department ofAgriculture, Science ere, Ch. and J. Van der Vecht, eds., Hymenopter- Service, Entomology Division. 157 pp. orum Catalogus (nov. ed.) 5: 177-306. Mason, W. R. M. 1974. A generic synopsis ofBrach- Tobias, V. I. 1986. 7. Subfam. Brachistinae (Calypti- istini (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and recognition nae). Handbook to the Insects of the European ofthe name Charmon Haliday. Proceedingsofthe Part of the USSR, 3, Hymenoptera, Part 4: 158- Entomological Society of Washington 76: 235- 180. AkademiaNauk,Leningrad, 501 pp. [InRus- 246. sian] Papp, J. 1984. First survey of the Triaspidini species Viereck, H. L. 1912. Contributions to our knowledge ofthe Indo-Australian region (Hymenoptera: Bra- of bees and ichneumon-flies, including the de- conidae, Calyptinae) 1. The genus Thaspis Hali- scription oftwenty-one new genera and fifty-sev- day. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientarum Hun- en newspeciesofichneumon-flies. Proceedingsof garicae 30: 137-158. the United States National Museum 42: 613-648.

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