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A new species of Thetispelecaris (Crustacea: Peracarida) from submarine cave on Grand Cayman Island PDF

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Preview A new species of Thetispelecaris (Crustacea: Peracarida) from submarine cave on Grand Cayman Island

TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society oofJfap anJapan ZOOLOGICAL SOIENCE 19: 611-624 {2002) @ 2002 Zoologica lSociety of Japan A New Species Thetispeiecari(sCrustacePear:acarida) of from Submarine Cave Grand Cayman lsland on Susumu Ohtsukai 'Y,ukioHanamura2 and TomokiKase3 iFisherieLsabot:atotHyi;roshimaUniversit5y-,8-1Minato-machi,takehara, HiroshimaZ25-O024,Japan 2National Research lnstitu toef Fisherie asnd Ehvironment of lnlan dSea, Ono-cho, Hiroshim a739-045a Ltapan 3Department ot Geolog) ttLVationa lScience Museum, 3-23-1 Flyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-k u7,bkyo 169-O07i .Lapan ABSTRACT-A new species of the peracarida norder Bochusacea, Thetlspelecaris yurikagq is described from a submarine cave on Grand Cayman lsland t,he Caribbean Sea. The new species is the fourt hspe- cies of the order and famil ya,nd the second of the genus. Recent studies have strongly suggested a close phylogenet iacffinity between cave-dwelling and deep-sea taxa in the Bochusacea as recognized in other cavernicolousldeep-sea crustaceans such as amphipods and copepods, The morphology of the gut and female reproductive $ystem is observed fo rthe firs ttime in the Bochusacea: the stomach is complex with structures such as ridges, processes ,spinules, and hair sin the lumen; paire dgonopores are locate dnear the base of the fif tphereiopod son the sternite, Keywords:thetispeiecaris, Peracarid aB,ochusacea, submarine cave, Grand Cayman lsland {11 )coxa-basis articulation of pereiopod smonocondylic; INTRODUCTIeN (12 )limb plane of the endopods of pereiopod sbending only The enigmatic peracarida norder Mictacea accommo- at merus-carpus articulation; ( 13) oostegites originating from dated only three speciesi Hirsuti abathyaii sSanders, the coxa of pereiopo d1s-V or 11-V la,rmed or unarmed; (14) Hessler and Garner ,1985 from a muddy bottom at a depth pleopods 1-V rudimentary, unisegmented, separate from or of 1000 m off the tropica lAtlantic ,H, sandersetalia Just fused to the body; (15 )male pleopo d1 1modified; (16 )the and Poore, 1988 from a mud and sil tbottom at a depth of presence of manca larva ,Phylogenet ircelationships 1500 m off southeastern Australi aa,nd Mictocari shalope between peracarida norders have been intensivel ydebated Bowman and 11if f1e9,85 from a marine cave on Bermuda, since 1904 when Calman established the superorder Pera- each genus of which constituted it sown family t,he Hirsuti- carida, and are as yet incomplete lsyolved, partI ybecause idae and the Mictocaridida eT.he Mictacea was distin- of the lack of a strict homologous comparison between per- guished from the other peracarida norders by the combina- acaridan orders (Hessl aendr Watling ,1999; Watling, 1999). tion of the followin fgeature s<Bowma net aL, 1985) :(1 )the Recentl yGutu and llif f(e1998 d)escribe da new hir- cephalon fuse dwith the fir stthoracic somite, which is cov- sutiid, Thetispelecaris remex Gutu and llif f1e9,98, from ered with the cephalothoracic shield; (2 >lack of the po$terior anchialine and submarine caves of Bahamas, and estab- carapace fold ;(3 )eyestalks presen tor absent; (4 )both rami lishe da new order, Bochusacea to accommodate the family ot uropod multisegmented; (5 )antennules with 3-segmented Hirsutiid aeS,imultaneousl yGutu (1998 )erected.a new peduncle and 2 multisegmented tlagella ;(6 )antennae with order, Cosinzeneacea to contain the famil yMictocarididae 5-segmented peduncle bearin gscale; (7 )mandibles with together with the Spelaeogriphace aC.onsequent lthye order inciso wridely separated from molar process; (8 )maxillules Mictacea proposed by Bowman et aL (1985 w)as ranked as lacking palp ;(9 >maxillipeds without an epipod; OO) pereio- a suborder of the Cosinzeneacea (Gut u1,998), pods 1-V or 11-V wlith natatory exopods, without branchiae; During a fauna lsurvey in 2000 of submarine caves on GrandCaymanlslandintheCaribbeanSea,thethirdauthor 'Correspondingauthor:Tel. FAX . ++881t--84864-62-2-2233-6O2:038. dtiascceoavnes r.Teh dea bporcehsuesna tcpeaapne ra ndde sac rtihebrem sotshbea enenwac esapnecie scr uosf- E-mail:ohtsuka@hiroshima'u.ac.jp the Bochusacea and comments on phylogeneti crelation- NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan 612 S, Ohtsukaet al. ships between cavernicolous and deep-sea crustaceans. 1985. The morphology of the gut and the female reproductive sys- Other genus.-thetispeieca Gruitsu and llif f1e9,98, tem are also described. Remarks.-T hfeamilj adliagnosi sis provide dby Gutu and llif f(e1998 )wh,ich is the same as that of the order Bochusacea. MATERIALSANDMETHODS The identi toyf rami orlginating from the posterio srur- lcwaeo vscet a elBisStiosC d2cleU2hoB u,coAts8a att cehdeed ii avGnn erasra sncwaoedsrr e aC`la 7rycermoehal flne Meaocp utplerssdoel xaii nTnm daa rt( aesp1lu"yb 9 m{ 0a14sr90i'e 0n ee D1ma4 cv.oai8fvs"f e s,Nh 1,on 9ra89em19 eo0)d n .2T 3 thb'heye ftahnadec ed Poiofs occrooexva, ee1r 9 yo8of8f ; t phGee urHteiui roaupnsdodu 1stl1iilif -(f dV e1lhaS,9ae9as8 n)b:de eae nrere t dsatilhs.ep ,su1te9 e8edp5 i;sp iJonducsset W), The cave opens at dept hof about 1O m with an entrance or oostegites? Sanders et aL (198 5p)ointe dout a unique ca. 1 m high and ca. 2 m wide, and extends toward the island T,he (no mtedial but posterio rco)nfiguration of the rami, and ten- cave consists at leas tof two parts :the firs ptart is an almost hori- tative lryegarded these as oostegites in accordance with zupolanatsras lt,aug bsete r atoihfg hatu tns kptniuorwbanel sc a d.lo ew1nn5g tmth o. lTtohhneeg atbnwodot tatorheme ascbeoocnuontnedct ed3 4p amr bt yid s eaae pnca.rr erTovwhice- Ba oswimmialanr caonndfi gIulraitf i(ofne1 9b8et5 wJ}eu.esnt a"onosdtegit es"Poore { 1of9 h8i 8rs)usgugte$iti eaddnsd cave was fi11 ewdith normal seawater at the time of collecting, but corophiid amphipods, both of which are characterized by the Davjs (199 9m)entioned tha tthere is a slight outflow of green fresh cylindrical shape of the body, and supposed that the unique- water during the rainy summer months. Bochusaceans inhabited ness may be due to the body shape. However thei ropinions twchiotelh im ejacd tdsleuedb sw titaton htt ihhae ale nanmddo- uonhfte tl h fode iff nmieur-ds mpt eaasnrhd t nw ,eiht etwsra es( tmthooe tufatl lo hdldojyara fswmeker. etTeh r ec3yov0 we ercremed; wneirlee s tnaogt eyse.t Gcuontcul uasnidve ,I Ibief cf(ae1u9se9 o 8tf) inro s oftbosuernvda ttihona tj oufv jeunviel-es mesh size O.35 mm) by brushin gthe under-surface of rock$ on the of Thetispelecaris remex also bear these rami, and consid- bottom sediments, The wall and ceiling ot the cave were covered ered that these could play roles both in respiration and densely with tube-dwelli ngannelids. Other animals were scarce, brooding .In addition they thought that eggs/embryo$ might oebx scee rpvteTdh feo r bisono mdleiaecs taaocnrpdohi deanp pob elinadnvadagle vsgeus.m- cohfl tohrea inmeewdia ,bo crhesupsecatciveea[yn,s w ewrieth fboe rrmeatatiinoe dnof aat wmeolslt d ebvye plloupmeod smaer ssueptiauem of atsh ei nr aomtih ewr iptheourta- a different iailnterferencetpha secontra$t microscope (Nikon carids, Our observation strongly supports thei ridea ,and we Optiphot oT)y.pe specimens are deposited at the Nation aSicience use epipods throughout thi spaper. Museum, Tokyo (NSMT-Cr )Fo.ur partl ydamaged adult females ftbrhyo eemnt htoahbnseo elsra vmseeedri elwsoi, tccha rliait tiwscyecar aelpnon iirnnignt sd erdeil eewdic t,tshrpuo tndt eirms-iccteriaotslecl dowpeaedte r,wi t h(d Jegeho yloTddl -,ra2na0dt)e.d G e nu tsy tph eestpeicsipese.l-Tehceatirs ipGesuletcuar ainsd 1r1eimfexf 1e9, 9G8utu and 11iffe, Body lengt hwsere measured from anterior tip of rostrum to poste- 1998. rior tip of telso nexcluding setae. Termjnology follow sBowman and Other species,-thetispeiecaris yurikago n. sp. llif {fe1985 a)nd Sander set aL (1985 T}h,e interna sltructures of the Diagnosis temend.).-Cep whitahl sohnarply pointe dros- s(toSmacchhm i atr1ez9 ,9te2n} ta,mtyisviedls yj d(eNntait fhai nebddy rPeiflelrae ni1c,9e7 3t)o tanhdos ee uophfa uissiiodpsods trum. Antennule with 3-segmented peduncl eand 3- or 4- {Su hand Nemoto, 1988}. Reproductive $y$tems are referred to segmented tlagella .Antenna bearin g2-segmented proto- those of Thermosbaenacea {MQno dand Cals, i999). pod, unisegmented exopodal scale, and multiseqmented endopod comprising 3-segmented peduncle and 5- er 6- TAXONOMY segmented flageHum .Palpifor mextensions of paragnath covered with long hairs P.ereiopod 1 with exopod but lacking Order Bochusacea Gutu and 11iff e1,998 epipod; basis and ischiu mot pereiopod sll-V lincompletely Remarks.-Gutu and 11if (fe199 8h)ave pointe dout djffer- or almo$t completely fused ,Pleopods IV and V uniseg- ences in the structures of pereiopod sand uropods between mented, articulated with body. Uropodal protopod with sin- the two families ,Hirsutiida eand Mictocaridid aien the Mic- gle inner spine, tacea. This resulted in the recognition of a new order Remarks.-The genus thetiSpeiec arwaiss briefly Bochusacea to accommodate the former famil yW,e follow defined by Gutu and 11if f{e1998 )bu,t the discover yof the Gutu and llif (f1e998 e)mp,hasizing the followi nfgeature s(:1) new species described below strengthen$ the generi cvalid- the displacemen tof oostegites (= epipods) bearing plumose ity ,thetispelecaris diffe rfsrom Hirsuha in :(1 )pereiopo d1 marginal setae, as well as the setal appearance in early with a 2-segmented exopod (ab$e nitn Hirsutia )(;2 }the stages, (2 )perejopod l modified int oa feedin gappendage; numbers of exopodal segments of pereiopod s11-V Iare 3 (3 )the presence of long palpifor melongations of the parag- (4 ,3) ,4 (4 ,?) ,4 or 5 (4 ,?> ,4 or 5 (4 ,4), and 4 (3 ,?), nath, However, the validity of these two orders should be respectively (numbe risn parenthesi isn H. bathyati asnd H. rigorously reconsidered, since phylogenet icrelationships sandersetatia, respectively); (3 )the reduced number of ter- among all peracarida norders are stil lincompletel ryevealed minal setae/spines on carpus and propodus of pereiopod ll (c fH.essler and Watling, 1999; Watting ,1999). (4 and 7 jn thetlspelecar viss 6 and 12 in Hirsuti are,spec- tively )(;4 }unisegmented pleopods IV and V, distinc talrtyic- Famity Hirsutiida Seanders, Hessler and Garner, 1985 ulated with the body (complet eilnycorporated int othe body typ egenus.-Hirsut iSaanders, Hessler and Garner, in Hirsutia) ;(5 }the reduced 'numbers of elements on the NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocaglical SSoociceityety ooff JJaapapnan A New Specie sofThetispelecaris 613 uropodal protopod and endopod {sing slpiene on each seg- segments 2 and 3 of outer flagellum, ment in Thetispeiecar viss 2 or 3 spines on protopo dand 6 Antenna (Fi g2.C) with 2-segmented protopo (dpedun- inne rspines on the fir sentdopodal segment in Hirsuti a();6) cle), unisegmented scaphocerite {exopod saclale), and 9- a palpifor mlobe of the paragnath with numerous hair salong segmented endopod comprising 3-segmented peduncl aend the entire lengt h(on lsyetose in the basal part in Hiisutia), 6-segmented flagellum ;exopodal scale with 6 marginal The body size may also be diagnosti bcecause thetispele- setae; setal formul aof endopod 1, 6, 12, O, 4, 2, 3, 2, 5. caris (T remex 1.2-1. 6mm; the new species described Labrum (Fi g2H,: slightly depressed in preparatio nw)ith below 1.30 -1.78 mm) i smuch smaller than Hifsuta (H. numerous spinular rows on anterior surface; termina lportion bathvabs 2.7 mm; H, sanctersetaha 3.3 mm), On the other truncate, slightly concave midway, ornamented with fin eset- hand, there are several differences between two congeners ules along dist amalrgin. of Hirsuti a(:1 )a rostrum is presen itn H. sanclersetaiia but Mandibula rgnathobase (Fi g2.D, F, G) complex in absent in H, bathyaii s(;2 )epipods are furnishe dwith many structure; inciso arnd molar processes widely separate; inci- long plumose setae in H, san(ietsetalia where in H, bathJtalis sors multicusped; lef tgnathebase with lacin imaobilis bear- fewer spiniform setae. However the epipods of H. bathyalis ing spinules subterminally ;3 $ubequal stout setae near may not be full dyeveloped because the only one indMdual lacin imaobilis; 12 curved setae originating from round pro- examined (holoty opf eth)e species is a "preparatory female" tuberance; right gnathoba$e with 1 stout spinulose spine (Sande rets al., t985). and 15 long setae along inne rmargin; molar proces$ (Fig. The habitat osf these two genera are also differe nHti.r- 2D, G) protrude dfrom gnathobase ,heavil yehitinize donly sutia is a deep-sea taxon, while 7heti$pelecar ii sscaverni- terminall wyi,th several lamella prlate sand grindin sgurface. colous. Mandibula rpal p(Fi g2E.) 3-segmented, slender; segment 1 small, unarmed; segments 2 and 3 almost equal in length; Thetispelecaris yurkago n. sp. segment 2 unarmed; segment 3 with 1 naked and 2 spinu- (Fig s1-.9) lose setae at tip. Attateri alexamined,-Twenty adult females ,collected Paragnath (Fi g2.1) bilobed ;each lobe tapering distally, from a submarine cave named `The Mouse Trap, "the Grand terminating in elongate hirsut eproiect i(oFni g8,A); each Cayman lslan dN,ovember 15 and 19, 2000, lobe with inner spinulose round proiecti oannd 3 stout spines 7)pes.-Holotyp e\: whole specimen, NSMT-Cr 14298. of unequal lengt hmidway, , Paratypes :2 9 9 , djssecte dand mounted on glass slides, Maxillule (Fig s2.J, 8C) bilobed w,ith numerous rows ot NSMT-Cr 14299; 13\ 4 whole specimens, NSMT-Cr 14300, minute spinules; inner lobe with 4 comb-like setae and 1 , Boby iength,-Rang e1.30-t.7 8mm (mean±standard spinulose spine fused to lobe at base along inner margin; deviation=1.±5O0,13 mm, N=16); Holotyp e1,50 mm. outer lobe curved inward at midlength, with 2 surtace setae Description based on hototyp eand paratyp esds- and 2 groups of marginal elements, proxima lgroup of which sected Female, Bedy {Fig sIA., 6A) nearly cylindrical, but consisting of 7 chitinized spines, dista glrou pof 4 terminally somewhat depressed; cephalothorax siightly longe rthan curved spines and 6 spinulose long setae. wide, subrectangular; rostrum (Fi gI.B) produced antero- Maxil l(aFi g3,A-C) with quadrate protopo dbearin g21 ventrally or anteriorly, acutely pointe dat tip (se eFig .6B); "pushing setae (wi tbhulbous base) "(set naomlenclature fol- latera lcarapace fold spoorl ydevelope d,only covering lowin gFryer ,1965} and 9 spiniform setae along proximal bases of postmandibula rappendages (Fi g6.C) ;dorsa lcar- inne rmargin; di$ta ilnner corner of protopo dhaving 9 stout apace fol dabsent, Pereion shorter than pleon; pereionite 1 spines of various ornamentations and 8 setae; ventral sur- small; pereionit e1s 1and il elqual in length p;ereioni tIeVs-Vl face almost entirely covered with short hair sand bearing Ionger than pereionit eI sand 11 p;ereioni tVell slightly shorter irregula rlloyngitudi nraowl of short spinules; dista lmargin of than preceding pereionit eP.Ieonite s(Fi gI.A, D, H) gradu- protopod near common base of basal endites with stout ser- ally increasing in lengt hposterior lpyl;eonit eVI expanded rate spine; basal endite 1 with about 23 comb-like setae posterolatera ltleyls;on (Fi gI.G) tongue-like with concavity (Fig 8.B); basal endite 2 with 3 rows of spatulate setae (app- at apex, one-fift hwider than long, bearin g4 later aplair sof roximately 11, 9 and 8 setae, respectively) and longitudinal simple spiniform setae, 1 termina lpai rof setae, and 1 dorsal row of fin espinules, pai rof slender setae; anus (Fi g1.D) locate dventrodistally, Maxjltipe (dFi g3D., E) with elongate protopod ;proximal longitudi nsallit-like ,with Iater avlalves (Fi g6D.), part of protopod with 2 proximal ,1 middle spiniform and 1 Antennule (Fi g2,A, B) anteriorly directe dw,ith 3-seg- plumose setae on surface and 1 minute spine and 9 well mented peduncle and 4-segmented flagel loaf subequal developed setae along inner margin; penultimat einner seta length ;peduncula rsegment 1 longest ,bearin g2 proximal with serration at expanded tip ;basal endite protrude ddis- setae direct epdosterior lsyeg,ment 2 with 6 terminal setae tally ,7 hooked and 7 serrate spines and 1 spinulose and 1 of unequal lengt hse,gment 3 with 4 long subterminal setae plumose seta (Fi g8.D); palp 5-segmented ,longe rthan and 3 minute setules on terminal rectangular projecti o(nFig. basis, ischiu msmall, with 1 seta and row of spinules along 2B); setal formul aof inner flagellu m1, 5, 1, 4; outer flagel- outer dista lmargin; merus about twice as long as ischium, lum with setal formula of O, 1, 1, 4; aesthetasc presen ton wjth single seta; carpus as long as proxima l2 segments NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan 614 S. Ohtsuka et al. A f' B (ig" G 4K ma・ O.2 - A,D,H E,F O.2 O.1 B G - - xx 'tt Fig ,1, Thetispelecar yiusrikago ,n.sp., female, holotyp e(A ,B, D-G), paratype (C ,H}. A. Habitus ,dorsal view; B. Rostrum, Iater avliew; C. Stomach, observed under transmitted Iigh twithoutdissection, dorsal view; D, Pleon v,entral vievv; E, Pleopod 1 ,ventral view: F. Pleopod IV, ventral view; G. Telson and uropod, dorsal view; H. Habitus ,dorsa lview, appendages and uropeds omitted, 3 pair osf mature eggs present in pereioni Vtl eto pleonit e1I la.: later aalmpulla?; r: pytor iricdge?; t :later atleeth? Scale sin mm. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan A New SpeciesofT7)etispetecaris 615 A e.os ..R11> G Fig. 2. 7hetispelocar yisurikag on.,sp., female, holotyp e<A) p,aratype (em) .A. Left antennule, dorsa lview; B. Left antennulary peduncle 3, dorsa lview, more flatten tehdan i nFig .2A: C, Let tantenna, ventral view; D. Left mandibular gnathobase, ventral view; E. Mandibular palp ;F. Right mandibular gnathobas eve,ntral view, base of palp indicate dG;, Molar proces osf right mandlble; H. Labrum, ventral view; 1 ,Paragnath, ventral view; J. Lef tmaxillule, dorsa vliew. Scale sin mm. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan 616 S. Ohtsukaet aL D Fig. 3. Thetispeiecar )itsurikag on.,sp., female, paratype .A. Lef tmaxilla, dorsa lvjew, setae on basa lendites omitted; B. Basa lendite 1 of left maxiila, dorsal view, some setae omitted; C, Basa lendite 2 of lef tmaxilla, dorsal view, some setae omitted; D, Right maxilliped, dorsa lview, setae on palp omitted (endi mtodeiiied in preparatio nE). Right maxillipedal palp d,orsa lview. Scale in mm. combined, bearin g2 middle, 2 subterminal and t minute dis- each with epipod; all pereiopod seach with 5-segmented tal setae; propodus inserte dto precedin gsegment at angle endopod (ischi umemru,s, carpus, propodus ,dactylus a)nd of about 1200, with 6 dista sletae; dactylu sdirecte idnwards, 2-<1) 3,-(11 )4,-(lt lV,l) or 5-(IV V,)segmented exopod; ischium with 3 spiniform and 2 fin esetae terminally, incompletely (pereiop oIdI )or almost completely (pereio- Configurati oonf pereiopod sshown in Fig .4A; pereio- pods 111-V Ic)oale$cent to basis ;pereiopod Vl1 (Fig 4sA., 5D) pod 1 directe danterolaterally, modified int omouthpart with basis separate from ischium ,uniramous, lackin gexo- appendage; pereiopod s11-V twith origins of exopod, endo- pod and epipod. Withi nbroodin gchamber surrounded by pod and epipod aiigned along anterior-posterio rdirection both epipods of pereiopod sll-V lonly one droplet-like paralleli inogng axis of body. Pereiopods bearin gshort coxa embryo remaining in holotypi cfemale (Fi g4,A); embryo and iong basis, furnished with numerous spinular rows approximately O.06 mm in width. (Fig s7B.-D, 8E); pereiopod1(F i4Ag,. B) biramous ,lacking Pereiopod 1 (Fi g4.B) with basis bearin g1 anterjor and epipod; pereiopod sll-V l(Fig s4A., C-E, 5A-C) biramous, 3 posterio sretae; ischium having 1 posteri aondr 2 anterior NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan A New Specie sof Thetispeiecaris 617 B,C,E / . .==-t....... die,e // E t tttt/t//tl/tt ' ".・-t I:・tl t i:. pt e -.t /;r' 't' t]・ ii 1'l't/t't/ " ・'l:,:t ri' .,1.. 1 ,Ju',,'L,l,.t O.05 tttt D /t.t "t// c ' ' 'tt'tgew'' .・'.cgi{geD ,), [・・・,{7,k te.IlIJI ,kii gE ' z,s "t' ' '/ Fig. 4. Thetispetecar iysutikag on,,sp., temale, holetyp e<A) p,aratype (B-E )A.. Pereionite sv,entral view, setae on appendages except on right epipods omitted, 1 embryo presen wtithin marsupium formed by plumose setae of epipods (oostegi tB.e sLe}f; tpereiopo Id ,latera vliew; C, Right pereiopod 11 l,ater vailew; D. Termina slpine on fourt ehndopodal segment of right pereiopod II ;E. Right pereiop o1d1 Im,edial view, Scale$ in mm. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan 618 S. Ohtsukaet al. . a f -. c tt .t-t- tt t Fig. 5. 77Tebspelecar iysurikago ,n,sp., female, paratypes .A. Left pereiop oIdV, medial view: B. Lett pereiopo Vd, medial view; C, Let tpereio- pod V, later avliew; D,Right pereiopod Vl1 ,later vaielw, Scale in mm, setae; merus short, with 1 short posteri oarnd 2 anterior 1, 1+1, 2 (se eFig ,7C}, setae; carpus elongate, bearin g3 anterior setae increasing Pereiopod 11 1(Fi g4.A, E) shorter than precedin gleg; in lengt hdistal lpyr;opodus as long as carpus, with 3 subter- epipod more developed than precedin gone, with 8-9 setae minal setae; dactylu sshort, with 1 stout spine terminall yand in total ;basis with 2 proxima land 4 terminal setae along 2 spjniform and 5 setae subterminally; exopod short, 2-seg- posteri omrargin; ischium with 4 setae of unequal length ter- mented, setal formula 1+1, 2. minally; merus bearing 3 terminal setae; carpus with 4 pos- Pereiopod 1 1(Fi 4gC., D) longest and thicke$t of pereio- terio mrarginal and 4 anterior termina lsetae and 5 serrate pods (se eFig. 4A), covered entirel ywith spinular rows, surface spines increasin dgistal liyn length ;propodus bear- much more than in other pereiopods; epipod reiatively short, ing 3 posteri oarnd 2 surface serrate spines and 6 terminal bearin g4-5 marginal plumose setae; ba$i$ bearin g1 ante- setae; dactylu swith 1 fin eanterior middle, 1 short subtermi- rior and 4 posterio rsetae distal lyi;schiu mwith 2 nearly nal and1 long termina sleta; exopod 4-segmented ,setal for- equal setae terminall yme;rus slightly longer than ischium, mula 2, 1+1,1+1,2. bearin g2 posteri orand 4 anterior setae distal lyca;rpus Pereiopod IV (Fig s4A., 5A) similar to precedin gleg; longest w,ith 1 anterior and 2 posteri osrtout spines in addi- epipod developed as in precedin gone, with 12 setae in tion to dista alnterior seta; propodus with 2 posteri oarnd 2 tota lb;asis with 2 proximal ,1 surface and 3 terminal setae; anterior Iong, stout spines distall yand 1 short serrate spine i$chium with 4 setae terminally ;merus with 2 posterio sretae and 2 setae at anterodistal corner; dactyluswith 2 stout and 1 anteriorshortspiniformseta;carpus bearing4 poste- spines of unequal length and 1 spinitorm and 1 slender seta rior marginal and 3 anterior termina lsetae and 5 serrate terminall y(se eFig. 8E); exopod 3-segmented ,setal formula spines increa$in ggraduall yin lengt hdistal lpyr;opodus with NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocaglical SSoociceityety oofJfap anJapan A New Species ofthetispetecaris 619 ・Iuai,'ilr,ti'k・・=.'t/・'i/ g ・kl{ i・.l,,・ l,・,.,・,,i,litl.・.・&:l. lltg・,,/.・:l k:t..: '.w.k.,t. Fig. 6. SEM microphotographs of Thetispelecaris yunkago, n.sp,, female, A, Habitus ,ventrolateral view, lef turopod missing; B. Rostrum, arrowed, ventral view; C, Cephalothor adxo,rsolate vriaewl {rostr iunmdicate bdy large arrow), note later aclephalic fold covering only bases of mouthpart appendages (mandibu lgnaarthobase indicate dby smali arrow); D, Telson, ventral view, anus indicate dby arrow; E. Mandibular gnathobase, note honeycomb-like structure. Scales ; 1 mm (A) O;,05 mm (B ,D); O.1 mm {C} O;.Ol mm (E). 3 posterio mrarginai and 1surface serrate spines and 5 ter- Pereiopod V (Fig $4A., 5B) similar to pereiopo dIV ,but minal setae; dactylu swith 1 fin eanterior seta and 1 short differe nitn armature of endopod: ischiu mbearin gonly 3 and 1 Iong seta terminally;exopod 5-segmented ,setal for- setae terminally ;meru$ lackin ganterior spiniform seta; car- mula 2, 1, 1+1, 1+1, 2. pus with 5 po$terio sretae terminall yin spite of 3 anterior NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagli62c0aSolci eStyociety ooff JJaapapnan s.Ohtsukaet al. Fig, 7. SEM microphotographs of thetispelecar iysurikago ,n,sp,, female. A, Pereionite sIV and V, ventral vtew, gonopores indicate dby arrows; B. Base of peretopod V, gonQpor eindicated by arrow; C. Pereiopod 11 l,ater vailew, note distin csetparation between coxa and body; D PereiopQds Vl and Vll ,later vatlew, note distin csteparation between coxae and body. 4-7: pereiopods IV-Vl lb;: basis ;c: coxa; e: exopod; o: epipod {oosteg iStcael)e.s = O.1 mm (A) O;.02 mm (B ,C); O 05 mm (D). setae; propodu shaving only 3 spines along posterio mrargin dus having 3 serrate spines along posteri omrargin and 1 and 4 setae terminally. middle and 2 terminai setae along anterior margin; dactylus Pereiopod Vl (Fig s4A., 5C; 7D also) with epipod bear- with 2 spiniform and 2 short setae terminally ,serrated along ing 1O-13 marginal setae; basis incomplete lfyused to isch- posteri omrargin, ium with suture more clearly visible than in preceding legs, Pleopods 1-1 1(1Fig s1D., E) rudimentary, represented by bearin g4 middte and 2 terminal setae; ischium ,merus and triangula rlobe with 1 termjnal and 1 outer basal seta {see carpus bearin g2, 2 and 4 dista sletae, respectively; propo- Fig .9A); pleopods IV and V (Fig 1.D, F) distinc talrtyiculated dus longest ,bearin g5-6 serrate inne rspines and 1 spini- at base, unisegmented, bearin g1 inner and 1 outer seta form middle and 2 dista lsetae along outer margin; dactylus midway and 1 termina alnd 1 subterminal seta ($e eFig ,9B}, with 2 unequal spiniform setae and 2 fin esetules terminaily Uropod (Fi gI.A, D, G) biramous ;protopod apptoxi- and 1 short seta subterminally, mately 2.8 times longe rthan wide, with inner dist asplinu- Pereiopod Vll (Fig 4sA., 5D; 7D also) with basis bearing lose spine, 3 outer setae and 2 dorsa lsurface setae; exopod 3 anterior and 2 posterio rsetae; ischiu mwith 1 posterior 2-segmented ,proxima lsegment with fine seta and 2 spines termina lseta; merus as long as ischium, bearing 2 setae ter- along outer margin and single fine inner spine, dista sleg- minally; carpus with 2 posteri oarnd 2 anterior setae: propo- ment bearin g2 short outer, 2 long inner and 3 unequal distal NII-Electronic Library Service

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