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A new species of the weevil genus Ceutorhynchus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from China PDF

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Preview A new species of the weevil genus Ceutorhynchus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from China

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 22(1): 82–86 25 JUNE 2013 A new species of the weevil genus Ceutorhynchus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from China Новый вид жуков-долгоносиков рода Ceutorhynchus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) из Китая B.A. KOROTYAEV Б.А. КОРОТЯЕВ B.A. Korotyaev, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Ceutorhynchus (Heorhynchus) catenulatus sp. nov. is described from China (Sichuan). It dif- fers from the two known members of the subgenus Heorhynchus Korotyaev, 1999 in the smaller size, coarsely catenulate elytra, deeper median sulcus and sharper lateral tubercles on the pro- notum, usually rufous antennae and tarsi, and truncate apically aedeagus. From C. ibukianus Hustache, 1916, the new species is distinguished, in addition, by the black colour without clear blue sheen. Ceutorhynchus philippovi Korotyaev, 1980, described from the south of the Russian Far East, is synonymized with C. subcoeruleipennis Voss, 1958 described from China. Описан новый вид жуков-долгоносиков Ceutorhynchus (Heorhynchus) catenulatus sp. nov. из Китая (Сычуань). Новый вид отличается от двух ранее известных видов подрода Heorhynchus Korotyaev, 1999 мелкими размерами, грубо бороздчатыми надкрыльями, бо- лее глубокой срединной бороздкой и более острыми боковыми бугорками переднеспин- ки, обычно рыжими усиками и лапками, а также обрубленным на вершине эдеагусом. От C. ibukianus Hustache, 1916 новый вид отличается, кроме того, чернoй окраской без отчет- ливого синего блеска. Ceutorhynchus philippovi Korotyaev, 1980, описанный с юга Дальнего Востока России, сведен в синонимы к C. subcoeruleipennis Voss, 1958, описанному из Китая. Key words: weevils, taxonomy, China, Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Ceutorhynchinae, Ceuto- rhynchus (Heorhynchus), new species Ключевые слова: долгоносики, таксономия, Китай, Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Ceuto- rhynchinae, Ceutorhynchus (Heorhynchus), новый вид INTRODUCTION classification, I provisionally retain this only subgenus in addition to the nomino- The subgenus Heorhynchus Korotyaev typical one. (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999: 11) in- cludes three known species from the Far East. The distinguishing characters of this MATERIAL AND METHODS subgenus, originally described as a separate genus (Korotyaev, 1996), are vague, but The length of body was measured from they apply to an apparently natural taxon anterior margins of eyes to the apex of ely- endemic to this region. The type species is tra. Holotype and two paratypes are in the associated with the plant family Brassica- collection of the United States National ceae which is typical of the vast majority of Museum of Natural History, Washington Ceutorhynchus. As the genus Ceutorhynchus (USNM), and one paratype, in the Zoologi- with over 300 species distributed world- cal Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, wide is in an obvious need of a subgeneric St Petersburg (ZIN). © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes B.A. KOROTYAEV. A NEW SPECIES OF CEUTORHYNCHUS FROM CHINA 83 TAXONOMIC PART pattern. Suture with a few short, narrow white scales behind scutellum. Striae bare. Order COLEOPTERA Punctures on underside bearing lanceolate Family CURCULIONIDAE white scales denser along midline. Femora moderately densely covered with white lin- Subfamily CEUTORHYNCHINAE ear and narrow-lanceolate scales as well as Genus Ceutorhynchus Germar, 1824 with brown linear scales; posterior surface of femora and tibiae with dense white lan- Subgenus Heorhynchus Korotyaev, 1999 ceolate scales; rest of tibiae surface and tarsi Ceutorhynchus (Heorhynchus) with hair-like white and brown scales. catenulatus sp. nov. Male. Rostrum 1.40–1.48 times as long (Figs 1, 2) as pronotum, 1.4 times as broad as apical part of fore tibia, rather strongly curved Holotype. Male; China, Sichuan: “Szechuen, (somewhat more strongly in basal part), al- China, D.C. Graham”, “Suifu IV.28 – ‘28” most cylindrical and parallel-sided in basal (USNM). half and slightly flattened in apical half Paratypes. 2 males (USNM, ZIN), 1 female (slightly tapering toward apex in lateral (USNM), same data as for holotype. view), weakly narrowing between anten- Description. Body length 2.2–2.5 mm. nal attachment and slightly widened apex. Body black; antennae and tarsi brown, Dorsal surface in basal part weakly lustrous but two apical tarsal segments often bright or almost matt, densely striolate, with two rufous. Vestiture sparse. Head capsule with rows of fine elongate punctures along me- sparse very narrow, sublinear or hair-like dian strip slightly raised near base to form subrecumbent white scales. Punctures on vestigial median carina. Sides of dorsum pronotum with similar but longer scales, with rows of coarser punctures more or less median sulcus and sides with diffuse stripes deeply engraved and separated by wrinkles of broader linear to narrow-lanceolate but lacking well-defined carinae. Apical white scales. Granules on elytral intervals part of rostrum lustrous, with moderately bearing subrecumbent brown and white dense elongate punctures. Antennae in- narrow, almost hair-like scales forming no serted at 0.37–0.45 length of rostrum from apex. Scape club-shaped swollen in apical quarter. Funicle 7-segmented, noticeably Figs 2–4. Ceutorhynchus (Heorhynchus) spp., ae- Fig. 1. Ceutorhynchus (Heorhynchus) catenula- deagus dorsally; 2 – C. catenulatus sp. nov., ho- tus sp. nov., male, holotype. lotype; 3 – C. ibukianus; 4 – C. subcoeruleipennis. © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 22(1): 82–86 84 B.A. KOROTYAEV. A NEW SPECIES OF CEUTORHYNCHUS FROM CHINA thickening apically; second segment about Elytra 1.06–1.09 times as long as wide, as long as first one; rest segments succes- with strongly convex humeral prominences, sively shortening: sixth segment slightly weakly roundly widening along short dis- longer than broad, seventh segment barrel- tance behind latter, afterwards first moder- shaped and slightly transverse. Pubescence ately, then strongly narrowing toward mod- on funicle moderately long, but weakly erately convex, obtuse apical prominences. raised. Club oblong-ovate. Eyes medium- Disc strongly and rather evenly convex sized, rounded triangular, moderately con- except for flattened or shallowly depressed vex; in lateral view, their dorsal margins postscutellar area. Striae very broad and slightly raised above frons level. Frons deep, deepening and narrowing toward weakly to moderately depressed across its base, with margins rounded in cross-section; entire width, flattened in cross-section. punctures in striae separated by not less Temples slightly depressed in upper part; than own diameter. Intervals ca. 1.5 times vertex narrowly convex at some distance as broad as striae, subcostiform, irregularly behind eyes, with fine median carina in two covered with small elongate glabrous gran- of four available specimens. Head capsule ules pointed posteriorly. Larger granules in weakly lustrous, with dense medium-sized, apical part of discal intervals and on sides sharply outlined, rather deep punctures. tending to form more or less regular row Pronotum 1.27–1.42 times as broad as along midline of an interval. Three to five long, with base shallowly to moderately largest granules in apical part of 4–8th in- deeply bisinuate or weakly obtuse-angular- tervals with very sharp attenuate apex but ly produced posteriorly in middle; sides in forming no transverse ridge. Surface of ely- basal part subparallel, slightly rounded, or tra matt due to shagreened microsculpture. noticeably diverging toward large, acute, Legs rather long and slender, coarsely strongly projecting lateral tubercles; there- rugosely punctate; femora weakly widened after moderately strongly convexly con- distal to middle and forming weak angular verging to deep constriction separating long prominence bearing bunch of white scales. apical part. Anterior margin weakly raised, Hind femur not conspicuously differing in with shallow to moderately deep median width from middle femur and only slightly emargination limited by two angulations. wider than fore femur. Tibiae moderately Disc moderately convex, with median sul- long, parallel-sided in middle part, slightly cus very wide and shallow at base, partly or widening toward apex; fore tibia obsoletely completely smoothened in middle of disc, outcurved apically, non-mucronate. Mid- and foveiform deepened behind and in api- dle and hind tibiae noticeably outcurved cal constriction. Medial part of disc along apically and provided with sharp medium- sulcus slightly more strongly convex and sized mucro pointed medio-posteriorly. separated from lateral tubercles by shal- Spines in apical comb of fore tibia becom- low depressions. Punctation on disc very ing longer toward outer apical angle and coarse and deep, punctures of varying size barely extending on outer surface of tibia. separated by flat narrow intervals, matt on Apical comb on hind tibia short, convex, most of disc and lustrous in places on con- rounded, with dense fine pale spines. Tarsi vex areas along median sulcus. Postocular moderately long; first segment of fore and lobes large, rounded. In front view, apical middle tarsus about 1.5 times; first segment margin thickened at mid-height of sides, 1.5 of hind tarsi about twice as long as broad; times as wide there as in dorsal part. Corner second segment almost 1.5 times as long as between ventral end of postocular lobe and broad; third segment of fore tarsus as long keel before coxae very deeply depressed. and almost twice as broad as second seg- Scutellum narrow, elongate, flat or convex ment. Claw-segment slender, weakly wid- to varying degree. ening apically, by 0.6 of its length extend- © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 22(1): 82–86 B.A. KOROTYAEV. A NEW SPECIES OF CEUTORHYNCHUS FROM CHINA 85 ing beyond lobes of third segment; claws Comparison. This is the third known spe- moderately long, moderately diverging, cies of the subgenus Heorhynchus formerly finely dentate in basal 0.4. including C. ibukianus Hustache, 1916 Punctation of underside coarse, dense (from Japan and Korean Peninsula), and along midline and sparser on sides of meso- C. subcoeruleipennis Voss, 1958 (described and metathorax; middle part of mesepimera from China, Fujian Province, “Kuatun”) of often impunctate. Apices of mesepimera which C. philippovi Korotyaev, 1980 (de- obtusely ridge-shaped. Metepisterna rather scribed from the south of the Russian Far strongly convex. Metasternum strongly East) is a junior synonym. The new species swollen between middle and hind coxae, clearly differs from the two aforementioned ridge-shaped hanging over hind coxae. species in the smaller size (C. subcoeru- First ventrite rather deeply depressed be- leipennis has body length above 2.8 mm, and tween coxae (depression narrowing pos- C. ibukianus is still larger), coarsely catenu- teriorly), and second ventrite shallowly late elytra, deeper median sulcus and sharp- depressed only along midline; third and er lateral tubercles on the pronotum, usu- fourth ventrites flat medially; anal ventrite ally rufous antennae and tarsi, and truncate along almost its entire length with broad apically aedeagus (see Figs 2–4). From C. shallow transverse depression limited by ibukianus it differs, in addition, in the black weak prominences raising to apical margin colour without clear blue sheen. of ventrite (depression densely covered with white entire scales at anterior margin Ceutorhynchus (Heorhynchus) of ventrite, and with yellowish plumose subcoeruleipennis Voss, 1958 scales in posterior part of ventrite). Sides = C. philippovi Korotyaev, 1980, syn. nov. of depression and posterior margin of anal ventrite with dense longer semi-erect hairs. Remark. Examination of the type mate- Pygidium moderately transverse, weakly rial of C. subcoeruleipennis in the A. Koenig convex, coarsely punctate, with deep fovea Museum, Bonn, has revealed the synonymy occupying half-length and about one-third of this name with C. philippovi. width of pygidium; bottom of fovea almost impunctate; sides of fovea densely covered ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS with yellow hairs hanging over fovea. Aede- agus as in Fig. 2. I greatly appreciate providing the material Female. Rostrum 1.52 times as long as of the new species for examination by A.S. Kon- stantinov (USNM) and help in processing the pronotum, strongly and evenly curved, sub- figures by M.G. Volkovitsh (ZIN). The study cylindrical, parallel-sided, weakly lustrous, was supported by the Russian Foundation for finely striolate in basal part and with sparse Basic Research (project No. 13-04-01002а) and fine elongate punctures and strioles in api- Ministry of Education and Science of the Rus- cal part. Antennae inserted at 0.41 length of sian Federation. rostrum from apex. All tibiae straight, non- mucronate. Venter weakly evenly convex at REFERENCES base; median part of fourth ventrite some- what declivous and impunctate; anal ven- Alonso-Zarazaga M.A. & Lyal C.H.C. 1999. trite with small round median depression A World Catalogue of Families and Genera of Curculionoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) (Ex- in apical half densely covered with white cepting Scolytidae and Platypodidae). Barce- scales. Pygidium small, flat, matt, with shal- lona: Entomopraxis. 315 p. low transverse fovea occupying half of its Colonnelli E. 2004. Catalogue of Ceutorhynchi- length and about half of its apical width. nae of the world, with a key to genera (Insecta: Margins of fovea densely covered with yel- Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Barcelona: Arga- low hairs hanging over fovea. nia edition. 124 p. © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 22(1): 82–86 86 B.A. KOROTYAEV. A NEW SPECIES OF CEUTORHYNCHUS FROM CHINA Korotyaev B.A. 1980. Contribution to the insects of the Russian Far East], 3 (Coleo- knowledge of Ceutorhynchinae (Coleoptera, ptera, 3 – Supplement): 455–468. Vladivo- Curculionidae) of Mongolia and the USSR. stok: Dal’nauka. (In Russian). Nasekomye Mongolii [Insects of Mongolia], Voss E. 1958. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der 7: 107–282. (In Russian). Curculionidae im Grenzgebiet der Orien- Korotyaev B.A. 1996. A key to genera of the talischen zur Paläarktischen Region (Col., tribe Ceutorhynchini. In: Egorov A.B., Zhe- Curc). Die von J. Klapperich und Tschung Sen in der Provinz Fukien gesammelten Rüs- richin V.V. & Korotyaev B.A. Sem. Curcu- selkäfer. Decheniana Beihefte, 5: 1–139. lionidae – Dolgonosiki. Opredelitel’ naseko- mykh Dal’nego Vostoka Rossii [Key to the Received June 6, 2013 / Accepted June 14, 2013 © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 22(1): 82–86

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