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A new species of the genus Tropiocolotes from Central Saudi Arabia (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae) PDF

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Preview A new species of the genus Tropiocolotes from Central Saudi Arabia (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae)

0 Bonn zoological Bulletin Volume 57 Issue 2 pp. 275-280 Bonn, November 201 A new species of the genus Tropiocolotes from Central Saudi Arabia (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae) Thomas M. Wilms1- *, Mohammed Shobrak2 & Philipp Wagner3 1 Zoologischer Garten Frankfurt, Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1, D-60316 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; E-Mail: [email protected] 2 Biology Department, Science College, TaifUniversity, P.O. Box 888, Taif, Saudi Arabia 3 Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum A. Koenig, Adenauerallee 160, D-53113 Bonn, Germany * corresponding author Abstract. Anewspecies ofthe genus Tropiocolotesfrom central SaudiArabia is describedbasedontwo specimens from theAth-Thumamahregion. The new species is amemberofthe subgenus Tropiocolotes and belongs to the clade includ- ing T. steudneri and T. nattereri. Key words. Tropiocolotes sp. n., Ath-Thumama, SaudiArabia. INTRODUCTION The genus Tropiocolotes Peters, 1880 comprises a group T. t. apoklomax; Baha El Din 2001), the taxonomic rank ofsmall, nocturnal andground dwelling geckos, rarely ex- of certain taxa (e.g., T. t. algericus which was assigned mm ceeding 35 snout-vent length. Biogeographically the specific rankbasedon aproven sympatric occurrence with distributionofthese geckos follows a Saharo-sindian pat- T. t. tripolitanus Peters, 1880; Baha El Din 2001), species tern, ranging from Morocco and Mauritania in the west delimitation (e.g., between T. nattereri and T. steudneri, & to western India (Sindaco Jeremcenco 2008; Agarwal Shifman et al. 1999; the type material ofboth species is 2009). About 13 nominal species are being distinguished untraceable and therefore neotypes should be designated within the genus Tropiocolotes, but in addition there are and a thorough rediscription ofboth taxa prepared) and publishedrecords ofspecimens whichwouldpossibly de- to the existence ofhitherto unknown species which were serve specific recognition and which are not yet formal- discovered recently (T nubicus Baha El Din 1999, T. lydescribed(Arnold 1980; Kordges 1998;Anderson 1999; bisharicus Baha El Din 2001 ). Baha el Din 2001, 2006; Sindaco & Jeremcenco 2008). Beside this the species composition ofthe genus is under As already stated by Baha El Din (2001) the difficulty in debate since the taxa ofthe eastern part ofthe distribu- finding and studyingthese diminutive animals, combined tion area are assigned to Microgecko Nikolsky, 1907 and with their patchy geographical representation in scientif- Asiocolotes Golubev, 1984 on a generic orsubgeneric lev- ic collections has led to a less than satisfactory taxonom- elby some authors (Kluge 1983; Kuge 1991; Szcerbak & ic evaluation to date. & Golubev 1996; Sindaco Jeremcenco 2008) while oth- ers treat all ofthose taxa as belonging exclusively to the The specimens described as a new species in the present genus Tropiocolotes (Anderson 1961, 1999). Wepreferto paperwere collected in theAth-Thumamah region in cen- follow the more inclusive interpretation ofTropiocolotes tral Saudi Arabia, approximately 90 km northeast of and use the name in the broader sense encompassing al- Riyadh. According to Arnold (1986) the distribution of so the taxa ofIran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Tropiocolotes in Saudi Arabia is confined to north-west- ern Saudi Arabia, but already Tilbury (1988) recorded it There have been uncertainties concerning the taxonomy from the Riyadh area. Thus the first specimen from Ath- ofsome oftheAfrican andArabiantaxawithinthe genus, Thumamah collected by Kordges was not the first pub- like T tripolitanus algericus Loveridge, 1947, T. t. apok- lished record ofthe genus in central Arabia (contra Ko- lomax Papenfuss, 1969, T. steudneri (Peters, 1869) and rdges 1998), butnevertheless the first record ofthe genus T. nattereri Steindachner, 1901 (Baha el Din 1994, 2001; fromAth-Thumamah (contra Cunningham 2010, who list- Werner 1998; Shifman et al. 1999). The main taxonomic ed Tropiocolotes as not yet confirmed for this area). issues were related to the validity of certain taxa (e.g., Bonn zoological Bulletin 57 (2): 275-280 ©ZFMK 276 Thomas M. Wilms et al. MATERIAL ber of upper and lower labials, number and characteris- tics ofkeels on subdigital lamellae, number and identity 106 specimens ofthe genus Tropiocolotes from the col- ofscales bordering the nostril, number of scales around lections of the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum A. midbody. Beside this, data on colouration and patternwas Koenig, Bonn (ZFMK), the Senckenberg Museum Frank- collected. Additional data on morphological characters furt (SMF), the CaliforniaAcademy ofScience (CAS) and were taken from Baha el Din (1999, 2001) and Shifman the Natural History Museum Geneva(MHNG) belonging et al. (1999). Measurements weretaken with a digital cal- to T. algericus (n=14), T. depressus (n=3), T. helenae liper to the nearest 0.1 mm. (n=10), T. nattereri (n= 14), T.persicus (n=12), T. scortec- ci (n=4), T. steudneri (n= 43), T. tripolitanus (n=4) and the new taxon describedherein (n=2) were examined. For Material examined the species not available in the present study (T. bishari- cus, T. latifi, T. levitoni, T. nubicus) morphological infor- Tropiocolotes algericus: Algeria: SMF 8167, Algerian mation were taken from Leviton & Anderson (1972), Sahara; Mali: MHNG 2678.087, north ofBombax; Mo- Szczerbak & Golubev (1996), Anderson (1999), Baha El rocco: MHNG 1553.065-067, Tarfaya; MHNG 993.027, Din (1999, 2001). Aouinet-Torkoz; SMF 73082-87, Goulimine; Western Sa- MHNG hara: 1545.076, El-Aioun. Tropiocolotesdepres- The following characters were collected from 59 speci- sus: Pakistan: SMF 64490-92, eastofChiltan-Mountains, MHNG mens fromAlgeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Saudi Ara- Quetta. Tropiocolotes helenae: Iran: 2627.01 1- MHNG MHNG bia (belongingto T. nattereri, T. steudneriand thenewtax- 16, 2641.100, 2646.056-058, Mehkuyeh. MHNG on described herein): snout-vent-length, tail length (only Tropiocolotes nattereri: Egypt: 2710.017-018, intact tails), number and size ofpostmental scales, num- Wadi Feran; SMF 8165, NW Sinai; ZFMK70653-59, Ras ber of interorbitals (transverse scales across the interor- Mohammed; Israel: SMF 471 12, Wadi el Hedhira, Cen- bital region at mid orbits, excludingpalpebral folds), num- tral Negev; Jordan: ZFMK 64673, Aqaba; Saudi Ara- bia: CAS 148526, Hagl [29 18 N; 34 57 E]; CAS 148616, Jabal as Sinfa [27 57 N; 35 47 E]. Tropiocolotespersi- cus: Pakistan: SMF 63536-47, Hab Chauki. Tropio- MHNG colotes scortecci: Yemen: 2428.065, Al MHNG MHNG Mabraz,WadiZabid; 2428.065, 2553.041, MHNG Mafraq-Mocca; 2581042, Sayhut. Tropiocolotes steudneri: Algeria: CAS 138660-63, 3 km. East of Tamanrasset; ZFMK 19853, 15 km S Terhenanet; ZFMK 33839, 90km S In Salah; Egypt: CAS 156660, Maadi-Wa- MHNG diGindali Rd. [29 59 N, 31 28 E]; 2710.019-020, Oasis Kharga; SMF 22119, Kosseir; ZFMK2359, ZFMK ZFMK 64633, Luxor; 20537, Cairo, Mokatana Hils; ZFMK ZFMK km NW ZFMK 64641, 64643, 10 Cairo; 65477, GizaAbuRawash; ZFMK 77765-67, betweenBeni Suefu. Korimat; Sudan: CAS 174014, Assalaya Pump MHNG ZFMK Station 3; 1186.078-079, Tabo; 33840-59, Wadi Half; ZFMK 38429, Erkowit. Tropiocolotes tripoli- tanus: Egypt: SMF 22472, Heliopolis; SMK 22473, MHNG SMF Cairo; Tunisia: 1335.04, Tozeur; 8166, Tunisian Sahara. Tropiocolotes sp. n.: Saudi Arabia: ZFMK 43668, ZFMK 87120, Ath-Thumama. Despite the overall similarity ofthe taxa involved and the generally low level of character displacement, which is typical for geckoes, it became clear, that the specimens Fig. 1. Holotype of Tropiocolotes wolfgangboehmei sp. n. from central SaudiArabiadiffer in several characters from from Ath-Thumamah, Saudi Arabia (Fig. la: dorsal view, Fig. all known taxa in the genus Tropiocolotes and will there- lb: ventral view, Scale: 1mm interline distance). fore be described as a new species. Bonn zoological Bulletin 57 (2): 275-280 ©ZFMK Anew species ofthe genus Tropiocolotes from Central Saudi Arabia 277 SPECIES DESCRIPTION Description of the Holotype. An adult female with in- tact tail. Body depressed. Snout-vent-length (SVL) 29.4 Tropiocolotes wolfgangboehmei sp. n. mm, Tail length 32.8 mm. Head narrow, 9.3 mm long % mm (about 31.6 ofSVL). Neckdistinct. Right limb 10.8 Type material: Holotype, ZFMK 43668, Ath-Thumama, long. 5th digit ofleft manus lacking claw, all other digits Saudi Arabia, leg. T Kordges, 1985; Paratype, ZFMK complete. Tail 1.12 times SVL, cylindrical tapering even- 87120, Ath-Thumama (25° 16'N, 46° 37' E), Saudi Ara- ly to its tip. bia, leg. T. Wilms, 09.05.2001, 10:30 hrs Diagnosis. A small gecko with a maximum snout-vent- length of29.4 mm. The species possesses all diagnostic characters of the genus Tropiocolotes (in the sense of Kluge 1967) including digits slightly angularly bent, not dilated, not fringed, notwebbed, norornamented, covered belowwithasingle series oftransverse lamellae,pupil ver- tical, dorsal scales uniform, small, homogenous, imbricate to subimbricate, preanal and femoralpores usually absent. Tropiocolotes wolfgangboehmei sp. n. has two pairs of postmental shields and therefore differs from T. latifi (no postmentals), T. helenae (one pair ofpostmentals) and T. depressus (no postmentals or only one pair ofvery small postmentals). From T persicus it differs by having only four scales in contact with the nostril instead offive. It differs from T. algericus, T. tripolitanus, T. scorteccii, T. somalicus and T. bisharicus by its smooth dorsal sca- lation. T. wolfgangboehmei sp. n. differs from T. nattereri by possessing clearly bi- or tricarinated subdigital scales (versus smooth subdigital scales) and from T. steudneri and T. nubicus by having two pairs ofpostmental shields ofwhich the second is roughly a quarterofthe size ofthe Fig. 3. Paratype of Tropiocolotes wolfgangboehmei sp. n. first (both pairs ofroughly equal size in T. steudneri and from Ath-Thumamah, Saudi Arabia (Fig. 3a: dorsal view, Fig. mm T. nubicus). 3b: ventral view, Scale: 1 interline distance). Bonn zoological Bulletin 57 (2): 275-280 ©ZFMK 278 Thomas M. Wilms et al. large postmentals, in contactwith mental andthe firsttwo lower labials. Second pair ofpostmentals only about one fourththe size ofthe firstpostmentals, separated from each otherby fourgranularscales. The secondpairofpostmen- tals is in contact with the second lower labials. Body scalationhomogenous, scales imbricate and smooth. 58 scales aroundmidbody. Chestwidely openedby an in- cision. Dorsal sides offorelimbs covered with imbricate scales, scales of ventral sides juxtaposed and slightly swollen, somewhat smaller than scales on dorsal side of forelimbs. Dorsal andventral sides ofhind limbs covered with imbricate scales, which are almost equal in size. Pos- Fig. 4. Habitat and Paratype locality of Tropiocolotes wolf- terior surface ofthigh with smaller granular scales. Sub- gangboehmei sp. n. at Ath-Thumamah (25° 16' N, 46° 37' E), digital lamellae strongly bi- or tricarinate. Lamellar for- Saudi Arabia. mula (digit 1 to 5) for left manus: 9, 12, 14, 13, 11. Rostral 1.5 times as wide as high, dividedpartly by ame- Dorsal and ventral scales ofthe tail homogenous and im- dian cleft. Nostril bordered by rostral, first upper labial bricate. Scales at tail base not carinate, but becoming in- andtwo small postnasals, whichare separatedby two large creasingly so distally. Postanal sacs weakly developed A internasals. The internasals are followed by one pair of with two enlarged tubercular scales on either side. pair subequal scales. Snout andupper surface ofthe head cov- ofslightly enlarged preanal scales present. eredbyhexagonal scales which arejuxtaposed. Loreal re- gion coveredwith slightly swollen scales, which are some- Measurements (inmm, frompreserved specimen): Snout- what smallerthantheremaining scales on thehead. 16 in- vent-length 29.4; tail length 32.8; head length 9.3; max- terorbitals, 10/10 upper labials, 8/8 lower labials. Occip- imumheadwidth 5.1; maximumheadheight2.7; orbitdi- italregion covered by juxtaposed scales slightly smaller ameter 2.0; distance orbit - snouth 3.2; distance orbit - than the interorbitals, whichbecome increasingly swollen ear 2.3; ear diameter 0.6. in the neck. Mental slightly wider than rostral, pentago- nal in shape extending posteriorly not to the level ofthe Colouration ofpreserved specimen: The specimen is pre- suture between first and secondlowerlabials. Onepairof served in 70% ethanol and has almost completely losthis coloration andpattern. Kordges (1998) depictedthis spec- imen in black and white, and its pattern resembles the paratype almost exactly (in having six dark transverse bands on the back and twelve on the tail, as well as hav- ing exactly the same pattern ofthe head). Description ofthe Paratype. Paratype similarinmostre- spects to holotype, except as noted. An adult male with intacttail, whichwasbroken duringpreservationnearthe tail base. Body depressed. Snout-vent-length 27.3 mm, tail mm length 31.1 mm. Headnarrow, head length 8.2 (about % mm 30 of SVL). Neck distinct. Right limb 9.3 long. All digits intact. Tail 1.13 times SVL, cylindrical taper- ing evenly to its tip. 15 interorbitals, 10/10 upper labials, 7/8 lowerlabials. Sec- ond pair ofpostmentals only about one fourth the size of the first postmentals, separated from each other by three granular scales. The second pair ofpostmentals is in full contact with the second lower labials, and almost reach- es the third labial on the left. Fig. 5. Tropiocolotes nattereri(SMF47112),Wadi el Hedhi- ra, Central Negev, Israel (Fig. 5a: dorsal view, Fig. 5b: ventral Body scalationhomogenous, scales imbricate and smooth. 1mm view, Scale: interline distance). 59 scales around midbody, 66 scales between a well Bonn zoological Bulletin 57 (2): 275-280 ©ZFMK A new species ofthe genus Tropiocolotes from Central Saudi Arabia 279 Derivatio nominis. This species is named after Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bohme in honour to his contributions to her- petology during his 39 years as curator ofherpetology at the Zoological Research Museum A. Koenig, Bonn and as the academic mentor oftwo ofthe authors ofthe pres- ent paper. Habitat. The holotype was found near a small village at the border of the Ath-Thumamah area (Kordges 1998). The paratype was found under a stone in a small canyon within the Buwayb-Escarpment which is a cretaceous coral reefconsistingofsedimentaryrock, mainly lime-and sandstone. DISCUSSION Tropiocolotes wolfgangboehmei sp. n. is known only from central Saudi Arabia. Because ofthe close proximity of Ath-Thumamah tothe cityofRiyadh we considerthe Tro- piocolotes recorded by Tilbury (1988) likely to be con- specific with this new taxon. Based on the external mor- phology T. wolfgangboehmei sp. n. is a member of the group consisting of T. nattereri, T steudneri and T. nubi- cus and is most probably the sister taxon of T. nattereri. Biogeographically the distribution pattern ofthe Tropio- Fig. 6. Tropiocolotes stendneri (ZFMK 33850), Wadi Haifa, colotes ofnorth-eastern Africa and Arabia is quite puz- Sudan. (Fig. 6a: dorsal view, Fig. 6b: ventral view. Scale: 1mm zling, not the least because ofthe involvement ofat least interline distance). two taxa which are not yet formally recognized (Guibe 1966, Arnold 1980, Anderson 1999). Due to the clarifi- marked interruption between throat and chest and cloacal cation on the taxonomic identity of T. nattereri and T. slit. Dorsal sides of forelimbs covered with imbricate steudneri (Werner 1998, Shifman et al. 1999) and the de- scales, some ofwhich show very slight carination, scales scription inthe presentpaper, it is clear, thatactuallythree ofventral sidesjuxtaposed and slightly swollen, somewhat nominal Tropiocolotes species are known to occur on the smaller than scales on dorsal side offorelimbs. Lamellar formula (digit 1 to 5) for left manus: 9, 11, 15, 13, 10. Measurements (inmm, frompreserved specimen): Snout- vent-length 27.3; tail length 31.1; head length 8.2; max- imum head width4.9; maximum headheight2.9; orbit di- ameter 1.7; distance orbit - snouth 2.9; distance orbit - ear 2.0; ear diameter 0.7. Colour in life: Head lightbrown with abroad dark brown band extending from the snouttojust above the earopen- A ing. narrow yellow line extending axially from the ros- tral to the snout, up to the upperdelimitation ofthe broad dark brown band. Palpebral fold yellow. Labials and un- derside ofthe head white. Dorsum light brown, with six Fig. 7. Distribution ofArabian Tropiocolotes: Tropiocolo- broad, darkbrown transverse bands. Colourationbetween tes nattereri from Saudi Arabia [upper : CAS 148526, Hagl those transverse bands yellowish brown. Ground colour (29° 18'N; 34° 57'E); lower CAS 148616,Jabal as Sinfa(27° ofdorsal sides oflimbs lightbrown. Hind limbs scattered 57' N; 35° 47' E)], Tropiocolotes wolfgangboehmei sp. n., with dark brown spots. Tail coloration light brown with • Tropiocolotes spec, from Bandar-e-Lengeh(Anderson 1999), ten darkbrowntransverse bands. Ventral side without any Iran; Blackareas: approx. DistributionofTropiocolotesscortec- pattern, white. ci, grey areas: approx. distribution ofTropiocolotes nattereri. Bonn zoological Bulletin 57 (2): 275-280 ©ZFMK 280 Thomas M. Wilms et al. Anderson SC (1999) The lizards ofIran. Society for the Study Arabian Peninsula (T. nattereri, T. wolfgangboehmei sp. ofAmphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca, 442 pp. n. and T. scortecci). T. nattereri is known from north-west- Arnold EN (1980): The reptiles and amphibians of Dhofar, ern Saudi Arabia and the adjacent areas in Jordan, Israel SouthernArabia. Journal ofOman Studies, Special Report2: and Egypt while T. scortecci is an endemic species of 273-332 southernArabia (Oman andYemen). T. wolfgangboehmei Arnold EN (1986)Akey and annotated check list to the lizards and amphisbaenians of Arabia. Fauna of Saudi Arabia 8: sp. n. is the only species distributed in centralArabia some 385^135 800-1000 km away from the nearest Tropiocolotes local- Bahael Din S (1994)AcontributiontotheherpetologyofSinai. ities in north-western Saudi Arabia, Oman/Yemen and British Herpetological Society Bulletin 48: 18-27 Iran. Baha el Din S (1999)Anew species ofTropiocolotes (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from Egypt. Zoology in the Middle East 19: 17-26 BInahthaeEplastD,inse2ve0r0a6l,aCutuhnonrisn(gThilabmur2y011908)8,asSscihgnneeiddetrhe1c9e9n0-, Baha el Din S (2001) A synopsis ofAfrican and southArabian geckosofthegenus Tropiocolotes(Reptilia: Gekkonidae)with tral Arabian Tropiocolotes to T. steudneri or T. nattereri. a description of a new species from Egypt. Zoology in the Two specimens from Bandar-e Lengeh onthe coast ofthe Middle East 22: 45-56 Arabian/Persian Gulfin Iranwere also tentativelyassigned Baha el Din S (2006): AGuide to the Reptiles andAmphibians to T. steudneri (Guibe 1966, Anderson 1999). Based on ofEgypt. TheAmericanUniversityinCairo Press, Cairo, 359 pp. the current distribution ofTropiocolotes itwouldzoogeo- Cunningham PL (2010) Checklist ofterrestrial reptiles in three graphically be extremely unlikely that the Iranian speci- protected areas in the Kingdom ofSaudi Arabia. Herpetolo- mens belong to either T. steudneri or T. nattereri. Based gical Review 41 (1): 25-28 on the morphological data givenby Guibe (1966) andAn- Guibe J (1966) Reptiles et amphibiens recoltes par la Mission derson (1999) and the photograph given by Anderson Franco-Iranienne. BulletinduMuseumNatinal d'HistoireNa- (1999) we are sure that these animals do not belong to T. KltuugreellAeG38((129)6:79)7-H9i8gher taxonomic categories of gekkonid wolfgangboehmei sp. n. but to a new, as yet undescribed lizards and their evolution. Bulletin ofthe American Muse- taxon. Baha El Din (2001) suggested the investigation of um ofNatural History 135 (1): 1-59 the relationship ofthose Iranian specimens to two Tropi- KlugeAG (1983)Cladisticrelationshipsamonggekkonidlizards. ocolotes from eastern Dhofar, Oman, which were tenta- Copeia 1983 (2): 465-475 tively assigned to T. scortecci by Arnold (1980) despite Kluge AG (1991) Checklist ofgekkonid lizards. Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service (85): 1-35 notable differences from T. scortecci specimens fromfur- KordgesT(1998)DieReptilienfaunadesThumamaNaturePark therwest in Dhofarand from the type locality ofthis tax- bei Riyadh, Saudi Arabien. Faunistische Abhandlungen on in Hadramaut,Yemen. The taxonomy ofthe genus Tro- Staatliches Museum furTierkunde Dresden, Band 21/Suppl. piocolotes, especially inArabia, is still in need ofa thor- Contribution to a "HerpetologiaArabica" Nr. 7: 67-83 ough revision, not only to clarify the species composition Leviton A, Anderson SC (1972) Description ofa new species ofTropiocolotes (Reptilia: Gekkonidae)witharevisedkeyto within the genus but also to gain more data on the distri- the genus. Occasional Papers ofthe California Academy of bution ofthe respective taxa and to establish a hypothe- Sciences 96:1-7 sis on their phylogenetic relationships. Schneider B (1990) Verbreitung, Unterartgliederung, Okologie und Schuppenmorphologie der Gekkoniden-Gattung Tropi- Acknowledgements. We thank H.H. Prince Bandar ibn Saud ocolotes aus dem Bereich der Sahara. Mitteilungen Pollichia 77: 409^119 (sDuiprpeocrttoranGdenceornatli,nuSoauusdiinWtielrdelsitfienCooumrmhiesrspieotonl,ogRiicyaaldhst)udfioersthien Shifman S, ShachamB,WernerY(1999): Tropiocolotesnattereri (Reptilia: Gekkonidae): comments on validity, variation and Saudi Arabia. The study would not have been possible without Hth.eE.hePlropf.ofDrm.aAn.yH.coAlbluezaignueasdaof(fwohrimcerhDwierecwtoourlGdenleirkael,toNtChaWn-k SindidsatcroibuRt,ioJne.rZeomocleongcoy iKn t(h2e00M8i)ddTlheeERaesptti1l7e:s5o1f-t6h6e Western CD, Riyadh), Prof. Dr. I. Nader (Former Director ofKKWRC, LPaalteianrac,ti5c7.9Mpopn.ografiedella Societas HerpetologicaItalica 1, Thumama), andDr. I. Galal (Riyadh). Forthe loan ofimportant SzcerbackN, Golubev M (1996) Gecko fauna oftheUSSRand material we thank Prof. Dr. W. Bohme (ZFMK, Bonn), Dr. A. contiguous regions. Society forthe Study ofAmphibians and Schmitz(MHNG,Geneva),J. Vindum(CAS, SanFrancisco)and Reptiles, St. Louis, IX + 233 pp. Dr. G. Kohler (SMF, Frankfurt). Tilbury C (1988) An annotated checklist ofsome ofthe com- moner reptiles occurring around Riyadh, Kingdom ofSaudi REFERENCES Arabia. African Journal ofHerpetology 34: 25-34 Werner Y (1998) The desert herpetofauna in and near Israel: a Agarwal I. (2009)FirstrecordofTropiocolotespersicuseuphor- personalreviewofadvances(1986—1997),withnewdata(Am- biacola Minton, Anderson and Anderson 1970 (Sauria: phibia; Reptilia). Faunistische Abhandlungen Staatliches Gekkonidae) from the Republic of India, with notes on its Museum furTierkunde Dresden, Band 21/Suppl. Contributi- habitatandnaturalhistory. RussianJournal ofHerpetology 16 on to a "HerpetologiaArabica" Nr. 14: 149—161 (2): 83-87 Anderson SC (1961) A note on the synonymy ofMicrogecko Received: 15.IX.2010 Nikolskywith TropiocolotesPeters.WassmannJournal ofBi- ology 19 (2): 287-289 Accepted: 10.X.2010 Bonn zoological Bulletin 57 (2): 275-280 ©ZFMK

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