ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 25(1): 157–162 25 JUNE 2016 A new species of the genus Pseudotaphoxenus from Kazakhstan (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Sphodrini) Новый вид рода Pseudotaphoxenus из Казахстана (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Sphodrini) I.I. KABAK* & I.A. SOLODOVNIKOV И.И. КАБАК, И.А. СОЛОДОВНИКОВ I.I. Kabak, All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, Podbelskogo 3, St Petersburg – Pushkin 189620, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]. I.A. Solodovnikov, Vitebsk State University, Department of Zoology, Moskovskij prospekt 33, Vitebsk, 210038, Republic of Belarus. E-mail: [email protected] A new species of the genus Pseudotaphoxenus Schaufuss, 1865, P. kazakhstanicus sp. nov., is described from the Aktolagai Mountain Range in Western Kazakhstan and the Koksengir Mountains in Central Kasakhstan. Описан новый вид рода Pseudotaphoxenus Schaufuss, 1865, P. kazakhstanicus sp. nov., из гор Актолагай в Западном Казахстане и гор Коксенгир в Центральном Казахстане. Key words: ground beetles, taxonomy, Kazakhstan, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Sphodrini, Pseu- dotaphoxenus, new species Ключевые слова: жужелицы, таксономия, Казахстан, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Sphodrini, Pseudotaphoxenus, новый вид INTRODUCTION hind angles; elytral base (EB) between the humeral teeth. This paper contains the description of a Microsculpture was examined at a mag- new species of the genus Pseudotaphoxenus nification of 56x using tracing paper for light Schaufuss, 1865 from Western Kazakhstan. dispersion. Dissections were made with The holotype is preserved in the collec- standard techniques; dried genitalia were tion of one of the authors (I. Solodovnikov, glued on carton boards and pinned beneath Vitebsk); the paratype is kept in the Zoo- the specimens. The genitalia preparations logical Institute of the Russian Academy of of the two type specimens have been stud- Sciences (St Petersburg). ied. The male genitalia photographs were Measurements were taken as follows: taken using a DSLR camera Canon EOS the body length from the anterior margin of 40D with a Canon macro lens EF100 mm as the labrum to the elytral apex; head width a base lens and a Minolta MC W. Rokkor (HW) across eyes; pronotal length (PL) 35 mm as a reverse lens. The habitus pho- along its median line; elytral length (EL) tographs were taken with a Canon macro from the tip of the scutellum to the apex lens EF100 mm. To achieve sufficient depth of the longer elytron; width of the prono- of focus, 60 shots were taken using DSLR tum (PW) and elytra (EW) at their wid- remote Pro and were combined with the est points; pronotal base (PB) between the stacking program Zerene Stacker. Post-pro- cessing was done in Adobe Photoshop CS 6. *Corresponding author Measurements were taken using an ocular © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 158 I.I. KABAK & I.A. SOLODOVNIKOV. A NEW SPECIES OF PSEUDOTAPHOXENUS micrometer of a MBS-10 stereobinocular base (PW/PB = 1.24–1.26). Sides widely microscope at a magnification of 8×. rounded anteriorly, sinuate posteriorly, emargination before hind angles deep and TAXONOMY moderately long. Hind angles not large, subrectangular, blunt or narrowly rounded Order COLEOPTERA apically. Posterior margin concave medi- ally, slightly convex laterally. Anterior mar- Family CARABIDAE gin straight or slightly concave, anterior Subfamily HARPALINAE angles markedly salient. Lateral bead thin, lateral groove very narrow, widened before Tribe SPHODRINI Laporte, 1834 hind angles. Disc convex to lateral groove, Genus Pseudotaphoxenus Schaufuss, 1865 narrowly depressed along median line; the Pseudotaphoxenus kazakhstanicus latter thin, not reaching anterior and pos- sp. nov. terior margins of pronotum. Apical trans- (Figs 1–4) verse impression thin, clearly defined. Basal foveae ovate, deep, narrowly touching basal Holotype. Male, Kazakhstan, “W Kazakh- margin of pronotum, sharply delimited an- stan, Aktobe Prov., Aktolagai Range, h = teriorly and laterally. Prebasal transverse 170–220 m, Mt. 238 m, 8–11.05.2004, impression wide, not deep, parallel to poste- I.A. Solodovnikov, K.E. Dovgailo” [ca. 47°27’N / rior margin of pronotum. Base slightly lon- 55°07’E], «Pitfall traps along gorge with Spiraea gitudinally rugulose in median part, shal- and Cytisus” [both labels are in Russian]. lowly punctured in basal foveae and near Paratype. Female, Kazakhstan, Karaganda Prov., “Koksengir Mts., 40 km S of Zhana-Arka, hind angles. Karag[anda Prov.], G. Medvedev, 29.V.961” [ca. Elytra oblong, moderately broad, EL/ 540 m, 48°22’N / 71°31’E] [in Russian]. EW = 1.58 (in female) and 1.64 (in male), Description. Species medium-sized for EW/PW = 1.21–1.29), broadest behind this genus: body length 16.8 mm in paratype middle, widely rounded together apically, and 17.1 mm in holotype. Body flat and slightly convex. Base slightly wider than subparallel (Figs 1, 2). Legs and antennae that of pronotum, EW/EB = 1.39–1.44; rather thin, average in length for the genus. humeral tooth acutangular, blunt at apex, Dorsum and legs black or dark-brown- slightly projecting outward. Basal border ish; palpi, antennae and distal segments of widely arcuate, elytra behind it without tarsi slightly paler. impression. Lateral groove very narrow, es- Head slightly above average in size, pecially so in apical portion. Discal striae PW/HW = 1.32–1.33. Eyes markedly con- moderately deep, faintly to distinctly punc- vex, tempora long, clearly convex. Frontal tured; inner interspaces subconvex, outer foveae wide, shallow or moderately deep, ones flat. Parascutellar setigerous pore lack- not reaching the level of the eyes’ mid- ing, parascutellar striole long. Umbilicate length. Two supraorbital pores on each side series consisting of 26–29 setigerous pores. of head, both being slightly foveolate. An- Stria 7 usually with two setigerous pores terior margin of labrum slightly concave. near apex (with one pore in one elytron of Mandibles long, of normal width, shortly one specimen). curved distally. Labial tooth long, its apex Microsculpture of dorsum consisting of bifid. Antennae surpassing basal pronotal small isodiametric meshes, very shallow in edge by 2.5–3 distal segments. male, well-developed in female, especially Pronotum short compared to elytra on elytra. Integuments slightly shining in (EL/PL = 2.50–2.58), slightly transverse male, elytra of female dull. (PW/PL = 1.26–1.27), broadest in ante- Mesosternum of male without tubercle rior third, moderately narrowed toward before mesocoxa. © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(1): 157–162 I.I. KABAK & I.A. SOLODOVNIKOV. A NEW SPECIES OF PSEUDOTAPHOXENUS 159 Figs 1, 2. Pseudotaphoxenus kazakhstanicus sp. nov., general view: 1, holotype, male with length 17.1 mm; 2, paratype, female with length 16.8 mm. Only one paramedian seta on each side vex before apex; apical lamella curved down- of ventrites 3–5; ventrite 6 (last visible) ward at tip (Fig. 3). In dorsal view, median with one pair of setae in both sexes. lobe slightly asymmetric; apical lamella not Segments 1–3 of male protarsi markedly modified in apical disk, moderately long, dilated. Segments of meso- and metatarsi subparallel-sided, widely rounded at apex with a few hardly perceptible sulci on dor- (Fig. 4). Right paramere barely arched, sal surface. Meso- and metatibiae sparsely evenly narrowed distally, blunt at apex. pubescent on inner surface. Comparison. The systematic position of Median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view the new species is uncertain. Based on the slightly narrowed toward apex; its ventral aedeagus shape, it should be included into margin angularly bent in apical third, con- the juvencus species group (sensu Casale, © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(1): 157–162 160 I.I. KABAK & I.A. SOLODOVNIKOV. A NEW SPECIES OF PSEUDOTAPHOXENUS Figs 3, 4. Pseudotaphoxenus kazakhstanicus sp. nov., median lobe of aedeagus: 3, lateral view; 4, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm. 1988). Among the members of this group, with ventral margin convex before apical la- the new species is easily recognizable by the mella, which is bent downward at tip. combination of the following characters: In habitus, P. kazakhstanicus sp. nov. is body flat and subparallel, pronotum with most similar to P. pongrazci (Jedlička, 1952) very narrow lateral groove and basal foveae from the Northern Tien Shan (Casale, short and sharply delimited, parascutellar 1988), but differs from it in the following pore lacking, elytral base not depressed, mi- distinctive characters: body flat; pronotum crosculpture of the dorsum fine, dorsal sur- shorter, with smaller and less attenuated face of the tarsomeres finely sulcate basally hind angles, with sharp and short, clearly and the median lobe of the aedeagus with a punctate basal foveae and with very narrow short subparallel-sided apical lamella. lateral groove; elytra not depressed at base, In external characters, P. kazakhstanicus with acutangular humeral tooth and with- sp. nov. is similar to P. gussakovskii Veres- out parascutellar pore; meso- and metatarsi chagina et Kabak, 2000 from the Piandzh only finely sulcate dorsally; microsculpture Valley sharing with it the following char- less developed; and ventral margin of the acters: subparallel body; pronotum with aedeagus more convex in apical portion in narrow lateral groove, short basal foveae lateral view, with the apical lamella wider in and comparatively small hind angles; ely- dorsal view. tra without parascutellar setigerous pore; The new species differs from P. aralensis and fine microsculpture of the dorsum in Kabak, 2009, described from the northern male. However, P. gussakovskii differs from coast of the Aral Sea, in having the hind the new species in having the smaller body angles of the pronotum blunt at apex, the size (13.6 mm versus 16.8–17.1 mm in P. humeral tooth acuter, the elytral striae less kazakhstanicus sp. nov.), wider pronotum markedly punctate, the aedeagus less arcu- (PW/PL = 1.46 versus 1.26–1.27 in P. ka- ate in lateral view, with the apical lamella zakhstanicus sp. nov.), with smaller and less wider and subparallel-sided in dorsal view. acute hind angles, and elytra with blunt hu- From P. rufitarsis (Fischer von Wald- meral tooth. Additionally, the median lobe heim, 1823) inhabiting the same region, the of the aedeagus in P. kazakhstanicus sp. nov. new species is easily distinguished by the fol- is less narrowed toward apex in lateral view, lowing characters: pronotum more convex, © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(1): 157–162 I.I. KABAK & I.A. SOLODOVNIKOV. A NEW SPECIES OF PSEUDOTAPHOXENUS 161 Fig. 5. Habitat of Pseudotaphoxenus kazakhstanicus sp. nov. in Aktolagai Range. its base narrower, hind angles smaller and Correction of previous paper on not attenuated laterally, and lateral depla- Pseudotaphoxenus nation narrow; in addition, basal portion of each elytron not impressed, microsculpture In one of the previous publications on of the dorsum less developed, and aedeagus this genus (Vereschagina & Kabak, 2000: with the subparallel-sided apical lamella. 83), the numeration under the pictures of Distribution. The new species is only habitus of P. gussakovskii and P. kopetdaghi known from two localities in Kazakhstan: Vereschagina et Kabak, 2000 was mixed; in the Aktolagai Mountain Range between the fact, the habitus of P. gussakovskii is shown Saghyz and Emba rivers (Aktobe Province on Fig. 19, while that of P. kopetdaghi is in Western Kazakhstan) and the Koksengir shown on Fig. 20. Mountains (Karaganda Province in Central Kazakhstan). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Etymology. The name of the new species We are very grateful to Kirill E. Dovgajlo refers to Kazakhstan, where the type speci- (Minsk) for his help during the collecting trip, mens were collected. to Boris M. Kataev (St Petersburg) for access Bionomics. In the Aktolagai Mountain to the collection of the Zoological Institute of Range, the species was collected in a small the Russian Academy of Sciences and to Igor A. gorge with Spiraea and Cytisus (Fig. 5) at Belousov (St Petersburg) for his help during the elevations of 170–220 m a.s.l. preparation of this manuscript. © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(1): 157–162 162 I.I. KABAK & I.A. SOLODOVNIKOV. A NEW SPECIES OF PSEUDOTAPHOXENUS REFERENCES nei Azii [New species of Carabids of the genus Pseudotaphoxenus Schaufuss (Cole- Casale A. 1988. Revisione degli Sphodrina optera, Carabidae) from Middle Asia]. Ento- (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Sphodrini). Mono- mologicheskoe Obozrenie, 79(1): 79–86. (In grafie 5. Torino: Museo Regionale di Scienze Russian). Naturali. 1024 p. Vereschagina T.N. & Kabak I.I. 2000. Novye Received 21 January 2016 / Accepted 23 April 2016 vidy zhuzhelits roda Pseudotaphoxenus Schaufuss (Coleoptera, Carabidae) iz Sred- Scientific editor: B.M. Kataev © 2016 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 25(1): 157–162