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Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 35 (2): 330(cid:1)333 (Apr., 2010) ISSN 1000(cid:1)0739 动物分类学报 A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUSEUDMETA W IEDEMANN (DIPTERA, STRATIOMYIDAE) FROM CHINA YANG Zai(cid:1)Hua1, WEILian(cid:1)Meng2, YANGMao(cid:1)Fa1* 1. InstituteofEntomology, GuizhouUniversity, ProvincialKeyLaboratory forAgriculturalPestManagementofMountainousRegion, GuizhouProvince, Guiyang(cid:1) 550025, China 2. AnshunCenter forDiseaseControlandPrevention, Guizhou Province, Anshun(cid:1) 561000, China Abstract(cid:1) Anew speicesofEudmeta (Diptera, Stratiomyidae), E. coerulemaculata sp. nov. isdescribed fromHainanProvince in China. A key to speciesofEudmeta isprovided. Keywords(cid:1) Diptera, Stratiomyidae, Eudmeta, new species, China. Introduction abdominalside(cid:1)marginsyellow ………… E. marginata (Fabrius) Thoraxwithbluespots, proepimeronblue, abdominal side(cid:1)margins (cid:1) (cid:1) The genusEudmeta Wiedemann, 1830 belongs to paleblue …………………………… E. coerulemaculata sp. nov. the subfamily Clitellariinae (Diptera, Stratiomyidae). 3. Abdominal tergites 1(cid:1)3 brownish yellow, but tergite 3 with a transverseblack strip, tergites 4(cid:1)5 black, but side(cid:1)margin brownish Three species have been reported mainly from the yellow………………………………… E. diadematipennis Brunetti Oriental and Australian Regions ( Brunett,i 1920, Abdomenyellowish brown, tergite 2 inmiddlewith two blackish 1923; Kertesz, 1909; deMeijiere, 1904; Woodley, brown longitudinal strips near side margin, tergites 4(cid:1)5 wholly blackishbrown …………………… E. brunnea deMeijiere 2001), only one species E. diadematipennis is been known in China (Yanget al., 2008). In this paper, Eudmeta coerulemaculata sp. nov. (Figs. 1(cid:1)13) one new species is described. Description. Male (Figs. 1, 3, 5, 13). Body Materials andMethods length 11(cid:2)0(cid:1)15(cid:2)5mm, wing length 10(cid:2)2(cid:1)11(cid:2)8mm. Head elliptical in frontal view, 1(cid:2)3 tmi es broader (cid:1) (cid:1) Morphological terminology follows Merz & than high in front and 1(cid:2)5 tmi es longer than high in Haenni ( 2000). The specmi ens examined in this profile. Eyes bare, reddish(cid:1)brown, contiguous for study were deposited in the Insect Collection at the long distance, upper facets much larger than the Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University, lower. Vertexblack, with blackhairs, nearlyoccupied Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China (GUGC). by raised obviously ocellar tubercle and brownish Eudmeta W iedmann, 1830 ocell.i Frons pale blue, bare. Circumference of Eudmeta Wiedmann, 1830: 43. Type(cid:1)species: Hermetia marginata antennal socket black, raised obviously. Antenna Fabricius, 1805. (Fig. 8) dark brown to black, obviously longer than Diagnosis. Head about as broad as thorax. Eyes width of head, scape and pedicel black, with black bare, contiguous fora considerable distance in (cid:2), and marginal hairs, pedicel 1(cid:2)2 tmi es long than scape; widely separated in ; eyes ofmale with larger upper flagellum formed with 8 flagellomeres, basal 4 facets, female with distinct postocular rim. Antenna flagellomeres bare, brown in inside, black in outside, inserted belowm iddle line of head, antenna longer than apical 4 flagellomeres with thick black short hairs; width of head obviously; scape and pedicel subequa;l antennalratio1(cid:2)0!1(cid:2)2!1(cid:2)0!1(cid:2)0!1(cid:2)0!0(cid:2)5!0(cid:2)5!1(cid:2)2! flagellum longer than head, cylindrica,l with 8 1(cid:2)6!6(cid:2)5. Face black, each side with a blue stripe flagellomeres. Thorax elongate, ova;l scutellum without alongmargin ofeyes, and with thickwhite long hairs spines. W ing with R presen,t CuA veins raised from on centre of face. Proboscis mostly pale blue with 4 1 discal cel.l Abdomen long elliptica,l as long as or whitish yellow hairs, but its base black. Occiput slightly longer than thorax, flattened, depressed black, the lower partwithwhite long hairs. towards tip. Thoraxmostly shining black, butwith following blue parts: postpronotal lobe, postalar call,i a broad Key to speciesofEudmeta. stripe from postpronotal lobe to transverse suture on 1. Bodymainlyblack ………………………………………………… 2 Bodymainlyyellowishbrown …………………………………… 3 side of scutum, a spot on tip of scutellum, a broad 2. Thorax with orange or yellow spots ( possibly green in life), nearly triangular spot just in front of wing(cid:1)base on * Corresponding author, E(cid:1)mai:l yangmaofa68@ hotmai.l com Received7 July2009, accepted10Mar. 2010. 330 Apr., 2010 杨再华等: 中国优多水虻属一新种记述 (双翅目, 水虻科) 331 Figs. 1(cid:1)8. AdultsofEudmeta coerulemaculata sp. nov., morphologicalfeatures. 1, 3, 5, 8. (cid:2) . 2, 4, 6. . 7. W ing. anepisternum, up(cid:1)margin of katepisternum, Abdominal tergites mostly black, shining bluish proepmi eron and anepmi eron, whole dorsum with purple, with decumbent black short hairs, but verticalblack long hairs and decumbentwhitish yellow circumference of abdomen with narrow blue margin hairs, side of thorax with vertical white long hairs. and white long hairs on i;t ventral color same to W ing(Fig. 7) pale yellowish brown, with pale prey dorsum, butthebluemargin isnarrowerandwithpale hindmargin, nearly hyaline, butwith a dark brown yellow shorthairs. Male genitalia (Figs. 9(cid:1)12) large, streak across middle from stigma to anal cell and a nearly spherica;l aedeagal complex with three lobes dark brown large spot nearly occupying whole apex. (Figs. 11, 12), two lateral lobes roll(cid:1)to(cid:1)rol.l Legblack, all tarsi and hind tibiaewith dark to black Female (Figs. 2, 4, 6). Body length 10(cid:2)5(cid:1)13(cid:2)0 short hairs, remain of legs bare or only with sparely mm, wings length 11(cid:2)0(cid:1)12(cid:2)5 mm. Smi ilar to male palehairs. Haltere stem brown, knob blue. exceptas follows: eyeswidely separated, with broader 332 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica动物分类学报 Vo.l 35(cid:1) No. 2 Figs. 9(cid:1)13. Eudmeta coerulemaculata sp. nov. 9. Antenna. 10. Epandrium andpost(cid:1)genital segments, ventral view. 11. Epandrium and post(cid:1)genital segments, dorsal view. 12. Genitalcapsule, gonostyli and aedeagal complex, ventral view. 13. Genital capsule, gonostyliand aedeagalcomplex, dorsalview. black occipu;t ocelli blue; frons black, bare, side anepisternum, katepisternum and anepimeron are blue; nearly parallel from ocellar tubercle to antenna, as1/8 face without pale spots. But E. marginata except to1/7 ofhead; each side of occiputwith a blue long proepimeron didn(cid:1)t described, allmentioned above are spo;t tarsi dark brown, with black short hairs; orange or yellow ( possibly green in life), and facewith sometmi esmargin of abdominal dorsum pale blue or two small contiguous spots. The new species has the prmi rose. side(cid:1)margin of abdomen pale or blue, but the latter Holotype(cid:2), Diaoluoshan ( 18∀43#N, 109∀52#E; yellow. al.t 400m), Hainan Province, China, 10Apr. 2009, REFERENCES YANG Zai(cid:1)Hua leg. Paratypes, Hainan Province, China, 2 (cid:2) (cid:2), 2 , same as holotype; 1 (cid:2) Brunett,i E. 1920. Diptera Brachycera. Vo.l &. In: Shipley, A. E. Wuzhishan ( 18∀54#N, 109∀40#E; al.t 600m), 16 (ed. ), ThefaunaofBritish India, IncludingCeylonandBurma. TaylorandFrancis. London, England, UnitedKingdom. &(cid:1)∋, Apr. 2009, 1 , Bawangling ( 19∀05#N, 109∀07#E; 1(cid:1)401. al.t 860m), 28Apr. 2009, allbyYANG Zai(cid:1)Hua leg. Brunett,i E. 1923. Second revision of the Oriental Stratiomyidae. Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Recordsof theIndianMuseum, 25 (1): 45(cid:1)180. Latinwords∃ coerule% plus∃maculata% ( = blue, stripe Kert(cid:1)sz, K. 1909. Vorarbeiten zueinerMonographiederNotacanthen. ), referring to the blue spots on the thorax of the adul.t ((cid:1)∋ (. AnnalesHistorico(cid:1)NaturalesMuseiNationalisHungarici, 7 (2): 369(cid:1)397. Remarks. This species is very similar to E. Meijere, J. C. H. de. 1904. Neue und bekannte s(cid:2)d(cid:1)asiatische marginata Fabricius ( redescribed in Brunett,i 1920), Diptera. Bijdragen totdeDierkunde, 17/18: 83(cid:1)118. but is easily separated from the latter in having black Merz, B. andHaenn,i J. P. 2000. Morphologyand terminology thorax but postpronotal lobe, postalar call,i a broad of adult Diptera. In: Papp, L. and Darvas, B. ( eds. ), Contributions to aManual of Palaearctic Diptera. Vo.l 1. stripe from postpronotal lobe to transverse suture on side GeneralandAppliedDipterology. ScienceHerald, Budapest. of scutum, a spot on tip of scultellum, proepimeron, a pp. 21(cid:1)52. broad nearly triangular spot just in front ofwing(cid:1)base on Woodley, N. M. 2001. Aworldcatalog oftheStratiomyidae( Insecta: Apr., 2010 杨再华等: 中国优多水虻属一新种记述 (双翅目, 水虻科) 333 Diptera). Myia, 11: 1(cid:1)475. ZootaxonomicaSinica, 33 (4): 829(cid:1)831. [杨再华, 王进军, 杨茂 Yang, Z(cid:1)H, Wang, J(cid:1)JandYang, M(cid:1)F2008. Twonew recordsgenera 发, 2008. 中国鞍腹水虻亚科二新纪录属种记述. 动物分类学 andspeciesofChineseClitellariinae(Diptera, Stratiomyidae). Acta 报, 33 (4): 829~ 831] 中国优多水虻属一新种记述 (双翅目, 水虻科 ) 杨再华1(cid:1) 魏濂艨2(cid:1) 杨茂发1* 1. 贵州山地农业病虫害重点实验室, 贵州大学昆虫研究所(cid:1) 贵阳(cid:1) 550025 2. 贵州省安顺市疾病控制中心(cid:1) 安顺(cid:1) 561000 摘(cid:1) 要(cid:1) 记述了采自中国海南的优多水虻属 (双翅目, 水虻 有描述外, 其余均为橘黄色或黄色 (活体可能为绿色 )。此 科) 1新种: 蓝斑优多水虻Eudmeta coerulemaculata sp. nov., 编 外, 新种腹部侧缘为蓝色或淡蓝色, 而后者为橘黄色或 制了该属分种检索表。 黄色。 正模(cid:2) , 海南 (吊罗山 ), 400m, 2009(cid:1)04(cid:1)08, 杨再华 蓝斑优多水虻, 新种 Eudmeta coerulemaculata sp. nov. (图 采。副模: 2(cid:2) (cid:2) , 2 , 同正模; 1(cid:2) 海南 (五指山), 600 1~ 13) m, 2009(cid:1)04(cid:1)16, 杨再华采; 1 , 海南 (霸王岭), 860m, 新种特征上似 E. marginata, 但从其体色差异就很容易将 2009(cid:1)04(cid:1)28, 杨再华采。模式标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所 其区别开来, 新种主要黑色, 其胸部: 肩角、前胸下侧板、 标本馆。 胸背板侧缘从肩角到中缝的宽条斑、翅后胛及相连的背板后 词源: 新种以成虫体具有蓝色斑的特征命名。 侧角、小盾片端部的斑、上前侧板在接近翅基的斑、下前侧 板上缘、前侧板蓝色; 而后者体上的斑, 除了前胸下侧板没 关键词(cid:1) 双翅目, 水虻科, 优多水虻属, 新种, 中国. 中图分类号(cid:1) Q969(cid:2)447(cid:2)5 * 通讯作者.

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