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A new species of the genus Cosmopterix Hubner (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae) from Indonesia PDF

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Preview A new species of the genus Cosmopterix Hubner (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae) from Indonesia

TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 蝶と蛾 Lepidopte rSacienc 6e2(3):103−104,0ctobe r20重1 A new  species of the genus Cosmopter iHxUbner(Lepidoptera Cosmopterigid)aferom lndonesia , Hirosh iKUROK げ 4−3−1−901HabU−ChO , KiShiWada, OSaka,596−0825 Japal1 Abstract A new  species’ of cosmopterigid  moth , Co刪 oμ顔 x.ノavanica  sp. nov . is describe dfrom Java(lndonesia).The specimens  are quite ditferen tfrom Cosmopter iatxtenttatella , though they had labe lisdentifyi ntghem as th,a t species . Key words  Cosmopterigidae, Cosmopterix, attenuatella , host pLan, tScirpus sp,, lndonesia, Java. Through the courtesy  ofMr  K. Tuck ofthe  Natura lHistory Specimen esxamined . Holotype.♂,‘℃」.E. ColL A8867”. ” Museum  London (BMNH )1 took the opportunity  to Larva in leaf Scir”ps sp. Pasuruan[Java]2. ii.i1976 , , ”” , , ”, examine  the Cosmopteri xspecimens  reaエed from Scirpus Docprapto.Pres hy Comm . Inst. Ent. B.M .1976−1 . ”“ sp. in Java which are preserv eind tha tins ttuitio. nThough “BM .Genital sliiade no.32115 .Cosmoρteri xattenuatetta ” th.ey have label sident丘eid as attenuatelta  the specimens Wals.detJ. D. Bradley1976 (Fig.2). Paratype.s1♀ , , , , are clearly differe nftfo皿 the species not only in the genital idem, BM , Genitali$laide no ,32il3;1ex (abdomen characters  but also in superficia】characters  as mentjoned missing ) idem , below. Addition sapleoimen .1ex idem, abdomen  missing . CosmopteriExjava nspi.e naov .(Figs l 3) Etymology. The specific na皿e refers to the typ leocali.ty , ♂♀,Wing lengt h3.O mm , Head and thorax blackis−h Distribut, iIondnonesia(Java). fuscou swith purP亘e refiections ;centrat white  line asbsent ; Host plan. tCyperaceae. Seirワj涯s sp. a0ln.ft5e2b, 皿alpaiacc akst,ユo00ut55;  wwbhhilittaeec.,,k i1bnltaecrkr,1uwp htwihetidtee,3  lbilna cefkr, oO.m 5b wahsite eto, Riwient htmha erm efktbsa.lllDliicof wfピrries fnpl丘geocoidmonn sCt:s.S ;autc醜baubduaaalst ea Ulplari〔) njaene adscl lctdr ati 、seyohsrilomcrleitrnevari  clhtehnlalena, Forewing black−fuscous, subbasal  line srather  broad, with that of attenuate 〃α and  posteri foarsci anot divide, da rnetallic re且ections , subcostal  Iin enot reaching  base slender  reddish  yello wpatch beyond pos1erio frascia , , mheadilaf nare aa皿d; asnutbedroilolrs詛 f1aisnce∬i ahvoerrtit, caalbout w i1t1h4  lae nbglt ahofc bk daosta;l aUppi coafl  1s1po4t1 eanbsgetn thof; rai ght; sahrampe o fo fu nvc訓usva l cohnarga, cwtietrhis tfi()cl,ded postme〔li皿aband reddish −yellow, caudal  pr〔)jecti sohonrt , triangul,a nrot beyond posteri foarsci, aa slender  reddish Acknowledgments ye]low patc hbeyond posteri foarsci;ate血 nal lin beroad , witb metallic reflections, extending  from short distance Iwish to express my  heart ythanks to Mr K, TUck(BMNH ) beyond reddish  yellow pa亡ch to apex . Cili apal efuscou,s f()r the loan of valuable  materia1  and to Mr J. C. Koster , Hindwing and cilia grayis−hfuscous, (NNeetthherelr皿aldas)n fdCoser unstefrule f olri tBeiordaitvu eornres tihtey  fNaautnua roaf’l Jia,s vTah.e Male genitali(aFig.4);Right arm  of uncus  long and slender , apical part folde,d1/41ength of whole  lengt hof 摘 要 uncus , lef tarm  ofuncus  reduced ;anellus lobe slender  as that ofattenuatelta ;valva  rather  long with apical half イン ドネシア (ジャヴァ )からの Cosmopteri属x の一新 tr.ia皿gula, rupper edge ofcucullus nearly straight;aedeagus 種(鱗翅目,カザリバ ガ科)(黒子 浩) solfe antdteernua, tceyllliandrica.l  with opening  wider (20 pm )than that ジャヴァにおい て一カ一ヤッリグサT}Seirpu属s より飼育され たカザリバ ガ科の 種の標本が送られてきた.この標本に Female genitali(Faig.5):Lamellaantevaginalisellip,ticaはl C attenuatella の同定ラベ ルが添付されてい るが,明らか about  60 ym  in length;ductus bursa eand  corpus  bursae に別種でこれにC. javartiとcいaう.名を与えた. missi 皿g. Poste凶or margin  of 7th stemum  concave , (Received June 13, 2011. Accepted Augus[8,2011) *e−mail :vhiroshi@i−next.ne.jp 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 104 H.Kui<oKo ,.t;tw , .t/wa 4 5 - Figs l-5. Cosmopterixjavantc asp. nov. 1 , Ho]otype (g) .2, Labels ofholotype, 3. Forewing macu]ation, 4. Ma}e gemita] 5i.a F.efna lgeenitalia (duct &u scorpus bursue missing) Scalcbars,3=1mm;4&5=O2mm. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LLiibrbarryary Service

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