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A new species of the genus Cosmochthonius (Acari, Oribatida) from the Imperial Palace, Tokyo PDF

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Preview A new species of the genus Cosmochthonius (Acari, Oribatida) from the Imperial Palace, Tokyo

NNaatitoinaolnScaieln ceSMcusieuemnce Museum Mem, Natn. Sci.Mus., Tokyo, (35)D,ecember 25,2eOO A New Speciesof the Genus Cosmochthonius(Acari, Oribatidaf)rom the ImperialPalace,Tokyo By Jun-ichiAoki') fi*e-t):gEdo>6ndi astl.krb-JSiJ e V M;esOMpt In the farni lCyosmochthoniid taheree species of the genus Cosmochthoni uCs ,reticulatus Grandjean, 1947, C: lanatusfoveolat BteLcsk, 1962 and C, nayoroensis Fiijikawa 1,980, have hitherto been known from Japan. The fourth species fbund from litt esrample taken in the Imperia lPalace wi11 be describe dbelow as a new. Cbsmochthoniu simpet:t2ic stpu.s n. (Fig s1-.3) Adleasuremen tB.ody lengt h305-320 ym, width 180 pm, Prodorst"n. Rostrum with 8-9 short longitudin alline sof ligh tspots. Rostral seta with a thick stem and nurnerous spines bilatera lbleyi,n ginsert eond a prominen tapophysis, Lamella rseta arboraceeus, with many branches ;each branch divided again apically. Interlamell aserta with a thick stem, similar in shape to rostral one, but smaller than the latte arnd most of spines divided apically. Exobothridia lseta with a thin stem and nurnerous spines divide dapically, Mutual distance sro:-ro z in-i n> le-l eS.ensillus with a thin stem slightly thickened in it sdistal half bearing numerous spines, longer on one side and shorter en the other side. A thin transverse ridge between insertio pnores ofinterlamellar setae. Nbtogaster ,Oval in shape, divide dinto four field bsy three transverse ridges; the second and third ridges each divide dinto four parts ,each bearing a strong seta sparsely barbed (e ie,2, fl and A) ,The field 3 barbed (ci anteriormest of notogaster with pairs of setae and c!) anteriorly and one pair ef setae (di p)osterolateral lTyh.e second fiel dwith 2 pairs ef shert barbed setae (d iand th )anteriorly inserted close together. Aleng posterolater amalrgin of notogaster inserte d6 pair sof curved setae with dense spines (ht- hanid pi-ps) .Surface of notogaster smooth on 1st-3r dfield asnd foveolat eonly on 4th field; the fbveolae scattered rather sparsely and not completely circulaT, but incomplet eand 2-4 of them often connected together (Fi g2.) .A shallow concavity found near the pesterio rend of notogaster. VZintralside Genital opening large ,as long as wide. Genita lplat eweakly pointed anteriorly,bearing 6 setae along median margin and 2 setae laterall yA.nal plat ewith 4 setae, a litt llearge rthan genital setae. Left and right adanal plate sfused posterior ltyo form a U-shaped plate, the posterior end project- ') Institu tofe Environmenta lScienoe and Technology, Yokohama National University ,Tokiwadai, Hodogaya- ku, Yokohama-shi, 240-8501 Japan E-mail:aoki@kan,ynu,ac.jp twirtMsZJi(\ecijF}7Meet )idYi-ecfi±fRe2SNtteeft79-7 NII-Electronic Library Service NNaatitoinaolnScaieln ceSMcusieuemnce Museum 148 Jun-ich Aioki k i g tydi ・ ・t 3 -t /r"/"if fff x -AG ` " g.--gad Figs ,1-3 , CbsTnochtnoni iumspecfect usps.n. 1. side of body.2, Surface sculpture on the posterior half of notogaster, 3, Ano-genit arlegion.Dorsal ing a littl beeyond the posterio mrargin ofnotogaster (Fig s1-.3) ,Aggenita lplate long and very slender, 417 as long as genita lplate ,Adanal fissur leocate doutside anterior end of adanal plate on each side. Setal formul aof epimerata: 3-1-3-3; seta 2a distinct lbyarbed and far longer than the remaining setae. Hypostomal seta mi inserte din leye la litt lpcosterio rto that of m!. 7)lp eseries. Holotype (NSMT-Ac 11130) and a paratype (NSMT-Ac 11131) :East side of Kami- Dokanbori, 4-XII-1997, J. Aoki ,From litte arccumulated in a root hole of a large tree (Zetho sverarata Makino) PP-W], Remarics .In havin gsculpture only in the posteriormos tfiel dof notogaster behind the thir dtrans- verse suture, the new speies resembles Coswochthoni supsinosu sGil ,Subias et Candelas ,1991, fror nSpain, C semijbveolatus Subias ,1982, from Spain and C! tenuisett LGsordeeva, 1980, from Russia ,The new NII-Electronic Library Service NNaatitoinaolnal  sSocieineoence  MMuusesuemum New Specie sof Cosmochthoni ufsrom the Imperial Palace Tokyo 149 , Fig.4.  The habita tof Cosmochthoniu ismperfectu ssp. n. Litte raccumulated  in a root  hole of Zelたovα   seア砌 置α Makino  near  Kami −Dokanbori , species is however distinguishab丘loem  these species by (1)short dersa lsetae dL and  di only  slightly  ex・ , , , tending beyond the second  transverse suture ,(2)dorsa flbveol aoen the posterio rpart of notogaster  not completely  circular , but incomplet eand  2−40f  them  o丘en connected  together ,(3)the posterior end  of adanal  Plate sprojectin bgeyond the posterio mrargin  of notogaster , and (4)1arge rbody sセe. The long and  sle皿der aggenital  plate smust  be also one  of the characteristic feature sof the new  species . 要 約  東京の都心部にある皇居内の調査で 68種のササラダニ 類が採集されたが,その中にカザリヒワダ ニ 科の新種が含まれて おり,ミカ ドカザリヒ ワダニ Comochthonius imperfectusと命名し,記載した. 本種の特徴は背毛d お よびd が短い こ と,胴背面の 凹穴が完全な円で なく,い くつ かが連結してい 、 、 ること,肛側板の後部が体縁を越えて少し突出 してい ること,性側板が きわめて細長い ことな どによっ て,従来日本か ら知られてい る同属の 3種か ら区別される,なお,本種は上道灌濠の 東側の ケヤキの 大木根本の ウロ の 中に たまっ た落葉か らのみ発見され,他の場所か らは見出されて い ない. Refξ∋rences Gil, J., L. S. Subias& E. Candelas,1991.  La famili aCosmochthoniidae Gran(ljea,n1947, en la Peninsula    Iberica(Acari, Oribatida). ZooL ゐαεこごcα,2:47−70, Gordc巳va , E. V、,1980. Oribati dmi竃es of the famil yCosmochthoniida(eOribate).i Zoo此Z乃.,59;83&−850.(ln    Russian.) S u bi as, MLu.rSc、,i1a,93882:. 13O3r−i1b5a1.tido dse Murcia I(Oribatido isnferiore. sPart¢ 1)(Acarida, Oribatida),  Anat. Univ. 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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