TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ooff SSooilil ZZoooloolgyogy Edaphologia,No, 81:9-12,July30,2007 9 A New Speciesof theGenus Batlistur(aIsotomi:dCaolelembola) from Lake Shore Yasaka Dam, Hiroshima of ,Japan Shingo[[bnaka" KeikoNiijima"* and "5-9-40Jiiroku-cho, Nishi-ku,thtkuoha,819-O04iJapan "4-J2-J8ELfiiku, Shrginami-7kbui,g,oJ,68-O064mpan Received: 4 October 2006; Accepted: l6 March 2007 Abstrac tAbout a thousand individua olfs Collembola were collected with bait traps set at the lak eshore ofYasaka dam, Hiroshima, Japan. The species resembles Baiiistor rlaamellige r(aBOrne r19,09) in having tenent hair son tibiotarsus ,but i tis clearly differen tin several featur efsrom other species of the genus .It is described here as a new specjes, B. yasakaensis Tanaka and Niijima. Key words: aquatic species, bait trap ,Baliisturayasakaens iCso,llembola, Hiroshima BOrner(1909) Proisotonea (DallTaorre, Ballistura made schoetti yasakaensis sp. nov 1895) type of the subgenus Baliistur aand late rStach (1947) [Japanesename:YiLsaku-mizugiwa-tobimusi] raised its status to genus, which is composed of superficially (Fig 1s). aquatic species. Many species of the genus were reported from the Holarcti cregion (Baben k&o Fjellber g2,006; Body color entirely dark violet, almost black t,hough furca Christians e1n9,58 ;Christians &en Bellinge r1,998; Dunger, paler a,ncl about 2 mm long ,Body densel yclothed with short 1982; Potapov 2,001) ,but only two species have so fa rbeen setae arranged in 7-1O irregul atrransverse rows on tergits reported from the Oriental region (Uchid a19,49; Yosii, of Abd, I- III ,AIong median line ・on ventral side of the 1966) and one from Hawaii (Christia n&s Beenllinger ,1992). segments, setae absent ir rone third of width. Seta ealmost Only B. schoetti, a cosmopolitan species, is distribut iend equally long on whole body. All setae smooth, acuminated. the Neotropica lE,thiopia nA,ntarcti acnd Australi arnegions Skin finel ygranulate dto be seen only under greater (Greensla1d9e9,4,2006;Heckman, 2001;MariMutt& enlargement. Bellinger ,1990; Ybsii ,1959). Antennae longe rthan head (a s10:7) .Relative lengths of Ybsi i(1977 l)iste fdbur species of Ballistu rfarom Japan, antennal segmentsI:II:IIIiIV as 2:7:6:1O. Ant, III but one of them, B. Iamelliger a(BOrne r1,909), may be organ consisting of two blun trods and a pair of fin ehairs doubtfu1 b,ecaus ei twas describe don only one specimen, (Fi g1.-B) .Ant. IV with an apical cone. PAO elliptical ,with and has never been collected since. Potapov (200 1re)garded a slight constriction in middle, two times longe rthan one eye, the genus as part of a Proisotoma-complex and gave a Eight eyes on each side of head, two of them being small and new clefiniti onH.e changed B. stricta (Ybsi i19,39) and B. obscure (Fig 1.-C). takeshitai (Kinoshi t19a1,6) int oPaclyotonea stricta and R Tibiotars wuisth dista slubsegment, and with 2, 3, 3 tenent takeshitai ,respectiyely. On the other hancl h,e Ief tB. yosii hair s(Fi g1.-D) .Unguis somewhat stout without inne rand (Stac 1h9,47) intact, later atlooth .Unguiculu sacute, smaller than half of unguis, About a thousand individua olfsBallistura sp., in the sense withouttooth of Potapov (2001 we)re, collected with bai ttrtip sw,hich were Abd. V distinctl yseparated from VI, though the latter set at the lake shore of Yasaka dam, Hiroshima. The new small and hard]y visible from above (Fig .1-A) .Venrtal species is similar to B. Iameiliger ab,ut is elearly different tube with 5 - 7 setae latera l(lFyi g1.-E) .Rami oftenaculurn from other species of the genus and is therefore describ eads a quadridenta tcoer,pus with a seta (Fi g1.-F) .Furcul areaches new specles. the midclle of Abd. II ,Length ratio of manubrium : dens : NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety oofSfoi lZSoooloigyl Zoology 10 Shing oTanaka and Keiko Niijima Fig. 1. Batlistur ayasakaensis sp. nov. A, Habitus; B, Ant. III organ; C, PAO and eyes; D, Hind leg ;E, Ventral tube; F, Tenaculum ;G, Latera lview ofmanuburiurn; H, Dens and mucro from dorsa lside; I ,Ditto ,from ventral side; J, Mucro. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneese SSooocieityety ooff SSooilil ZZoooloolgyogy A new specjes ef the genus Ballistur(alsotomida:eCollembola)from 1ake shore of Yasaka dam, Hiroshim, aJapan 11 mucro as 15 :16 :6. Manubrium dorsal lwyith about 22 〜 B6rner, C.,1909. Japans Collembolen fauna. Sitzungsberichten 24pairs of setae (Fig.1−G), and ventrally without seta. Dens de尸 Gese〃schaft NatUff)rsehender Freunde,2:99−135, dorsal lcyrenulated , with 8−10setae(Fig,1−H), and ventrally Christianse, nK.,1958. The Collembola ofLebanQn and Western with 3+l dista lsetae (Fig.1−1). Mucro slender, bidentate Syria, Part III Family lsotomida.e PSYCHE > 6.5:59−79. d量stally;subapical tooth stout 監arger than apical tooth, being Christians, eKn. and Bellinge, rP.,1992. Insec tosf Hawaii. , lamellat eandd swelling basall(yFig.1−H, J). Occasionally, Universit oyfHawaii Press, Honolulu. the lamella Hkely to have a small tooth(Fig.1−1)、 Christiansen K. and Bellinger P.1998. The Collembola of , , , Holotype:La1(e shore ofYasaka dam, Otake City, Hiroshima Nordl America part 2 Familie sOnychiurid aaned Isotomida.e Pref.20−V −2005, Shingo Nakamura leg. Paratypes:5 Grinne重l College, Grinne, lIlowa. exp ,, same dat eas fbr holotyp. eHolotype(Type No.3151 Dunger, W. G.,1982. Collembole(nlnsecta, Collembola)aus Kyushu Univ.)and 5 paratypes are deposit eidn Entomological der Mongolischen〜blksrepubli, kII. Isotomidae. Annales laborator,y Faculty ofAgriculture , Kyushu University. Historic−oNaturale sMusei NatiQnali Hsungarici,74;35−74, Remarks :This species resembles B. lame〃igera(B6rner, Greenslade, P.,1994. Collembola. ln:Zoologica〜Catalogue 1909)by possessi ntgenent hair son tibiotarsu sbut the cited ofAblstralia . Vol.22. Protura, Co〃embola , Diplura.(ed. , specles is distinguish ferdom this species by the fbllowing Houston,W. W . K、), pp19−138,CSIRO ,Australi,a points;in the cited species PAO is subequal to occelli ; Greenslad, eP,,2006, The springtails (Collembola)of South tib[otarsus with 2,2,2tenent hairs;dens shorter than Africa. http:〃www!academic 〆departments!zooentot manubrium , with 6 dista sletae ventrally. Martin!collembola .html Etymo 鳳ogy :The specific name is derive dfrom the name Qf Heckman , C. W .,200L Encyclopedia of South American the type locali.ty aquatic insect:sCQIlembol. aKluwer Academic Publishers , Dordエecht圧Bosten1Lo(…non. Acknow 且edgement Kinoshita, S.,1916, Three new species ofJapanese CollemboIa, We appreciate Dr. Shingo Nakamura (Shobara city, Zoologicq lMag αzine ヱbκレo,28(338):494・498.(in∫apanese) Hiroshim aPre£), who kindl ygave us the specimens , which Mari Mutt, J, A. and Bellinger, P. E ,1990. A catalog of the were collec亡ed durin gbiologic saulrvey around river and lake NeotrQpic Caolllembol. aSandhi lCliane Press, Florid,a shores in Hiroshirn aand it sneighboring prefectures, We Potapov, M .,2001. Synopses on palaearctic Collembola, thank Dr. Ryosaku Itoh, Biologica】Laboratory, College of Isotomida.e Staatlich eMsuseum fUr NatUrkunde, G6rlit.z Arts& Sciences, Showa University, who provided us with an Stach, J.,1947. The ApterygQtan Fauna ofPoland in Relation extensive literat uonr eCollembol.a to the World−Fauna of this Group of I皿sects . Family: Isotomidae , Acta Monographica Musei Historia eNaturalis , 摘 要 Krak6w, 田中真悟 (〒 819−0041 福岡県西区拾六町5−9−40),新島 Uchida, H.,1949. Apterygota aus Neu −Guinea. fnsecta 溪子 (〒 168−0064 東京都杉並区永福 4−12−18):広島県弥 ルfatsumurana,17:38−47, 栄ダム湖岸で採集したミズギワトビムシ属の一新種 . Yosii, R.,!939. Isetomid Collembola of∫apan. Tenthre,do2: 広島県大竹市弥栄ダム湖岸に設置したベ イ トトラッ プで約 348−392. 千個体採集され た トビム シは Bailisttt lraamelligera(BOrner, Ybsii, R.,1959, Collembol afnauna of the Cape Province, with 1909)に類似してい た.しかし,触角後器の大きさ,脛付節 special reference to the genus∫eira Lubbock Bioiogical の 粘毛の数,跳躍器の形態などの点で,今までに報告された Resutt s6ゾthe Japanese Antarcti cReseareh Expedition(Seto ミズギワ トビム シ属の どの種とも異なるので,XtP tBalltstura Marine Biologica Llaborator)y,6:1−23. yasakaensisとして報告し,和名をヤサカミズギワトビムシと Yosii, R.,1966. On some Collembola ofAfghanistan , India した. and Ceylon, collected by the KUPHE −Expedition,1960, Results()f the Kyoto University&ゴε鷹卯‘Expedition’o the References Karakoram andffi ’ndukush ,/955, Vlll:333−405. Babenko , A , and FjeLlber, gA.,2006. Collembola septentrionale . Yosii R.1977. Critica lcheck hst ofthe Japanese species of , , Acatalogue of springtails of the Arctic regions . KMK Collemもola, Contribution fsrom the Biologica Llaborαtory, Scient且ic Press Ltd.,MQscow . K〕ノoto 〔]niversi リノ,25:141−170. 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic LLiibrbarryary Service