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A new species of the genus Atrichopogon Kieffer (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Mexico PDF

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Preview A new species of the genus Atrichopogon Kieffer (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Mexico

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 103(2), 2001, pp. 373-375 A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS ATRICHOPOGON KIEFFER (DIPTERA: CERATOPOGONIDAE) FROM MEXICO Heron Huerta Departamento de Entomologia, InDRE, Carpio 470, Col. Santo Tomas, 11340, Mexico, D.F., Mexico (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. A new species, Atrichopogon mexicanus, is described from Chiapas, Mex- ico. This species is included in the subgenus Atrichopogon. Key Words: Diptera, Ceratopogonidae, Atrichopogon, Mexico, new species The 75 Neotropical species of Atricho- 133.3-128.2-143.5-143.5-174.3; antennal pogon are poorly understood, with no mod- ratio (AR): 1.99; distal flagellomeres em keys and with many species undescri- brown; proximal pale. Length of flagellum bed in the genus. Six named species are about 1.08 mm. Palpus (Fig. 3) brown, with currently recognized from Mexico (Borkent segment lengths (|xm): 51.2-51.2-92.3-41- and Spinelli 2000), and Huerta (1996) de- 51.2; third segment with deep sensory pit scribed an additional five, but unnamed spe- opening located on distal half. Palpal ratio cies from the state ofChiapas. One ofthese (PR): 2.1. Length of last two segments of is described and named in this paper. palpus equal to length of third segment. The specimens were slide mounted using Palpus length: 0.28 mm. Mouth parts sim- the technique of Wirth and Marston (1968) ple, without teeth. but were stained with pink lignin to en- Thorax: Brown, scutellum pale brown hance observation of some features. Terms with 12 bristles (Fig. 5), postscutellum for taxonomic characters follow those by brown. Paratergite with 1 seta. Wing length Downes and Wirth (1981), Wirth (1994), 1.76 mm (1.74-1.79; n = 2); width 0.72 and Szadziewski et al. (1996). All type ma- mm (n = 2) (Fig. 6), with radial veins pale terial, is deposited in the Collection of Ar- brown, membrane with dense microtrichia. thropods with Medical Importance of the Macrotrichia present on all veins, cells, Institute of the Diagnostic y Epidemiology more dense on distal half. Cells r,, r^ well- Referenda (InDRE). developed. Second radial cell about 3 times longer than first. Costal ratio (CR): 0.75. Atrichopogon {Atrichopogon) mexicanus Halter pale. Legs pale yellowish, with basal Huerta, new species and subapical pale band ofall femora; basal (Figs. 1-9) and distal third pale band of all tibiae. Tar- — Diagnosis. A large brown species; fe- someres pale. Tibial comb with 10 spines. male with one long spermatheca; male gen- TR(I) 2.4, TR(II) 2.8, TR(III) 2.5. Scutum italia with pilos—e lobule on stemite IX. with dense vestiture ofsetae (Fig. 7), stripes Description. Female: Head (Fig. 1): not visible. Brown. Eyes bare. Antenna (Fig. 2) with Abdomen: Pale with moderately dense lengths of flagellar segments in the dimen- vestiture of brownish setae. Genital sclero- sions (jxm): 71.7-41-41-41-41-41-43-43- tization as in Fig. 8, with stemite VIII well 374 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 1—9. Atrichopogon mexicaniis. 1—3, 5—8, Female. 4, 9, Male. 1, Head. 2, Antenna! segments. 3,Palpus. 4, Palpus. 5, Scutellum. 6, Wing. 7, Scutal vestiture. 8, Genitalia segments and spermatheca. 9, Ventral aspect ofgenitalia. Scales in millimeters. VOLUME 103, NUMBER 2 375 sclerotized with dense hairs. Spermatheca cell much longer than first. The male ofthis (Fig. 8), 0.28 mm by 0.14 mm, without species can be associated with the female neck. by the body coloration and legs, vestiture Male: Similar to female with usual sex- of the abdomen and scutum, and the form ual differences. Palpus (Fig. 4) brown, with of the palpus and clypeus. segment lengths (|xm): 41-51.2-92.3-46.1- Atrichopogon mexicanus differs from all 61.5; third segment with sensory pit located other Neotropical members of the genus by on distal half. Palpal ratio (PR): 2.9; palpus having a male genitalia with a distinctive length: 0.29 mm. setose lobe on the posterior margin of ster- Thorax: Scutellum with 12 bristles, short nite 9. The female is similar to those of a setae. Tibial comb with nine spines, and number of other species of Atrichopogon, long spur. TR(II) 2.5, TR(III) 2.1. Wing but the length of the spermatheca is unusu- length 1.79 mm, width 0.56 mm. Second al. radial cell 3.4 times longer than first. Acknowledgments Abdomen: Genitalia (Fig. 9) yellow I am deeply indebted to Dr. Art Borkent brown. Stemite IX short with prominent pi- for suggestions and changes in the manu- lose lobule on posterior margin; tergite IX script. I thank an anonymous reviewer for round, caudomedian process bearing setae; improving the manuscript. gonocoxite wide, pilose; gonostylus short, Literature Cited wide basally, with apical extreme round, bearing 1 apical tooth. Aedeagus membra- Borkent A. and G. R. Spinelli. 2000. Catalog of the nous medially, short and broad, with basal new world biting midges south of the United States of America (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). arch high 0.6 of total length; basal arms ContributionsonEntomology,International4, 107 markedly sclerotized; caudosubmedian pro- pp. jections enlarged at apex, without lateral Downes, J. A. and W. W. Wirth. 1981. cap. 28. Cera- teeth. — topogonidae, pp. 393-421. //; McAlpine J. E, B. Etymology. The specific epithet '"mexi- VV.ocPkeetreortshon&, WG.odEd. DS.heMw.eleld,s.HM.anJ.uaTlesokfeyN,earRc.tiJc. canus'' refers t—o the country of origin. Diptera. Vol. 1. Agriculture Canada Research Distrib—ution. Mexico (Chiapas). Branch Monograph No. 27. 674 pp. Types. Holotype: S, Mexico, Chiapas, Huerta, H. 1996. Los ceratopogonidos colectados por El Vergel, 5 June 1935, light trap. Col. Alfonso Dampf en Chiapas, Mexico (Diptera: Dampf (ME 4268). Paratypes: 2 9, same CUenriavteorpsoigdoandidaNea)c.ionTeaslisAuFatcounlotamda ddee CMieenxciicaos,, date as for holotype. Deposited in the Col- Mexico, D.F. 199 pp. lection of Arthropods with Medical Impor- Szadziewski, R., E. Kaczorowska and J. Krzywinski. tance of the InDRE. 1996. Redescriptionsofsome Europeanspeciesof — Discussion. This species is included in Atrichopogon (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 65: 297-318. the subgenusAthchopon by the presence of Wirth, W. W. 1994. The subgenus Atrichopogon {Lo- a single spermatheca, female stemite 8 phomyidium) with a revision ofthe Nearctic spe- lacking bifurcating projection, more or less cies (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Insecta Mundi 8: uniformly colored, gonostylus with single 17-36. Wirth, W. W. and N. Marston. 1968. A method for apex, sensory pit not at apex of segment mounting small insects on microscope slides in three of maxillary palpus, fifth palpal seg- Canada balsam. Annals ofthe Entomological So- ment rounded apically, and second radial ciety ofAmerica 61: 783-784.

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