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A new species of the genus Apotomis Hubner from Japan (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) PDF

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Preview A new species of the genus Apotomis Hubner from Japan (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae)

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan meLwh 1'J'Oto Cra43C4)i257-259,March 1993 A new species of the genus Apotomis Hilbner from Japan (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) AtsushiKAwABE JuntokuGakuen,2-11,Seniu,Adachi-ku,Tokyo,120Japan Abstract A new species, APotomis kztsunokii ,i$ describe dfrem Japan, Key words Lepidopter aT,ortricicl aAep,otomis ,new species, Hokl{aicl toa,xonomy, i Eleven species belonging to the genus APotomis Htibner have been recorded from Japan. Here I newly add one species collected at high altitude of Hokkaido to this genus. In writing this short paper I must express my deep gratitude to Dr. Hirosh iInoue, Otsuma Women's Universit yI,ruma, for his kindness extended to me in various ways. My thanks are due to Dr. Y. Kusunoki of Hokkaido, Mr. H, Yamanaka of Toyama and Mr, H, Naka- jima of Yokohama, for their kindness in giving me material, Apotomis kusunokii sp, nov, (Fig 1,) (1, 4. Length of forewing 7.5-1 0mm, Head and thorax dark grayish brown. Face and antenna grayish brown. Labial palpus grayish brown, tinged with dark grayish brown ; median segment dilate dtowards apex, with slightly projecting scales above and beneath ; terminal segment short, exposed. Abdomen dark grayish brown; anal tuft pale grayish brown, Forewing ground color grayish brown, faintl ytinged with pale violet, whitish gray between fascia fascia, includingfew suffusion median and subterminal sometimes a narrow strigulae and specks, and as in figure 1 in some specimens almost blendin gwith ground color excepting tornus ; all markings dark grayish brown (blacki bsrhown) ; basal fascia ill- define d; median fasci aoblique from 112 of costa to befor etornus, its outer edge concave inwards at middle, in some specimens a whitish dash at angle of its concavity ; subterminal fasci arepresented by a narrow lin edotted with blackis hbrown, from 3f4 of costa to above tornus ; fring econcolorous with wing. Hindwing pale grayish brown ; fring econcolorous with wing, Fig.1, APotonziskttsunokiisp.nov., paratype, 6P. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 25S Atsushi KAwABE Male genitalia (Fi g2.) . Uncus narrow; socius rather small, densely haired ;transtill aa narrow band, finel yscobinated at each side ; valva slender, long ; sacculus with a rather round process, spiny all over; cucullus large ,clavate and sinuate. Aedeagus slenderly curved, narrowing towards top ; cornutus a short, strong spine broadened at base, Female genitali a(Fig. 3)S.terigm aa broad plate; ostium rather small, ovate, with narrowly sclerotized edge ; colliculum short ; ductus bursae long, with weakly sclerotized and thickened portion at about 3/5 of its length; signa of two scobinated patches. t.tt/"t1t't ' i t t t/1/ i/ ;'t : ttt tt/ livait grsv'Iat-tt ; tt 3 Figs.2 ,3. Genitalia of APotomis kusunokii sp. nov.;2. Male,ho]otype ,Slide No.4652; 3. Fernale ,paratype, Slid eNo, 4653. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan ANew Apotomis from Japan 259       Specimens examined .  Holotype l ♂,Hokkaido, Mt. Daisetsu,28. VII.1983 Y. Kusunoki , leg., Slide No.4652.  Paratypes:Hokkaido , Mt . Daisetsu 1 ♂ 15. VII.1954 H .Yamanaka , , , leg., Slide No ,4651;1 ♀,8. VIII,1983, H , Nakajima  leg., Slide No,4653;1♂ 1 ♀,21. VII. 1990 Y,Kusunoki  leg、 Slide No ,4965 (♂);Hidaka  Mts ,, Mt, Poroshiri(1900 m )1♂ 21, , , , , , VII.1988 Y , Kusunoki  leg.  All specimens {n the collection of A. Kawabe . , Distributi.o Jnapan.  This moth  is discovere donly  at high altitude  of Hokkaido . Notes.  In the structure  of genitalia this species  is ver }・ similar  to /4加’o捫 空 sauciana (Fr61ich)from Europe , but may  easily  be distinguish efdrom it by the large rsize  the ground , color  of forewing tinged with  violet  hue, the excavation  of outer  edge  of median  fasci anot sharply  angulated  as in that of 〆L, sauciana  and  slightly  broader cucullus , process  of , sacculus  and  ostium . The  specific name  is dedicate dto my  friend Dr. Yuichi Kusunoki Asahikawa  City of , , central  Hokkaido, one  of the discoverer sof this new  species . 摘 要 北海道の高山帯か ら発見された APotomis属の 1新種 (川辺 湛) APotomis ttの種は本邦か ら11種が知られてい るが,こ こに新たに,  A. kusunoki Kiawabe を記載 し た.翅の色調及び交尾器の形状等か ら識別は容易で あると思 う.本種は現在まで の とこ ろ,大雪山山系 など北海道の高山帯のみ か ら採れて い て,限られた 分布をして い る. (Accepted Septeml)er 22,1992) Published by the Lepidopterolegical Society of Japan, c/00gata  Hospital,2−17, Imabashi 3−chome , Chuo −ku, Osaka,541 Japan 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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