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A new species of spider of the genus Peucetia Thorell (Oxyopidae: Araneae) from Digha, Midnapore, West Bengal, India PDF

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Preview A new species of spider of the genus Peucetia Thorell (Oxyopidae: Araneae) from Digha, Midnapore, West Bengal, India

Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 101 (2), May-Aug 2004 288-290 A NEW SPECIES OF SPIDER OF THE GENUS PEUCETIA THORELL (OXYOPIDAE: ARANEAE) FROM DIGHA, MIDNAPORE, WEST BENGAL, INDIA' Sumana Saha2 and Dinendra Raychaudhuri2 'Accepted May 2001 ’Department ofZoology, Lady Brabourne College, Government of West Bengal, P 1/2, Suhrawardy Avenue, Kolkata 700 017, West Bengal, India, Email: [email protected] ’Entomology Laboratory, Department ofZoology, University ofCalcutta, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata 700 019, West Bengal, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] Onenewspecies,Peucetiagauntletarecordedfrom Digha, Midnapore isdescribedand illustrated. Keywords: Spider,Oxyopidae,Peucetiagauntletasp. nov., Digha, Midnapore, WestBengal INTRODUCTION is now represented by 14 species. The new species is described and illustrated. Recently, Gajbe (1999) reviewedthe taxonomy ofthe MATERIALANDMETHODS poorly known oxyoptd spiders of India. He dealt with 20 Oxvopes spp. and 10 Peucetia spp. Of these, 6 of the The spider sample was collected and preserved Peucetia spp. were recognised as new to science. Earlier, followingTikader(1987). The study was madeusing Stereo Biswas(1975),Gajbe(1992),Pocock(1900)andTikader(1965, Zoom Binocular Microscope, Model Zeiss SV-8. The 1970) studied the genus Peucetia. measurements indicated in the text are in millimetres, made With the present species, the genus Peucetia in India withaneyepiecegraticule. Figs 1-6: Peucetiagauntletasp. nov. $ Holotype, 1 Wholebody,dorsalaspect;2. Cephalothoraxandchelicerae(Frontalaspect);3. Chelicera,frontalaspect; 4. Maxillae&Labium,ventralaspect;5. Sternum,ventralaspect;6. Epigynum,ventralaspect . . NEW DESCRIPTIONS ofchelicerae. Cheliceraepaleyellow-green, robust,elongate, basally broad, sparingly spotted with brown, each with erect, short to long spiny hairs; fangs reddish-brown, curved, margins devoid of teeth. Maxillae and labium similartochehceraemcolour,elongate,formeranteriorlybroad, latter little narrower than base, both anteriorly scopulate. Sternumpaleyellow-green,heart-shaped,withsparsebrown spotsthatinclude shortto long spiny hair. Legsyellow with coxaeyellow-green,each femurwithbrownspots; legformula 1243. Abdomen: Green, elongate, oval, posteriorly narrow, decorated as in Fig. 1, clothed with shortto long silky white hairs and spines, some originating from the brown spots; ventersimilartodorsumclothedwithsilkywhitehairs. Epigyne asinFig. 6. Male: Cephaiothorax greyish-yellow, larger than abdomen. Abdomen green, slender. Legs much longer than female; otherwiseas in 9 Material examined: Holotype 9, Allotype d, Midnapore,Digha, 15.ix.2000,Coll. S. Saha Type deposition: Department of Zoology, Lady Figs7-8: Peucetiagauntletasp. nov. d Allotype, 7 Malepalp,ventralaspect;8. Malepalp, lateralaspect BraboumeCollege,Kolkata.RegnNo. LBC/DZ/1/01 Distribution: India: WestBengal, Midnapore,Digha. Peucetiagauntletasp.nov.(Figs 1-8) Remarks: The present species Peucetiagauntleta sp. nov., because ofclypeus with 2 lateral lines and abdomen Measurements(inmm): 9Totallength: 12.13;Carapace with mid-dorsal silvery white patches, but without stripes, length: 5.06, width 3.53; abdomen length: 6.40, width 3.33; resemblesP ketaniGajbe(Gajbe 1999),butdiffersinhaving legsasinTable 1 a distinct decoration at the basal halfofthe green abdomen, Cephaiothorax: Palegreenwithcephalicregiontinted which is devoid ofa black patch, heart-shaped sternum and with grey, sparingly spotted with brown, longer than wide, very different epigyne. Peucetia gauntleta sp. nov. also anteriorly narrow, posteriorly broad; cephalic regionraised, resemblesP latikaeTikader(Tikader 1970)inthestructureof slopedanteriorly,cephalicfurrowdeeplyimpressed;thoracic the epigynum and male palp, but has only 2 black lines on region medially with longitudinal fovea, radii distinct. Eyes clypeus and absence of broad abdominal band. These black, eachringedwithsilkywhitepubescence,anterior-most characteristicsjustifyitsstatusasanewspecies. Furthermore, eyes smallest, anterior row ofeyes recurved, posterior row none ofthe othercongeners bear significant resemblance to procurved; ocularareablackish. Clypeuswithapan ofblack P gauntleta. The species is therefore recognised as new to bandsextendingfromanterior-mosteyestothebasal margin science. Etymology: The species is so named because ofthe Table 1: Length of legs of 9 holotype of Peucetia gauntleta sp. nov. (in mm) glove-likemaxillae. Leg Femur Patella Metatarsus Tarsus Total ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 6.33/6.32 1.33/1.33 5.66/5.65 3.16/3.17 22.63/22.63 1 + 6.15/6.16 Thefirstauthor(S.S.)isgratefultotheDPI.,Education II 5.67/5.66 1.33/1.33 5.17/5.16 2.66/2.65 20.33/20.31 Department, Govt, ofWest Bengal and the Principal, Lady + 5.50/5.51 BraboumeCollege,Kolkataforpermissiontoconductastudy III 4.66/4.65 1.33/1.33 4.00/4.01 1.83/1.83 15.82/15.82 + 4.00/4.00 tourat Digha, Midnapore. Heartfelt thanks are due to all the IV 4.83/4.83 1.33/1.33 4.33/4.32 1.66/1.67 16.31/16.30 colleagues and 2nd year Zoology Honours students for their +4.16/4.15 kindcooperation inthe matterofcollection 1. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 101 (2), May-Aug 2004 289 NEW DESCRIPTIONS REFERENCES Biswas. A.T (1975): A new species ofspider ofthe genus Peucetia Pocock,R.l.(1900): FaunaofBritishIndia,Arachnid.Taylor&Francis, Thorell (Family: Oxyopidae) from Orissa, India. Curr Sci London Pp 279. 44(10): 350-351. Tikader, B.K.. (1965): On some new species ofspiders ofthe family Gajbe, U.A. (1992): A new species ofOxyopes Latreille and one of Oxyopidae from India. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 62(3): 140- Peucetia Thorell from Uttar Pradesh. India (Araneae: Family 144. Oxyopidae). Rec. zool. Surv. India 91(3-4): 389-393. Tikader, B.K.. (1970): Spider faunaofSikkim. Rec. zool. Surv India Gajbe. U.A. (1999): StudiesonsomespidersofthefamilyOxyopidae 64(1-4): 69-81. (Araneae: Arachnida)from India. Rec. zool. Surv. India 97(3): Tikader, B.K. (1987): Handbook of Indian Spiders. Director, Zool. 31-79. Surv. India,pp.251 290 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 101 (2), May-Aug 2004

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