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NEW A OE SOLIDAGO (ASTERACEAE: ASTEREAE) SPECIES ALABAMA EROM NORTH CENTRAL Robert R.Keener^ Brian Krai FonWonljT7TioT4mu.s.A. ABSTRACT from 3unt County, Alabai Blc other Solidago S.plumosa Small, simple;cKunth! e S.: morphologi. and lar :s a: RESUMEN elcondadodeBlouintde Alabama. tfotrtTres sd.SoUdago,S.plu mosa Small, S. Unidos morfologias los Est:ados y tien.=n The description below based on several specimens, all from the same local- is which only from which arenicola has been collected to the locality ity, is S. County The were made along the Locust Fork River in Blount collections date. The shady woods deep sandy Alabama. habitat at this location acidic in allu- is commonly vium on the river flood plain. These woods are inundated by swiftly flowing water when the river overflows following heavy rains during the win- and months. The summer and months aided by the ter early spring drier fall dry porous sandy alluvium bring about a relatively substrate as the river re- main cedes very small sluggish flow, well within the channel. to a & nov Alabama. Keener Blount Solidago arenicola B.R. Krai, sp. (Fig. l). Type: U.S.A. Swann along E side of Locust Fork Branch of Black Warrior River, 0-1/4 mi S of Co.: W Bridge and mi of Cleveland by Swann Bridge Road, 7 Sep 2002, R. Krai ca. 1 & GA, MO, NCU, NY, TENN, UNA, 93190 Keener (holotype: US; isotypeS: B.R. F, USCH, VDB, WAT). mm this and branches apically caudex-hke, to 5 thick, mostly imbedded in its Stems 2-3 approximate imbricated chaffy bases of older leaves. erect, single or mm 2-4 from rhizomal branches, terete, thick at base, shallowly multicostate, and moderately glabrous save in inflorescence branches, there sparely to its mm hirtellous with short (0.2 or less), narrowly triangular, spreading or antrorsely curved multicellular hairs. Leaves alternate in high spiral, ascend- and ing to erect, margins coarsely scabro-ciliate, with ciliae antrorsely incurved claw-like, the basal and lowermost leaves mostly spathulate to oblanceolate, cm 10-15 X 1,5-4 cm, blade below middle entire, gradually attenuate, to a slightly dilated clasping base, distal margins supramedially, coarsely ascending-serrate with long, shallowly convex or level-backed shallow teeth, apices acute to nar- rowly rounded, often to short, brownish, callused tips; distal cauline leaves gradually narrowing and shortening, ranging progressively to narrowly oblan- narrowly with more narrowly margins ceolate or elliptic, apices acute, entire, cm mm, uppermost 6-10 grading widely ascending spread- the 3.5-6 x there to to ing or even ref lexed bracteal leaves; leaf surfaces glabrous, adaxially deep green with only the impressed midvein evident, abaxially pale with midvein raised Heads and with sharply contrasting level network of deep green vein reticulum . arranged into racemose or narrowly paniculate inflorescences, mostly with primary branches widely narrowly ascending, the lowest usually longest to cm 2-4 and most from nodes with longer (often ref lexed) bracts, distant, f lo- becoming with few-headed cymules, progressively simple or riferous, shorter, primary simply raceme Ultimate penduncles widely or axis a of heads. stiffly, mm ascending, angulate, slightly compressed, 0.5 thick, stubby-bracteolate, ca. 7- Heads mature involucres scattered-hirtellous. radiate, essentially turbinate, mm cm 9 high, 0.7-1 wide at distal most point, phyllaries loosely spirally im- mm and sunken wide with scarious-edged borders, abaxially bricate, 1-1.3 pale, midrib, this bordered by a narrow green band dilating apically to a narrow dia- mond, around a depression, with pilose-ciliate apices, lower pale, elliptic all mm more and from peduncular green ones 3-3.5 long, transitional bracts, mm, than gradually grading 5-6 narrower, more acute from shorter upper, to narrowly elliptic or oblong to linear-oblanceolate with broader, thinner pale 4-5 more borders. Pappus bristles of mature achenes of or less equal lengths, mm Ray and without evident dilated long, white, fine finely barbellate, tips. mm long pappus, blade florets 6-10, carpellate, corolla tube ca. 3 long, ca. as as mm mm mostly narrowly 3-4 long, yellow, stigma branches to ca. elliptic, 1 mm somewhat long, dull brown, mature achenes cylindric to elliptic 2-3.5 long. mm, Disc florets 11-16, perfect, corolla at anthesis ca. 6 dull yellow, tube ca. 3 mm; mm, throat with 5 divergent, narrowly triangular lobes ca. 2 staminal ring mm mm, 4-4.5 stigma branches barely cylinder anthesis 2.5 long; stylar at ca. mm. somewhat 3-4 divaricate, Mature achenes cylindric to compressed, ca. 1.5 m m long, typically 5-ribbed, glabrous, abruptly narrowed to a short "neck" sur- mounted by narrow, brownish pappus disc. DISCUSSION Following Nesom's taxonomic alignment we (1993) of Solida^o find that L., S. which itrcnicola is part of section Solidago; however, unclear as to subsec- it is new havmg tion the species should be placed, affinities for species in both it Solidago and Alhigula Nesom. Within (Raf.) the subsection Solidago, a species complex, loosely referred to as the "Simplex Group," seems to share similar morphologies with arenicola (Semple per The Simplex group com.). cur- S. is composed rently thought to be of three species which include S.plumosa Small, known a distinct rarity only from along the Yadkin River North Carohna, in S. simplex Kunth, more complex and widespread a set of morphologies, trans- and continental essentially northern but with one subspecies from the rocky banks Potomac of the River in eastern Virginia randii Ringius var (Porter) Issp. raccmosa (Greene) Ringius] and spathulata DC, which dune of areas 5. is re- and Oregon stricted to California (Cronquist 1980; Cronquist 1994; Hitchcock & The Cronquist 1973). hypothesized relationship with the Simplex Group and S. arenicola is based on a suite of characters that arenicola shares with these 5. three species, including caudiciiorm rhizomes, basally disposed, spathulate or oblanceolate, glabrous racemose leaves, or thrysoid-paniculate inflorescences ihai hK'k rccurved-secund branching, heads turbinate/campanulate with 3-4 mm seriate phyllaries, ray florets 6-10 per head, and achenes up more to 3 or which long. Ol the subsection Albigula, includes several species found in the southeastern only Pursh could enough erecta be considered U.S., 5. close to S. arenicola morphologically to cause confusion about their identity The wide- known ranging erecta to occur from coastal Massachusetts and Newjersey 5. is west to Indiana and south to northeastern Mississippi, central Alabama, and Georgia. In addition to the characters mentioned above associated with the Sim- which plex Group, apply here as well, erecta and arenicola also sometimes 5. 5. share almost indistinguishable foliage (stem leaves average larger in length and width in erecta), as well as very similar achene shape. (Cronquist Small S. 1980; 1933). new Differences that help distinguish the species from similar species of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We indebted John Semple continued communication and valu- are to for his We able advice over the course of this project. are also extremely appreciative who Hodges English Span- of Laurel aided in the translation of the abstract to We who would thank Robert Haynes and Steve Ginzbarg were very like to ish. We Guy supportive and helpful during this project. would also like to thank Nesom anonymous whose and another reviewer suggestions proved be ex- to improving paper tremely helpful in the quality of this REFERENCES Chapel 6-1 Press, [Solidago, pp. 33] Hill. 3 1 1 New Volume Garden, 242-250] Five Asterales.The York Botanical Bronx. [Solidgo, pp. CLand Washing- ^ITCHC0CK A.Cronquist. 973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. University of 1 549-55 ton Press, Seattle. [Solidago, pp. 1 ] and 1993.Taxononnic infrastructure of Solidago Oligonei Jesom, G.L. - Astereae) and observations on their phylogenetic position. Phytologia 75:1 N MALL, 933. Manual of the southeastern flora. Hafner Publishing Connpany, J.K. 1 1344-1 360] [So//c/ago, pp.

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