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A new species of Rhacophorus from eastern Thailand (Anura: Rhacophoridae) PDF

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Preview A new species of Rhacophorus from eastern Thailand (Anura: Rhacophoridae)

TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 23:477481 (2006} @ 2006ZoologicaSlocietyofJapan A New SpeciesofRhacophorus from EasternThailand (AnuraR:hacophoridae) Masafumi Matsuii "and Somsak Panha2 i Graduat eSchool of Human and Ehvironrnenta Sltudie sk,yot Uoniversi tSya;kyo-ku, kyot 6o06-8501, Japan 2Department of BioiogJ tF)tacuit oyf Science ,Chulalongkom University; Bangkok 10330,7haiiand A new tree frog of the genus Rhacophorus is described on the basis of specimens collected from Kalasi nand Roi Et Provinces ,eastern Thailand. It can be distinguishe fdrom all other congeners by the combination of: moderate body size (abou 3t8 mm in males and 44 mm in temales) ;brownish dorsum with irregula dra,rk marking; thir dtinge rwebbed broadly to base of disk or less on outer side, and fourth finger to distal subarticular tubercle or base ot disk; and no dermal appendage on snout, vent, or heel .I tis currently known only around the type locaiit wyh,ere habitat ssuitable for anurans are iimited. Key words:biogeography, classification, Polypedates, Southea sAtsia ,taxonomy tNTRODUCTION a1u9t9u9mn, 2 0o0f 51)9 .9D6u, rwien gcooulrl ecstuerdve yse voefr aela sstpeercni meTnhsail aonf d ai Rn htah-e The tree fro ggenus Rhacophorus Kuhl and Van Has- cophorus distinc tdliyffere nftrom it scongeners hitherto selt, 1822 {sens ulato )occurs in tropica lto temperate known from Thailand (Tayl o1r96,2) .These specimens, regions of the Old World (Duellm 1a9n99,}. Liem { 1970} split which resemble some Bornean or Sumatran members of larger-si zerhdacophorid members int otwo genera ,Rha- this genus ,but are easily dlstinguish meordphologically from cophorus and Pompedates Tschudi, 1838, on the basi sof a them, are described below as a new species. pmohreene ttihca na ntalhyrsiese d eocfa dmoersp haoflotgeirc alLiem ' sc{ha1ra9c7te 0rrse);vi siohno,w ecvleasr-, MATERIALSANDMETHODS sification of the Old World treefrog si sstil lunstable (cf. We conducted fieldwor ikn the Phu Sri Tan Wildlif eSanctuary, Wilkinso net al. ,2002; Matsu iand Orlov ,2004) ,Some Kalasi nProvince ,and Phu Pha Namtip Non-huntin gArea, Roi Et authors combine the two genera and admit only Rhacopho- Province, eastern Thailand, from 24-27 October 1996. Specimens 2TrFehut0r sioa0 sls4 .(t) c, ,eo 1,1wn9.9hf9i8l g9li5Te;c.; it Mao,Jmatniah eieadanrnnalsdyg e ratednJ cadeiolarg ,nn M,iiga1vz, t9ees8 1$uf7 9tj;r8 , h6oZ1e;m h 9vaaa9Doml9ubi ;bid agoiMnutiadoy sluo ,ksf A md1tul9ws e8omr7 og ,;er et1p n9Fhao9eell3.ir o,;2ga e j0(ltc 0nae2agll).e..r,g.,wtdlalenoieergoanenl klgeg t c1thfa l8hoii({ fxpb SeSejroL dsVaid) Lnyw e ; 1uy>m(nheOed;ne%ea raosl dutfe mronealerag mesmetbnu nahigr(tlntesi Edoh (nacLn H u)d(ptlL ;ayaT l)rrdfmaaa,irptblsoea lsmlrp 1 neet)ewrlu ciitetmtp ohsoi - ft en ethmgsrheyi ne vcode nurieetmioaesdns rd tc7eitsaao0otnp%n ehc :i eO ne{ l.tdThsi1 an-bnnmoooeEmulr ).tLds ;- e)n tvwroW;iey utemtomhtf- and ecological distincti obnestween the two genera ,due panum dlamete r(TD }h;ead w[dth (HW) ;internar idaiistanc e(iND}; mainly to inadequat sepecies sampling fo rcomparisons, and interorbi tdailstanc e(10D} ;upper eyelid width (UEW) ;forelimb some Chinese Polypedates species with a green dorsum lengt h<FLL) t;hird tinger disk width (3FDW )h;indlim blengt h(HLL); require taxonomic reassessment (Mat$ uanid Wu, 1994). tibia lengt h(TL )f;oo tlengt h(FL )from proximal end ot inne rmeta- Even so, Liem (197 0co)uld different itahte etwo lineage bsy tarsal tubercle to ti pof fourth toe ;fourth toe disk width (4TDW )i;irst some osteological characters in the specimens examined. toe length (ITL )from dista elnd of inner metatarsal tubercle to tip R(h FacrSooep thsot2tr0iu,0n s4gt) h, e(sosfe etwnhaixs cohsunto rmiqcitucoi )tpi ernaoc bllfueemdws e shaabasoivudete , b 6et0eh ne spagedecdnieeudss ompefexr naeftmpisianrers dettmdoai en ; lriymanudsn eiefuormog mrlealtpao htwassre ps edattcliohm ee entdxsua,embtiennre cilinent lcigelor nunobgdssytl s hn(Mogas1stoMtsmeueToiLl o)T(tg,hy1ype.9 esse8F, i 4 mnoeW)faae s.lu mlr aeayn-lwy,seo recently from regions of Southeas tAsia already well sur- describe dtaxa of the genus Rhacophorus (sens sutricto), tor com- veyed (e.g .Ma,nthey and Steiof ,1998; lnger et al. ,1999; parisons (se eAppendix 1 in Matsui and Orlov ,2004), Matsui,2000; Harveyet al,,2002).Thissituation holdsfor Thaiiand ,where recent extensive tiel dsurveys have SYSTEMATICS resulted in the discover oyf new taxa or separation of cryptic Rhacophorus iaray' sip.n inov. taxa in frogs of differen tlineages (Mats ueit aL, 1996, 1998, (Fig s1, ,2) ' C o r re s p on d i n ga ut ho r. PFhaoxn e:/ ++8811--7755--775533--66884466;; ru s D(isaegnnos ssutirsi c.Ttho )eb nye: wve rstpeebcriaees ipsr aoscsiogeneldou stf;o rRohnatcoqppahroi-etal E-mall/iumi@zoo,zool.kyoto-u.ac.jp lacking parieto-squamos aarlch; dista lend ot terminal pha- doi/10.2108tzsj.23.477 lanx Y-shaped. I tis distinguish ferdom all other congeners NII-Electronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society oofJfap anJapan 478 M, Matsuiand S.Panha Table 1, Measurements of 18 characters in Rhacophorus Jaroj iSnVLL (mean s± SD, in mm} and medians of ratios (R }of othercharacters to SVL, iol[owe dby ranges in parenthesi sS.ee text for character abbreviations. SVL RHL RSL REL RT-EL RTD Males {N=4) 37,6±2.9 37.2(36.4- 3 8.61)7,O 14.2 1.5(12-1. 9 )7.9(7,5-8.8) (33.7-40,O> (15,6-17,(21)3.5-15.7) Females (N=5) 43.6±1.6 36,2(34. 1 -3176,.O1 } 14 1,6(1,O-2, 3) 7.8(6,3-8.1) (41,5-46,1} (15,O-17,1()12,5-152) RHW RIND RIOD RUEW RFLL R3FDW Males (N=4) 37.2(36,8 -3 91.08A)(9.8- 1 0.151).9(10.5 -1 2 .98.)3(8,3- 1 0.687}.0(63.2- 7 07..33}(6.6-7.7) Females (N-5) 37.1(34.5-3 7, 6 )8.9(8,3-1 0 ,31)2,4(10,8-1 2, 9 )8,7(8.3-9. 9 )68.0(56.0- 6 96.,79)(6.5-6.9) R4TDW RHLL RTL RFL RITL RITML Males (N-4) 4.9{4,3- 5, 9 )163,4 52,8 44.6 12.8 4,4(3.54.5) <154,5-172(.479).0-56.(74)1,7-47,(81}1.e-14,5) Females (N-5) 5.0{4.6- 5. 5 )167,8 54,4 47,9 13.7 4.6<4.1-5,1} (147.3-178.(94>6.6-57.(24)0.149,O)(10.4-14,2) Fig. 2. Ventra] views of (A )hand and (B )foo tof male holotype (CUZM (A )5251). Scale bar indicat e5s mm. les son outer side, and fourt hfinge rto dista slubarticular tubercle or base of disk ,and (4 )no dermal appendage on snout, vent, or heel. Etymology. The specific name is dedicated to Mr. Jaruji nNabhitabhata of Nationa lScienc eMuseum of Thai- land ,who i sactively elucidating faunai diversit yin Thailand. Holotype. CUZM (Chulalon gUkniovrernsity ,Zoological Museum) (A )5251, a male from Phu Sr iTan Wildli fSeanc- tuary(104010Eb,16030'N,500 m a,s,[,)K,alasinProvince, Thailand.Collectedon 26 October 1996 by M. Matsui. Paratypes. CUZM (A )5252-5253, KUHE (Kyo tUoni- versity, Human and Environment aSltudies }2,3038, three females ;KUHE 23037, a male; and CUZM (A )5254, a juve- nile; all the same data as for holotyp eK.UHE 22280, 23045, two females a,nd KUHE 22287, 22288, two males, from Phu Fig.1 .Male paratyp eof Rhacophorus 1'artu'ini 22287,bar Pha Namtip Non-huntin agrea, Roi Et Province c,ollected on SVL=33,7 mm); {A) dorsaland (B )ventral views,(KUHEScale indi- 25 October 1996 by M. Matsui. cates 20 mm. Description of holotype (measurement isn mm). SVL 39.6; head about as long (14. 4as) broad (14. 6sn)ou;t (6,8) by the combinatjon of <1 )moderate size, with female sfrom longer than eye (5.5 )ro,unded dorsall yand angular in pro- 41.546,1 mm and males from 33.740.0 mm in SVL, {2) fil es,iightly pointe dat tip and projecti nslgightly over lower dorsum brownish rather than greenis hw,ith irregula rdark jaw ;canthus blunt ;lores siightly oblique, slightly concave; marking, (3 )thir dfinge rwebbed broadl yto base ot disk or nostril nearer to tip of 6nout than to eye; internar idailstance NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan A New TreeFrogfromThailand 479 (4.0 n)arrower than interorb i{t4al. 8l)a;tt ewrider than eyelid eye In four ,between eye and nostri[ in three ,and nostril in (3.8 )ey;e diamete r(5, 4la)rge trhan eye-nostril (4. 2t)ym;pa- one indMduals ,Hand webbing is slightly bette dreveioped in num distinc ti,engt h(3. 5mo)re than three-fift hesye diame- some individual sthan in the holotype, with broad web reach- ter and separated from eye by one-seventh the tympanum ing base of disk on outer edge of third ,and on inne redge diamete r(O, 5v)om;erine teeth in short, nearly horizontal of fourt hfinger .IndMduals are nearly uniform in coloration groups beginnin gnear anterior corners of choanae, groups and patter onf dorsa lmarking. separated by more than the length of one group ;a longitu- Range. Known only from the type localit yP,hu Sri Tan dina lopening int omedian subgular vocal sac on both sides Wildlif eSanctuary K,alasin Province, and Phu Pha Namtjp of mouth floor. Non-hunting Area, Roi Et Province e,astern Thailand. Firs ftinge srhorter than second, lengt hof fir s(t3. 9me,a- Natural history. In Phu Sr iTan, R. J'anu' wiansi found at sured from dist aeldge of inne rpalmar tubercl es)horter than night on a dried ,rocky streambed (wid t<h5 m), and it diameter of eye; fourth finge rlongerthan second; tip sof fin- jumpe dinto small pools when alerted, ln Phu Pha Namtip, gers diiated int oiarge disks ,that of thir dfinger (2. 6n)ar- i twas found at night perchin gon the leaves of trees (< 2m) rower than tympanum; broad web (Fi g2.A) reaching base along the bank of a small pond. No tadpoles or eggs were of subarticular tuberc leof firs tfinge rp,roxima lmargin of found in the pond, and calling males were absent in late tubercl eon inner edge of second finger ,and to bases of disk October .All females had small ovaries, indicati na gpost- on outer edge of second, proxima lmargin of dista ltubercle breedin gcondition. Frogs found associated with R. jartu'ini on [nner edge ef third ,dista lmargin of dista ltubercle on included Occidoryga lima (Gravenho 1r8s2t9), ,O. martensii outer edge of thir da,nd dist amlargin of dist atlubercle on (Pete r1s86,7) ,Rana nigrovittata <Blyt h18,56), Fojervatya fourth finger ;weak supernumerary tuberci eosn metacar- limnochar i(sGravenho 1r8s29t),, Lirrinonecte sgyldenstoipei pals ;a distin citnner and a round, indistin cotuter palmar (Andersso 1n9,16), Polypedates leucomysta x(Gravenhorst, tubercle, 1829}, MicrohylafissipeBsoufienger1,884, M. berdMorei Hindlim b(61, 2a)bout 2.3 times iengt hof forerimb (Bly t1h85,6) ,nt heymonsi Vogt, 19" , and M. pulahr a{Hal- (26, 1t)ib;i naot Iong (19,4 h)e,els slightly overlapping when lowel l1,861), limb sare held at right angles to body; tibiotars aalrticulation Comparisons. Although the distinct iboentween Rha- of adpressed limb reaching anterior rim of eye; foo t(17,O) cophotus and Potype(tat iess under debate ,as noted above, shorter than tibi at;ips of toes expanded int odisk ssmaller R jarLu n'. ispn.i is assigned on the basi sof osteology to than those of fingers (dis dkiameter of fourt htoe 1.7> ;all Rhacqphorus (havi npgrocoelou vsertebral co[umn and [ack- toes webbed to disk s(Fi g2B.) ;subarticular tubercles indis- ing parieto-squamos aarlch of the frontoparie traatlh)er than tinct a; small inne rmetatarsal tubercle ,lengt h(1. 4l)es sthan to Polype(tat e<shavi dnigplasicoel ovuerstebral column and one-third the lengt hof fir sttoe (4,8 )bu,t no outer metatarsal mostly havin gparieto-squamosal arch; Liem, 1970) ,There- tubercle, fore ,we compare with the new species only species listed Dorsum smooth, free of skulr; an oblique fold from eye as Rhacophotus by Frost (2004). above tympanum, ending at above arm inserti osnk;in of The dorsa lground color of R. janu'i bnriowins ,which dif- throat smooth, abdomen coarsely granula ra; weak fring eof ferentiat ie tsfrom the followin gspecies that have a dorsum skin from outer edge of fourth finger to elbow; hindlimb with the ground color green :R. arboreus (Okad aand smooth, except for very narrow fringe sof skin along inner Kawano, 1924) and R. schlegeiii (GUnth e1r85,9) from the edge of fir sttoe and outer edge of fift nho; dermal append- Japanese Main lsjand sR; oMLstoni (Stejne g19e0r7), and R ages or larg etubercles at vent and hee] ;nuptial pad absent. w'rict 's(Hallo w1e8l61l), from the Ryukyus; R. amalis Lue, Color in life ,Dorsum ligh tbrown ;a narrow darker Lai ,and Chen, 1995, R. aurativentris Lue, Lai ,and Chen, brown bar crossing upper eyelids; back with irregula rd,arker 1994, R. mottrechti Boulenger ,1908, R. prasiantus Mou, brown crossbands; sides of face same shade of brown as Risch ,and Lue, 1983, and R taipeianu sLiang and Wang, dorsal surface of head; lip sunpatterned; abdomen without 1978 from Tajwan; R dennysii Blanford ,1881 from China; markings, anterioriy cream and posteriorl yyellow ;ventral R. teae Boulenger ,1893 from China ,Vietnam ,Thailand, surfaces of thigh ,hand, and foo tligh otrange; iri ysellow ;a and Myanmar; R. maximus G"nther ,1859 from China, Thai- white lin eon supracioacal ridge; a dark brown marking Iand ,Nepal ,and lndia ;R. catcaneus Smith, 1924 and R. around vent; limb swith dark crossbars, three bands cross- dubois iOhler ,Marquis, Swan, and Grosjean ,2000 from ing shank and two crossjng antebrachium; posterj otrhjgh Vietnam; R. promianus Smith ,1924 (inclu dRi ntgunkui orange-brown, without any definable patter nw;ebbing red- Kiew, 1987) from Thailan dand Malaysia ;R taroensis dish-oran gweith a ligh btrown streak. Smith ,1940 from Myanmar; R mataban'cus Jerdon ,1870 Osteology .Vertebr aclolumn procoelou sf;rontoparietal and R. pseudomalabaricu sVasudevan and Dutta, 2000 Iackin gparieto-squamosa] arch; dista lend of the terminal from lndia ;R. nigropalmatus Boulenger ,1895 from lndia, phaianxY-shaped. Thajland ,Malaysia ,Sumatra and Borneo; R reinwardtii Variatio nT.he average snout-vent lengt hof fiv efema- (Schleg e18l4,0) from Sumatra ,Java, Malaysia ,and China; les {mean±SD=43,6±1.6 mm} i ssignificantly large rthan that R dulitensi sBoulenger, 1892 from Sumatra and Borneo; R. of four males {37±,26.9 mm; Student's t-tes t,p< O,Ol), but achantharrhena Harvey ,Pemberton ,and Smith ,2002 from no sexual differen cwaes found in other measurements rel- Sumatra ;R. kajau Dring ,1984 from Borneo; R. edentutus ative to SVL <Mann-Whit Un teeyst ,p>O.05) ,possjbl dyue to Mueller ,1894, R. geoigiiRou x1,904, and R. monticola Bou- small sample size. A juven hialde a SVL of 26,8 mm. Length lenge r1,896 from Sulawesi. of hindlimb varie$ slightly ,and tibiotars alarticulation of Rhacophorus janny 'n,i nspi. is distinguis hferdom some adpressed lim breaches middle of eye in one, anterior rim of species havin gskin modifications: R. angulirostris Ahl, 1927 NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan 480 M. Matsui and S.Panha from Borneo and Sumatra ;R. translinea tWuus, 1977 from of the tasciat ugsroup (R .iesciat uansd R. harrison oDr the Chjna ;and R. appendiculatus (GUnth e18r5,9) from Malay- pardali sgroup (R annamensis [inclu dRi. nngotate4 see sia to Sumatra ,Borneo ,and the Philippin ehsave a mark- above], R. parclal iasn,d R. robinsoniO. Althoug hDubois edly pointe dsnout, and the iast two species have an ana[ ( 1987) noted that his classification was chiefly based on lar- flap lik eR thoclopus Liu and Hu, 1959 from China and R val morphology, data are lacking fo rmany species. Thus, namdaphaensis Sarkar and Sanyal ,1985 trom lndi aR,ha- the reasons fo rDubois' (198 7p)lacemen tof the abovemen- cophorus appendicutatus also has a crenuiated fring aelong tioned species in the parcta fgfrsoup is unclear. Similarly, the tarsu sa,s do R. bisacculu Tsaylo r,1962 from Thai]and because no larvae are yet known for R. jarLu 'iitns cila,ssifi- and Indja and R. exechopygus lnger ,Orlov, and Darevsky, cation remains uncertain. Species of the parclaf girsoup ,as 1999 from Vietnam. The fo[lowin gspecies all have a dermal well as R. catamitus from Sumatra describe dmore recently fla por projectio ants the heel /Rhacophorus baluensi slnger, (Harv eety al, ,2002> ,are especially similar to R iarzu 'jnini 1954 and R. gauni(lnge r1,966) from Borneo; R. veriucopus dorsa lcolor patter nD,orsal coloration, however, must be Huang, 1983 from China ;R. loipunctatu sAhl, 1927 from adaptive in it scryptic functio nand i sexpected to exhibit lndia ,Tibet ,Myanmar, Thalland, and Malaysia; R. barisani convergence i nmany differe nltineage sof Old World tree- Harvey ,Pemberton ,and Smith ,2002 and R catamitus Har- frogs. vey, Pemberton ,and Smith ,2002 from $umatra ;R rriaiga- Rhacophorus iarLu 'waisni found in the center of the ritiie(rSchlege1l8,37) from Java; R. pardalisGuenther, Thai-Lao Dry Plateau(lnger19,99),where thenative vege- 1859 from Malaysia, Sumatra ,Borneo ,and the Philippines; tatio nscarcely remains because of the paucit yof larg efor- R hoanglienensis Orlov ,Lathrop ,Murphy ,and Ho, 2001 est reserves or conservation areas. Due part ltoy this habitat and R ortow' Ziegle arnd KOhler 2,001 from Vietnam; and R. modification and partl tyo poor sampling to date, the number namdaphaensis, R. thoctopus ,and R. transimeatus .In hav- of anuran species known from the platea ui ssmail. In addi- ing smooth dorsa lskin, R. jaroj diinffie rfsrom species with tion ,the scarcjty of mountain streams in this region seems a tuberculate or rugose dorsum (R .calcadensis Ah[ ,1927 to restrict the distribut iofo nanuran species to those that and R. tuberculat Aunsderson ,1871 from lndia ;R. verruco- breed in ponds or develo pdirectl y.Inger (199 9l)iste d35 sus Boulenger, 1893 from Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, species from the platea u,of which only two (Chirixalus and lndia R;. everetti Boulenger I,B94 from the Philippines hansenae [Cochr a1n92,7] and R. bisacculu sw)ere consid- and Borneo). ered endemic to the region; R bisaccuius has now been In R. iartu 'ai nbrio,ad web on the fourth finger reaches reported from outside Thailand (Fro s2t00,4). Interestingly, the dista lsubarticular tubercle or base of the disk .In some both these species are rhacophorids. Inge r(199 94:57) species, webs between the finger asre less developed than liste das endemic another rhacophorid, Phitautu psaivulus i nR, jarti ajnidn wieb,bing i slimit eadt most to the base of (Boulen g1e89r3,} ,but thi sspecie$ is actualiy not endemic the subarticular tubercle on the fourt hfinger <R baliogaster to the region (lng e1r99,9: 480). Thus, only C. hansenae lnger ,Orlov, and Darevsky, 1999 from Vletnam; R poecil- and R. janu' icanni present lbye regarded as endemic to the onotus Boulenger ,1920 and R modestus Boulenger 1,920 Thai-La oDry Plateau A. more intensi vsuervey in thi sregion from Sumatra ;R. everettfi R, bisaccuiu sl)n, contrast, other would like ldyetec tadditional undescribed species, as indi- species have hand webbing bette rdeveloped than jn R cated by the discovery of R. jarLi bjuit nthii,s should be done y'arzu 'Tihnei w.eb reaches the base of the disk on both sides quickl yb,ecause the modification of amphibian habita tis sin of the thir dfinge ars a broad sheet in R, annamensis Smith, progress, 1924 from Vietnam (includ iRn gnotaterSmith, 1924; Mat- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS sui, 2005); R. robinsonii Boulenger, 1903 from Thailand and Malaysi aa;nd R. han:'so nlinger and Haile ,1959, R. rufipes We thank J. Nabhitabhat aH,. Ota ,K, Araya ,M. Toda, and S,- lnger 1,966, and R iesciat uBsoulenger ,1895 from Borneo. L Cheng for help jn the fjel dT,. Hikid afor help in statistical analy- tfri in m nRegAs elJ firt'us hasloril muowiyegjlb habioternndh,. lieRy ,. d tebhgie rmoeauet ceourfl waseitbdu e(s odPfee tvtheeel r to1shp8i,m6r7e d)fn itfonnrg oet m hirtesh set ooPmeuh-rjtlh- slafienionsd,tr g t e pitareehnardlet md uRiowHrosro, ey si raOinikltfon ea nFTrW, .ohmeYraa.tei islSao rtahneDni , edT bgp.Wharaeetar a tNtt,1eamh ,fteaD uinnatlotso k n,oSC af ..al RT nTeMdhusca neCiUhaal,i rrakMctnoa hhd rngCyn trofahauenendnr ytch eeifBl d lo.opp rf eT iprT.n mrhoioCabsvlitsialiaidoarnnin-kndeg ippine sand R. cyanopunctatus Manthey and Steio f1,99B (BM) M,. S. Hoogmoed {RMNH} N,. Ananjeva and N. Orlov (ZIL}, from Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo, and Sumatra have a dark R. GUnther and U, Manthey (ZMB) ,A, Haenggi (NHMB) G,, Doria mask on the sides of the head, and blue spots on the flanks. (MSNG) a,nd A. Duboi$ and A. Ohler (MNHNP )tor ailowing MM to Rhacophotus tuipes Smith ,1940 from Myanmar has a much examine specimens undertheir care, K, Nishikawa and T, Shimada narrower head than R. jarLu a'nidn tih,e dorsum is immacu- prepare dradiographs and photographs .This study was supported lat eor scattered with dots. Rhacophorus iaterai is(Bou- by grant sunder The Monbu$ho lnternatio nSaclienti tlRcesearch lenger ,1883) from lndi ahas a series of dorsolate rmaairk- Program (Fie lRdesearch, Nos. 06041066, 08041144, and 1004"66) toMM. ings and much less develope dtoe webbing, REFERENCES DISCUSSION Dubois A (1987)Miscellanea taxinomica [sicb]atrachologica O, Dubois <198 7d)ivide dmembers of Rhacophorus (sensu At yt e s5/ 7-9 5 lato )into two subgenera, Leptomantis and Rhacophorus, Duellman WE (Ed }( 1999) Pattern sof Distribut ioot nAmphibians ]A and furth esrubdivided the latt e$rubgenus int oseveral spe- GIobal Perspective, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore cies groups .Among about 60 species of Rhacqphorus men- Fei L, Ye CY, Jiang JP, Xi F, Huang, YZ (200 4An) 111ustra tKeedy to tioned above, R. jartu 'isi snupierficially simi]ar to members Chinese Amphibians ,Sichuan Publishin Ggroup and Sichuan NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan A New TreeFrog from Thailand 481 Publishin Hgouse of Scienc aend Technology ,Chengdu Matsui M {2000 )Batracholog yof Japan and adjacent regions -a Frost DR (Ed )(198 5A}mphibian Species of the World /A Taxo- systematic review, Comp Bioch Physio lB 126/ 247-256 nomic and Geographic Reference .Alle nPress lnc ,and Associ- Matsui M {200 5T)axonomic relationships ot two species ot Rha- ation of Systemati Ccosllectio nLsa,wrence cophotus from Vietnam (Amphibi aRh,acophoridae ).Cur Her- Fros tDR (200 4A)mphibian specles ot the world: an online refer- peto l24: 91-93 ence, Version 3.0 (2 2August, 2004) .American Museum of Nat- Matsui M, Orlov N <200 4A} new species of Chin'xai ufsrom Vietnam ural Histor yN,ew York ,Electron iDcatabase accessible at http/1 (Anur Rah:acophoridae )Z,oo lSc i21: 671-676 fresearch,amnh.orgfherpetoiogylamphibiatindex.html. Matsui M, Wu GF (1994 A}cousti ccharacteristics ot treefrogs from Harvey BH, Pemberton AJ, Smiih EN <200 2N)ew and poorl yknown Sichua nC,hina ,wlth cemments on systematic relationship of parachutin gfrogs (Rhacophorid aeR/hacophorus) trom PoLypedate sand Rhacophorus (Anur aR,hacophoridae) ,Zool Sumatra and Java. Herpetol Monogr 16: 46-92 Sci 111 485-490 lnger RF {199 9D)istribut ioofn amphibians i nSouther Ansia and Matsui M, Chan-Ar dT, Nabhitabhat aJ (199 6D)istin cstpecific sta- adjacent island sI.n "Patterns of Distribut ioofn Amphibians /A tus of Kaiophtynu spleurostigm ainteriinea t(uAsnur aM,icrohyl- GIoba lPerspective" Ed by WE Duellman, Johns Hopkins Uni- idae) C.opeia r i996, 440-445 versity Press, Baltimore, pp 445-482 Matsui M, Nabhitabhata J, Panha S (199 8A) new Ansonia from lnger RF, Orlov N, Darevsky 1 {199 9F)rogs of Vietnam :A report on northern Thailan d(Anur aBu,fonidae )H.erpetologi c5a4: 448- new collections ,Fieldian Zaoel NS 92: 1-46 454Matsui Jiang SP, Hu SQ, Zhao EM (1987 T)he approach of the phyloge- M, Nabhitabhata J, Panha S (199 9On) Leptobrachiu mtrom netlc relationship and the supraspecitic classification of 14 Chi- Thailan dwith a descripti ooni a new species (Anur aPe:b- nese species of tree fregs (Rhacepherid aAec)t.a Herpetol batidae )J.pn J Herpeto l18: 19-29 Sinic aNS 6: 27-42 Matsui M, Khonsue W, Nabhitabhat aJ (200 5A) new Ansonia from Liem SS (197 0Th>e morpho[ogy, systematics and evolution of the lsthmus ot Kra ,Thailan d{Amphib iAnau,ra ,Bufonidae) .Zool Old World tre efrogs (Rhacophor iandda Heyperoli[da eF)i.eldi- Sci 22: 809-814 ana Zool 57: 1-145 Taylor ,EH (1962 T)he amphibian fauna of Thailand .Univ Kansas Maeda N, Matsu iM (199 9F)rogs and Toads of Japan ,Rev Ed, Sc iBul l43/ 265-599 Bunich iSogo Shuppan, Tokyo Tian WW, Jiang YM {Eds <)198 6l)dentifica tMiaonnual of Chinese Ma[kmus R., Manthey U, Vogel G, Hoffman P, Kosuch J (2002} Amphibians and Reptiles ,Science Press, Beijing Amphibians and Reptile sof Mount Kinabal u(Nor tBhorneo). 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