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A new species of Psephenops Grouvelle (Coleoptera: Psephenidae) from Mexico PDF

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Preview A new species of Psephenops Grouvelle (Coleoptera: Psephenidae) from Mexico

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 104(4), 2002, pp. 964-967 A NEW SPECIES OF PSEPHENOPS GROUVELLE (COLEOPTERA: PSEPHENIDAE) FROM MEXICO Roberto Arce-Perez Institute de Ecologia, A. C. Km. 2.5 Antigua Carretera a Coatepec No. 351, Congre- gacion El Haya, Apartado Postal 63, 91070 Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. Psephenops lupita, new species, is described from specimens collected in a stream running through a cloud forest at Coatepec (1,200 m), Veracruz State, Mexico. The total number of described species assigned to the genus is now eight. — Resumen. Se describe e illustra a Psephenops lupita. n. sp., con base en especimenes m colectados en un arroyo de agua dulce de un bosque nebuloso en Coatepec (1,200 snm), Veracruz, Mexico, aumentando el numero total de especies descritas de este genero a ocho. Key Words: Psephenidae, new species, Veracruz State, Mexico The genus Psephenops Grouvelle = ide (KOH 5%) was used to clear genitalia ( Xexanchorinus Grouvelle) is comprised of to make illustrations. Microphotographs seven known species, with an apparently were taken with a scanning electron micro- fragmentary distribution: P. smithi Grou- scope JEOL, model JSM T20. with mag- velle 1898 (Antillean); P. grouvellei Cham- nification of 200X. pion 1913 (Guatemala); P. haitianus Dar- lington 1936 (Haiti); P. maculicollis Dar- Psephenops lupita Arce-Perez, lington 1936 (Colombia and Costa Rica); P. new species argentinensis Deleve 1967 (Argentina); P. (Figs. 1-4) — prestonae Spangler 1990 (Costa Rica), and Holotype male. Body oval, depressed; P. mexicanus Arce-Perez and Novelo-Gu- integument black, with reddish-yellow re- tierrez 2000 (Mexico). In this paper a new flections, completely covered with irides- species is reported from Mexico. cent, reddish-yellow, short setae; head, an- Ten specimens, all males, were collected tenna, pronotum and scutellum black; ely- in a stream located at Coatepec Village tron dark reddish brown, slightly elevated m (1,200 altitude). Municipality of Coate- at humeral region; antennal segments 1-2 pec; an additional specimen was collected yellow; legs with coxae, trochanters, and in a stream located at Xico Viejo Village femora yellow, tibiae and tarsi black; ven- m (1,800 altitude). Municipality of Xico, trally reddish black, vestiture short, fine, Veracruz State, Mexico. Individuals were and dense, grayish, with iridescent, yellow initially preserved in ethanol (80%) and reflections; total length 3.80 mm, maximum some were later pinned; all collected ma- humeral width 1.65 mm. terial was examined. Male genitalia were Head: Wider than long, transverse. extracted in ethanol, and potassium hydrox- Clypeus subrectangular, declivous at an an- VOLUME NUMBER 104, 4 065 gle of less than 90 degrees from plane of sides parallel on basal 0.75, then gradually frons, distal margin widely emarginate; converging posteriorly; base depressed on fronto-clypeal surface with long, robust and each side within humeri; surface without stiff setae; vertex minutely punctate, with striae; length (from base to apex of suture) minute setae and a very shallow longitudi- 2.65 mm; width (across humerus) 1.65 mm. nal furrow at middle. Antenna filiform, 1 I- Mesosternum, with wide groove for recep- segmented, scape larger than other seg- tion of prosternal process. Metasternum ments, pedicel 0.57 length of scape and bulky with medium longitudinal groove subglobose; third 0.64 length of scape; 7 deep between matacoxae. flagellar segments small, apical segment Legs: Procoxa globose, mesocoxa coni- acuminate. Eyes lateral, rounded, very cal, metacoxa transvei"se; femora robust piominent, dark reddish brown; postocular with dark yellowish setae; tibiae slender; area amber yellow (Fig. 1 ). Labrum similar metatibia as long as femur; protibia with to clypeus but shorter; maxillary palpus 4- distinct apical posterolateral denticle; tarsi, segmented, covered with long setae; seg- 5-segmented, tarsomeres and 2 lobed ven- 1 ment 1 smallest; segments 2 and 4 largest; trally. with thick spongelike vestiture with relative proportion of segments: 0.30. 0.90. short setae; lobe of tarsomere extending 1 0.60. 1.0. basal segments 1—3 subconical; distally to 0.30 of tarsomere 2; tarsomere 2 segment 4 oval, slightly depressed and end- longer, extending distally and completely ing in an inner subapical ridge. Labial pal- covering area of tarsomeres 3, 4, and 0.20 pus very short, 3-segmented; segments 1-2 of tarsomere 5; proportional length of tar- rounded and wide, segment 3 smallest, sub- someres: 0.40. 1.0, 0.25. 0.20, 0.85; a pair conical and dark, segment 2 largest, robust of long, curved, and slender apical claws (Fig. 2). present, each with small basal tooth. Thorax: Pronotum (Fig. 1) subtrapezo- Abdomen: Vestiture short, fine and idal (posterior margin 1.5 mm. lateral mar- dense. Seven visible sterna in relaxed spec- gin 0.95 mm); anterior margin arcuate; pos- imens; usually segment 6 hidden under seg- terior margin bisinuate and almost as wide ment 5. Sternum 2 largest. Posterior mar- as elytral base; lateral margins almost gins of sterna 1 and 2 deeply concave at straight along anterior half and expanded middle, sinuate at sides. Posterior margins laterally on posterior half; posterolateral an- of sterna 3 and 4 straight, that of sternum gles subacute; all margins slightly thick- 5 with a wide and shallow concavity at each ened; pronotal disc with middorsal longi- side of midline. Sternum 6 very short, pos- tudinal carina weakly developed at distal terior margin widely concave. Pygidial half, and a wide, shallow, long depression plate narrow, oval, as long as sternum 5, at each side of carina; in lateral view, pro- and densely covered with long and stiffred- notal disc (except for posterolateral expan- dish-yellow setae. sions) convex; pronotal surface with punc- Genitalia (Figs. 3—4): Trilobate, total tation finer than that of head, and covered length 0.50 mm. Parameres very wide and with short, cineraceous-yellow setae, and subsquare, with apices truncated (Fig. 3a), long dark reddish setae, setae shorter than in dorsoapical view notched apically (Fig. those of head; prosternum (Fig. 2) black, 3b), broadly emarginate and curved inward short and slightly carinate; with long, con- in ventrolateral view (Fig. 4b); length 0.26 cave, lanceolate, and slightly carinate po- mm. Penis longer than parameres, in ventral stcoxal process, which reaches anterior half view fingerlike, widened in basal half (Fig. of mesosternum. Mesonotum with scutel- 4a), length 0.30 mm, bearing a longitudinal lum short and black, with tip broadly round; lance-shaped sclerite along base which mm elytron dark reddish brown, with short yel- measures 0.18 in length; dorsal area of low setae and long reddish-yellow setae; phallobase concave (Fig. 3a); ventral por- 966 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON a w Figs. 1-4. Psepheiiops liipita. \, Details of head and pronotum showing mid-dorsal carina, dorsal view. 2. Detail of venter showing prosternal process. 3-4, Male genitalia. 3a. Dorsal view, showing phallobase and parameres. 3b, Microphotograph, dorsoapical view. 4a, Ventral view, showing long fingerlike penis widened in basal half. 4b. Microphotograph, ventrolateral view. VOLUME NUMBER 104, 4 967 — tion bulky, subcylindrical; length 0.20 nun, Type material. Holotype <S labeled: mm width 0.20— (Figs. 4a, b). ''MEXICO, Veracruz, Coatepec, Munici- Female. Unknown. (Apparently, fe- pality Coatepec, 1,2()() m, bosque mesofilo males of this group larger and bulkier than de montafia, rfo "Huehueyapan", 2-1V- males, but less frequently colleeted.) 1999, R. Arce col."; Paratypes: same data — Variation in paratype series. Some as holotype (2 S)\ same locality 19-IV- specimens have reddish-brt)wn elytra and in 2000 (3 6)\ 26-1V-01 (3 S)\ and Xico Vie- some the posterior margin of abdominal jo. Municipality o\' Xico 26-V11-1998 ( 1 (?). sternum 5 is not clearly convex at the mid- Holotype and paratypes deposited at Colec- dle. Measurements (in mm): total length of cion Entomologica, Instituto de Ecologfa, body, 3.75-3.85; maximum humeral width A.C.. Xalapa. Veracruz, Mexico. — 1.65-1.80; length of pronotum 0.70-0.95, Etymology. This species is dedicated to basal width 1.45-1.55; elytral length 2.60- my beloved wife Guadalupe Gomez Men- 2.70. diola; from Spanish Guadalupe, diminutive — Discussion. Males of Psephenops lupi- 'Guadalupi—ta, "lupita." ta may be distinguished from males ofother Habitat. Adult males ofPsephenops hi- species of the genus by the following com- pita were captured in a stream with rapid bination of characters: Antenna filiform, el- water flow, on stones covered with moss ytra without conspicuous striae (moniliform and aquatic phanerogams. in P. mexicanus and P. maculicollis, elytra Acknowledgment with striae); pronotum and elytra without tubercles or protuberances (pronotum and 1 thank Dr. Harley P. Brown (University of Oklahoma) for his invaluable criticism elytra with tubercles and protuberances in P. grouvellei): tarsomeres 1—2 lobed, pro- on the final manuscript as well as for En- glish coiTections. tibiae with denticle (tarsomeres 1-2-3 lobed, protibiae without denticle in P. pres- Literature Cited tonae)\ tarsomeres 1-2 lobed, elytra with- Arce-Perez. R. and R. Novelo-Gutieirez. 2000. First out conspicuous striae (promesotarsomeres record of the genus Psephenops (Coieoptera:Pse- 1-2 lobed, metatarsomere 1 lobed, elytra phenidae) from Mexico, with a description of a with striae in P. haiticmus); antenna filiform new species. Entomological News 111(3): 196— 1 1-segmented, elytra without conspicuous 200. Champion. G. C. 1913. IIL Notes on various Central striae, penis fingerlike (antenna 8-segment- American Coleoptera, with descriptions of new ed, elytra with striae, penis lanceolate in P. genera and species. Transactions of the Entomo- argentinensis). Apparently, Psephenops lu- logical Society ofLondon. 1913: 62-169. pita is most similar to Psephenops mexi- Darlington, P. J. 1936. A list of the West Indian Dry- canus, but the two may be distinguished by opidae (Coleoptera) with a new genus and eight species, including one from Colombia. Psyche43: the following combination ofcharacteristics 65-83. (those of P. mexicanus in parentheses): To- Deleve, J. 1967. Contribution a 1" etude des Dryopo- mm tal length 3.75-3.85 (3.15-3.55 mm), idea (Coleoptera). XIX. Notes diverse et descrip- maximum humeral length 1.65-1.80 mm tions d' especes nouvelles. Bulletin et Annales de (1.45-1.70 mm), antennae filiform (monil- la Societe Entomologique Belgique 103: 414- 445. iform), segments 1-2 yellow (black); legs Grouvelle, A. H. 1898. Clavicornes de Grenada et de with coxae, trochanters and femora yellow St. Vincent (Antilles) recoltes par M.H.H. Smith, (black), parameres very wide and subsquare et appartenant au Mu.see de Cambridge. Notes in dorsal view (slender and subtriangular). from the Leyden Museum 20: 35-48. penis in ventral view fingerlike, widened in Spangler, P. J. 1990. A new species and new record of the water-penny genus Psephenops (Coleoptera: basal half (apical half subtriangular, with a Psephenidae) from Costa Rica. Entomological small lateral toothlike projection). News 101(3): 137-139.

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