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A new species of Processa from Bermuda (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) PDF

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Preview A new species of Processa from Bermuda (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea)

PROC. BIOL. SOC. WASH. 104(2), 1991, pp. 317-321 A NEW SPECIES OF PROCESSA FROM BERMUDA (CRUSTACEA: DECAPODA: CARIDEA) Raymond B. Manning and C. W. Hart, Jr. Abstract.—Processafamelica, the tenth western Atlantic species ofProcessa tobe recognizedandthethird speciesto benamedfrom Bermuda, is described from material collected at Hungry Bay, Bermuda. It can be distinguished from allAmerican congeners byits elongate rostrum, which extends beyondthe eye. Two species of Processa have been de- Diagnosis.—Kostnim extending beyond scribedfromlocalitiesinBermuda,and,un- eyes. Antennal spine present. Stylocerite til now, these were the only two species unarmed. Second pereopods asymmetrical: knowntooccurthere.Processabermudensis larger right with 15-18 meral and 26-30 (Rankin, 1900)wasdescribedfrommaterial carpal articles, smaller left with 5-6 meral collected in Harrington Sound and was re- and 13-15 carpalarticles. Carpusoffifthleg describedfromBermudanmaterialbyGur- slightly longer than propodus. Abdominal ney (1936:624). It subsequently has been stemites unarmed. Fifth abdominal somite recorded from localities between North unarmedposterolaterally. Lobeonsixthab- Carolina and Brazil (Manning & Chace dominal somite above articulation ofuro- 1971, Christoffersen 1979, Williams 1984). pod unarmed. Processa wheeleriLebour, 1941, stillknown Description.-Kostnxm deflexed, extend- only from the type material, was described ing beyond anterior edge ofeye; apex bifid, from materialtakenwhilenightdredgingin lowertooth larger. Lower orbital angle low, Ferry Reach. rounded.Antennalspinepresent. Loweran- Thespeciesdescribedbelowwascollected terior angle ofcarapace broadly rounded. in Hungry Bay in 1979 and 1980 during Abdomen smooth. Fifth abdominal so- visits to Bermuda to study Bermudan cave mite rounded posterolaterally. Sixth ab- shrimps, a project sponsored by the Smith- dominalsomiteaboutaslongasfifth,blunt- sonianunderitsScholarlyStudiesProgram. ly angled posterolaterally; lateral plate of All specimens are deposited in the Na- sixth abdominal somite unarmed. tional Museum ofNatural History, Smith- Telson about 1.5 times longer than sixth sonian Institution, Washington, D.C. abdominal somite, length about 3 times (USNM). The abbreviation cl is used for greatest width, with 2 pairs ofdorsal and 2 postorbital carapace length. pairs ofdistal spines; anteriorpairofdorsal spines set in anterior fourth, posterior pair beyond midlength; distance between ante- Processafamelica, new species riormarginandanteriorpairofdorsal spines Figs. 1-3 about V3 distance between pairs of dorsal Material. —Hungry Bay, Bermuda spines; inner ofdistal spines stronger; apex mm [32°17'N, 64°46'W]: 1 S, cl 5.0 (holo- oftelson acutely pointed. type, USNM 252202), 16 Nov 1979, leg. R. Eye moderately large, cornea width sub- B. Manning.—1 S, cl 4.8 mm, 2 ovigerous equal to length of stalk and cornea com- mm USNM $, cl 5.8-7.0 (paratypes, bined, slightly more than 2 times greatest 252226), 13 May 1980, leg. R. B. Manning width ofantennal scale. and C. W. Hart, Jr. Antennular peduncle extending beyond 318 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE BIOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON Fig. 1. Processafamelica, new species, male, cl 5.0 mm, lateral view. rostrum by distal 2 segments and about 'A ment about as long as penultimate, apex of proximal segment, latter slightly longer acute; exopod well developed. Other than distal segments combined; ultimate mouthpartsas figuredbyManning&Chace segment more than halfas long as penulti- (1971) for species oiProcessa. mate segment; proximal segment with ven- First pereopods not extending to end of tral spine, set slightly beyond midlength. antennal scale. Right firstpereopodchelate; Stylocerite obtusely rounded laterally, un- fingersabout%lengthofpalm;carpusshort- armed, inner margin extending further an- erthanpalm; meruslongerthancarpus and teriorly than outer. Dorsolateral flagellum chela combined. Left first pereopod with ofantennule about halfas longas carapace; simple dactyl, about Vsaslongaspropodus; ventromesial flagellum about twice as long carpus about % as long as propodus; merus as carapace. as long as distal segments combined. Antennal scale extending to or almost to Second pereopods unequal, right longer, end ofantennular peduncle, length ofscale overreaching antennal scale with chela, about 5 timesgreatestbreadth; broaddistal merocarpalarticulationnotextendingtoend spine ofscale not overreaching blade. An- ofscale; ischiumwith 3-5 indistinct, merus tennal peduncle extending about to middle with 15-18, andcarpuswith 26-30 articles; ofsecond segment ofantennular peduncle. fingers more than halfas long as palm; car- Basal segment of antenna lacking ventro- pus about 5 times as long as chela, merus 3 lateral spine. Antennal flagellum about 4 times as long as chela; ischium subequal to times as long as carapace. merus. Left secondpereopod over-reaching Third maxilliped overreaching antennal antennal scalewith part ofcarpusandall of scalebyhalfofdistal segment; ultimateseg- chela, merocarpal articulation not extend- VOLUME 104, NUMBER 2 319 Fig. 2. Processafamelica, new species, male, cl 5.0 mm: a, front, lateral view; b, front, dorsal view; c, abdomen andtelson, lateral view; d, tail fan, dorsal view. ing to cornea; ischium undivided, merus Fourth pereopod overreaching antennal with 5-6 and carpus with 13-15 articles; scalewithdistalendofpropodusanddactyl; fingers shorter than palm; carpus slightly dactyl slender, simple; propodus 2.5 times more than 4 times as long as chela; merus as long as dactyl, unarmed; carpus more 3 times as long as chela; ischium about as than twice as long as propodus, unarmed; long as merus. merus twice as long as propodus, with 5 Third pereopod overreaching antennal movable spines on outer surface; ischium scalewithpartofcarpusandallofpropodus lessthan halfas longas merus, with 2 mov- anddactyl;dactylslender, simple;propodus able spines; combined length ofcarpus and about 3 times as long as dactyl, unarmed; propodus of fourth leg subequal to com- carpus slightly more than twice as long as bined length ofischium and merus. propodus, unarmed; merus about twice as Fifth pereopod overreaching antennal long as propodus, about as long as carpus, scalewith propodusanddactyl; dactyl slen- with 5 movable spines on outer surface; is- der, simple; propodus about 2.5 times as chium about % as long as merus, with 2 long as dactyl, unarmed; carpus about 1.5 movable spines; combined length ofprop- times as longas propodus, unarmed; merus odusandcarpusofthirdlegslightlylessthan slightly longer than propodus, unarmed; is- length ofischium and merus. chium less than halfas long as merus, un- 320 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON Fig. 3. Processafamelica new species, male, cl 5.0 mm: a, antennular peduncle; b, antennal scale; c, third maxilliped; d, left first pereopod; e, right first pereopod; f, left second pereopod; g, right second pereopod; h, leftthird pereopod; i, leftfourth pereopod;j, left fifth pereopod; k, leftsecondpleopod. armed; combined length of propodus and Size.—Carapacelengths ofmales4.8 and carpus of fifth leg slightly less than com- 5.0 mm, ofovigerous females 5.8 and 7.0 bined length ofischium and merus. mm. Abdominal stemites unarmed. Name.—ThQ specific name is from the Outer margin of uropodal exopod ter- Latin,famelicus, hungry, alluding to its oc- minating in triangular spine, with longer, currence in Hungry Bay. slenderer mesial spine; suture distinct. En- Remarks.—Processa famelica is unique dopod surface sparsely setose. amongwestern Atlantic species in having a Ova small and numerous, eyed ova 0.4- rostrum that extends beyond the eyes. Al- mm 0.6 in diameter. though similar to P. bermudensis and P. VOLUME NUMBER 104, 2 321 wheeleri, this new species differs from the 1962), I.—Resultats Scientifiques des Cam- formerinhavinganinternalspineandfrom pagnes de la Calypso 11:297-377. thelatterinhavingthestyloceriteunarmed. Gumey, R. R. 1936. A. descripXion o^Processa ber- mudensis Rankin and its larvae, IV. Notes on Processafamelica resembles the eastern somedecapodCrustaceaofBermuda,IlI-lV.— Atlantic P. elegantula Nouvel & Holthuis, ProceedingsoftheZoologicalSocietyofLondon 1957 in having the long rostrum extending (series B, part 1) 1936:621-630, pis. 1-7. beyondtheeyesbutinthatspeciesthestylo- Lebour, M. V. 1941. Notes on thalassinid and pro- ceriteisarmedwithastrongouterspineand cmeusdsiad.l—aArnvaneal(sCraunsdtaMceaagaDzeicnaepoodfaN)atfurroaml HBiesr-- the outer spine ofthe antennal scale over- tory (series 11) 7:401-420. reaches the blade. Manning, R. B. 1975. Two methods for collecting Thisnewspecieswascollectedduringthe decapods in shallow water.—Crustaceana 29: day on clean sand in shallow water, depth 317-319. less than 0.5 meter, while sampling burrow ,&F.A.Chace,Jr. 1971. Shrimpsofthefam- ily Processidae from the northwestern Atlantic openings ofinfaunal organisms with a yab- Ocean (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea).— by pump (Manning 1975). It was not taken SmithsonianContributionstoZoology89:1^1. together with any other species, but it is Nouvel,H.,&L. B. Holthuis. 1957. LesProcessidae likely that it, like the species ofAmbidexter (Crustacea Decapoda Natantia) des eaux euro- reported by Abele (1972) and Williamson peennes.—ZoologischeVerhandelingen,Leiden 32:1-53, figs. 1-220. (1980), lives in the burrow of another in- Rankin,W. M. 1900. TheCrustaceaoftheBermuda vertebrate, eitheran annelidworm oracal- Islands, with notes on the collections made by lianassid shrimp. the New York University Expeditions in 1897 Based on her work with larvae, Lebour and 1898.—Annalsofthe NewYorkAcademy (1941:302) remarked that "There must be ofSciences 12(12):521-548, pi. 17. Williams,A. B. 1984. Shrimps,lobstersandcrabsof at least three, and probably four, species of the Atlantic coast ofthe eastern United States, Processa in Bermudan waters," suggesting MainetoRorida.SmithsonianInstitutionPress, that another species might exist there. Washington, xviii + 550 pp. Williamson, D. I. 1980. Larval development in a species ofAmbidexter Manning & Chace (De- Literature Cited capoda,Caridea,Processidae).—Crustaceana39: Abele,L.G. 1972. AreviewofthegenusAmbidexter 235-246. (Crustacea: Decapoda: Processidae) in Pana- ma.—BulletinofMarineScience22(2):365-380. DepartmentofInvertebrateZoology,Na- ChristofTersen, M. L. 1979. Decapod Crustacea: Al- tional Museum ofNatural History, Smith- pheoida. Campagne de la Calypso au large des sonianInstitution,Washington, D.C. 20560. cotesAtlantiquesdeTAmeriqueduSud(1961-

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