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A new species of Pomponatius Distant from Australia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Acanthocorini) PDF

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Preview A new species of Pomponatius Distant from Australia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Acanthocorini)

A NEW SPECIES OFPOMPONATIUSDISTANTFROM AUSTRALIA (HEMIPTERA:HETEROPTERA:COREIDAE:ACANTHOCORINI) H. BRAILOVSKYANDG.B.MONTEITH Brailovsky, H. & Monteith, G.B. 199607 20: Anew species ofPomponatiusDistantfrom Australia (Hemiptera:Heteroptera:Coreidae:Acanthocorini). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum39(2):205-210. Brisbane.ISSN0079-8835. The Australian PomponatiusDistant is redescribed and the distribution ofits type species P.typicusDistant is extended to the Northern Territory and to New Guinea. P. luridus sp. nov. is described from eastern and northern Australia. Distribution maps and a key are included.FoodplantsareMelaleucaandCallistemon(Myrtaceae). Hemiptera, Coreidae, Pomponatius, taxonomy, biologicalcontrol. H. Brailovsky, Instituto de Biologia UNAM, Departamento de Zoologia. Apdo. Postal # 70153, Mexico, 04510 D.F.; G.B. Monteith, Queensland Museum, P.O. Box 3300, South Brisbane, Queensland4101, Australia; received5February 1996. Pomponatius Distant, 1904 of the Acan- (CNC); Coleccion Entomologicadel Institutode thocoriniwasdescribedfromcoastalQueensland Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de and is known only from the type species, P. Mexico (IBUNAM); Australian Museum, Syd- typicusDistant,1904. It has been mentioned as a ney (AMS); Queensland Museum, Brisbane garden pest, underthe common name ofthe cal- (QM); University of Queensland Insect Collec- listemon tipbug, damaging cultivated species of tion, Brisbane (UQIC); University ofCalifornia, the large Australian native plant genera Riverside (UCR). Melaleuca and Callistemon (Jones & Elliot, All measurements are in millimetres. 1986). BecauseMelaleuca quinquenervia (Cav.) S.T. PomponatiusDistant, 1904 Blake,hasbecomeasevereweedpestofwetlands in Florida (Balciunas, 1990) the United States PomponatiusDistant, 1904:265. Department of Agriculture undertook an inten- sive search among native Australian insects for DESCRIPTION.Body elongate, narrowed possiblebiocontrolagents. Thissearchidentified posteriorly. Pomponatiustypicus,underthecommonnameof Head.Widerthan longacrosseyes,nearlypen- the tip wilting bug, as one possible biocontrol & tagonal, not produced beyond the antenniferous agent (Balciunas Burrows, 1994). tubercles and dorsally flat; tylus apically up- Museum collections were found to contain a turned to form a small horn, with apex subacute second undescribed species of Pomponatius or truncate; jugum unarmed, thick, apically which widely overlaps in distribution and food globose,equalorslightlyshorterthantylus;inner preferencewiththetypespecies.Thenewspecies margins of antenniferous tubercles with con- is described below and the generic range is ex- spicuous and large lobe apically rounded and tended to the Northern Territory and to New widely separated; antennal segment I robust, Guinea. thickest and always longer than head, segments The following abbreviations indicate institu- II and III cylindrical, regularly incrassate and tions where specimens are deposited or which segment IV always fusiform or antennal seg- generously lent material: Australian Biological ments I and II regularly incrassate and segment Control Laboratory, Townsville (ABCL); III the thickestand gradually widening; segment Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra IV the shortest, segment III shorter than I and II (ANIC); Museum and Art Gallery of Northern and segment II usually shorterthan I; ocelli ses- Territory, Darwin (NTM); Department of sile; preocellar pit deep; eyes moderately large, Primary Industries, Mareeba (MDPI); Depart- semiglobose and sessileormoderately large and ment of Primary Industries, Brisbane (QDPI); compressed at lateral margins; postocular TheNatural HistoryMuseum,London (BMNH); tubercle relatively small; bucculae rounded, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco short, not extending beyond anterior margin of (CAS); Canadian National Collections, Ottawa eyes; rostrumreachinganteriormarginormiddle 206 MEMOIRS OFTHEQUEENSLANDMUSEUM Scutellum. Triangular, longer than wide, flat, transversely striate; apex subacuteortruncate. Hemelytra. Macropterous, almost reaching the apex ofthe last abdominal segment; costal mar- gin emarginate; apical margin almost straight or clearlysinuate,withinnerthirdconcaveandouter third straight; apical angle obtuse; hemelytral membrane elongate with several longitudinal veins orsmall withreticulate venation. Abdomen. Connexival segments complete, not extended as short spines; abdominal sternite withoutmedial furrow. Malegenitalia.Genitalcapsule:Posteroventral marginprojectedinabroadorslenderlarge-sized triangular lobe (Figs. 2F, 2G). Parameres: Body simple and broad or with middle third narrow, neck-like; apical projection with anterior lobe convex and continuous with body and posterior lobe conspicuously curved ordilated and ending in a sharporblunt shortprojection (Figs. 2A-E). Femalegenitalia. Abdominal sterniteVII with plicaandfissura; plicatriangular, short,reaching anterior third of sternite VII. Genital plate: Gonocoxae I square, shorter than paratergite IX, in caudal view closed, in lateral view slightly convex; paratergiteVIII triangular, with spiracle visible; paratergiteIXelongate,triangular, larger FIG. 1.Dorsal view ofPomponatius luridus sp. nov., male,length 11.5mm. than paratergiteVIII. DIAGNOSIS. Body elongate and narrowed third of mesosternum; rostral segment I the posteriorly, antennal segments I to III regularly shortest, segment III shorter than I and IV and incrassate,antenniferoustubercleswithadistinct segment IV the longest or subequal to I; frons lobe on the inner margins, posterior margin of with a deep central longitudinal incision. pronotum expanded on a short lip and femora Thorax. Pronotum trapeziform, wider than apicallyincrassatewithadistincttoothnearapex. long, moderately declivent; collar not clearly marked; frontal anglesproduced forwardas long REMARKS. Kumar (1965) studied an undeter- and broad or produced as medium sized and mined speciesofPomponatiusand described the slenderconical projections; anteriormargin con- male and female genitalia as well as the glands cavely sinuate; anterolateral margins clearly associated with the internal male organs. emarginate or slightly upwardly reflected and nodulose;humeralanglesrounded, notexpanded Pomponatiusluridus sp. nov. and dorsally tuberculate; posterolateral margins (Figsl,2C-G,4) slightly concave and smooth; posterior margin MATERIAL EXAMINED. HOLOTYPE expanded on a short lip with the posteriorborder 6: QMT13987: Central Qld: Mt. Moffatt NP, East straightand smooth; calli notelevated, separated Branch, MaranoaR. (TopMoffattCamp), 26.ix.1986, along midline by short longitudinal furrow. Monteith,Yeates&Thompson,inQM.PARATYPES: Anteriorlobeofmetathoracic peritremeelevated Qld: QMT13988, 9, same data as holotype (QM); and reniform, posterior lobe sharp, small; QMT13989, 9, LeversPlateau, viaRathdowney,6-ii- mesosternumwithamedialgroove,extending to 1966, F.R. Wylie (QM); QMT13990,d, Mt Tam- tanutLbeeerrgicsou.rlatFtheeirmdao.nrdaveanptircaallllyyarinmcerdaswsiatteh,addeinsstienlcyt bdE1ooi3ron.iraVnos.eol1,pe9ii72lg37lh,.yx,R.Jix1vi.H9.,5o179d3,7g59sS,m.oG.nB.ErG.(eoIerodBfdeUhGnNe(Ao(UMrQCg)MRe;)t;+olwI9cnB,J,3US3Nt1A9.GM9ve.)o1;r,9g7Ie62n,.-, tooth nearapex; tibiae terete, conspicuously sul- G.B. & S.R. Monteith (UQIC); 9, 62 km W. Mt cate. Garnet, 31.xii.1978, R.l. Storey, on Melaleuca sp. NEW SPECIES OFPOMPONATIUSFROM AUSTRALIA 207 H,No (NTM); locality, 25.ix.1896, A.L. Schrader (AMS). DESCRIPTION.MALE.Dorsalcoloration.Pale yellow,withpuncturesdarkorangeandfollowing areas creamy yellow: anterolateral margins of pronotum and apex of scutellum; antennal seg- mentIorangeyellow withtuberclesreddish, seg- ment II orange yellow with apical third and tuberclesreddish,segmentIIIwithapicalhalfand apical join pale yellow and basal halfincluding thetuberclesdarkorangereddishandsegmentIV pale yellow; following areas black: longitudinal stripe close to the anterior third of anterolateral margins ofpronotum, and anteriorthird ofcostal margin ofcorium; connexival segments and ab- dominal sternite VII pale yellow with punctures dark orange; abdominal segments I to VI bright orange.Ventralcoloration: Paleyellowwithpink diffuse areas and with following areas black: apex of rostral segment IV, one small discoidal spot on propleura and mesopleura, two lon- gitudinalseriesofdiscoidalspotsrunninglateral- ly to the midline on mesosternum and irregular spots on mesocoxa, metacoxa, mesotrochanters andmetatrochanters;tuberclesoffemorablackor reddish brown orpale pink. Structure. Antennal segments I to IIIregularly incrassate; eyes moderately large, semiglobose, sessile but not compressed at lateral margins. Pronotum: Frontal angles produced forward as long and broad conical projection; anterolateral margins clearly emarginated. Hemelytra: Apical margin clearly sinuate, with inner third concave and outer third straight; hemelytral membrane FIG.2.Malegenitalia.A-B,parameresofPomponatius elongate with several longitudinal veins. typicus Distant. C-E, parameres of Pomponatius Genital capsule. Posteroventral margin luridus sp. nov. F-G, dorsal and lateral views of genitalcapsuleP.luridussp.nov.(Scalelinesinmm.) projecting as a large broad triangular lobe (Fig. 2F,G). Parameres (Fig. 2C-E). FEMALE. Coloration. Similar to male. Ab- ((MADNPIIC));;I\d61 95,9B9iggenDdeegni,lb1o2.xCiik.„1971B,igHg.eFnrdaeunc,a dominal segments IV to VII bright orange with 4N..xBiui.nld9a7b1e,rHg.,F2r7a.uicva.1(9,A5N9I,CT).;G.1C6a\mpMbulellelt(CAkN.I,C3)1;m<iJ., ttowothpealceonbnreoxwinvadlisscoeigdmaelntosr;irsreeggumleanrtspVotIsI,Icdlaorske Calliope R. Xing, N. ofGladstone, ii.1965,E.J. Reye, orange and segment IX dark reddish brown with on bottle brush (ANIC); c?, Brisbane, 24.viii. 1976, longitudinal stripeorange, closeto midline; con- B.K. Cantrell (QDPI); 9, Kingaroy, 7. xi.1983, J. nexivalsegmentsItoVIIpalereddishbrownwith Wessels, on Melaleuca armillaris (QDPI); 2cT, Stan- upper margin mostly pale yellow; connexival thorpe, 6.xii.l926 (QDPI); 9, Indooroopilly, segments VIII and IX mostly yellow; abdominal 15.1.1962,J.H. Barrett(QDPI); 9,JamesCook Univ., sternaandgenital platespaleyellowwithfollow- Tvoiwminnsavliilsle(,AB4C.iLx).;l9<839,,CSh.eJl.mNere,wmBrains,baonen,C1a5l.liixs.t1e9m9o2n, ingareasblack:irregularspotsonsternaIIItoVII M. Purcel], on Callistemon viminalis (ABCL). NSW: andclosetomidlineaswellastheinternalmargin 9,Oatley, 15.vi.1950,Deuquet(AMS);,Enfield,Syd- of fissure and the area close to upper margin of ney, E.P. Ramsay (IBUNAM); 29 9, Rivertree, plica. 10.viii.1921 (QDPI). NT: 6, Edith Falls, Katherine Gorge NP, 6.xii.l980, M.B. Malipatil & I. Archibald VARIATION. 1, Antennal segment IV with dis- 208 MEMOIRSOFTHEQUEENSLANDMUSEUM DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 4). From Sydney along coastal and inland Queensland to the Northern Territory. FOODPLANTS. Seediscussion below. ETYMOLOGY.Latinluridus,paleyellow;foritslight coloration. Pomponatiustypicus Distant, 904 1 (Figs 2A-B, 3, 4) PomponatiustypicusDistant, 1904: 266. MATERIAL EXAMINED. NSW: Bulahdelah, 11.xi.1932 (IBUNAM); Hat Head, nr. Kempsey, 3J.1970 (ANIC). QLD: HOLOTYPE 2, Townsville (BMNH); Acacia Ridge, 16.L1973; Lockerbie Area, Cape York, 13- 27.iv.1973; Jardine River road cross- ing, 16-27.ix.1974; Brisbane, 24.x.1916; Lakefield NP, 75 km N. of Laura, 15-28.vi.1980; Kuranda, 3.x.1920; Nth Keppel Island, track to Mazie Bay, 3.ix.l987 (QM); Archerfield, 19.ix.1964; St Lucia, 6.ix.l965; Bowen, 2.vi.l965; Brisbane, 20.V.1959 (UQIC); Black Ml Rd (Kuranda), 24.1.1970; Cairns, 22.vii-24.xii.1969 (CNC); Townsville 5.ii.l945 (CAS); Watalgan Range, via Rosedale, 6.iv.l974; Baldwin Swamp Fauna Reserve, Bundaberg, k 27.xi.1971; Goodwood, Isis Shire, 5.iv. 1974; Gum- dale,Brisbane, 11.xi.1968;LadysmithYardatTumoff Lagoon, 18.ix.1930 (ANIC); Bridge Ck, Cook High- way, 29.V.1974, on Melaleuca; Kurrimine Beach Rd, FIG. 3.Dorsal view of Pomponatius typicus Distant, 26.vi.1974; Mareeba, l.ii.1979, at light; Home Hill, female, length 15.1mm. 28.vii.1947 (MDPI); Chandler, Brisbane, 2911976, damaging new growth of Callistemon sp.; Mareeba, tal half pale yellow and basal half pale orange 2v9i.miinx.al1i9s8;1;nr.ToGwnasmvbiololle,a vHi.iiS..,19238.4v,iio.n198C2a,ll(iQsDtPeIm)o;n yellow. 2, Humeral angles black or dark brown. Coombabah, 14.ii.1990 & 4.ix.l990, on tips of 3, Endocorium with black discoidal spot some- Melaleuca quinquenervia; Burpengary, 12.xi.1992, what diffuse. 4, Scutellar disc with or without feeds on M. quinquenervia', Chelmer, 15.ix.1992, on median black stripe. 5, Abdominal sterna and M. quinquenervia; Centenary Park, Cairns, 8.V.1991, genital plates of female pale yellow, with pale tips of M. quinquenervia; 16.9 km ESE of Tully, pink marks or with only the internal margins of 31.viii.1994 and 2.viii.l994, ex Af. quinquenervia; fissure and the areas close to the plica black. 6, same locality, 27.vi,1994, ex M. dealbata; 14.3 km S. AbdominalsegmentVIIIoffemalebrightorange. Tully,31.viii.1992;21.8kmS.Tully,4.xi.1993,exM. dealbata; 15 km ESE Tully, 27.xi.1994, ex M. quin- quenervia;JamesCook Univ.,Townsville, 17.iv.1990 & 18.i.1993, feeding on Callistemon viminalis; same MEASUREMENTS. 6first, then 9: Head locality,4.vii.l991 and2.ii.l992,ex. Melaleucaquin- length: 1.08, 1.32; width acrosseyes: 1.36, 1.56; quenervia (ABCL). NT: 48 ml. SW of Daly River, interocular space: 0.80, 0.91; interocellar space: 30.viii.1968;9km NEofMudginbarry HS,26.V.1973 0.25, 0.27; length antennal segments: I, 2.40, (ANIC);WildmanRivercashewplantation, 17.X.1989, 2.72; II,2.48, 2.64; III,2.08,2.24; IV,2.00, 1.88. ex adjacentMelaleucarcgrowth; Mary R., 37 ml. Eof Pronotum: Total length: 2.12, 2.76; widthacross Pine Creek, 9.vii.l971; Darwin, 9.viii.1983, ex Lep- tospermum (NTM); Crystal Falls - BiddlecombeCas- frontal angles: 1.20, 1.44; width across humeral cades, Nitmiluk NP, 17-18.iii.1995, ex Melaleuca angles: 2.40, 3.08. Hemelytra: Total length of viridiflora (QM); Howard River, Darwin, 24.x.1986, hemelytral membrane: 3.76, 4.40. Scutellar ex Melaleuca nervosa (ABCL). PNG: Rouku, length: 1.00, 1.40; width: 0.92, 1.32. Total body Morehead River, Western District, PNG, 19.iii- length: 11.52, 14.65. 28.v.1962(ANIC). NEWSPECIES OFPOMPONAT1USFROM AUSTRALIA 209 the terminal shoot and its young leaves. This effect is often useful evidence for locating specimensonplantsandhasleadtotheircommon name of *tip wiltingbugs'. All records for Pomponatius species are from plants ofthe Family Myrtaceae, as follows: Pomponatiusluridus—Melaleuca sp. (MtGar- net); Melaleuca armillaris (Kingaroy); Callis- temonviminalis(Townsville,Chelmer);onbottle brush (Calliope R.). Pomponatiustypicus-Melaleucaquinquener- via (Coombabah, Burpengary, Chelmer, Cairns, Tully District, Townsville); Melaleuca dealbata (Tully district); Melaleuca viridiflora (Nitmiluk NP);Melaleucanervosa(Darwin);Melaleucasp. (Cook Highway, Wildman R); Callistemon viminalis (Townsville) Callistemon sp. (Chel- mer); Leptospermumsp. (Darwin). Almost all records are from the closely related Melaleuca and Callistemon.Theonlyconfirmed Callistemon is Cviminalis which is sometimes • Pomponatiustypicus assignedtoMelaleuca. Theonly othergenerafor A Pomponatiusfundus which records exist are Leptospermum (one I record from Darwin which may have been a garden plantandforwhichactual feedinghasnot been confirmed) and a prolonged infestationofa FIG.4.Distribution mapofPomponatiusspecies. garden plant of Calolhamnus in Brisbane by a speciesofPomponatiuswhich was notidentified DIAGNOSIS. Antennal segment III gradually (GBM obs.). Calothamnus is related to widening and uniformly pale orange yellow, Melaleuca but is naturally restricted to south- hemelytralmembraneshort,withreticulatevena- western Australia beyond the known range of tion, anterolateral margins of pronotum slightly Pomponatius. reflected, and propleuraand mesopleura without Circumstantial evidence for Pomponatius black discoidal spot. Genital capsule: feeding on other plant species in the form of Posteroventralmarginprojectedinalargeslender characteristicallydamagedgrowingtipshasbeen triangularlobe. Parameres (Fig. 2A-B). noted by the USDA survey staff on Melaleuca arcana, M. argentea, M. bracteata and Callis- DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 4). This species was first temonpolandii (Burrows pers. comm.). described from Townsville (Distant, 1904) and Although both species of Pomponatius have later recorded from Rockhampton (Blote, 1935) been recorded from both Melaleuca and Callis- and Heathlands in Cape York Peninsula (Cassis, temon itwouldappearfrominferenceswhichcan 1993). It is now known to be widespread in be drawn from the data that, in the wild, Pom- NSW Australia from northern along the coast to ponatius luridus is virtually restricted to Callis- north Queensland. It is also now recorded from temon viminalis, and Pomponatius typicus is the Northern Territory and New Guinea. similarlyrestrictedto 'paperbarkteatrees' ofthe Genitalia of specimens from the Northern Ter- M. leucadendra complex as defined by Blake, ritoryandsouthern NewGuineaagreewiththose 1968.ForP.luridustherecordfromM.armillaris from eastern Australia. is from a garden plant outside its natural range while many of the collection localities where FOOD PLANTRECORDS plant associations were not recorded are habitats G where viminalis is abundant, e.g. Calliope R., Pomponatiusfeeds by sucking sapfrom young Maranoa R., Degilbo Ck, Mullet Ck. Similarly stemsattheendsofbranches,especiallywhenthe with P. typicus all Callistemon records are from apical shoothasa flushofsoftnew growth. Their unnaturalsuburbansituations, whilemostnatural feeding causes wilting and sometimes death of occurrences of the bug are from habitats where 210 MEMOIRS OFTHEQUEENSLANDMUSEUM latevenation andwithitsbasal margin uniform- lycurved;dark longitudinal stripeson proster- numatleasttwice width ofrostrum; apicallobe ofeachparameredilatedandendingin asharp orbluntprojection (Fig. 2A,B) PomponatiustypicusDistant(Fig. 3) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thankstothefollowingindividualsandinstitu- tions for loans and other assistance: J. Balciunas (ABCL), T.A. Weir (ANIC), G. Brown (NTM), R. Storey(MDPI),J. Donaldson (QDPI),G.Cas- sis (AMS), Janet Margerison-Knight (BMNH), Norman D. Penny (CAS), Michael D. Schwartz (CNC), Margaret Schneider (UQIC) and Saul Frommer(UCR). Weareespecially grateful toJ. Balciunas foraccess to the melaleuca insect sur- veydataaccumulatedbyhisgroup. Biol. Ernesto Barrera, Cristina Urbina, and Felipe Villegas (IBUNAM)preparedthedorsalviewillustrations andgenitaliadrawings.TheConsejoNacionalde Ciencia y Tecnologia, Mexico (CONACT) provided financial assistance to HB. LITERATURECITED BALCIUNAS, J. 1990. Australian insects to control FIG. 5. A living 9 ofPomponatiusluridus sp.nov. on melaleuca. Aquatics 12:15-19. its foodplant Callistemonviminalisin Brisbane. BALCIUNAS, J. & BURROWS, D. 1994. USDA Australian Biological Control Laboratory 1994 paperbarks predominate. This includes the PNG Annual Report. 32pp. record. BLAKE, S.T. 1968. A revision of Melaleuca This apparent food plant dichotomy between leucadendron and its allies (Myrtaceae). Con- the two Pomponatiusspecies is suggested as the tributionsofthe Queensland Herbarium 1:1-114. mechanism which maintains their specific in- BLOTE, H.C. 1935. Catalogue ofthe Coreidae in the tegrity throughoutalmost identical distributions. Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Histoire. Part 1. Coreinae, First Part. Zoologische Mededelingen KEY TO THE KNOWN POMPONATIUS 18: 181-227. CASSIS, G. 1993. A report on the Heteroptera and SPECIES DcrmapterafromthesurveyofCapeYorkPenin- sula, pp. 109-123. InCapeYorkPeninsulaScien- l.Antennal segment III not noticeably moreswollen tificExpedition,WetSeason 1992Report,Vol.2. than II, and bicoloured with apical halfpaler RoyalGeographical Society ofQueensland. thanbasal half;hemelytral membraneelongate, DISTANT,W.L. 1904.RhynchotalNotes.22.Heterop- longerthan3.20mm, with several longitudinal terafromnorthQueensland.AnnalsandMagazine veins,and with itsbasal margin strongly sinuate; ofNatural History, ser. 7 13: 263-276. darklongitudinal stripeson prosternum about JONES, D. & ELLIOT, R. 1986. 'Pests, diseases and same widthas rostrum; apical lobeofparamere ailments of Australian plants*. (Lothian Press: notdilated and withoutasmall projection (Figs Melbourne)333p. 2C-E) . . Pomponatiusluridussp. nov. (Fig. 1) KUMAR, R. 1965. Aspects of the Morphology of Antennal segmentIII noticeably moreswollen Coreoidea and theirvalue in its higherclassifica- thanII andnotbicoloured;hemelytral tion. Proceedings of the Royal Society of membrane short, lessthan 3.20mm, with reticu- Queensland 76(3): 27-91.

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