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Preview A new species of Orthosia (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) from Nepal

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan ut U wh 71} ,too AGa 43 {1 ): 62-64 ,March 1992 A new species of Orthosia (Lepidopte rNoac,tuidae) from Nepal ToshiroHARuTA 20-4,Nishi-Oehiai4,Shinjuku,Tokyo, 161Japan Abstract Orthosi saubcarniPennis sp. n. is describe dfrorn Nepal, This is the closest relative of O. carnipennis (Butle frr)om East Asia. Key words Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Orthosi asubcarnipennis sp. n., Orthosi acarnipennis, NepaL taxonomy, Orthosia (Fig1,) s"bcarnipennis sp. n. cl. Very similar to O. carnipennis (Butle r18,78) .Expanse 42 mm (leng tohf forewing 20 mm), a litt lsemaller than in carnipennis. Antenna bipectinat ewi,th each pecten shorter than in carnipennis, Head and thorax silvery gray with pinkish tint ,Forewing silvery gray with pinkish tone ; characteristic in having an antemedian short black band reaching the inner edge of black stria in cellule 1; a small triangular black spot on costa at the beginning of postmedian line;a dark shade on subcosta inside of subterminal line; cilia pinkish at tip. Hindwing white, with a small and diffus egray discocellula rspot ; minute black dots at termen in cellules 4 to 6 ; cilia pinkish except tornus. Male genitalia (Fig.2 )U.ncus moderately long, pointed at tip; tegumen with peniculus densely hairy ; valva with costal and ventral margins nearly parallel to each other; sacculus bearing a semi-triangular ridge at base; harpe rudimentary, represented by a short digita plrocess at base of ampulla, which is weakly bent and extends beyond the juxta ventral margin of valva ; outer margin of cucullus gently rounded, corona absent ; bulbous .Aedeagus with a stout caudal process;vesica about 2,5 times as Iong as bearing dents base aedeagus, a pair of sclerites ornamented with short at and a short cornutus beyond them. Male brush organs well developed, while carnipennZs lose sthem cornpletely. Holotype , di, Nepal, Kathmandu, Godavari 1600 m, 23, ii i1.991 ,Mahendra S. Limbu, preserved in the National Science Museum, Tokyo, This new species is apparently the closest relative of O. carnipennis (Butle rw)it,h which it shares many feature sin both external and interna clharacters, except in the male ' l'.;'.m・'1' '' l'''i'/"' Fig.I. Orthosi asttbcarnipennis sp. n., holotype ,di. Nepal, Godavari. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan A New Orthosiafrom Nepal 63 iX,l・eertT' 't' 'i'i'i , ・ ・ ,I',ehel,rl ."1. .,l1-;- ".'1,,Ut '/l /,S., l,/i. /ll., tt.,, ;,l- .l , yt - Figs.2'3 .Malegenitalia. 2: Orthosiasubcarnipen nspi.ns.,hulotype. Nepal,Godavari, 3: O. camaiPennis (Butler ),Japan ,Kanagawa Pref. brush organs, O. carnipennis was describ efdrom Yokohama, Japan ,and is known to inhabit China (HeilongjPiraovn.)(Chen,1982),USSR (thePrimoryterritory)<Kononenke1,990),Taiwan (Sug i19,86) and Japan (Hokkaido H,onshu, Shikoku, Kyushu). Its larvae were repeatedly illustrate din Japan (Kawada ,1950 ; Yamamoto, Y., 1965 ; Ujiie ,1972 ; Yamamoto, M,, 1987) ,and descriptio nwsere given by Yamamoto, Y, (196 5a)nd Ujii e{1972 )L,arva feeds on various kinds of broad-leaved deciduou strees ,making a nest by folding a leaf of host plant medially. Acknowledgments In writing this paper, I express my hearty thanks to Mr, Mahendra S, Limbu, Kathmandu, who live sin Godavari and collects moths for me all the year. References Chen,X.--Y .1,980. Nocuidae, Agaristidae. I)t Chu, H.-F. (ed. 1)l,ronagmph ilallaterocerort fSminiconu m3: 237-390, pls. 76-118 {in Chinese). Kawacla, A,, 1950. Noctuidae .in Kawada, A. et at., Illttst,ut eidnsee tLart,a eof 1tzP a: n26U-298 (in Japanese) NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LLiibrbarryary Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 64 Toshiro IIARuTA Kononenko, V.S.,1990,  Synonymic check  lls tof the NDctuidae of the Primorye Territory, the Far East   of USSR . 7’inea 13〔Suppl.1):1−40. Sugi, S.1986.  The NDctuidae of Taiwan  2.  Genus Orthosi aOchsenheimer(Lepidopter)a,  In U6no, S.−1,   (ed,,), Ent.助 . }乙 Kurosau:a O66.ム〜etire尹nent :98.105. 一  ..Ja.一.p一a.,n1. 9817初.SAusguim, mSa、r(yed,), :Lgaernveare alq 〆vilewzsrg eornル 1∂itmlmtas初tu丿rFaep anstag:es26 7a−n3d0 1.lif−ehistorie sof larger moths  in Ujiie, T ,,1972.  Studie son the larva lmorphology  of the genus  Orthosia(Lepidoptera,  Noctuidae,   Hadeninae}harnlfu lto apple  tree in Japan.  Bztl.l F厩 ’Tree Res, Stn C (Morioka)(7):35−72. Yamamoto , M .,1987.  Orthosia‘砌 z珈朋 露 (Blltle)r.  In Sugi, S.(ed .), Ltrrvaeげ 〜arger π勿撚 加,lapan:   199,pl,95(in Japanes).e Yamamoto , Y.,1965.  NDctuidae .加 Issiki, S.(ed.), Early Stages(ゾノklpane sMeoths in Co〜our  1:61一工66,   pls,20−55 (in Japanese). 摘 要 ネパ ール 産 Orthosiaの 1新種 (春田俊郎) ネパ ール を含め,ヒマ ラヤ周辺の キ リガ類の知見は極め て乏 しい が,これは.早春期の調査がほ とん どな されてい ない こ とによる.私は数年来 ゴ ダバ リ在住の Mahendra S, Limbu氏 らの協力の もと,ネパ ー , ル で の本格的な鱗翅類調査を行ない 多 くの 興味深い 知見を得て い るが,昨春得られた ア カバ キ リガに近 似の 0渤 os加 は ,その後の研究の 結果新種と判明した の で,こ こ に 0. subcarniPennis  sp . n.として 記 載 した .この新種は,ア カ パ キ リガ に比べ て 前翅の色調が灰色味を強く帯び,前縁か ら1室の 黒条に連 な る太い内横線が顕著で ある. (Accepted November 30,1991) Published by the Lepidopterological Society of Japan, c/oOgata  Hospital,2一ユ7, Imabashi 3−chome , Chuo−ku, Osaka ,541 Japan 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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