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PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 100(3), 1998, pp. 521-525 A NEW SPECIES OF NEOLASIOPTERA FELT (DIPTERA: CECIDOMYIIDAE) ON CUPHEA CARTHAGENENSIS (JACQ.) MACBRmE (LYTHRACEAE) IN BRAZIL. WITH NOTES ON ITS BIOLOGY Raymond J. Gagne, Fernando F. F. Ferraz, and Ricardo F. Monteiro (RJG) Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, c/o National Museum of Natural History, MRC 168, Wash- ington, DC 20560, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]); (ITFF RFM) Laboratorio de Ecologia de Insetos, Departamento de Ecologia-IB-UFRJ, CP 68020, Ilha do Fundao, 21941-590, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil; current address, RFM: Pos Gradua^ao Ecologia, Univprsidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil. — Abstract. Neolasioptera cupheae Gagne, n.sp., is described from Cupheci carthage- nensis in Rio de Janeiro State in Brazil. It forms a multilocular, spheroid-cylindrical stem gall covered with a dense coat of glandular trichomes that exude a sticky resin. The gall occurs throughout the year, with the highest numbers in February and March, and the lowest in June. Four species of parasitoid wasps belonging to the families Eulophidae, Ceraphronidae, Eupelmidae, and Platygasteridae were obtained in low numbers from the galls. Key Words: gall midge, stem gall, parasitoids m Ciiphea, the largest genus of Lythraceae, ceous, grows to 1 high, and is widely comprises some 260 species and is a com- distributed in Brazil and elsewhere in South mon component of the Neotropical herba- America. It occurs in dense clumps along ceous flora. Although many Neotropical roadsides in areas of lowland Atlantic for- plant genera are host to a great number of est, including the P090 das Antas Biological galls (Femandes et al. 1988, Gagne 1994, Reserve in the municipality ofSilvaJardim, Monteiro et al. 1994), only three kinds of State ofRio de Janeiro, in southeastern Bra- galls are known from Cupliea. Two are zil. flower bud galls that are known from Mid- The new gall midge species is placed in Neolasioptera by virtue of having none of dle America and Ecuador, one formed by the losses and modifications that would Atshephoontdheyrliabysp.Mo(mDipphteara:spC.ec(iLdeopmiydioipdtaeer)a,: oplfactheeittirnibaenyAlymcoaruelinnai.rroNewollyadseifoipnteedrageinsusa Momphidae) (Graham 1995). The third large genus of some 70 described species kind is a conspicuous stem swelling, 0.5- in the Neotropical Region and about the 1.5 cm long and 0.3-1.0 cm wide, covered same number in the Nearctic Region (Gag- with resinous trichomes (Figs. 1, 2). This ne 1994). No key to all species is available, gall was first reported in Gagne (1994) and but these species are evidently monopha- is formed by a new species of Neolasiop- gous or closely oligophagous, and distinct tera Felt that is named and described here. species may even occur on the same host Cupliea carthagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride. species (Gagne and Boldt 1995, Plakidas the host of the new cecidomyiid, is herba- 1994). — 522 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Materials and Methods Male abdomen: First through 7th tergites Cuphea carthagenensis was examined rectangular, about 3 times as wide as long, biweekly forthe presence ofgalls in an area with single row of sparse setae along pos- of approximately 200 m- (100 m X 2 m) in terior margin, a pair of trichoid sensilla on the P050 das Antas Biological Reserve. anterior margin, those on 6th and 7th ter- Surveys were also made in six other mu- gites set anteriad of sclerotized part of ter- nicipalities: Teresopolis, Parati, Angra dos gites, and covered elsewhere with scales; Reis, and Guapimirim, all in Rio de Janeiro 8th tergite defined only by 1-3 scales lat- State; Linhares, Espirito Santo; and Cam- erally and a pair of trichoid sensilla set on pinas, Sao Paulo. A selection of galls was smooth, non-setulose area. Second through collected biweekly to obtain gall makers 6th stemites quadrate; 6th, 7th, and 8th ster- and parasitoids. Larvae and pupae were ex- nites successively shorter, the 7th and 8th cised from some galls, adults were reared shorter than wide; all sternites with mostly from others, and all specimens were pre- single row of setae posteriorly, several lat- served in 70% ethanol. Some larvae and eral setae at midlength, a pair of trichoid adults were mounted for microscopic study sensilla anteriorly on all but 8th sternite, in Canada balsam, using the method out- and covered elsewhere with scales. Geni- lined in Gagne (1989, 1994). In the descrip- talia as in Figs. 3-4: hypoproct entire, sim- tion of the new species, anatomical termi- ilar to cereal lobe in size, with pair of pos- nology of the adult stage follows McAlpine terior setae; aedeagus approximately as et al. (1981) and that of the larval stage long as hypoproct; gonostylus largest at follows Gagne (1989). The holotype and base, setulose basally, striate beyond. some paratypes of the new species will be Female abdomen: First through 6th ter- deposited in the Museu Nacional do Rio de gites rectangular, about twice as wide as Janeiro; the remaining paratypes are depos- long, with vestiture as in male except all ited in the National Museum of Natural trichoid sensilla situated on setulose portion History, Smithsonian Institution, Washing- of tergites; 7th tergite much smaller than ton, D.C. (USNM). The field work was sixth, barely wider than long, with posterior done by FEE Ferraz and R. E Monteiro, row of setae, anterior pair of trichoid sen- the description of the new species by R.J. silla, and scales covering only posterior Gagne. half; eighth tergite divided longitudinally into two elongate sclerites, weakly sclero- Neolasioptera cupheae Gagne, tized on available specimens, each of the 2 new species sclerites with trichoid sensillum on the (Figs. 1-9) broad base and several short setae anteri- — Adult. Antenna with 12-13 flagello- orly. Second to 7th stemites rectangular, meres in (5 (n = 3), 16-17 in 9 (n = 2). with setae posteriorly, laterally, and mesal- Mouthparts: labrum as wide as long; label- ly, a pair of anterior trichoid sensilla, and lum semicircular in frontal view, with 7-8 covered elsewhere with scales. Eighth ster- lateral setae; palpus 4 segmented. Thoracic nite undefined. Protrusible part of oviposi- vestiture: scutum with dorsocentral and lat- tor (Figs. 5, 6) of moderate length for ge- eral rows of setae, covered elsewhere with nus, about 3 times length of 6th tergite; scales except in three narrow longitudinal fused cerci elongate-cylindrical, evenly stripes; anepistemum with scales on dorsal covered with setae and setulae; hypoproct half; katepistemum without scales; anepi- elongate, narrow, with 2 apical setae. meron with 12-14 setae and a few scales. Pupa. Head (Fig. 7): Antennal bases Wing length: J, 1.5-1.7 mm (n = 3); 9, pointed apically; cervical sclerite with two 1.7-1.9 mm (n = 2). R5 about as long as elongate setae; face without ventral projec- half length of wing. tions, with pair of papillae, one with seta. VOLUME 100, NUMBER 3 523 Figs. 1-9. I. 2. Gall oiNenlasiopteni cupheiie on Ciiphea ccirlhagenensis. 1. Branch with galls. 2. Cross- section of gall. Figs. 3-10. Neolasioplera cupheae. 3, Male genitalia (in pan. dorsal). 4. Same (ventral). 5, Female postabdomen from 7th segment to end. inclusive (dorsolateral). 6. Detail of same beyond 8th tergite (dorsolateral). 7. Pupal head and associated structures (ventral). 8. Third larval instar spatula and associated papillae (ventral). 9, Third larval instar eighth and terminal segments (dorsal). 524 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON on each side of base of labrum. Prothoracic Among the insects found there were micro- spiracle elongate, pointed apically. Abdom- hymenopterans, including some specimens inal tergites evenly covered with weak setu- of Qucidrastichus sp. and several specimens lae. of a ceraphronid species, both parasitoids Last larval instar. Length ca. 3 mm (n = reared from the galls. This is reminiscent of 2). Spatula (Fig. 8) tridentate anteriorly, the another sticky gall made by an unrelated middle tooth slightly shorter. Papillae: lat- cecidomyiid on a Machaerium (Fabaceae), erals 4, 2 with setae; terminals (Fig. 9) 8, also in Brazil (Femandes et al. 1987). with setae of approximately equal length; Each gall contains one to 18 chambers otherwise as for the genus (Gagne 1994). (avg. = 4.29; SD = 2.91; N = 62), each — Specimens examined. Holotype: 6, ex chamber with a single cecidomyiid larva stem swelling of Cuphea carthagenetisis. (Fig. 2). Unlike galls of many Neolasiop- BRAZIL, Silva Jardim, Rio de Janeiro, 25- terci. the inner surface of these chambers is ix-1995, F.F.F.Ferraz, to be deposited in the not lined with a fungal mycelium. Larvae Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Other in the same gall were frequently ofdifferent specimens, same data as holotype, 2 6,2 sizes, and some galls contained both larvae ?, 2 pupae, 2 pupal exuviae, 3 last larval and pupae. Pupation takes place in the gall. instars, will be deposited in the Museu Na- When the adult is ready to emerge, the pupa cional do Rio de Janeiro and the USNM. breaks through the epidermis at the end of — Remarks. The illustrations should serve a tunnel previously formed by the mature to distinguish the new species. Noteworthy larva. The pupa exits only part way out of characters that in combination should serve the gall and then lodges itself there, im- to distinguish this species from other Neo- mediately after which the adult breaks lasioptera species are: the extension of the through the anterior end of the pupa. The gonostylus mesad of the tooth (Figs. 3, 4), adult took from 20 to 30 minutes to emerge the elongate cylindrical fused female cerci from the pupa, and often several adults (Figs. 5, 6), the shape of the larval spatula emerged over a period of hours from the (Fig. 8), and the presence of 8 terminal lar- same gall, each through a separate hole. val papillae. From first notice of a slight swelling of the stem to the time adults left the galls took Biological Aspects of N. cupheae about 30 days. AND ITS Gall Neolasioptera cupheae is multivoltine The gall is first apparent at the apex of a and is present all year with overlapping shoot, but the shoot quickly grows beyond generations. The abundance and density of the gall, leaving behind a more or less cy- galls was greatest in summer (February and lindrical swelling encircling the stem (Fig. March) when the average of galls per plant 1). Lateral shoots and flowers, and resulting reached 8.4 galls per plant (SD = 13.55, fruit, occasionally grow from galled tissue range = 1-87): in summer of 1995 48% of so the galls do not appear to hinder more the 283 plants in the study area were galled. distal growth. Seedlings of C. carthagenen- In winter, a local, short, dry period, galls sis may bear a single gall, but mature plants are not as common: in winter of 1995, gall may have as many as 80. After galls be- density was only 1.6 per galled plant (SD come apparent, trichomes begin to grow = 0.89) and only 3.7% of 133 plants had from the surrounding surface, eventually galls. forming a dense coat 1.0 mm thick, covered Of 140 galls kept in rearing chambers with a gummy, resinous substance that ac- during this study, only 16 (11.4%) yielded cumulates at the extremities of the tri- parasitoid Hymenoptera. These parasitoids chomes (Fig. 2). Small insects can be found belonged, in order of decreasing numbers, throughout the year stuck to the trichomes. to: Quadrastichits sp. (Eulophidae), a soli- VOLUME NUMBER 100. 3 525 tary endoparasitoid; a ceraphronid, a gre- iiciileuntm (Leguniinosael. Revista Brasileira de garious endoparasitoid; a eupelmid. a soli- Botanlca 10; 117-123. Fernandes, W. G., E. T. Neto, and R. R Martins. 1988. tary ectoparasitoid; and a platygasterid, a Ocorrencia e caracteriza^aode galhasentomogen- solitary endoparasitoid. The number ofpar- as na vegeta^ao do campus Pampulha da Univ- asitoids appears to be lower than that found ersidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Revista Brasi- associated with some other gall midges leira de Zoologia 5: 11-29. (Fernandes et al. 1987, Hawkins and Goe- Gagne, R. J. 1989. The Plant-Feeding Gall Midges of North America. Cornell LInivcrsity Press. Ithaca, den 1984). It is possible that the resin-cov- New York, xi and 356 pp. and 4 pis. ered trichomes covering the galls affect the Gagne. R. J. 1994.The Gall Midgesofthe Neotropical number of parasitoids in the galls. Region. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York. XV and 352 pp. Acknowledgments Gagne, R. J. and R E. Boldt. 1995. The gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Buccluiris spp. (As- We are grateful to: the staff of Reserva teraceae) in the United States. Proceedings ofthe AM Biologica de P090 das Antas (IB A) for Entomological Society of Washington 97: 768- permission to collect and the use of facili- 779. ties; FAPERJ, CNPq and the Funda^ao O Graham. S. A. 1995. Gall makers on flowers of Cii- phea iLythraceae). Biotropica 27: 461-467. Boticario de Protegao a Natureza for finan- Hawkins. B. A., andR. D. Goeden. 1984. Organization cial support; Maria Antonieta P. Azevado ofa parasitoid community associated with acom- for help with parasitoid identifications; John plex ofgalls on Alhplex spp. in southern Califor- LaSalle for the identification of the eulo- nia. Ecological Entomology 9: 271-292. phid; Nit Malikul for preparing the micro- McAlTpeisnkee,y,JJ.F,R.B.VoVc.kePreotterhs.ona,ndG.D.E.MS.heWweolold,,He.dsJ.. scopic slides: Cathy Jo Anderson for con- 1981. Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 1. Re- verting the illustrations to digital form; and search Branch, Agriculture. Canada Monograph Keith M. Harris, Peter Kolesik. Allen L. No 27. vi + 674 pp. aNonrornbyommo,usNarteavliieaweJr.foVrantdheeinrbcerogm.meanntds oann MontetP.iinrdgoea,sA:Rz.euvFme,adoF.aFb1o9Fr9d4aF.egrGeramalzh.parsVe.leiCnm.tinoMamaro.igae,AntaaasnsdcdMmo.reIAsI.-I drafts of the manuscript. SimposiodeEcossistemasdaCostaBrasileiraVol. Ill (ACIESP No. 87): 210-220. Literature Cited Plakidas. J. D. 1994. A new species oiNeoUtsiopiera (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Verhesina alier- Fernandes, W. G.. R. P. Martins, and E. T. Neto. 1987. nifolia (Asteraceae) in southwestern Pennsylvania Food web relationships involving Anadiplosis sp. and Maryland. Proceedings of the Entomological galls (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Macluiciiiim Society of Washington 96: 214-218.

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