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by  TsutsumiChie
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Preview A New Species of Liparis from Japan and Korea

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN1346-7565 ActaPhytotaxG,eobot.S9(3)2:11-218(2008) A New Species Japan Korea ofLiparisfrom and CHIE TSUTSUMIi', TOMOHISA YUKAWAi, NAM-SOOK LEE2, CHANG-SHOOK LEE2 and MASAHIRO KATOi 'Department ofBotar?pV;btionaMlitseum Science,4-1-1Amakubo, kukziba.Ibaraki305-OO05, qf'Nbture and Jdpan. 'tgutsumi@hahaku,go,ip (buthorforcorrespon 2dDepeartnmenct el; ofLt fSceienc eE,wha PVbinans UhiversiijSleoul120-750,SouthKonea Plant srecognized as Lipari skoneana (Naka iN)akai ex W. T. Lee (Orchidac eian Jea)pan and Korea is morphologically distin cftrom the type specimen ofthat species in the fbllowin gpeints :flewers sparsely arranged (vs c.losely arranged in the type); apex of anther cap mucronate (vs .beaked) ,lat- eral sepals twisting and enfblding the li p(vs e.xtending to the apex of the lip) .Since these plant dso not correspond with any known species, it is describe das a new species, Liparis koreojaponica T.he taxonomic status ofL, koreana is reviewed. Kcywords: Japan ,Korea, Liparis ,new species, Orchidaceae Liparis Rich. (Orchidace acoens)is,ting of W, T, Lee 1996a, 1996b, Kim & K. S. Lee 1997, over 400 species, is widely distribut eidn tropical Y N. Lee 2002), Recently, Japanes eplant scalled and ternperat eregions worldwide (Crib &b Gov- Oh:fiigaku-suzumushi- soor, Ezonokumokiri-so, aerts 2005). Section Liparis, one of the 19 sec- have been identifie das Liparis makinoana var. tions of the genus, is define dby thc undeveloped koneana (Takiz a2w00a1). 0ur molecular phylo- pseudobulb at anthesis and two subfleshy non- genetic study revealed that samples collected as L. ribbed leave sarising from the apical part of the koreana or L. makinoana var. koreana from South pseudobulb (Gara y& Romero-Gonzalez 1999). Korea and Japan have mostly idcntic aselquences Liparis koneana (Nakai N)akai ex W. T. Lee, (Tsutsu rent iaL 2007), suggesting that the Korean assigned to sect. Liparis, was originally described and Japanese samples are the same species. as L. makinoana Schltr ,var, koreana Nakai on Examination of the type specimen of L, koreana, the basi sof specimens collected from Hekido (= however, showed that plant scurrently referred Byeokdong), Heihoku Prov, (= Pyeongbuk) and to L, koreana in both South Kerea and Japan are Ranan (= Nanam), Kanhoku Prov. (= Hambuk) distinc ftrom the type specimen and do not cor- and inte rSankamen & Kamenk6k6 (Sankamenrespond to any publishe dtaxa. In this study, we = Samhamyeen), Kanhoku Prov .(= Hambuk) in investigat etdhe taxonomic status ofL. koneana, North Korea (Naka i1931, open circles in Fig. provide supplementary informatio nnot mentioned 4). Lipari skoreana has often been recorded as in the protologu eand describ ethe misidentified occuning widely on the Korean Peninsul a(Chung plants from Korea and Japan as a new species, L, 1957,1965,T,B.Lee 1979,Kim & Kim 1986, koneojaponicTasutsumi,T.YUkawa,N.S,Lee,C. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 212 ActaPhytotax,Geobot. Vbl.59 S, Lee & M, Kato. .Ttipanese name, Korai-suzumushi-soC,ho- sen-suzumushi-so. kxonomy Konean name. Cham-Na-Ri-Nan-Cho. Distribution ,Korean Peninsula. Lipariskoreana(NakaiW). T.Lee(Fig1.) Lipariskoreana(NakaiN)akai [BulNla.tl. Sci,Mus. Adoitiona ispecinten sexamined, Littl eadditional To kyo 31: 151 (19 52 )co,mb . nud. ] ex W. T . Lee, i(nTfIo)rfmraotmiio nnwatse rSoabntakianmeden f&romK atmhee npka6rka6typ(eS ,Ta nNkinakmaien Lineam. Fl. Kor. :]555 (1996 )p.,p. 7L. makino- Sa mhamy eon) , Kanhoku P rov.(=Hamb uk), Nerth = a4n5a: 1S0c7h l(t1r v.9a3r,1 k)o-.rTeyapen:a N aNkoarit,h B Kootr. eMa,ag .He iThookkyuo pKaorreaat,y pwhei c,hR, S Zhiais t ofonlryom i Rmajntasn .W e( = dNiadn anomt) f ionfKd atnhhco kouthcr Prov.(=Pyeongbuk),Hekido County (=Byeok- Prov,(=Hambuk),NorthKoreainTI. dong), Aug. l6, 1912, HL Jmai s.n. (TI!) A ais G H Fi/L Qw< f AI D E F I vflJ 111/) 1,lrfX'I 1 l fJ ;l{ i i 'i l "tg t L,iiliZlzx") I L c ,1 ℃ ・ FiG. 1. Holotype ofLiparis makinoana var. koreana. A: Habit .B: Ftower ,side view. C: Labellum. D: Dorsal sepal. E: Petal .F: Latera lsepal. G: Column, fror nbe]ow. H: Column, side view. I] Anther cap. A from an individua lin holotyp (eH Zimai s,n., TI) ,B-I from boile fdiowe rofholotype. Scale bars - 3 cm (A) ,3 mm (B-F )or 1 mm (G-I), NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics November2008 TSUTSUMI & AL.: A New Species ofLiparis 213 Notes. Liparis koreana was firs tdescribed B. Lee 1979, Kim & Kim 1986, W, T. Lee 1996a, as a variety ofL. makinoana, distinguishe bdy l996b, Kim & K, S. Lee 1997, Yl N, Lee 2002). longe arnd narrower leave asnd narrower labellum The descriptio nbsy Kim & K. S. Lee (199 7an)d (Naka 1i931) ,Here we add the fbllowin gdiagnos- Y N. Lee (2002 c)onfuse L. koreana with L, kone- tic trait snot include din the protologue :flowers ojaponic aD.escription osf L, koneana by others clesely arranged (usual <l y1 cm apart), and apex (Chung 1957, 1965, Kim & Kim 1986, WL T. Lee of anther cap beaked .In these trait sL,. koreana is 1996a ,1996b) mostly agree with the type speci- similar to L. makinoana, whereas it is clearly dis- men ofL. koreana ,although it is unknown which tinguished from the plant sidentifi easd L. koreana species occurs in the cited localiti eGsa,nggye in or L. inakinoana var. koreana in Korea and Japan, Pyeongbuk Prov., Sambang ,Anbyeon in Hamnam which are describe das a new species. Prov ,(curren ctallleyd Gangwon Prov. )and Sam- Liparis koreana has often been reported soo-Haesaniin in Hambuk Prov. (curren ctallleyd from the Korean peninsul a(Chun 1g957, 1965, T. Ryanggang Prov,) (se geray circles in Fig. 4). FIG. 2. Liparis koreojcu)on (icAa-C ,F) and Liparisfi{iisan (eDn ,sEi, sG). A, C, D: Habit (A ,Hokkaido ,Japan ;C, South Korea; D, Ehime, Japan) .B, E: Inflorescenc eF., G: Flower, front view. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 214 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. Nbl, 59 Liparis kereojaponica Tsutsumi, T. YUkawa, N. Rseudobulb ovoid, 1-2 cm long .Leaves 2, ovate- S. Lee, C. S. Lee & M. Kato, sp. nov. (Fig s2-,3) elliptic, obtuse or subacute, 10-20 cm long ,2 -6(-9) cm wide, conduplicate, glossy ,glabrous, A L. koreana operculo antherae apice mucronato, a L. .fiu'isane nisnifiorescentia longa laxiflora ,et seminc margin entire or somewhat undulate, green; 5-10 long, long Iongo cum embryone parvo differt, petiole cm winged, nearly as as 1){pu sJ.apan ,Hokkaido, Asahikawa, Kamui-cho, blade ,I}zf]orescenc eterminal, racemose, 15-35 ca, 280 m, on fa1]e ntree trunk along stream, Jul ,9, (-50 c)m long ,with 4-16(-20) fiowers ;axis gla- 2007, C. 7kutsumi, K. PPZitana b&e H. Hbngo CTIIII brous ,ridged, green, Bract ovate, acute, 1-5 mm (heleTN-S), long, green. Pedicellate ovaily clavate, twistcd, J et' '-x //]ee・・ff l K [ Qa H l D E F G ' , .j・. FtG,3 .Lipari ksoreqiaponica ,HAa:bit .B: Flower, side view. C: Flowcr, fron tview, D: Labcllum. E: Dorsal sepal. F: Petal ,G: Latera lsepal. H: Column, from below .I: Column, side view. J: Anther cap. K: Pollini aA. fror nholotype (C ,fsutsumi ,K, }P 2tanabe & H/ Hbngo CTIiJl), B-K from C, tsutsumi ,K, PIktanabe & H, Hbngo L4. Scale bars = 3 cm (A) ,3 mm (B-G) or 1 mm (H-K). NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics November2008 TSUTSUMI & AL.: ANew Specie sofLiparis 215 13-17 mm long, green, sometimes with pur- (SAPS O09762). -Kamikawa: Asahikawa, Jul. 7, plis htin tat base ,Donyai sclpal linear-lanceola2t0e0,3 ,C kutsumi, 1( L}VZitana b&e Hl Hbngo L3 (TNS); Kamuikotan,Jul.,1914,HlKbideumi66577(TNS),- subacute, occasionally slightly revolute, erect or Iburi:Iburi,Eniwa-dake,Jul,,1906,Mbjima (SAPS somewhat recurved, 10-11 mm long ,2-2.5 mm O0567 7);Ch itose,Aug. 8 ,1902 ,K, M iyabe & S.Ari- wide, purplis hL.ateral sepals obliquely ovate or moto (SAPS O09758); Ylifutsu-gun, Hobetsu-cho, Jul. obliquely lanceQlat es,ubacute, somewhat revo- 1, 1994, S. Uinezawa (TUS) ;Shikotsu ,Aug, 5, 1902, lute ,distal ltwyisted, partiall eynfblding lip ,9 K. swyabe & S. Arimoto (SAPS O09831); rlbmakomai- -1 1 mm long ,2-3 mrn wide, purplis hP,etals fa1- shi, Between Lake Shikots uand Tomakomai city, Jul. 13,1984,HZ 7inhahash5i073(SAPSO09775)I;buri-shi, cate, linea ro,btuse, strongly revolute, pendulous, Tomakomai,Jul.6,1931,M 7bmimoto C257i (TI)-. sometimes slightly twisted, 10-12 mm long ,O.5 Abashiri:Mo nbet su -gun, Ju l,8,2003, C tsu tsum i,K. mm wide, purplish L.abellum entire or minutely vaktanabe& H Hbngo L4 (TNS)-,Kushiro: Akan- erose, ovate-eblong, clawed, strongly recurved gun, Akan-cho, Lakeside-Akan, 430 m alt., Jul .5, l981, at middle, margins sometimes slightly revolute, K/ 7lrki t4a12 (KYO) ;Kushiro ,Lake Kutcharo, at the apex obtuse or apiculate, 9-12 mm long ,6-9 mm foo tofMt Mokoto, Jun. 22, 1933, H. Miyamoto (SAPS O09827). wide, purplis hor greenis hpurple ,Cblumn terete, incurved, dilated base, SOUTH KOREA. Gyeonggi: Pochcon-gun, with rounded wings, at Edong-myeon, Mt. Gwangdeok, Jul,14,2004, C.S Lee with shallow groeve at base on ventral side, 5- & O. Kim 0407061 (EWU);Pocheon-gun,Edong- .L 6 mm long ,green ,pale green on ventral surface; myeon, Mt, YUmyeong, Jun. 23. 2005, C. kutsumi & C. pollini a4 in 2 pairs ,waxy, yellow; anther cap S, Lee L48 (TNS) ,-Gangwon: Ylangyang-gun ,Seo- Mt, Seorak,Jun.24,2005,C. Ibutsumi,M S. ovoid, mucronate, green. myeon, Kim & C S.Lee L50 (TNS)Ye;ongwol-gun, Sangdong- Jdpanese name. Oh-fugaku-suzumushi. Korean Keun-Kkot-Ok-Jahm-Nan- myeon, Mt. faebaek, Jul .24, 2004, M S, Kim 0406058 name, -0406060 (EWU).-Jeonbuk: M!lju-gun,Seolcheen- Cho. myeon, Mt. Deogyu, Jun, 20, 2005, C. 7Sutsumi ,C S. Distribution Japan(Hokkaido), and ecology. Lee,K.S Lee & N S,Lee L41 (TNS).Gyeongnam: South Korea: terrestria oln, rocks or on fa11e ntree Mt. Jir iJ,un. ,1935, l Ohwi 6908 (KYO) M;t. Tii (Jiri- trunks in forests. san), Jul .4, 1931, S, Okamoto 8735 (KYO) ;Mt. Jiri, Jun, ,1935, J Ohwi 7138 (KYO) ;Mts. Chiri ,en route Additionai specimens examined: JAPAN. from[IbeseongtoMt. Seseog-bong,Jun.23, 1979, K. Hokkaido. Ishikar iK:eikawa, Jul, 9, 1891, Miyabe Ueda,E,Miki& 2-H/Park1190(KYO). (SAPSO09833);Hassamu, Jul.5,1912,S.Hdyakawa (TI )n;ear Sapporo, Nopporo, Jul ,4, 1914, K. Mlyabe ?Vbtes ,Liparis koreojaponic ahas been con- (SAPS O09823); Sapporo, Maruyama, Jul. ,1879, K. fused with L. koreana in taxonomic treatments iLfiyabe (SAPS O09834); Sapporo-shi M,inami-ku, Mt. in Korea and Japan. It is distinguishab lferom Toishi,Jul.6,1988,M Hara 3508 (SAPSO09768); Liparis koreana in the fbllowing characters: the Soranuma-dake, Jul. 6, 1950, S. Notani (SAPS O09874); Soranum a-da ke , Jul, 6, 1950, S. Nbtani laxl yarranged flower s(usual )l y1 cm apart), the (SAPSO09875),-Sorachi: 'rMubari-shi, Miubari-dake, apex ofthe anther cap mucronate, and the twisted Jul .2, 1990, lAicla 769 (KYO) .・-Hidaka: Hidaka- later aslepals enfolding the labellum .In compari- cho, Sarugawa, Jun. 27, 1987, X Hqginiwa .LH021251 son, L, koreana has closely arranged flower s(usu- (TNS) ;Sarugawa ,Jul .2, 1952 ,IV ZMshimura (SAPS a]ly < 1 cm apart), the apex of the anther cap is O09829); Niikappu-gun, Niikappu-cho, Niikappu- beaked, and the later aslepal extends to the apical rNivieri,k a3p2p0 um,P earlta,,r JiJu,un.n 2,34,0 ,1919913, 9M, MK[bglab t9e0w94a k(i(KSYAOP);S part ofthe labellum B.ased on these characters, all O09826); Samoni Saudo, Jun.19, 1884,K. Miyabe pictures treated as L. koreana and L. makinoana (SAPS O09761); Mt. Apoi, Jun. ,1927, M. 7bushima var. koreana in Kim & K. S. Lee (1997 )Y, N. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnSyts teSmaytsictsematics 216 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. Nlo 15.9 ,.J. ...)t.t/・ 2.''t,, . L --. / ' l-t ・i i..95 C/ l'" ',Iee・i'i ,i] i' ,"'1/,l,1,, 1//,"i,, " ei4 .. . - ,t,t, 'x,." O l , r ,. .t ..t' ..- -..,..-,.<・ li ,.-1,. ..l・ -rl---- ' Ji iiL "t .)-l ,I,l ,e/i / 1 ,c-s・. 7Ih'-/・.'. L")I; nLe'7'-'/,] L ' 1 . t - .. J "i,.8,' t / .t. .t-・tt/ 1t..t/t,.tl/t/. . ';i ;・ cl t>tt.t..1? ・1・・ 5-.."'・,... .{ ) 9 1 .'g':iJ:'tl,,/,,,, 1 t]['"ij/Ek.,zft teieL l] ;ltll,dl...t.,,,・..t " /t.tt -.--l" t t.tt L,' ,- l-," 1 ,..・,i l1]4 .. .-/-..[/ ttt.ttt.tt/ J.-.V ' 126 12S . r://t.//.t'..1]t//ttt''"lt FiG. 4. Distributio mnap ofL, koreana and L, koreojaponi cina Korea. Open circ]cs (1-3 )ro,ugh localiti ewhserc type and para- type sofL. koreana were collected (Naka i1931); solid circles (49) ,distributi oonfL. koreojaponica ;gray cireles (10--1S), sites recorded as L. koreana in Kim & K, S. Lee (1997 a)nd W. T. Lee (1996b w)hi,ch rnay includ beoth L. koreana and L. koreojcrponic a1,: Hekido (- B-yeokdong), Hcihoku Prov. {= Pyeongbuk). 2: Sankari (= Samha-ri) ,Kanhoku Prov. (= Ham- buk) .3: Ranan (= Nanarn), Kanhoku Prov. (= Hambuk). 4: Mt. Seerak G,angwon Prov .5: Mt. Gwangdeok ,Gyeongg iPrev, 6i Mt, YUmyeong, Gyeonggi Prov. 7: ML Taebaek, Gangwon Prov, 8: Mt. Dcogyu, Jeonbuk Prov. 9: Mt. Jir i1.0: Gwangnc- ung, Gyeongg iProv. 11: Mt. Baegun, Pocheon, Gyeonggi Prov. 12: Ytinggu ,Gangwon Prov. 13: Sambang, Gangwon Prov. 14 :Ganggye ,Pyeongbuk Prov .15 :Samsoo-Haesani iRny,anggang Prov. Lee (2002 a)nd Takizawa (2001 a)re identic atlo ca have been called Oh:fligaku-suiumushi-so, L. koreojaponica. Ezo-kutnokiri- osro tho-suzumushi-s o(Takahashi Japanese and Korean plant sofLiparis koreo- 1985, 1987), They refer to the similarity with L. j'oponic aare identic ailn vegetative morphology, F. Maek. ex Konta & S. Matsumoto .fitiisanensis size, and habita tt;he Korean plants are variable in in flower morphology, Liparis koreqiaponica, morphological characters and color of the flowers however, can be distinguishe fdrom L. fiofisan- (N .S. Lee et al,, unpublished data), ensis by a combination of the fbllowin gcharac- Japanes epopulation osf Lipari skoneojaponi-ters: infiorescen c1e5-35 cm (vs ,3-18 cm in L. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics November 2008 TSUTSUMI & AL,:ANew Species ofLiparis 217 .fi!i'isanens ifs)l;ower slaxly arranged (usua l)l yl Kobayashi ,T. Kuhara. K. S. Lee, T. Nagai, H. Nakaya- cm apart vs, <1 cm), slcnder column (vs r.otund ma, K. Oikawa, C. H. Park, K. Sakamoto, M. Sato, M. cfoalu1m1n)e, ntr ege rtorwuniknsg (onv sf o.bnr etsr tfeei otrour no,kns )ro, caknsd olro nong, Tlauaetkchaotsrehs disma maapl,lseo sA t, haYanandmk a hnMea.ls hpiNead kusaan jddi umKra,i fnW ogaorut rtah nfea ibieell ldtwurhoispts r .cTaohtle-ions slender seeds with small embryo (vs p.lump, short and her helpfu 1advice, H. Nagamasu fbr corrccting the seed with larg eembryo; Tsutsumi et aL 2007), manuscript, and K. Suzuki fbr cultivating the living A rnolecular phylogenetic analysis of sect. plants. We are gratefu1 to the directo rasnd curators of Lipari susing nuclear ribosomal ITS regiens and the herbari aKYO, SAPS, TI and TUS fbr allowing us three plasti dregions (mati , ktrnL with trnL-trnF tGor aexnamtisne-in- Aspiecdfimberns.Scie nTthiifsi Rcsetusdeyar cwhas f rsoupmporttehde Ja pbayn spacer, trnS-trnG spacer) showed that plants of Socict yfor the Promotion of Science (t oM. K. and T. L. koreojaponic a(label easd L. koreana) from YL),the Fujiwara Natural History Feundation(toC.T,) Hokkaido and Korea are conspecific and fbrm a and a grant (052-061-0 f2r5om) the Korean Institu tofe clade, which is sister to L. .fiij'isanen s(isTsutsumEinvironmental and Technology Foundation (t oN.L,). et aL 2007). In the DNA regions, L. koreojaponi- ca from Hokkaido differ fsrom the Korean plants References in on]y a single substitution in the trnL with trnL -trnF spacer, In contrast, L. koreojaponic aand L, Chung, T.-H. 1957. Korean Flora .Vbl, 2. Siriji sSac,oul. are distinguishab blye nine substitu- (i nKorean) ,fiij'isanensis tions in the plastid regions, although they have Chung, T.-H. 1965. Illustrate dEncyclopedia of Fauna identic aslequences in the nuclear ITS regien. Our & Flora of Korea Vbl, 5. Ministry Education, Seoul. phylogeneti cinterpretati olnead sus to believe Cribb,P.& R.Govaerts.2005.Justhow many orchids that L. koreojaponie ais a distinc tspecies. Our are there? ln: Raynal-Roques, A., A. Roguenant molecular data also show that L, koneojaponiea & D. Prat (eds ,P)r,oceedings of the 18th Wbrld and L. Iie'isan earnes uinisted with L, kumokiri F. Orchid Conference, pp. 161-172. France Orchi- dees,Dijon. Maek,, L.purpurt?ovittaTtsautsumi,T,YUkawa & Garay,L.A. & G.A.Romero-Gonzalez.1999,Schedu- ML.. Kato and a (cTlasdeu tcosmpurimsiing 2 L0.0 j7')a,Tphoenic aand l a eO rc hi du m II .Harvard Pap. Bot. 4: 475 -488. makinoana et al, clade Kim, S.-H. & Y,-S, Kim. 1986. Morphological and comprising L. koreojaponica L,. .fi{iisanensis, L. cytological study on genus Lipari sin Korea. Ker. J. kumokiri andL. purpureovitta tias distinguishable Plant Tax, 16: 59-88, frem the clade ofL. J'aponica and L. makinoana Kim, S.-N, & K.-S. Lee. 1997. The Orchids ofKorea in by fiora lcharacters. In all species of the former Color .Kyo-Hak, Seoul ,(i nKorean) cselpaadle tihs et waintshtered acnadp iens fmoulcdrsona ttehe l aanbde ltlhue m l;iant earllal LL eeee ,, mTWo..on--,BT.. 1S19e97o99u6.l a .,I(Lliil nKnuoesratemraeannt )teFadloFrlao rofa eKKoorrecaa.c .HyAacnagd-- species of the latte rclade the anther cap is beaked emy, Seoul .(i nKorean) and the later aslepal extends toward the labellum Lee, W.-T. 1996b. Standard Illustrations of Korean apex, Because the flora lcharacters of the latter Plants. Academy, Scoul .(i nKorean) clade are also shared by L, koreana, L, koreana Lee, Yl-N, 2002, Flora of Korea. Kyo-Hak, Seoul ,(in Korean) has a close relationship with L. makinoana and L. J'aponic aan,d a distan rtelationship with L, koreo- NakaiX,L T,. B1o9t3.1M. aNgo,tu(lTabe kady op4l)5a:n9t1a- s1J3a7p.onia e& Koreae J'opOnica, Nakai, T, 1952, A synoptical sketch of Korean fiora, Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. 31: 1-152. We thank Y. Akashi, M. Goto, H. Hongo, YL S. Kim, S, Takahashi ,K. 1985. Yaseiran-ornoshiro-k o[zaTh efun NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnSyts teSmaytsictsematics 218 ActaPhytotaxG.eobot. Vbl.S9 of wild orchids]. Mainichishinbunsh aT,okyo. (in Takizawa, Kushiro. (i nJapanese, titl etranslated by Japanese ,titl etranslat ebdy C.T.) C.T.) Takahashi,K. 1987.Nihon-yaseiran-kaf[uIconograpThsyutsumi,C.,T.YUkawa, N.-S.Lee,C.-S.Lee & M, ofwild orchids in Japan] ,ivbl. 3, Mainichishinbun- Kato. 2007. Phylogeny and comparative seed sha, Tokyo. (i nJapanese ,titl etranslated by C.T.) morphology of epiphytic and terrestri alspecies of Takizawa, K. 2001. Hokkaidoshokubutsuzufu [Ico- Liparis (Orchidac eian eJa)pan. J .Plant Res. 120: nography of plant sin Hokkaido]. Published by K. 405Ul12. Reeeived lVbveniber24,2007;accqptedMby 8,2008 NII-Electronic Library Service

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