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A new species of Lechriodus Boulenger (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the early Eocene of Queensland PDF

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Preview A new species of Lechriodus Boulenger (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the early Eocene of Queensland

- oon^u'itotHnftiu'ftoMilStnH'tYofs. fttrt iifw». wuh 187 my. A NEW SPECIES OF LECHRIODUS BOULENGER (ANURA; LEPTODACTYLIDAE> FROM THE EARLY EOCENE OF QUEENSLAND hv M. I>lur* & H. Gohthfi H .1. Summary I'm tr, M. J. & Gomniii'. H tl°93) A new species ofLcchrimtus Boulenger tAnura Lephslauslitlael from the Burtj Kntcnc ofQueensland few K S«: S A#<< W(4), 187 W9. 30 November IW. IrrhiHHlny cusca sp- nov tmmerieally 15 the dominant species in a collection ofilia ohlaincd al Murgon in South-east Queensland Radiometric listing irftllilcs thai lorm pan ofthe matrix of mammalian maieiial raken (here is 5-J.6 •0.U5 million yean*, Accoidingly I casm in Utc earliest (tog Iv&ul known ftvm Australia flic principal signifieuhee of the discovery ofthis material is the demonstration that tiriicrk ditliruttialion at least in pari anledales the separation of Australia from Anlarchea and thai the dominant anurati genus ul the Olign-Miocene also W4i dominant in (he Eocene. Ki > W«>kos Li'ilvhhfifi. new species, ilia, LepMaclyliduc Trrttary, Queensland. Introduction Material and Methods The lepiodactylid Onyobairuchid ofsonic authors* The material is deposited in (he Queensland genus lcrhrirtJit5 Boulengcr comprises four extant Museum. Brisbane (QM). and Ihe South Australian species rc&trictCCl to Australia and New Guinea Museum Adelaide tSAMl Letters iollowmg die Amongst the 22 generaofAuslralopupuanlepiodactylid abbreviations are departmental identifications. flops recognised, (our ate represented on both Comparative studies are based on osteologieal lundniasscs and arc die only ones in New Guinea collections in the Department d1 /.oology. University (Criuiii, Lt-chritkhis, Limttoifviittstt's and MLxop/ive.s). ofALlelaide. with fossil maierial from Riversleigh being Lcihriathfx is unique amongst that group in having processed at (he time of these studies, and with more species in New Guinea (three) than In Australia scanning electron micrographs included in Tvlcr (one) i/weitel 1972). The nature ol (he geographic (1989L distribution of Lahriotlus also is unusual, for in all Oftleologieal nomenclature follows J>lei il97G. of the other genera common to both hmdrnasses, I989) Scanning electron micrographs were prepared representatives exist on the adjacent shorelines. on u Cambridge Autoscan. whereas the solitary species in Australia (L. fhlchcri Boulengcr) isconfined lothe eastern seaboard ofNew South Wales, and its northern limn is north of the Systematic* Queensland border, The northern limit in Australia is approximately 200U km distant from the neatest Family: Lepiodaclylnlae Werner. IS9o congener m New Guinea (Aveilcl 1972; McDonald & Sub-family: Liinnodynasliiiae Tyler. I978 Miller 1982;. Genus: lA'chriodus Boulengcr. I8K2 The fossil record partially bridges the geographic The definition ol (he generic characteristics o\'Ihe gap in the distribution ol exlanl species because A. inti>r\>rrii'usTyler, 1989 is known from Oligo-Miocene biyliTuvmloefi'L(vIr9h7r9it(*dAu\diolstTiynlgeuris(h1i9n7g6)lehaalsurbeeeoln'tehxepagnedneuds srtes al Kiversleigh Station south of the Gulf of Carpentaria, in northern Queensland. isthe high dorsal crvsi extending for the entire length Here we report a furthernew specks pfLcthnodus 0| the ilial shaft from an early Eocene site at Murgon. 160 km northwest of Brisbane, it represents (he earliest frog Leehriodus caxca sp nov fossil material yet found in Australia The FIGS iri biogeographie and systematic significance ofthe new< Hodflypc: QM F24824, a led ilium located at Mam species is discussed elsewhere (Tyler <& Godlhelp in Quarry. Boat Mountain area. Murgon (Latitude prep ). 26 I5\S. Longitude 151 '57'F), soulheast Queensland Tingamarru Local Fauna. Dt3Mnptioti ofhoht\pf.\ The proximal portionof(he Department ofZoology, University ofAdelaide, S Ausi. ilium lacksthe greater portion ofthe acetabular fossa. 5<H>_s_ WSaclheoso,l KofenBsiionlgotgoinc,alNSSciWenc2eQCs>.b.Ijnveisiu ol New South a(Fnidg.hoIl)dT(hheedsohrasftalbeaanrdsvaenctornaslpaicceutoaubsulcaornceaxvpeandsoirosnals IS« M. J. TYLER & H. GODTHELP Fig. 1. (QM F24824) HolotypeOfLechriodus cascasp. nov. (QM F33558) ParatypeofLechnoduscasca sp.nov,: lateral view. 3. medial view. m A NEW SPECIES OF LECHRIODUS BOULENCttK crcsl proximally. The medial surface bears a conspic- from Potassium/Argon dating of a superpositional uous, longitudinal indentation which is shallow and basalt (Oodthelp et'aL 1992). weakly rounded proximally and deeper and angular distally. The total length is 11.8 mm, Discussion Pnrnrvpes; 34 ilia - OM F20J97, 20216, 20243. 20565. 20567, 20689-93,20912, 21395, 23018. 2320S, Lechriodus is the dominant anuran genus in the 23279. 24824-28; SAM P31700, 31703-06, 31710, Tertiary of Queensland, consenting 28-82% of 33558-65. All specimens were collected at Main individual ilia located at sites at River-sleigh Station Quarry, Boat Mountain, Murgon. (Tyler el at 1990) and with the lower percentages Mtr'tuium; All oftheparalypesare fragmentary, but found at chc mote recent sites. This trend ofanearly SAM R335J7S (possessing a dorsal crest - Figs 2% 3) dominanceofLcchr'tndtishasbeenmaintainedas work exhibitsmost ofthe features lacking in the holotype. ontheRiversleighStation sitescontinuesand moreilia The dorsal acetabular expansion is poorly developevJ are recovered. As at 6.xi.92, 1114 ilia had been whilst the prc-acctabular zone is evenly curved. The recovered and identified and 562 (50%) represent L QM most complete shaft is lhat of F24824 whichis intergeriwdS. 11.8 mm, It isunlikelytiiatanyofihetypeseries would The recovery of a new species of Lechriodus have a complete dial length greater than 15 mm. dominating the fauna at the early Eocene site at Comparison with Other species: Lechriodus Murgon extends the known antiquity ofthe genus to intergenvui Tyler (1989) is the only known Tertiary almost 55 million years. The biogcographic and member of the genus and completely dominates the systematic significance of the find are discussed by fnjg fauna at siresat Riversleigh Station during much Tyler &. Godthclp (in preparation). oftheOligoccneandMiocene(Tylerftat, 1990) From thai species L casca is distinguished mo.st read,ily by Acknowledgments theabsenceofany proximal taperingofthedorsalcrest and by the very poor development of the dor-sal Theexcavations at Murgon have been supported by acetabular expansion (vide Tyler 1989, Figs 2, 3), the Australian Research Council, the Department of Etymology: L. "casca" old. Arts, Sports, Environment, Tourism and Territories, National EstateProgramme Grants (Queensland), the Queensland Museum andtheUniversity ofNewSouth Stratigraphy and Lichology Wales. Studies on Ihe Anura have been supported by the Australian ResearchCouncil and the Universityof TheEUttfflMandmammalian fossil remainshovebeen Adelaide, and invaluableassistance hasbeenprovided recovered from authigenic illite/smeciite clays which by Simon Bryars. The SEM photograph was taken by are part of a sequence ofclays and dolomites, Hikes Stuart McClure (CStRO Division of Soils, Glen fromthishorizonhavebeendated radiomenically and Osmond). We aregrateful to Jim and Maureen Potter have revealed a minimum age of54.6±0.05 Myr, A and Susan Maudslcy tor permission to work on their minimumageestimateof29.0±0.2 Myrwasobtained property. References Uodthelp, H,, Archhk. M., ChiiI'.lu. R , Hanh. X. J,,<ft hredefiniiiouoftheilialcharacteristicsofthegenu*.Ibid Gilkkson, C. (1992) Barnes; known Auxiralisn Tertiary 113, 15-21. McmLDraocmtnimaraiioldru»,fsaJKufneawR.h.eNr&<iu<M(BmIo-LuLl3Ee5Rn6.g.eJr5.)1D4(.-A51n(6u1.9r8a2:)lO.enputxhleucsttyaltiudsrtoe)f frequeHnacnyd,ofS.UJe.h&riWoadursd,wSa.e.r1g1N1V9i9m0) ATnyalleyrsi(sAonfuntth;e Tyigiinkrrnd,olretMoh.efaAs.u1tsQt(ur1ae9l7ei6n)asnlCafonrmdop.gasrTahanitd/invdeeHsocsrSitopetociloo5ng.yoAfuosfat.tnh1ee0w6.pfeo2l-2v>»0ii.cI R1L1ie2vp.etros1dl0a5ec-itg1yh0l9i.Sdinmci)un,inQueOelniseloa-nMdi.ocPernoce. Llioncna,l Solta.unNa.sSMo'f genu:;. Ibid. 100, 3-14. Zwim-ru., R. CL (1972)Areview oftheProsgenuaUehriodus (1989) A new *pecics o( Uehriodus (Anura: (l-cptotlnervtidae)ofNewGuineaandAustralia. Am. Afu.s Leptodaclylidac) from the Tertiary ofQueensland, wirh Novit, (2507), 1-41.

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