植物研究雑誌 J. Jpn. Bot. 80:266-270(2005) AN ew Species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Mt. Kinabalu,Bo rneo Shinobu AKIYAMAa,H ideaki OHBAb,H iroshi IKEDA\ Hirokazu TSUKAY Ad and Maryati MOHAMEDe aDepartment of Botany,N ational Science Museum,T okyo, Amakubo 4-1-1,T sukuba,Ib araki,3 05-0005 JAPAN; E-mail: [email protected]仏o吋j. bDepartment of Botany,U niversity Museum,U niversity of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1,B unkyo-ku,T okyo,1 130033JAPAN; ・ CFaculty of Informatics,O kayama University of Science, Ridai-cho 1-1,O kayama,7 00-005 JAPAN; dNational Institute for Basic Biology,O kazaki National Research Institute, Nishigonaka 38,M yodaiji,O kazaki,4 44-8585 JAPAN; Clnstitute for Tropical Biology and Conservation,Un iversiti Malaysia Sabah, Locked Bag 2073,8 8999 Kota Kinabalu,S abah,M ALAY SIA (Received on March 5,2 005) Impatiens kinaba/uensis S. Akiyama & H. Ohba (Balsaminaceae) is described and illustrated. Key words: Impatiens,K inabalu,n ew species,ta xon. Impatiens L. (Balsaminaceae) consists of Impatiens kinabaluensis S. Akiyama & 450 to 850 species distributed in tropical H. Ohba,sp . nov. [Figs. 1-3] Africa,I ndia and in the northern hemisphere Ex Impαtienti platypetala Lindl. javaensi with concetrations of species in甘opical et toto speciebus bornensibus dorso petalis Africa, southeast Asia, and the Sino obovati triangularibus apice bilobulatis et 四 Himalayan region (Grey-Wilson 1980, lobis basalibus petalorum uniforum latera- Cronquist 1981). During ac ollection trip to lium ovatis apice bilobulatis distincte Mt. Kinabalu,B omeo in March 2004 as pe- m吋oribus quam illis distalibus eorum cies of Impatiens was collected by two of the apicibus bilobulatis cum minus appendice authors,I keda and Tsukaya. Akiyama and bene differt. Ohba observed it in December 2004. The Type: Malaysia. Sabah (Bomeo Island). morphology generally resembles that of the Kinabalu National Park, Mt. Kinabalu, southerly group (Grey-Wilson 1980),bu t the Timpohon Gate-Layang-Layang, near shape of petals is different from the known Pondok Timpohon,al t. 1770 m,6 003'N 1160 species. This is most similar to l. platypetala 33'E (H. Tsukaya,R . Imaichi,H . Nagamasu Lindl. described from Jav a,a lthough the re- & H. Ikeda 0403201,1 4 March 2004,T NS- sults of ac hromosome count indicates that it holo,B ORH-iso,TI -iso). is different fromよplatypetala(Ikeda et al. Plants 0.3-1.2 m tall,er ect,b ranched ne 紅 2005). After ac omprison of characters with base; branches sometimes subpendulous up those of four species described from Bomeo to 1.5 m long. Leaves aggregated in whorls and withよplatypetalαfromJav a,th is is con- at apical p訂t,upper whorls consisting of 2- sidered to be an ew species,d escribed here. 5l eaves; petiole 2-8 cml ong; blade elliptic, -266-ー October 2005 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 80 No. 5 267 Fig. 1. Impatiens kinabaLuensis S. Akiyama &H .O hba (on 12 December 2004,M t. Kinabalu). A:H abitat. B: Fruit. C and D: Flower (front view and lateral view). 6-12 cml ong,2 -5 cmw ide,ap ex acuminate, ovate,c a. 3 mml ong,a pex acute. Lower base cuneate,ma rgins shallowly serrate,wi th sepal pink,na vicular,co nstricted into as pur, glandular hairs basally,p ubescent on both ca. 1.2 cm long,6 mmd eep (excluding surfaces, lower surface with more dense spur); spur 2-3 cm long in overall length, hairs. nearly straight,a pex not coiled. Dorsal petal Flowers solitary at upper leafaxil, pink,fl at,o bovate-triangular,ca . 2c m long, pedicellate. Pedicel 5-10 cm long,g labrous. ca. 2c mw ide,a pex bilobed,w ith ac rest-like Flowers pink,ca . 3c m long. Lateral sepals 2, appendage ca. 4m mh igh. Lateral united pet- 268 植物研究雑誌 第80巻 第5号 平成17年10月 喝:1< 。 a 単 一 Fig. 2. Holotype of Impatiens kinabaluensis S. Akiyama &H . Ohba (H. Tsukaya,R. Imaichi,H. Nagamasu & H. Ikeda 043201,T NS). October 2005 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l80 No. 5 269 als pink; the basal lobe ovate,c a. 1.8c m Jan. 1969,K YO); Along Sng. Mamut,n ear Poring,al t. long,c a. 1.1 cm wide, apex obliquely 600-850 m (S. Kokawa & M. Hotta 4854,3 F eb. 1969, bilobed,re d spotted with yellow centre near KYO); Mamut HiIl, south of Mamut Camp,al t. 1400- 1650 m (S. Kokawa & M. Hotta 5339,1 0 Feb. 1969, base; the distal lobe ovate,ca . 1.5 cm long, KYO). ca. 7m mw ide,ap ex bilobed with ati p,wi th- Wev isited the National Herbarium of the out ventral appendage. Stamens 5; filaments Netherlands,Un iversity Leiden branch to ex- pink; anthers pink, without appendage. amine specimens from Mt. Kinabalu includ- Ovary glabrous. Fruit fusiform,c a. 2 cm ing those cited by Beaman et al. (2001),bu t long,ca . 7m mb road,gl abrous. could not examine them because all the On shady wet places in forests and slopes specimens coUected in Mt. Kinabalu were on beside s住eams. loan. Other specimens examined. Malaysia. Sabah This species has been confused with (Borneo Island). Mt. Kinabalu,L iwagu,al t. 1500 m Impαtiens p.lαtypetala Lindl. in having soli- (M. Togashi 6857,2 2 Sept. 1966,K YO). Kinabalu tary flat pink flowers and apically aggregated National Park. Between Carson's Camp and Power Station,a lt. 2700-1900 m (S. Kokawa & M. Hotta leaves (MasaIhune 1942,v an Steenis 1949, 3700,1 0 Jan. 1969,K YO); Along Sng. W. Mesilau, Beaman et a .l2001). Certainly it is similar to alt. 1600-1800 m (S. Kokawa & M. Hotta 4374,2 3 1. platypetala,b ut differs from the latter and Jan. 1969,K YO); (S. Kokawa & M. Hotta 4385,2 3 。。 fC 〉 Fig. 3. Impatiens kinαbaluensis S. Akiyama & H. Ohba. a: Dorsal petal. b: Dorsal petal (folded). c: Lateral united petals. d: Lower sepal. e: Lateral sepal. f: ovary. Bar indicates 1c mf or a-e and 2c m for f. 270 植物研究雑誌第80巻第5号 平成17年10月 other Bomean species, .i e.,l. borneensis and p tlyno. 1440517 (to H. Tsukaya). 紅 Miq., l. hubertu Hook. f.,よ orthosepala Hook. f.,a ndよwinkleriHook. f.,in having References an obovate-triangular dorsal petal with Beaman J. H.,A nderson C. and R. S. Beaman. 2001. bilobed apex,o vate basal lobe of the lateral The Plants of Mount Kinabalu,v ol. 4. Natural united petals with obliquely bilobed apex History Publications (Bomeo),K ota Kinabalu. Cronquist A. 1988. The Evolution and Classification of distinctly larger than the distal lobe,a nd the Flowering Plants. 2nd ed. New Yo rk Botanica1 ovate distallobe with bilobed apex and ati p. Gardens,N ew York. Impatiens borneensis is distinct in the petal Grey-Wilson C. 1980. Impatiens of Africa. A. A. 四 like subobovate lateral sepals (Miquel 1870). Balkema,Ro tterdam. Impatiens hubertu is characterized by the Hooker J. D. 1910. Plantarum novarum in Herbario widely obcordate distal lobe of the lateral Horti Regii Conservatarum. Bull. Misc. Inform. 1910: 74ー75. united petals twice as large as the basal one, Ikeda H.,A kiyama S.,T sukaya H.,M . Mohamed and よorthosepalαbythe widely obcordate distal Demardi D. 2005. A cytotaxonomic study of five lobe of the lateral united petals three times species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) in Java and larger than the basal one; and l. winkleri by Borneo,M alesia. J. Jpn. Bot. 80: 271-277. the falcate obovate basal lobe of the lateral Masamune G. 1942. Enumeratio Phanerogam訂um Bornearum. Taiwan-sotokufu-gaijibu,T aihoku. united petals and the distal one as long as the Miquel F. A. W. 1870. Illustrations de la Flore de l' basal one (Hooker 1910). Archipel Indien. Amsterdam,Ut recht,Le ipzig. van Steenis C. G. G. J. 1949. Variations bound to the This study was supported by Grants-in- genotype. 5. Geographical segregation in Aid for the Jap an Society of the Promotion Malaysian speci白cpopulations. Flora乱1alesiana, of Science,n o. 14540656 (to S. Akiyama) ser. 1,4( 2): XLIV-L. 秋山忍九大場秀章 ,池田博,塚谷裕一 ,M. b c d マハメドペキナバル山(ボルネオ)産ツリフネソ ウ属(ツリフネソウ科)の一新種 本種はキナバル山の中腹にはかなりの個体数がみ キナバル山(マレーシア・サノ\)で採集したツ られるが,ボルネオの他地域で採集された標本は リフネソウ属の 1種を記載した.本種Impatiens みられなかった.本種はキナバル山の固有種と考 kinabaluensisは,ピンク色の平関する花をもち, えられる. これまでマレーシア地域に広く分布し,種内変異 (a国立科学博物館植物研究部, の大きいよ platypeωlaLindl.と混同されていた. 東京大学総合研究博物館植物部門, b 例えばBeamanJ. H.ら著 IThe Plants of Mount c岡山理科大学総合情報学部地球システム学科, Kinabalu,v ol. 4J にもよ plaη'Peωlα Lindl.として掲 d自然科学研究機構・ 載されている.本種は,先が2裂する倒卵状三角 岡崎統合バイオサイエンスセンター, 形の背軸側花弁(旗弁),基部裂片の方が大きい eマレーシア・サバ大学) 側花弁をもつことにより他の種から区別される.