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A new species of Hyperxiphia MAA (Hymenoptera Xiphydriidae) from Japan, reared from wood of Machilus Thunbergii sieb. and ZUCC. and Ardisia Sieboldii Miq PDF

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Preview A new species of Hyperxiphia MAA (Hymenoptera Xiphydriidae) from Japan, reared from wood of Machilus Thunbergii sieb. and ZUCC. and Ardisia Sieboldii Miq

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 109(2), 2007, pp. 435-439 A NEW SPECIES OF HYPERXIPHIA MAA (HYMENOPTERA: XIPHYDRIIDAE) FROM JAPAN, REARED FROM WOOD OF MACHILUS THUNBERGII SIEB. AND ZUCC. AND ARDISIA SIEBOLDIl MIQ. ICHIJI TOGASHI 1-chome, Tsurugihonmachi, Hakusan-shi, Ishikawa Prefecture 920-2121, Japan — Abstract. Hyperxiphia tabiinokii, n. sp., from Amani-Oshima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan, is described and illustrated. Specimens emerged from wood of Machilus thiinbergii Sieb. and Zucc. (Lauraceae) and Ardisia sieboldii Miq. A (Myrsinaceae). key is provided for the four Japanese species of Hyperxiphia. Key Words: Symphyta, Xiphydriidae, Hyperxiphia, food plants, Machihis, Ardisia Hyperxiphia Maa is a small genus of 10 This species is placed in Hyperxiphia species that occur in the eastern Palaearc- based on Maa's (1949) classification. tic and Oriental regions. Three species, H. Hyperxiphia is distinguished by the leucopoda (Takeuchi 1938), H. nakanishii following: Propleuron in profile much M (Takeuchi 1938), and H. nodai Togashi, longer than high; cells Rs and present 1982 (in Togashi and Hirashima 1982) are in the hindwing; maxillary palpus 5- known in Japan. Recently, I received five segmented with last segment slightly specimens (two females and three males) longer than segments 3 and 4 together; ofHyperxiphiawhichemerged fromwood labial palpus 4-segmented; and tarsal ofMachilus thunbergiiSieb. andZucc. and claws each with a small tooth near ArdisiasieboldiiMiq. collected at Mt. Yui, middle or base of claw. Amami-Oshima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan. These specimens areclose Keyto Japanese Speciesof Hyperxiphia to H. nodai but they are distinguished from the latte,r by the number ofantennal 1. Hyeelaldowirsuhfowuhsi;tewings hyalilneeu;colpeogsdae(ntTiarkeeluychi) segments, by having a white ring at the - Head black; wings slightly infuscte or apical portion of the forecoxa (Fig. 13), hyaline (Fig. 1); legs black or yellowish . . 2 by the lengths of the third antennal seg- 2. Legs entirely yellowish white; wings hya- ment and the hind basitarsus (Fig. 18), line; antenna 12- or 13-segmented nakanishii (Takeuchi) and by having an appendiculate vein at - Legs brownish black or entirely black; the base of vein 2A+3A of the forewing forewing evenly infuscate; antenna 14- or (Fig. 11). Also, these specimens do not IS-segmented 3 key to any of the known species of 3. Antenna 14-segmented; forecoxa black; Hyperxiphia in Maa (1949). Therefore, I base of2A+3A offorewingwithout appen- diculate vein nodai Togashi concluded that these specimens represent - Antenna 18-segmented; forecoxa with anew species. In thispaper, I describe and white ring at apex (Fig. 13); base of vein illustrate the new species and give a key to 2A+3Aofforewingwithappendiculatevein the Japanese species. (Fig. 11) tabiinokii, n. sp. 436 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 1. Hyperxiplua tahunokii. holotype. Hyperxiphia tabunokii Togashi, distinct (Fig. 3); labial palpus 4-segmented new species (Fig. 5); maxillary palpus 5-segmented (Figs. 1-20) (Fig. 6); mandible quadridentate (Fig. 4). — Antenna 18-segmented, slightly shorter Female. Length, 16 mm. Antenna, than costa of forewing (ratio 1.0:1.2); head, and body black. Wings evenly scape curved (Fig. 7), slightly longer than infuscate, stigma and veins dark brown third antennal segment (ratio 1.0:0.8) to black. Legs black, but apex of (Fig. 7); relative lengths of basal five forecoxa with white ring (Fig. 13). segments about 2.8:1.0:2.3:1.0:1.0. Head (Fig. 2): Postocellar area slightly Thorax: Anterior half of mesoprescu- raised; OOL:POL:OCL = 1.1:1.0:3.5; in- tum distinctly angulated in lateral view terocellar, postocellar, and lateral furrows (Fig. 8); median suture ofmesoprescutum absent; frons raised; median fovea deep, distinct but posterior portion indistinct elongate; lateral fovea deep and circular; (Fig. 9); mesoscutellum rather flattened; antenno-ocular distance shorter than dis- cenchrus small, distance between them tance between antennal sockets (ratio about four times breadth of one (ratio 1.0:2.1); clypeus with a central tooth; 1.0:4.0). Venation of forewing as in malar space (including malar depression) Fig. 10; base of vein 2A+3A of forewing nearly as long as diameter offront ocellus; with appendiculate vein (Fig. 11); vena- occipital carina distinct; genal carina tion of hindwing as in Fig. 12; petiole of distinct to top of eye; postorbital groove anal cell ofhindwing slightly shorter than VOLUME NUMBER 109. 2 437 Figs. 2-10. Hyperxiphia tabimokii, holotype. 2, Head, dorsal. 3, Head, profile. 4, Mandible, fiont. 5, Labial palpus, ventral. 6, Maxillary palpus, ventral. 7, Basal 5 antennal segments, lateral. 8, Mesoprescutum, lateral. 9, Mesoprescutum, dorsal. 10, Forewing. nervulus (cu-a) (ratio 1.0:1.3. Legs: Hind sculptured, but posterior portion ofmeso- basitarsus longer than following three prescutum nearly impunctate, shining; segments combined (ratio 1.0:0.7); fore- scrobiculate area separates median and tibial spur as in Fig. 14; each taral claw lateral lobes (Fig. 9); central portion of with inner tooth, as in Fig. 15-17. Mid- propodeum nearly impunctate, shining; and hind claws larger than foreclaw. oblique furrow distinctly, rather closely Abdomen: Propodeum with an oblique punctured; second to last tergites covered furrow along central line; length of with man—y transverse wrinkles. sheath nearly as long as length of basal Male. Length, 12.0 mm. Structure plate (Fig. 19); sheath as in Fig. 19. and coloration similar to female, except Punctation: Vertex, postocellar area, for tarsal claw and male genitalia. Male and upper half of postocellar area im- genitalia as in Fig. 20; black but apical punctate, shining; lowerhalfofpostocellar portion of harpes white. Posterior mar- area distinctly and rather closely punc- gin of subgenital plate nearly truncate. tured, interspaces between punctures near- Claws of each leg —similar in size. ly impunctate, shining; frons, inner orbits, Type material. Holotype: Female, supraclypeal area, clypeus, and malar Mt. Yui, Amami-Oshima, Kagoshima space distinctly, coarsely, and irregularly Pref., 13.V.2005, bred from Machilus sculptured; pronotum, mesoscutum, meso- thunbergii, H. Makihara, leg. Paratypes: and metascutellum, axilla, mesoscutellar Female, same locality as for holotype, appendate, and mesopleuron strongly, 26.VIL2004, bred from Ardisia sieboldii, irregularly, and rugoso-subreticulately H. Makihara, leg; 2 males, same locality — PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 438 15 Figs. 11-20. Hyperxiphia tabunokii, holotype. 11, Appendiculate vein offorewing. 12, Hindwing. 13, Forecoxa, trochanters, and femu, lateral. 14, Foretibial spur, lateral. 15, Foretarsal claw, lateral, female. 16, Midtarsal claw, lateral, female. 17, Hind tarsal claw, lateral, female. 18, Hind tarsus, lateral. 19, Sawsheath and basal plate, lateral. 20, Male genitalia, dorsal. as for holotype, 14.IX.2004, bred from antenna (14-segmented in H. nodai), by Machilus thunbergii, H. Makihara, leg.; 1 the antennal scape slightly longer than the male, same locality as for holotype, third antennal segment (slightly shorter in 6.V.2005, bred from Machilus thunbergii, H. nodai), by the hind basitarsus longer H. Makihara, leg. Holotype and two than the following three segments com- paratypes (males) deposited in the collec- bined (shorter in H. nodai), by having tion of the National Science Museum a white ring on the apical portion of the (Nat. Hist.), Tokyo; 2 paratypes (female forecoxa (entirely black in H. nodai), and and male) deposited in the National byhavingan appendiculatevein at thebase Museum ofNatural History, Smithsonian of 2A+3A of the forewing (absent in H. Institution, Washington, DC. nodai). Accordingto Maa's (1949) key, this — Distribution. Japan (Kagoshima Pre- new species goes to H. melanaria (Moc- fecture, Amami-Oshima). sary) from Tonkin, but it is distinguished Food plants. Machilus thunbergii from the latter by the black tergites (8th to (Lauraceae) (Japanese name: Tabunoki) 9th tergites white in H. melanaria). and Ardisia sieboldii (Myrsinaceae) (Jap- Acknowledgments anese name: Mokutachibana). — Etymology. The names is the geni- I express my thanks to Dr. David R. tive form of the Japanese name of the Smith, USDA, Washington, DC, for food plant. reading through this manuscript and — Remarks. This new species is close to for his kind service. I am indebted to Hyperxiphia nodai, but it is distinguished Mr. H. Makihara, Forestry and Forest from the latter by the 18-segmented Products Research Institute, Taskuba VOLUME 109, NUMBER 2 439 City, for his kindness in giving me the Takeuchi, K. 1938. A systematic study on opportunite to examine the specimens. the suborder Symphyta (Hymenoptera) of the Japanese Empire (1). Tenthredo 2: Literature Cited 173-229. Togashi, I. and Y. Hirashima. 1982. Wood wasps Maa,T. 1949. AsynopsisofAsiaticSiricoideawith or horn-tails of the Amami-oshima Island, notes oncertain exotic and fossil forms. Notes with description of a new species (Hymenop- d'Entomologie, Chinoise 8: 11-189. tera: Siricoidea). Esakia 19: 185-189.

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