ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 27(1): 177–183 25 JUNE 2018 A new species of Hedychridium Abeille de Perrin, 1878 from Kazakhstan (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) Новый вид рода Hedychridium Abeille de Perrin, 1878 из Казахстана (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) P. ROSA П. РОЗА P. Rosa, Via Belvedere 8/d, 20881 Bernareggio (MB), Italy. E-mail: [email protected] A new species, Hedychridium alatum sp. nov., from South East Kazakhstan is described. The previously named H. sericifrons species group is here renamed in H. flos species group. Cases of body discoloration in desert-dwelling species are reported. Описывается новый вид Hedychridium alatum sp. nov. из Юго-Восточного Казахстана. Прежнее название видовой группы (группа H. sericifrons) заменено на новое (группа H. flos). Сообщается о случаях обесцвечивания тела у обитающих в пустыне видов. Key words: cuckoo wasps, taxonomy, Kazakhstan, Chrysididae, Hedychridium, new species, new name of species group Ключевые слова: осы-блестянки, таксономия, Казахстан, Сhrysididae, Hedychridium, но- вый вид, новое название видовой группы INTRODUCTION 1954; Homaleuchrum Semenov, 1954; Irenula Semenov et Nikol’skaya, 1954; Zarudnidium The genus Hedychridium Abeille de Semenov, 1954; Zarudnium Semenov, 1954. Perrin, 1878 is the largest among the tribe Currently, only Colpopyga Semenov, 1954 is Elampini, and the second in the family considered as a valid genus (Rosa, 2017). All Chrysididae after Chrysis Linnaeus, 1761, other Semenov’s genera were synonymised including more than 300 valid species with Hedychridium and treated as species- (Paukkunen et al., 2015; Rosa et al., 2017b). groups by Linsenmaier (1968). Kimsey & More than 200 species are known from the Bohart (1991) refrained from formally for- Palaearctic region, around 90 from Europe, mulating species-groups, because of insuffi- 40 from Russia (Rosa et al., 2017b) and cient knowledge about a number of species, Central Asia (Rosa et al., 2017a), yet the yet discussed some Linsenmaier’s species- number of Asian species is still underesti- groups and some other well characterized mated. Hedychridium is a heterogeneous ge- groups (e.g. H. attenuatum, H. dybowskii, nus of small to medium-sized cuckoo wasps H. dimidiatum, H. frugale, H. margaritaceum, (2.0–7.0 mm), distributed particularly in H. maculum, H. obscuratum, H. sericifrons dry to arid areas of the Holarctic region. and H. sulcatum species groups). Semenov (1954) and Semenov & Nikol’- Following Linsenmaier’s (1968) view- skaya (1954) subdivided the genus Hedy- point and more recent publications (Kim- chridium into twelve genera, namely (besides sey & Bohart, 1991; Rosa et al., 2017a), Hedychridium): Actineuchrum Semenov, members of Actineuchrum should be in- 1954; Claudiola Semenov, 1954; Colpopyga cluded in the H. dybowskii species group, Semenov, 1954; Cyrteuchridium Semenov, Claudiola in the H. rhodochlorum species 1954; Cyrteuchrum Semenov, 1954; Euchri- group, Cyrteuchridium in the H. mono- dium Semenov, 1954; Euchrum Semenov, chroum species group, Cyrteuchrum in the © 2018 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 178 P. ROSA. NEW HEDYCHRIDIUM SPECIES FROM KAZAKHSTAN H. sericifrons = H. flos (see below) species quebert, 1801)] by subsequent designation group, Euchridium in the H. ardens species (Ashmead, 1902). group, Euchrum in the H. roseum species Remarks. Hedychridium is a quite hetero- group, Homaleuchrum in the H. anale spe- geneous genus, difficult to properly charac- cies group, Irenula in the H. margaritaceum terize. Species of this genus are mainly char- species group, Zarudnidium and Zarudnium acterized by: single perpendicular tooth on in the H. incrassatum species group. the tarsal claws; transverse pronotal carina In the present study, a new species of the (Kimsey & Bohart, 1991); posterior mar- H. flos species group is described, herewith gin of the third metasomal tergite evenly this name of species group is here introduced rounded, without notches, teeth or angular as a new name for the former H. sericif rons projections (excluding some taxa having species group of Kimsey & Bohart (1991) 2–6-toothed third metasomal tergum which (= Cyrteuchrum Semenov). were later synonymised with Hedychridium, namely Actineuchrum soloriens Semenov, MATERIALS AND METHODS 1954 from Central Asia, and African spe- cies originally described in the genera Ac- Specimens were examined and described rotoma Mocsáry, 1902, Buyssonia Mocsáry, under a Togal SCZ stereomicroscope; im- 1902, Hexachridium Bischoff, 1913, and ages were taken with a Nikon D-80 cam- Tetrachridium Zimmermann, 1953). A few era connected to the stereomicroscope and species have metasoma entirely or largely stacked with the Combine ZP software. The non-metallic red to orange, sometimes with morphological terminology follows Kimsey more or less obvious iridescent or metallic & Bohart (1991). The following abbrevia- reflections. tions are used in the descriptions: F1, F2, F3 – flagellomeres 1, 2, 3; MOD – mid Hedychridium flos species group ocellar diameter; MS – malar space, short- Diagnosis. Members of H. flos species est distance between base of mandible and group are recognized by more or less sharp, margin of compound eye; OOL – oculo- strongly arcuate to angulate, and M-shaped ocellar line, shortest distance between lat- transverse frontal carina (in most part of eral ocellus and compound eye; P – pedicel; Hedychridium species, it is usually weak to PD – puncture diameter; POL – shortest completely obsolete); scapal basin shallow, distance between posterior ocelli; l/w – ra- with tiny punctures and dense appressed tio of length to width. silvery setae; malar spaces less than 1 MOD; The holotype of the new species is de- fore femur ventrally carinate and angulate; posited at the Zoological Institute of RAS, propodeal teeth unmodified; metasomal ter- St Petersburg [ZIN], in the originally sepa- ga 2 and 3 unmodified; punctures on meta- rated collection of Kazakh chrysidids col- soma simple; apical margin of metasomal lected by V.L. Kazenas. tergum 3 with translucent rim; tarsomeres unmodified; setae on mesosoma and meta- TAXONOMIC PART soma dense and long. Remarks. Kimsey & Bohart (1991) pro- Order HYMENOPTERA posed the name H. sericifrons (Semenov, Family CHRYSIDIDAE 1967) for this species group. However, since Subfamily CHRYSIDINAE H. flos (Semenov, 1954) was designated as Tribe ELAMPINI the type species of the former genus Cyr- teuchrum by Semenov (1954), it would be Genus Hedychridium Abeille de Perrin, 1878 more reasonable to select this species name Type species: Hedychrum minutum Le- for the name of the former H. serificifrons peletier, 1806 [= Hedychridium ardens (Co- group of species. © 2018 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 27(1): 177–183 P. ROSA. NEW HEDYCHRIDIUM SPECIES FROM KAZAKHSTAN 179 Some species, included by Kimsey & 80 km E of Chilik, 26.VI.1996, leg. V.L. Kazenas Bohart (1991) in the H. sericifrons species [ZIN]. group, actually belong to the H. amatum Description. Female. Body length 2.7 mm species group. This group is characterized (supposedly about 3.0 mm with head). Fore by: transversal frontal carina faint; brow wing length 2.2 mm. prominent; metasomal terga 2 and/or 3 Mesosoma. Pronotum with double punc- carinate; punctures on metasoma large and tation, with tiny punctures on intervals be- coarse; propodeal teeth falcate; fore femora tween medium and large punctures, medi- ventrally carinate; apical margin of ter- ally with larger and denser punctures (Fig. gum 3 evenly rounded [H. amatum Nurse, 1B); pronotal margin distinctly sinuate, 1904 (= H. zimmermanni Balthasar, 1953) with posterolateral lobes unusual (flattened and H. tyro (Trautmann, 1926)], or with and dilated), directed backwards (Fig. 1B) four [H. soloriens (Semenov, 1954)] or six and partially covering mesoscutal wing teeth [H. sexdentatum du Buysson, 1898 fossa. Mesoscutum with similar double and H. zavattarii (Zimmermann, 1952)]. punctation, medially with larger and den- Lastly, H. smaragdinum (Semenov, 1954) ser punctures (0.5–1.0 PD apart); notauli should be included in the H. anale species complete, not basally widened; parapsidal group charact erized by transversal frontal sulci deep. Mesoscutellum with intervals carina faint, fore femora laterally and ven- between large punctures polished, almost trally carinate as well as with outer surface devoid of tiny punctation. Mesopleuron between these carinae flat, metasomal terga ventrally rounded, without omaulus or ca- 2 and 3 without medial and transverse sub- rina, with large but shallow punctures and apical ridges but usually with a wide semi- polished intervals between them. Meta- transparent rim on apical margin of meta- scutellum anteriorly with foveate-reticu- somal tergum 3. This group includes, among late punctures, medially and posteriorly others: H. anale (Dahlbom, 1854), H. disi- with large irregular foveae. Propodeal teeth unctum Linsenmaier, 1968 and H. moricei du triangular, slightly pointing backward (Fig. Buysson, 1904. 1D). Fore wing medial vein almost straight, Species included. Hedychridium flos with no significant features. Forefemur un- (Semenov, 1954) [= H. nivifrons (Se- modified, not expanded or angulate; hind menov, 1967); = H. redikortzevi (Semenov, tarsi unmodified, with second and third tar- 1967); = H. lindholmi (Semenov, 1967)]; somere subequal in length. H. garianum Linsenmaier, 1968; H. hirtum Metasoma. Metasomal terga 1 and 2 with (Semenov, 1967); H. pruinifrons (Semenov, minute, shallow, even punctures; punctures 1967); H. semenovi Kimsey, 1991 [repl. name 1–3 PD apart, with polished intervals (Fig. for H. semirufum (Semenov et Nikol’skaya, 1E); punctation laterally denser. Tergum 3 1954)]; H. sericifrons (Semenov, 1967); with irregular, confluent punctures. Terga 2 H. xanthum (Semenov, 1967); H. znoikoi and 3 with broad, impunctate, translucent (Semenov, 1967). Two Afrotropical species, rim on posterior margin. All sterna almost H. bidens Kimsey, 1988 and H. faciale (Moc- impunctate and polished, or partly with only sáry, 1889), have been also included in this very tiny scattered punctures (Fig. 1D). group by Kimsey & Bohart (1991), but a Coloration. Mesosoma metallic green; further study on their types is necessary af- legs with metallic green coxa; trochanter, ter the rearrangement proposed here. tibiae and femora non-metallic orange, with opalescent reflection; tarsi yellowish; meta- Hedychridium alatum sp. nov. soma non-metallic orange, with weak opa- (Fig. 1A–1F) lescent purplish reflections. Material examined. Holotype; female (head Vestiture. Body overall covered by whit- missing), Kazakhstan (SE): environs of Dubun, ish, dense and erect setae; these setae long © 2018 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 27(1): 177–183 180 P. ROSA. NEW HEDYCHRIDIUM SPECIES FROM KAZAKHSTAN Fig. 1. Hedychridium alatum sp. nov. (holotype, female, Kazakhstan): A, habitus, lateral view; B, pronotum, dorsal view; C, habitus, dorsal view; D, habitus, ventral view; E, habitus, posterior view; F, Metasomal terga 2 and 3, dorsal view. Scale bars 1.0 mm. dorsally, shorter laterally and ventrally as one) and sparse mesosomal punctation as well as on legs. well as dense setae on mesosoma and meta- Male unknown. soma, lead to include H. alatum sp. nov. in Etymology. The species epithet alatum the H. flos species group. Among Central (adjective meaning “winged”) refers to the Asian species of the group, H. alatum sp. unique shape of the pronotum having flat- nov. is closely related to H. semenovi for the tened and expanded (wing-shaped) poste- gener al habitus with metasoma partly non- rolateral lobes (Figs 1B, 1C). metallic orange, for the body setae short, Distribution. Kazakhstan. and for the punctures on mesosoma sparse Comparative diagnosis. Hedychridium and with polished interspaces. However, it alatum sp. nov. is similar to the speci- is easily recognizable by the pronotal pos- mens of the H. roseum species group with terolateral corner flattened and dilated, non-metallic orange colouration of meta- wing-shaped (Figs 1B, 1C), and the fore soma. However, several important features, femur unmodified (in H. semenovi, prono- namely the unmodified hind tarsomeres tal posterolateral corner slightly rounded, (in the H. roseum species group, these ter- and fore femur carin ate). Hedychridium flos, someres are robust, stocky and with the H. sericifrons and H. znoikoi show different second tarsomere shorter than the third general habitus compared to H. alatum sp. © 2018 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 27(1): 177–183 P. ROSA. NEW HEDYCHRIDIUM SPECIES FROM KAZAKHSTAN 181 Fig. 2. Hedychridium xanthum Semenov (female, Kazakhstan): A, habitus, lateral view; B, head, fron- tal view; C, head and pronotum, dorsal view; D, mesosoma, dorsal view; E, metasoma, dorsal view; F, metasomal terga 2 and 3, dorsolateral view. Scale bars: A – 1.0 mm; others – 0.5 mm. nov.: they have fore femur ventrally cari- non-metallic orange antennae, pronotum, nate, body colour full metallic, body punc- metanotum, propodeum, legs and metaso- tures different, and vestiture more elongate ma; only metasomal tergum 2 shows a few (see pictures of these species in Rosa et al., small irregular green spots. Apart from body 2017b). It is anyway to be stressed that coloration and sparse metasomal puncta- male and some important features of female tion, other features suggest the specimen is (e.g. head of the unique known specimen is conspecific with H. xanthum (Fig. 3). missing) are unknown. When more speci- It is well known that chrysidid wasps mens will become available, it cannot be ex- in arid, desert or semi-desert areas tend to cluded that H. alatum sp. nov. will have to show brassy or coppery coloration; more- be placed in a separate group. over, some species of the genera Hedychri- dium and Hedychrum Latreille, 1802 devel- op a more or less extensively non-metallic Hedychridium xanthum (Semenov, 1967) orange metasoma (Linsenmaier, 1968). Remarks. During the examination of Nevertheless, so far such diverse body colo- the Hedychridium material collected by rations of mesosoma within the same spe- V.L. Kazenas in Kazakhstan, I found anoth- cies were not yet recorded. Only Balthasar er member of the H. flos species group with (1953) described some colour variations odd body coloration (Fig. 2). This specimen within a large series of Hedychridium sex- has bright green head and mesonotum, and dentatum collected in Wadi Kelt (Pales- © 2018 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 27(1): 177–183 182 P. ROSA. NEW HEDYCHRIDIUM SPECIES FROM KAZAKHSTAN Fig. 3. Hedychridium xanthum Semenov (holotype, female, Kazakhstan): A, habitus (lateral view) and labels; B, head, frontal view; C, head, dorsal view; D, mesosoma, dorsal view; E, metasoma, dorsal view; F, metasomal terga 2 and 3, posterior view. Scale bars: A – 1.0 mm; others – 0.5 mm. Figs 4. Hedychridium sexdentatum du Buys- son, habitus, dorsal view (females, Palestine, Wadi el Kelt, Jericho, leg. Houska): A, 25.VII. 1944; B, 16.VII.1944. Scale bars 1.0 mm. © 2018 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 27(1): 177–183 P. ROSA. NEW HEDYCHRIDIUM SPECIES FROM KAZAKHSTAN 183 tine) by Houska. I examined ten specimens Kimsey L.S. & Bohart R.M. 1991. The Chrysi- of this series housed at the Naturhistorische did wasps of the World. 1990. New York: Ox- Museum in Vienna, finding a great variabil- ford University Press. 652 p. Linsenmaier W. 1968. Revision der Familie ity in body coloration. In particular, some Chrysididae (Hymenoptera). Zweiter Nach- female specimens have the mesosoma en- trag. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Ento- tirely metallic red, while other ones have mologischen Gesellschaft, 41(1–4): 1–144. the same partially non-metallic orange: Paukkunen J., Berg A., Soon V., Ødegaard F. either entirely metallic green (Fig. 4B) or & Rosa P. 2015. An illustrated key to the partially green with non-metallic flesh-co- cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) loured pronotum and propodeum (Fig. 4A). of the Nordic and Baltic countries, with Seemingly, there is a relation between description of a new species. ZooKeys, 548: more or less pronounced, to extreme, dis- 1–116. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/ zookeys.548.6164 coloration of body parts and arid or desert Rosa P. 2017. Review of the Palaearctic spe- habit at, both in some Hedychridium species cies of the genus Colpopyga (Hymenoptera: and within some populations of the same Chrysididae) with description of a new spe- species. This variability is not yet observed cies. Zoosystematica Rossica, 26(2): 294–306. in European or Russian species living in Rosa P., Belokobylskij S.A. & Zaytseva L.A. xeric habitats, although it should be noted 2017a. The Chrysididae types described by that in these areas summer temperatures Semenov-Tian-Shanskij and deposited at the never reach the maximum levels found in Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy Central Asia or in the Near East. of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg (Insecta: Hy- menoptera). Proceedings of the Zoological In- stitute RAS, Supplement 5: 1–266. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Rosa P., Lelej A.S., Belokobylskij S.A., Lok- tionov V.M. & Zaytseva L.A. 2017b. Fam- I wish to thank: Sergey A. Belokobylskij ily Chrysididae. In: Lelej A.S., Proshcha- (ZIN) for the possibility to study of the Chry- lykin M.Yu. & Loktionov V.M. (Eds). sididae collection, Dominique Zimmermann Annotated catalogue of the Hymenoptera of (Vienna, Austria) for the loan of the Palesti nian Russia. Volume 1. Symphyta and Apocrita: specimens of H. sexdentatum, Arkady S. Lelej Aculeata. Proceedings of the Zoological In- (Vladivostok, Russia) and Gian Luca Agnoli stitue RAS, Supplement 6: 126–144. (Bologna, Italy) for critical review of the manu- Semenov-Tian-Shanskij A.P. 1954. Classifica- script, and Maurizio Pavesi (Museo di Storia Na- tion of the tribe Hedychrini Mocs. (Hyme- turale, Milan, Italy) for final revision and valu- noptera, Chrysididae) and description of able comments. new species. Proceedings of the Zoological In- stitute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 15: REFERENCES 138–145. (In Russian). Semenov-Tian-Shanskij A. & Nikol’skaya M.N. Balthasar V. 1953. Monographie des chrysidides 1954. Cuckoo-wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysi- de Palestine et des pays limitrophes. Acta En- didae) of Tajikistan. Proceedings of the Zoo- tomologica Musei Nationalis Prague, 27(Sup- logical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sci- plementum 2), 1951: 1–317. ences, 15: 89–137. (In Russian). Kimsey L.S. 1986. Designation of chrysidid lectotypes. Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 62(2): Received 29 March 2018 / Accepted 8 May 2018 105–110. Scientific editor: S.A. Belokobylskij © 2018 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 27(1): 177–183