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A New Species of Goniozus from Thailand (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) PDF

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Preview A New Species of Goniozus from Thailand (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae)

139 A New Species ofGoniozus from Thailand (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) GORDONGORDH DepartmentofEntomology,UniversityofQueensland.Brisbane,Qld.4072,Australia BOONGEUAWITETHOM DepartmentofBiology.PrinceofSongklaUniversity,HaadYai,Songkla,Thailand90112 ABSTRACT.Goniozusthailandensis,newspecies,isdescribedasaparasiteofsapodil- la fruitborer, Nephopierixsp. inThailand.Taxonomic affinities and character!;oredis cussed. INTRODUCTION Studies on pests ofsapodilla revealed a fruit-boring phycitinc moth (Witethom & Silawatchananai 1991).SpecimensofthemothwereprovisionallyidentifiedasMussidia peciinicornella Hampson. Subsequently, the pest was identified as Nephopterix sp. (Pyralidae: Phycitinae. Michael Shaffer, in Hit.; Marianne Horak, in litt.). Acomplex of parasitic Hymenopteraisassociated with themoth.Withinthiscomplex wehavediscov eredseveralnewspeciesofGoniozus. Anameismadeavailablefor 1 speciestofacilitate publicationofdetailsregardingitsbiology.Theotherspecieswillbedescribedwhenbet terpreservedmaterial isavailable. Goniozusthailandensis Gordh &Witethom.n.sp. (Figs 1-16) Female: 3.75 mm long (holotype). Body predominantly black; clypeus reddish brown, apical margin darker; metasternum reddish brown with posterior margin black. Antenna dusky yellow, apical segment very faintly infuscate in some plays of light. Mandible black, ventral tooth dark reddish brown. Coxae and femoraconcolorous, dark reddish brown; tibiae and tarsomeres yellowish tan, concolorous with antenna; tarsal claws (unguis) black. Forewing weakly embrowned; hindwing hyaline; forewing costal andsubcostal veins reddishbrown,remainingveinspalecolored;pterostigmablackish. Body in lateral aspect (Fig. 1) somewhat compressed; head prognathous. Head in dorsal (frontal) aspect (Fig. 2) about 1.10x longer than wide; polished, with very weak reticulate microsculpturc on clypeus and area immediately dorsad; medial margins of compound eyes not straightorparallel; surfaceofhead with sparsevestitureofshallow, setigerous punctations; setaeon vertexal margin weaklyrecurved and notconspicuously largerthanothersetaeon head; vertexal margin verybroadlyrounded,withoutindication ofa carina; surface anterior of median ocellus developed into a narrow, elongate, very shallow sulcusevident in certain playsoflight; lateral ocellus lessthan ocellardiameter from vertexal margin. Clypeal margin broadly rounded, nearly truncate (Fig. 3); fronto- clypeal median longitudinal carinaweakly developed and restricted to clypeus (Fig. 3). Scrobal impression shallow, short with dorsal margin broadly rounded and not well defined. Head in lateral aspect (Fig. 4) about 1.7 x longer than wide, polished, with a few setaearoundcompoundeye. Compoundeyenearlyasetosewith minute, verysparseves tureofsetae;setaeevidentonlyathighmagnification.Mandiblessymmetrical,eachfour- toothedwithuppermosttoothbroadlyrounded,adjacenttoothnarrowlyrounded,penulti matetoothconicalandlowermosttoothpointed(Fig.5);dorsomedialmarginofmandible with arowofshort,thickenedsetae; ventral margin ofmandible withconspicuousvesti ture of pale setae. Antenna as illustrated (Fig. 6); flagellar segments with multiporous 140 Proceedings ofthe Hawaiian Entomological Society Vol. 32 Figs. 1-8. Goniozusihailandensis females. 1.Lateralaspect.2.Head,dorsalaspect.3.Clypeus.4. Head,lateralaspect.5.Right mandible,dorsalaspect.6.Leftantenna,medialaspect.7.Leftantcn- nuF7-9, medialaspect.8.LeftantennaF10-II,medialaspect. Gordh & Witethom:New Thailand Gonioxus 141 Figs.9-16.Gottiozusthaitandensis.9. 9 mesosoma,dorsalaspect.10. 9 mesosoma,lateralaspect. 11. 9 forepretarsus, lateralaspect. 12. 9 forepretarsus.ventralaspect. 13. 9 propodeum,dorsal aspect.14.O* apicalsternum,ventralaspect. 15. 9 leftforewing.16.cf genitalia. 142 Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society Vol. 32 plate scnsilla (MPS) weakly developed on all flagellar segments (Figs. 6-8); MPS not conspicuous with LM and fiberoptic illumination, notstronglyelevatedorwell defined with SEM;chaetotaxy as illustrated (figs.6-8). Maxillarypalpus with Ssegments; labial palpuswith3segments. Mcsosoma in dorsal aspect (Fig. 9) with pronotum moderately setose, weakly, minutely anduniformly reticulate. Mesoscutumsparselysetose,smooth,polishedexcept weak, minute reticulate sculpture lateral of parapsidal sutures. Parapsidal sutures very weaklydeveloped(obliterated)andevidentonlyincertain playsoflight. Scutellumwith sparse vestitureofsetae; polished; scutellar pits weakly developed, narrow, oblique and connected by very narrow, fine, transverse groove along transscutal suture; well-devel opedcompoundpitalongextreme lateral margin. Metanotum formingathin, transverse, polished, asetoseband; transverse pit in lateral areamoderatelydeveloped. Mesopleuron (Fig. 10) with moderate vestiture of long, pale setae along ventral surface; anterior, oblique (longitudinal) sulcus narrow but well defined; pleural fovea somewhat small. Melasicrnum with moderate vestitureoflong,palesetae. Forewing(Fig. 15) very weak lycurvedorbentatlevelofpterostigmathusconformingtoshapeofgastralnotum;basal veinshort,notforminganarcolct. Ventralsurfaceofcoxaeandsternalelementsofthorax with rather dense vestiture ofpale setae. Prctarsus shagreened (Fig. II); claws "bifid," each with a subapical, broadly truncate tine; arolium large with ventrobasal setae (Figs. 11.12). Propodeum in dorsal aspect(Fig. 13) with a few minutesetaealonglateral margin; spiracleinconspicuous,obliquelyslit-like,andpositionedalonganterolateralmargin;dor salsurfacelackingelevatedantcromedial trianglebut medialsurfacepolishedandbroad ly arched, remainder ofdorsal surface weakly and finely reticulate; Lateral and dorsal faces delimited by fine or weakly developed transverse carina, sometimes evanescent medially;lateralfaceentirelyreticulate.Posteriorfacewithafewminutesetaealongante riormargin,surface finely, weaklyreticulate. Metasoma polished; respiratory spiracles on terga I—VII. typically concealed on anterolateralpartofsclente,tcrgum I spiracleexposed,largest.TergumIIwithtransverse lineofshort, pale setae about halfway between anteriorand posteriormargins, setae not on dorsomedial portion of tergum; terga III with similar vestiture of setae, but setae longer; tcrgum IV-VI withvestitureofmoderatelylongsetaealongposteriorhalfofeach tergum. Sternum I with moderatevestitureofrather longsetae; sterna II—IV each with a fewtransverserowsofsetaealongapical margin; apical sternumsetoseexceptbare lon gitudinal medialstripe. Monostylousapexconspicuouslysetose. Male:2.9mmlong(allotype).Smallerbutsimilartofemaleinhabitus;clypcusnear lyblack; mandiblepale brownwithteethdark reddishbrown; forecoxaconcolorouswith proepisternum, remaining leg segments pale yellowish brown; forewing weakly embrowned; hindwinghyaline. Head indorsal aspectslightly widerthanlong;ocelli dis proportionatelylargerthanfemaleocelli;lateralocellusadjacenttovertexalmargin.Head in lateral aspect with compoundeyedisproportionately larger than femaleeye. Antenna similarin formtofemaleantenna, with MPS evanescent. Subgenitalshieldconspicuous lysetose with medial notchalongposteriormargin (Fig. 14).Genitalia(Fig. 16) as illus trated. Thespecificepithet,tliailandensis,honorsthecountryofThailandwherethisspecies wasdiscovered. Variation:Thefemalebodylengthrangesfrom2.9S-5.0mm. Severalspecimensin thetype-seriesdisplayreddishbrownbodycoloration;bodypartstypicallyreddishbrown may be yellow; the clypeus may be reddish-yellow while the remainder ofthe head is darker. These color differences are probably due to fixation in alcohol while the speci- Qordh & Witethom:New Thailand Oonlozus 143 mcnswereteneral.Thus,somefemalesdisplay aheadorbody which ispalebrown.The male body length ranges from 2.85-2.93 mm. The range is notably less in males than females. Several males in the type-series are pale brown and a few display mandibles nearly yellow.This may beanartifactoffixationofteneralspecimens. HOLOTYPE: Intact, card-mounted female with collection information reading: •THAILAND. Songkla, Yo Island; 27-IX-1989, Boonguea Witethom; Reared from Sapodilla fruit borer larva, Nephopteryx sp. (Lep., Pyralidae); Goniozus lhailandensis Gordh &Witethom. HOLOTYPE." ALLOTYPE: Intact, card-mounted male with collection information reading: 'THAILAND, Songkla, Yo Island; 27-IX-1990. Boonguea Witethom; Reared from Sapodilla fruit borer larva, Nephopteryx sp. (Lep., Pyralidae); Goniozus thailandensis Gordh &Witethom. ALLOTYPE." PARATYPES: 35 card-mounted females and 7 card-mounted males with the same labelinformationastheholotype;31 femalesand 1 maletaken27-IX-1989,withthesame label information astheprimary type.The wingsand antennaeof6femalesand2males have been dissected and mounted in Canada Balsam. Six females and 1 male beendis sectedandmountedonSEM stubs.Severalspecimenstakenwiththetype-serieshavenot beendesignated asmembersofthetype-seriesbecausetheyarc in poorcondition. Holotype (TI3450) and allotype (T13451) deposited in Queensland Museum, Brisbane. Twenty-three female and 2 male paratypes deposited in University of Queensland Entomological Collection, Brisbane.Two female paratypeseach,in the fol lowinginstitutions:AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory,NewYork;AustralianNational Insect Collection, Canberra; California Academy ofSciences, San Francisco; Canadian National Collection, Ottawa; Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge; SouthAfrican National InsectCollection, Pretoria. Remainingspecimensin thecollectionsoftheauthors. DISCUSSION The bethylid fauna of southeast Asia is poorly known. Goniozus is cosmopolitan with about 145 nominal species, but no species has been described from Thailand or Burma.Weknow fewreports intheprimaryzoological literatureofGoniozusfromthese countries.Pruthi & Mani (1942)reportthatGoniozusmontanus Kiefferwasmovedfrom southIndiatoBurmaandbecameestablishedondefoliators.NospeciesofBethylinaehas been reported fromThailand. TheGoniozusfaunaofIndiaincludes 29describedspeciesand2species areknown fromChina(Gordh&Moczar 1990).Kurian(1952.1954,1955)describedseveralspecies ofGoniozusfrom Indiaandpreparedakeytospecieswhich wassubsequentlyrevisedby Ram & Subba Rao (1968). Our new species runs to G. philippinensis Ashmead or G. borneanus Cameron in the key to Oriental Goniozus (Ram & Subba Rao 1968). Unfortunately,thecolorationcharactersoflegsandantennaeusedinthekeyarevariable. Also, Ram & Subba Rao had notexamined the types ofthesespecies andthus affinities aredoubtful. Ram (1969) described G. delhiensis based on material from Delhi, India. Samad (1973)described G. rugosusbasedon material fromKarachi,Pakistan.Themandiblesof bothspeciesarcdescribedastridentate,withthemandiblesofrugosusapicallyasymmet rical. Wehave not seen material ofeitherspecies.Thetridentatecharacteris veryunusu al forthegenus. GoniozuspakmanuswasdescribedfrommaterialtakeninRaiwind(Qasur),Pakistan (Gordh 1984), G. sensorius from material takenat Madras, India(Gordh 1988a); andG. keralensis from material taken at Kerala, India (Gordh 1988b). Features are provided in 144 Proceedings ofthe Hawaiian Entomological Society Vol. 32 Table 1 which separate G. tltailandensis from these species. The clypcus and occipital carinaearereliablecharacters forseparatingmanyspeciesofGoniozus. Propodeal sculp tureand carinaearealso important throughout thegenus.The development ofa median longitudinal carina and transversecarina separating the dorsal and posteriorfaces ofthe propodeumareuseful at thespecies level. Inaddition, G. iliailandensisand G. sensorius antennae display similar evanescent multiporous plate sensilla but the relatively small scutellarpits and weak transverse scutellarsulcusofiliailandensis furtherseparate the 2 species. Table 1.DiagnosticcharactersforspeciesofGtmiozus(99)- Mandible Clypeal Vertex Propodealtriangle/ Species (color,teeth) carina margin carinae(median,posterior) dellriensis reddishbrown.3 acuic 9 welldeveloped/? keralensis dusky,4 acuie nearlyacute welldeveloped/present; weak pakmunus amber,4 acute notacute weak/absent,weak butcomplete rugosus darkbrawn.3 7 •> 7 sensorius yellow,4 acute acute welldeveloped/complete. complete lhailandensis black.4 weak broadlyrounded absent/absent,incomplete Comparing tltailandensis with other Oriental species is tenuous and misleading because type-specimens are not available for study, keys are flawed and many original descriptionslackadequatedetail.FiveorientalGoniozusspeciesareknownonlyfromthe male,andthese males may beconspccific with named females. ThepupalcocoonofG.sensoriusistypicallybrownbutoccasionally whitecocoons are produced. We have only seen brown cocoons produced by G. iliailandensis. The cocoon of both species is relatively tightly woven. All members of a brood construct cocoonsofthesamecolor. Eachindividualconstructsacocoon; thecocoonsformacom pactmass.Eachindividualcontributesafewthreadswhichbindallofthecocoonstogeth er.Eachcocoon isabout2timeslongerthanwide.Adultsemergefromtheendnearestthe headofthedeveloping pupa. Bethylids frequently display modifications on the pretarsus. These features have been used taxonomically in some bethylid studies (Evans 1978; Krombein 1987), but have been generally ignored. Future studies should analyze this character complex. SculptureofthepretarsusisdistinctivewithSEMbutnotLM.Thetruncatesubapicaltine ontheprctarsi ofG. sensoriusand G. iliailandensisis not apparent with LM, butdevel opmentis similarin the male and female. Thelinedevelops fromtheunguis andnotthe arolium (Figs. II, 12). The functional significance ofthis character state is not under stood. LITERATURECITED Evans,H.E. 1978.TheBethylidaeofAmericanorthofMexico.Am.Enlomol.Inst.Mem. 27,332 p. Gordh,G. 1984. Goniozuspakmanus(Hymenoplera: Bethylidae),anewspeciesimport edintoCaliforniaforthebiologicalcontrolofpinkbollworm,Peciinopltoragossyp- iella (Saunders) (Lepidoptcra: Gelechiidae). Entomol. News95 (5): 207-211. Gordh, G. 1988a. A new species of Goniozus Fflrster from India (Hymcnoptera: Beth- Gordh & Witethom:New Thailand Goniozus 145 ylidac)used in biologicalcontrol ofDiaplianiaindica(Saundcrs) (Lcpidoptera: Py- ralidac). Pan-Pac. Entomol. 64 (2): 173-82. Gordh, G. 1988b . A new speciesofGoniozus from Indiaand (axonomic noicson relat edspecies (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae). Indian J. Entomol. 48 [1986]: 361-65. Gordh, G. & L. Moczar. 1990.Acatalogofthe world Bethylidae (Hymenoptera:Acul- cata). Am. Entomol. Inst. Mem. 46, 364p. Krombein. K. V. 1987. BiosystematicstudiesofCeylonesewasps,XVIII:Thespeciesof Trachepyris Kieffer(Hymenoptera: Bethylidae). Pan-Pac. Entomol. 63: 135-44. Kurian. C. 1952. Descriptions offour new and record ofone known Bethyloidea (Par asitic Hymenoptera) from India.Agra Univ. J. Res.Sci. 1: 63-72, 23. Kurian, C. 1954. Descriptionsoffive newand recordsand redescriptions oftwo known Bethyloidea(Parasitic Hymenoptera) from India. Agra Univ.J. Res. Sci. 3: 417-39, 45. Kurian, C. 1955. Bethyloidea (Hymenoptera) from India. Agra Univ. J. Res. Sci. 4: 67-155,255. Pruthi. H.S.& M.S. Muni. 1942. Distribution,hostsand habitsoftheIndian Scrphoidea and Bethyloidea. Ind. Mus. Mem. 13: 405-44. Ram, A. 1969. Description ofGoniozusdelhiensis. n. sp. (Belhylidae: Hymenoptera), a primary larval parasite of Dichocmcis punciiferalis (Guen.) (Pyralidac: Lepidop- tera). Bull. Entomol. 10: 68-70. Ram, A. & I). R. Subbu Rao. 1968. The description ofGoniozus stomopterycis n. sp. (Bethylidae: Hymenoptera),aprimary larval parasiteofStomopleryxnerleria(Mey- rick) in South India and a revised key to the oriental species of Goniozus Fbrsler. Bull. Entomol. 8(1967]: 73-78. 6 figures. Samud. K. 1973. Systemaiics and biology of Goniozus rugosus - new species (Beth ylidae: Hymenoptera)alarvalparasiteofmicro-LepidopterainPakistan.Agric. Pak- ist. 24: 195-200. Witethom. B. & P. Silawatchananai. 1991. Biology and life table ofMussidiapectini- corneila Hampson (Lcpidoptera: Pyralidae), on unripe Sapoditla fruit. Songklan- akarinJ. Sci.Tcchnol. 12: 361-67. Manuscriptsubmitted:6Aug. 1993 Manuscriptaccepted:5Nov. 1993

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