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by  CamposMartha
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Zoología-taxonoMía http://www.icn.unal.edu.co/ Caldasia 33(2):659-66C4a. m20p1o1s A NEW SPECIES OF FRESHWATER CRAB OF THE GENUS NEOSTRENGERIA PRETZMANN, 1965, FROM META DEPARTMENT, COLOMBIA (CRUSTACEA: DECAPODA: PSEUDOTHELPHUSIDAE) Una nueva especie de cangrejo de agua dulce del género Neostrengeria Pretzmann, 1965, del departamento del Meta, Colombia (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) Martha r. CaMpos Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Apartado 7495, Bogotá D.C., Colombia. [email protected] ABSTRACT A new ssppeecciieess oo���� ������eesshhwwaattee�� cc��aa���� oo���� tthhee ppsseeuuddootthheellpphhuussiidd ��eennuuss Neostrengeria P�etzmann, 1965, is desc�i��ed and illust�ated. This discove�y means the �enus now contains 25 species, all o�� which a�e endemic to the Easte�n Andes o�� Colom��ia. The new species is distin�uished ���om thei� con�ene�s p�ima�ily ��y the mo�pholo�y o�� the first male gonopod, particularly by the shape of the accessory lobe, outline of apex and mesial lo��e. Key words. Taxonomy, Neot�opical �e�ion, B�achyu�a, Hypolo��oce�ini. RESUMEN Una nueva especie de can��ejo pseudothelphusido del �éne�o Neostrengeria Pretzmann, 1965, es descrita e ilustrada. Este descubrimiento significa que el género aho�a contiene 25 especies, endémicas de los Andes O�ientales de Colom��ia. La nueva especie se distin�ue de sus con�éne�es p�incipalmente po� la mo���olo�ía del p�ime� �onopodo del macho, pa�ticula�mente po� las ��o�mas del ló��ulo acceso�io, del ápice y del ló��ulo mesial. Palabras clave. Taxonomía, Re�ión Neot�opical, B�achyu�a, Hypolo��oce�ini. INTRODUCTION The systematics and ��io�eo��aphy o�� the �enus we�e �eviewed ��y Campos & Rod�í�uez The �enus Neostrengeria P�etzmann, 1965, o�� (1985), Campos & Lemait�e (1998), Campos the ��amily Pseudothelphusidae, comp�ises a & Ped�aza (2008), and Campos (1992, ��oup o�� ���eshwate� c�a��s that live in mountain 1994, 2000, 2004, 2010). The �ene�al sp�in�s and st�eams on the slopes and hi�h cha�acte�istics o�� the �enus, included species plains o�� the Easte�n Andes o�� Colom��ia (ca. and an identification key was presented by 3-9o 4400��NN,, ��33--��44o 5500����)),, aatt eelleevvaattiioonnss oo���� 44��00 Campos (2005). to 3000 m. Recent collections in the Acacías �e�ion o�� Meta Depa�tment have �esulted in The te�minolo�y used ��o� the di����e�ent the discove�y o�� a new species. The addition o�� processes of the male first gonopods is that the new species ���in�s to 25 the total num��e� esta��lished ��y Smalley (1964), Rod�í�uez o�� taxa known in this �enus. (1982) and Campos (2005). The mate�ial is 659 A new species o�� ���eshwate� c�a�� o�� the �enus Neostrengeria deposited in the Museo de Histo�ia Natu�al, Description of holotype. CCaa��aappaaccee ((FFii��.. 11AA,, Instituto de Ciencias Natu�ales, Unive�sidad E) with st�ai�ht, wide, deep ce�vical ��oove, Nacional de Colom��ia, Bo�otá (ICN-MHN). endin� some distance ���om late�al ma��in; The a�����eviations c�� and cl, indicate ca�apace ante�olate�al ma��in with shallow dep�ession ���eadth and ca�apace len�th, �espectively. just poste�io� to ante�o-exte�nal o���ital an�le; Colo� nomenclatu�e ��ollows Smithe (19�5). late�al ma��in with se�ies o�� papilli��o�m teeth; post���ontal lo��es small, oval, delimited TAXONOMY ante�io�ly ��y 2 dep�essions; median ��oove shallow; ���ont lackin� distinct uppe� ��o�de�, Family Pseudothelphusidae O�tmann, 1893 ���ontal a�ea slopin� downwa�ds, ��ilo��ed in T�i��e Hypolo��oce�ini P�etzmann, 19�1 do�sal view, lowe� ma��in st�on�ly sinuous Genus Neostrengeria P�etzmann, 1965 in ���ontal view with �ow o�� tu��e�cles; uppe� Neostrengeria natashae, new species and lowe� o���ital ma��ins each ���in�ed with Fi�s. 1, 2 tu��e�cles; do�sal su���ace o�� ca�apace cove� ��y small papillae, �e�ions well dema�cated; Holotype. Municipio Acacías, Ve�eda thi�d maxilliped (Fi�. 1D) with shallow Po�tachuelo, km 12 Manzana�es �ay, La dep�ession on su��distal exte�nal ma��in o�� Esme�alda Fa�m, elevation 650 m, Meta me�us, exo�nath 0.65 times len�th o�� ischium; Depa�tment, Colom��ia, 4o 9� 28.63” N, �3o orifice of efferent branchial channel (Fig.1C ) 46� 53.29” �, 25 Sep 2010, le�. G. Ballén, 1 open, nea�ly ovate. male, cl 12.0 mm, c�� 21.0 mm, ICN-MHN- CR 2616. Fi�st pe�eopods hete�ochelous (Fi�. 1A); �i�ht cheliped (Fi�. 1B) la��e� than le��t; me�us with Paratype. Same locality data as holotype, 1 3 c�ests as ��ollows: uppe� c�est with �ows o�� juvenil male, cl 9.5 mm, c�� 15.5 mm, ICN- tu��e�cles, inte�nal lowe� c�est with 12 teeth, MHN-CR 2618. diminishin� in size p�oximally, exte�nal lowe� c�est with �ow o�� low tu��e�cles; ca�pus with Diagnosis. FFii��sstt mmaallee ��oonnooppoodd sstt��oonn��llyy ����eenntt 5 tu��e�cles on inte�nal c�est; palms o�� ��oth caudo-cephalic; late�al lo��e semici�cula� with chelipeds smooth, swollen; fingers of chelae distal po�tion semi-acute, di�ected distally; with �ows o�� tu��e�cles, not �apin� when closed, accesso�y lo��e spatulated with distal po�tion tips crossing, both fingers with large rounded regularly rounded, subequal in length to teeth, inte�calated with smalle� ones. �alkin� late�al lo��e, almost continuous with late�al legs (second to fifth pereopods) (Fig. 1A) lo��e, except ��y V-shaped �ecess ��etween them slende�, dactyli each a��out 1.� times as lon� distally, on late�al view (Fi�. 2C); apex outline as p�opodi, with 5 lon�itudinal �ows o�� spines nea�ly o��lon� in distal view, late�o-cephalic diminishin� in size p�oximally, a��an�ement expanded into t�ian�ula� p�ojection, ��o�min� o�� spines on dactylus o�� le��t thi�d pe�eopod as cephalo-mesial an�le o�� 90o with p�ominent ��ollows: ante�olate�al and ante�ovent�al �ows acute spine, di�ected mesially; mesial lo��e each with 4 spines, exte�nal �ow with 4 spines su��t�ian�ula�, di�ected cephalically, endin� plus 2 p�oximal papillae, poste�ovent�al and in acute spine; meso-caudal p�ojection o�� poste�olate�al �ows each with 3 spines plus 1 spermatic channel terminating bifidly. p�oximal papilla. 660 Campos Fig. 1. Neostrengeria natashae, new species, male holotype, 11 mmaallee,, ccll 1122..00 mmmm,, cc���� 2211..00 mmmm,, ICN-MHN-CR 2616.. A, do�sal view o�� ca�apace and pe�eopods; B, la��e cheliped, exte�nal view; C, openin� o�� e����e�ent ���anchial channel, exte�nal view; D, le��t thi�d maxilliped, exte�nal view; E, ���ontal view o�� ca�apace. 661 A new species o�� ���eshwate� c�a�� o�� the �enus Neostrengeria Fi�st male �onopod st�on�ly ��ent caudo- Habitat. The specimens we�e collected in cephalic, with mesial side nea�ly st�ai�ht and shaded, moist ��anks o�� small st�eam. They su��distal shallow dep�ession, exte�nal ��o�de� we�e ��ound in so��t sand, unde� �ocks. with �ow o�� setae; ma��in nea�ly sinuous, ���in�ed with minute, acute spinules on distal Etymology. The species is dedicated to po�tion (Fi�. 2A); late�al lo��e semici�cula� the youn� Colom��ian-Ame�ican natu�alist with distal po�tion semi-acute, di�ected Natasha Campos. distally, caudal su���ace excavated, exte�nal ��o�de� with �ow o�� minute setae; accesso�y Remarks. This p�esent new species closed lo��e spatulate with distal po�tion �e�ula�ly �esem��les Neostrengeria lindigiana (Rath��un, �ounded, caudal su���ace cove�ed ��y �ou�h 189�). The main distin�uishin� ��eatu�e papillae (Fig. 2A), subequal in length to ��etween the species is in the ��i�st male late�al lo��e, almost continuous with late�al �onopod. In N. natashae, the mesial side lo��e, except ��y V-shaped �ecess ��etween is nea�ly st�ai�ht with a su��distal shallow accesso�y and late�al lo��es distally, on late�al dep�ession (nea�ly convex and sinuous view (Fi�. 2C); apex outline nea�ly o��lon� su��distally in N. lindigiana); the late�al lo��e in distal view, late�o-cephalic expanded into is �elatively na��owe�; the distal po�tion o�� t�ian�ula� p�ojection, ��o�min� a cephalo- the late�al lo��e is semi-acute and di�ected mesial an�le o�� 90o with p�ominent acute distally (it is �ounded and cu�ved to the axis o�� spine, di�ected mesially (Fi�. 2E); mesial lo��e �onopod in N. lindigiana); the acceso�y lo��e su��t�ian�ula�, di�ected cephalically, endin� is spatulated with the distal po�tion �e�ula�ly in acute spine (Fi�. 2D, E); meso-caudal rounded and subequal in length to lateral lobe p�ojection o�� spe�matic channel te�minatin� (it is elon�ated and distinctly sho�te� than bifidly: internal and external papillae of equal late�al lo��e in N. lindigiana); and the apex size (Fi�. 2D, E). outline is nea�ly o��lon� in distal view, with the late�o-cephalic expanded into t�ian�ula� Color. TThhee aallccoohhooll pp��eessee��vveedd hhoolloottyyppee iiss p�ojection and ��o�min� a cephalo-mesial ���own (nea� Olive B�own, 28) with pale an�le o�� 90o with p�ominent acute spine, ���own (nea� Cinnamon, 39) specks on the di�ected mesially (it is semici�cula�, ��o�min� do�sal side o�� the ca�apace. The walkin� caudo-cephalic �ounded expansion with acute legs are brown (Antique Brown, 37) dorsally cephalic spine in N. lindigiana) (see Fi�. 2; and li�ht ���own (Clay Colo�, 26) vent�ally. Campos, 2005: Fi�. 54A-I). The chelae a�e ���own (nea� Cinnamon, 33) do�sally and li�ht ���own (Clay Colo�, 26) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vent�ally. The vent�al su���ace o�� the ca�apace is ���own (nea� Olive B�own, 28) with yellow The autho� is ��ate��ul to the �eviewe�s ��o� specks (nea� Tawny Olive, 223D) on the p�ovidin� const�uctive comments on the ste�num and a��dominal se�ments. manusc�ipt. The illust�ations we�e p�epa�ed ��y Ca�olina Medellín. 662 Campos Fig. 2. Neostrengeria natashae, new species, male holotype, IICCNN--MMHHNN--CCRR 22661166... A, le��t first gonopod, caudal view; B, same, mesial view; C, same, late�al view; D, same, cephalic view; E, same, apex distal view. 1, late�al lo��e; 2, accesso�y lo��e; 3, mesial lo��e; 4, cephalic spine; 5, meso-caudal p�ojection o�� spe�matic channel. 663 A new species o�� ���eshwate� c�a�� o�� the �enus Neostrengeria LITERATURE CITED Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) with notes on �eo��aphical dist�i��ution o�� the �enus. Campos, M.R. 1992. New species o�� ���esh- P�oceedin�s o�� the Biolo�ical Society o�� wate� c�a��s o�� the �enus Neostrengeria �ashin�ton 98: �18 - �2�. P�etzmann, 1965 (C�ustacea: Decapoda: ortmann, A. 1893. Die Dekapoden-K�e��se Pseudothelphusidae) ���om Colom��ia. des St�ass��ou�� Museums, mit ��esonde� P�oceedin�s o�� the Biolo�ical Society o�� ��e�ücksichti�un� de� von He��n D�. Döde�lein �ashin�ton 105: 540 - 554. ��ei Japan und ��ei den Liu-Kiu-Inseln Campos, M.R. 11999944.. DDiivvee��ssiiddaadd eenn CCoolloomm����iiaa �esammelten und zu� Zeit im St�ass��u��e� de los can��ejos del �éne�o Neostrengeria. Museum au����ewah�ten Fo�men. VII Theil Academia Colom��iana de Ciencias Exactas A��theilun�: B�achyu�a (B�achyu�a �enuina Físicas y Natu�ales. Col. Jo��e Álva�ez Boas) II. Unte�a��theilun�: Canc�oidea, 2 Lle�as No. 5: 1 - 143. Section: Canc�inea, 1. G�uppe: Cyclometopa. Campos, M.R. 2000. Neostrengeria binderi, a Zoolo�ische Jah���üche�, A��theilun� ��ü� new species o�� pseudothelphusid c�a�� ���om Systematik, Geo��aphie und Biolo�ie de� the easte�n Andes o�� Colom��ia (C�ustacea: Thie�e �: 411 - 495. Decapoda: B�achyu�a). P�oceedin�s o�� the pretzmann, G. 1965. Vorläufiger Bericht Biolo�ical Society o�� �ashin�ton, 113: ü��e� die Familie Pseudothelphusidae. 401 - 405. Anzei�e� de� Öste��eichischen Akademie Campos, M.R. 2004. Neostrengeria de� �issenscha��ten Mathematische lemaitrei, a new species o�� ���eshwate� c�a�� Natu�wissenscha��tliche Klasse (1)1: 1-10. ���om Colom��ia (C�ustacea: Decapoda: pretzmann, G. 19�1. Fo�tsch�itte Pseudothelphusidae), and the ve�tical in der Klassifizierung der dist�i��ution o�� the �enus. P�oceedin�s o�� Pseudothelphusidae. Anzei�e� de� the Biolo�ical Society o�� �ashin�ton 11�: Mathematisch Natu�wissenscha��tliche 363 - 36�. de� Öste��eichischen Akademie de� Campos, M.R. 2005. F�eshwate� c�a��s ���om �issenscha��ten (1)1�9(1-4): 14 - 24. Colom��ia. A taxonomic and dist�i��utional rathbun, M.J. 189�. DDeesscc��iippttiioonnss ddee study. Academia Colom��iana de Ciencias nouvelles especes de c�a��es d�eau douce Exactas Físicas y Natu�ales. Col. Jo��e appa�tenant aux collections du Muséum Álva�ez Lle�as No. 24: 1 -363. d�Histoi�e natu�elle du Pa�is. Bulletin du Campos, M.R. & R. Lemaitre. 1998. A new Muséum nationale d�Histoi�e natu�elle, ���eshwate� c�a�� o�� the �enus Neostrengeria Pa�is 3(2): 58 - 61. P�etzmann, 1965, ���om Colom��ia (C�ustacea: rodríguez, G. 1982. Les c�a��es d�eau Decapoda: B�achyu�a: Pseudothelphusidae), douce d’Amérique. Famille des with a key to the species o�� the �enus. Pseudothelphusidae. Faune T�opicale 22: P�oceedin�s o�� the Biolo�ical Society o�� 1 - 223. �ashin�ton 111: 899 - 90�. smaLLey, A. 1964. A te�minolo�y ��o� the Campos, M.R. & M. pedraza. 2008. Two �onopods o�� the Ame�ican Rive� c�a��s. new species o�� ���eshwate� c�a�� o�� the Systematic Zoolo�y 13: 28 - 31. �enus Neostrengeria p�etzmann, 1965, smithe, F.B. 19�5. Natu�alist�s colo� �uide. ���om Colom��ia (C�ustacea: Decapoda: The Ame�ican Museum o�� Natu�al Histo�y, Pseudothelphusidae), with an updated key New Yo�k. Pa�t I: 1� unnum��e�ed pa�es. o�� the species o�� the �enus. Caldasia 30: 45� - 468. Campos, M.R. & G. rodríguez. 1985. A Reci��ido: 05/03/2011 new species o�� Neostrengeria (C�ustacea: Aceptado: 18/08/2011 664

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