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A new species of Euzonus (Polychaeta: Opheliidae) from subtidal zones in Japan PDF

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Preview A new species of Euzonus (Polychaeta: Opheliidae) from subtidal zones in Japan

TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society oofJfap anJapan ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 20I l 171 -l t77 (2003) @ 2003 Zoologic aSlociet yof Japan A New Species Euzonus (PolychaeOtphae:liidae) of from SubtidalZones inJapan Tadashi Misakai tand Masanori Sato2" iLaboratocy of Marine Biologic Fauinctio nG,raduat eSchool ofAgricuiture, kyot oUniversity; Kyot6o06-85C12J,apan. 2Departrnent of fart hand Ehvironment aSlcience ,FaculCs otf Scjence, KagoshimaUniversitKya)goshima890-O065,Japan. ABSTRACT-A new opheliid polychaet eE,uzonus japonic sups. nov,, is describe dT.his species was col- lected from subtidal zones in Japanese coasts, while most Euzonus species inhabi tinterti dsaanldy beaches ,E. 1'aponic usps. nov, is morphologically most similar to another subtidal species, E. fiabelliierus (Ziegelme ite9r55,> collected from northern Europe, but ditteren tfrom that in the form of branchia eT,hey share a unique characteristic on setiger 1O, i .e,, a pair of later atlransverse rows of conical cirri ,in$tead of a pai rof Iatera lsmooth ridges that are common to all interti dEauilonus species. Key words: taxonomy, new species, Polychaet aO,pheliida esu,btidal habitat pai rof latera ltransverse rows of conical cirri ,while alL inter- INTRODUCTION tida lspecies have a pai rof later asmlooth ridges on setiger Specie sof the genus Euionus (Polychae Otpah:elildae) 1O instead of conical cirri. are distinguis hferdom other opheliids by the body dMded In East Asia includi ntghe Far East Region of Russia int othree distin rcetgions: cephalic, thoraci cand abdominal (Annenko v1a9,35; Uschakov, 1955), northern Japan region, At present ,11 current species are kRown in this (Okuda 1,934, 1936; lmajima and Hartman ,1964} ,and the genus :E. arcticus Grube ,1866, E. furciieru (sEhle r1s8,97), Chinese coast of the Yello wSea (Deji aandn Ruping, 1988), E. mucronatus (Treadw e1l91[4,}, E, ezoensis (Okuda, three intertjd asplecies of the genus Euionus, E. arcticus, E. 1936), E. ditlonensi <sHartm a1n93,8), E. vviJfiamsi(Hartman, ezoensis anct E. dilionen shiasve been recorded, but no sub- 1938), E. fiabelliter u{sZiegelme i1e9r5,5}, E. profundus tida lspecie$ has been recorded. Thoracophelia yasudai Hartman ,1967, E heterocir rRuoszbaczyl oand Zamorano, describe bdy Okuda {1934 f)rom Japanese coast of the Sea 1970, E. otagoensis Prober t,1976, and E. zeidleri Hart- of Japan was regarded as a juni soynronym of E. arcticus mann-Schrbder and Parker ,1995, by lmajima and Hartman (1964). Most Euionus species inhabi tintertid aslandy beaches In the course of our examination of Japanese opheliid consisting of well-sorted, medium to fin esands (Okuda, polychaete sw,e found a species belonging to the genus 1934; McConnaughey and Fox, 1949; Dales, 1952; Probert, Euzonus from subtidal habitats .This species i s$imilar to E. 1976; Kemp, 1988; Buzhinskaja, 1991; Jaramil loet al., fiabetiii eirn ubsoth the unique morphological characteristic t993; JaramiHo ,1994 ;Hartmann-SchrOd erand Parker, on setiger 1O and the subtjdal habita tb,ut differe fnrtom that 1995; Souza and Gianuca ,1995) .However, E. fiabelliterusin the form of branchiae ,In the present paper ,we describe was collected from subtidal zones in the North Sea and the thi sspecies as new to science and as the seconci subtidal White Sea (Ziegelme i1e9r55,; Tzetlin ,1978; Hartmann- species of the genus Euionus. Schr6der, 1996), and E. profundu swas collected from an abyssal depth of 4008 m, southeast off the Cape Horn (Hart- MATERIALS AND METHODS man, 1967>, The subtidal species, E. fiabeilii erhuass ,a unique morphological characteristic on setiger 10, i ,e,, a Specimens were co"ected using a bottom sampler from sub- tida Lsandy bottoms at four coHection sites in Japan (Fi g1). .These 'Correspondingauthor/ Tel ,+81-99-285-8169; worms were fixed in 10% formal[ nfor more than 24 hr, rinsed in FAX, +81-99-259-4720. freshwate arnd transferred to 80% ethanol for preservatio enx,cept E-mail:[email protected],jp forspec[men sco[[ected from off Yura Beach, Miyazu in 25 Septem- tPresent address: Fisheries Divisio nE,conomic Attai rsDepart- ber 2001, which were tixed in 1OO% ethanol for futur eDNA analy- ment, Hidaka Subprefectur aOiffic e,Hokkaido Government, sis .For the preserve dspecimens, body length (BL )and body height Urakawa 057-8558 ,Japan. (BH )at setigers 5 and 15 were measured. The characteristics of lat- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan 1172 T. Misakaand M, Sato August 1973, coll. 1 .Hayashi, 1O specimens (BL 4:-11 mm); 25 September 2001, coll. T. Misaka, 7 $pecimens {BL :8-18 mm), Subtida lfring eof intertid aslandflat, Tomioka Bay (32a31'13N0,002'E),Reihoku,Amakusa-Shimoshimalsland, Kumamoto Prefectu r1e4,June 1999 ,coll ,A. Tamaki ,6 spec- imens (BL 8:- 1 mm), Al lmaterials complete. Diagnosi$ .Pair of Iatera ltransverse rows of 6-11 dor- sal and 2-4 ventral conical cirr ipresen ton setiger 10. Fif- teen pairs of branchiae present o,ccurring on setigers 12 to 26, Branchiae palmatif iwidth 3-7 finger-$hap ebdranches, Pygidiu mlackin tgriangula rmidventral anal plat eE,ach Iat- eral lobe of pygidiu mfringed with 7-12 cirri .Midventra lanal cirrus presen tas tiny round protrusio nbetween latera] lobes, often obscure, Description of the holotype. Body fusiform ,divided int othree distin crtegions[ cephalic region consisting of small pointe dprostomium and 2 setigers; inf)at etdhoracic region consisting of 8 setigers, separated from cephalic region by constrictjon behind setiger 2; abdominal region consisting of 22 setigers and pygidium s,eparated from tho- racic region by swolien setiger 1O; tota lof 32 setigers (Figs, Fig. 1. Map showing locatio nof collectio nsites in Japan, a: Oura 2a and 3a), Longltudina lmidventral groov epresen ts,hallow ABsmualayak., u sSabh-/i SmhOoifmdfoa s, Yhaiunmrdaal ostBltae nYaduc,mhi, gaMhiaymaazu B.eca: chT,o mMiinoakmai -iBzauy, , lzRue Piehnoiknu-, idni tnha ollraatce irrc eaggliroon,o vdee seppr iesn aebndt omiin naalbdo mriengailon; rpeagiio rno,f lPoanig rioftu- dorsolaternaulchalgroovespresentincephalicregion.Ven- tralmouth siitpresentincephalic region, probosciseversi- eral cirri and branchia ewere examined basica [oln ythe lef stide of the body except for some jnjure sdpecimens. Drawings were made ble ,Prostomial eyes absent. with a camera lucida and picture wsere taken with a digit acalmera Pai rof Iatera ltransverse rows of 11 dorsa land 3 ventral through a binocula rmicroscope. The type materials are deposited conical cirr ipresen ton setiger 10 (la sthtoraci csetiger) in the Nationa Slcience Museum, Tokyo (NSMT }C,oasta iBranch of (Fig s2.b and 3c) .Ventral conical cirr ipresent on setigers 9 eNnabterugral MHuissteourmy ,M uFseruamnk faunrdt t lM(n.sStMitFu )t Ze,Co,hoilboag i(cCa MMluNsHe) umt,,he SUennicvke-r- to 25: 3 cirri on setjgers 9 to 12, 2 cirri on setjgers 13 to 15, sity of Copenhagen (ZMUC ),and the Unite dState sNational and single cirrus on setigers 16 to 25, decreasing gradually Museum of Natural H[story (Smithson ilannstituti oWna)s,hington, to posteri osertigers in size. D, C, (USNM>. 15 palr sof branchia epresen to,ccurring on setigers 12 to 26 (Fig s2a., c and 3a, b, e); branchia epalmatifi dwith 4- 7 finger-shapedbranches, SYSTEMATICS Parapodi abiramous ,minute. Segmental eyes absent. Famil yOpheliida Mealmgren, 1867 Notoseta eand neurosetae all $imple capillary setae, arising Genus Euionus Grube, 1866 from slightly posteri otor each parapodia llobe .Notosetae Euzonus iaponic sup.s nov, longer than neurosetae at all setigers, except for las t6 set- Figs. 2-3 igers (setig e2r7s to 32) where notosetae and neurosetae Euzonus eioensis: Yokoyama and Hayashi, 1980[ 46-58. equal in lengt hS,etae on setigers 2 to around 5 and setigers Euzonus sp. 1: Nish iet aL, 2001: 256. 27 to 31 markedly longe rthan setae on other setigers. Las t5 setigers (setig e2r8 sto 32) decreasin grapidly to Type material. Holotype (NSMT-Pol-H B4L5: 91,3 mm) pygidium in size (Fi g3,b). Pygidium consisting of two latera[ and 4 paratype s(CMNH-ZWOO1939 ,SMF-13240, ZMUC, lobes ,lacking triangu[a rmidventral anal plate e;ach lateral USNM-1014014, BL: 7-15 mm)i subtidal sandy bottom, lob efringe wdith 12 minute tapering cirri ;midventral anal cir- depth of 15 m, Oura Bay (34e39 1'3N8,057'E )S,himoda, lzu rus obscure (Fi g3.g), Peninsul aS,hizuok aPrefectur 2e7, May 1996, coll ,T, Kato. Allometr yand variation. Al l35 specimens collected All materials complete, from four localiti ewesre pooled for the analysis of allometry Other material examined. Subtidal sandy bottom, and variatjon. Body heigh t(BH imm for setiger 5, BH2 mm depth of 11,5-16 m, off Yumigahama Beach (34037.5'N,fo rsetiger 15) wa$ correiated with body lengt h(B Lmm) 138"53,8' E)M,inami-iz ul,z uPeninsul aS,hizuok aPrefec- according to the regression formulae (Fi g4.)i BHi=O.08 ture, 25 May 2000, co)1, R. Ueshima ,7 specimens (BL 1:1- BL+O,6 (r2=O. 6P4<O,.OOOI) ,BH2=O,1 BL+O.2 (r2=O.67, 16 mm}, Subtida slandy bottom ,depth of 3-5 m, off Yura Pt:O.OOOI M>a.ximum body lengt hwas 18 mm. Tota lnum- Beach (35031 '13N5,017'E), Miyazu, Kyoto Prefecture ,20 ber of setigers was 31 or 32 possibl yth,ough it sexact count NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocallogical SSoociceityety ooff JJaapapnan New speciesof Euzonus from Japan 1173 c O.5 mm ii }')l lE 'i'1; iVii'///lm,lIi1]Ii L L' 'x' d e 1mm 1mm Fig .2. Euzonus japoni cspu, snov. a-c: Holotyp e<NSMT-Pol-H4 d5, 9e:) P.aratyp e(CMNH-ZWOOI9 3a9: )Wh.ole body, later avilew. b: Lat- eral transvers reQws ot dorsa lconical cirr i(DCC) on setiger 1O and ventral ones <VCC )on setiger 9 to 11. c/ Branchi aon setlger 20, well- stretched. d: Posteri oernd, dorsa lview, e/ Posterior end, ventral view. was difficu lbtecause the Ias t2-3 setigers were often cantly correlated with body lengt h(rtO. 1R=8O,.3 )(Fi g5b.), immersed int oan anterior one owing to various extent of The fir sstetiger with ventral conical cirr iwas setiger 9 con- constriction by fixation, stantiy, but the las tsetiger with those varied between setiger The number of dorsa land ventral conical cirr ion setiger 17 and setiger 25. Therefor en,umber of setigers with ventral 10 varied between 6 and 11 (avera±SgDei 9.2±1.4) and cirr i(VC )varied between 9 and 17 (14±,27.1) ,and i twas between 2 and 4 (2.±5O.6) ,respectively, The number of dor- correlated with body length according to the regression for- sal conical cirr i(D )was correlated with body lengt haccord- mula (Fi g5.c) :VC=O.25 BL+12 {r2=O. R2=2O,.O04), ing to the regression formul a(Fi g5.a) :D=O,18 BL+7.2 AII the specimens had 15 pair sof branchiae occurring (r2=O. 2R=5O,,O02) ,The number of ventral conical cirr ion on setiger s12 to 26 without any variation in thei rarrange- setiger 10 was almost constant at 2 or 3, and not signifi- ment, The maximum number of branches of a branchia <B) NII-Electronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan 1174 T,MisakaandM Sato ' t/' Fig ,3, Euzonus japoni cspu snov, a-c, e, g: Holotyp e(NSMT-Pol-H 4d5 9No)ntype collected from off Yura Beach, Miyazu in 25 Septem- ber 2001 f' Paratype (CMNH-ZWOOI939 )h,: Nontype collected from off Yum]gahama Beach, Minami-izu in 25 May 2000. a: Whole body, lat- eral view. b' Posterio ernd, latera lwew, c' Lateral transverse row of dorsa lconical cirri (DCC )on setiger 1O d' Latera ltransvers reow of dorsal conicar cirri <DCC )on setiger 1O and ventral contcal cirri (VCC} irom setiger 9, e, Branchiae w,ell-stretched, and ventra[ conical cir rd(VCC} on the m+ddle abdominal region t :Branchiae r,eiatively shnnked, and ventral conical cirn {VCC )on the middle abdominal region. g: Posterior end, ventral view The midventral anae cirru sis invisible. h: Posteno rend, ventral view. The midventral anal cirrus is visible {VAC). varied between 3 and 7 {5.±31.0) ,and it was correlated with well-stretched [n some specimens (Figs2.c and 3e), while body length according to the regression formul a<Fi g5d.): relattve[y shnnked in other ones (Fi g3.f),probabl yowing to B=O.19 BL+3.3 (r2=O4 9P<,O.OOOI) .The branchiae were various extent of constriction by fixation. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan New species of Euzonus from Japan 1175 The number of cirr ion each latera llobe of pygidiu mvar- ies between 7 and 12, though exact count was difficult 12it.9 bwbaeescta wuoesfeeten notf h oteb hstec wumorien u,ltea tbe usrit zaevlli osobfibe tl she aeta scli erara i s.Mt tiiind n yvsroeomnuentdr asapplneracloi tmceirnrursussion b E-rs.iraOsg.9-a68$ ts gA --" A- 1 1-eeeei .eei- AiiP A. (Fig3h,), AO ctDO A aommoo Reproduction .Oocytes {70-8 0 in diameter) were contained in the body cavity of 5 fema,lumes: 3 specimens (BL: ・l 4ts "-i4 mm> collected from off Yumigahama Beach, Minami- 2D,LEo]Zo izuin25 May 2000 and 2 specimens (BL1:6-17mm) col- lecte dfrom off Yura Beach ,Miyazu in 25 September 2001. o 5 10 15 20 Habitat. Subtida siandy bottoms. Di$tribution .Japanese coasts of the Pacifi cOcean, 5fi・:- the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea (Fi g1,), b Etymology. The specific name refers to Japan, the 489di - typelocaliottythisspecies, Remark s. Euz onus Japoni cspu.s nov. is morphologi- t s3t,a..Y$26gi iA-1" e-e " cally most simllar to E. fialoelli i(erZuisegelm e1i9e5r5), "- ed" known innorthern Europe (theNorth Sea and the White {.:i]oz Sea); they $hare a unique characteristic on setiger 1O, i .e., a pairof lateraltransverserows ofconical cirri,insteadofa pai rof later aslmooth ridges that is common to most Euzo- o 5 10 15 20 3 20 a c EgL. :.h-k':':・・,A tse-.8o[es AEtn g- 2gL, 6 ""A ." lo::t A---} ,.IL.: o si ccooooooo i.X-.J t gi sz oo .x cmoo A 8 £'} o o o 5 "o A5 20 o 5 10 15 20 8.- d .N 7986 es eA"eeAA 3 b ¢ cD g5E ---A -b ee bEe A st)u2 4E6 A AA" 2;-g.mp,q2si A-A 3l2. ooo t 2'ts oux)ooo 2 eeeS 1Ego iVh.tsan eE'-,f` " O 5 10 15 20 Alt Body lengt h{mm) o Fig ,5. Euzonus J'aponicus sp, nov, (sol i$ydmbols) and E fiabel- o 5 10 15 20 tiier u<sope nones). Relationships between body lengt hand (a} number of dorsa lconical cirri on setiger 10, (b )number ot ventral Body lengt h(mm) conical cirri on setiger 1O, (c )number of setigers with ventral conical cjrri ,and (d )rnaximum number ef branches of a branchia .Soli dcir- Fig .4. Euzonus J'aponi c us sp. nov. Relationshi pbsetween body cles: 12 specimens collected from lzu Peninsul a(Our aBay, Shi- Iength and (a )body heigh tat setiger 5 and (b )body heigh tat setiger moda and off Yumigahama Beach, Minami-izu). Soli dtriangles /17 15. Circle s1/2 specimens collected from lzu Penlnsul a<Our Baay, specimens collected from off Yura Beach, Miyazu. Soli dsquares: 6 Shimeda and off Yumigahama Beach, Minami-izu )T,riangie s1:7 specimens collected from Temjoka Bay, Amakusa-Shimo$hima specimens coe[ected from off Yura Beach, Miyazu ,Squares /6 spec- lslan dO.pen circles: data shown by Ziegelmeier (195 5Ta,belle 2) imens collected trom Tomioka Bay, Amakusa-Shimoshima lsiand. for 22 specLmens of E, fiabettii ecroHuescted from the North Sea. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan 1176 T, Misaka and M.Sato Tablel.Comparison of morphologicai characteristics [n two subtidal Euionus $pecies Species(Locality) E, Japoni cspu, snov, E. tlabe/titerus (Japan) (Nor tSeha) (Whi tSeea) Maximum body lengt h(mm) 18 9 16????12f24 Tota lnumber of setigers 31-32 31 or 32" No. of dorsa lconical cir rion setiger 1O 6-11 5-7 No. of ventral conicai cirri on setiger 1O 2" 1 Firs ft la$ tsetiger with ventral cirri 9/17-25 9111-16 (No .ot setigers with ventrai cirri) (9-17) {3-8) Firstflastbranchiatesetiger 12/26 12I25 (No o.f branchiat seetigers) (15) (14) {13) Maximum number of branches of a branchia 3-7 1-3 2? No. and form of cirri 7-12 7 on each IateraHob eof pygidium tapering round Form of midventral anal cirrus round, often ebscure round ?Tzetlin, Reterences Present study 'Har tman n-SZchri6deer,gelmeie r1,95 51996 1978 nus species. They are also unique in lackin ga triangular We re-examined ten specjmens, which were collected midventral anal plat ethat i scommon to most EIJzonu sspe- from off Yura Beach, Miyazu in 20 August 1973 and c[es. reported as E. ezoensis by Yokoyama and Hayashi (1980), E. iaponic usps. nov, differ sfrom E. tlabelb'ier uisn and judge tdhem as E. faponi cspu.s nov. Horikoshi and some characteristics (Tabl e1) iE. J'aponicu ssp, nov. has Tamaki (1978 a)nd Sakurai et aL (2001 a)lso reported the palmatif birdanchiae with 3-7 finger-shaped branches, while occurrence of "E. ezoensisi' from subtidal zones up to 19 m E. fiabeltii ehrauss trifi db,ifi dor unbranched branchiae in depth in northern Japan. Their specimens also may be E, (Ziegelme i1e9r5,5) ,ln comparison using individua wlisth japoni cspu, snov. though we have not examined them. corresponding BL of 3,8-9. 0mm (valu efso rE. fiabelliierus are basedon datashown inZiegelmeier,1955),maximum ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS number ofbranches ina branchiawas significantlylargerin E. Yaponi csup.s nov. <rang 3e-:6, average ±SD/ 4.5±O,9, We are gratef utlo lsao Hayashi (Kyot oUniversit yT)e,tsuya n=14) than in E. fiabellii e(r1u-s3 ,2,2±O.6, n=22) (Mann- Kato (Hokkai dUoniver$it yR)e,i Ueshima (Univer osf iTotkyyo) and Whitney U-test iP<O.OOOI) (Fi g5.d) .Number of dorsa lcon- Akio Tamaki (Nagas aUknjiversit yt)or kindl yprovid imnagterials, sipc. a nlcoirvr,i o(n 6s-et1i g0e8r., 51±O1 .wa4s ,n =s1ig4n)if ictahntalny i nlEa.r gfeL rainb Eel jlaipt eo(rn5ui-sc7u,s aSCntedan ttMieaor sneoaft h UKinyrioo vtUeo erUnsnio j t(ovyteK Tryssoui kttaUuynondbja vsfetaorfr sft ihotfe yisS )trhh,aeiflf mopo fjd n Fa cioMslahlreeicrntiie eeRR snoeefss meeaaaterr-cchh 6.2±O,7 ,n=22) {P<O.OO O<IF)i 5ga.), Number of ventral con- rials .We also thank Alexande rTzetli (nSta tUneivers ioft Myoscow} ica lcirr ion setiger 1O was large irn E. faponi cspu. snov, (2- and Mary E. Peterse n(Zoolog Miucsaeulm, Copenhagen) for their 3, 2,4±O.5, n=14) than E. fiabeltit e(i1 uv,sariation not shown help with literat ujrneformati onan,d two referees for their helpfu[ in Ziegelmeier ,f955), Number of setigers with ventral coni- comments. cal cirr iwas signiticantly large irn E. 1'aponic usps. nov. (9- 17, 13,6±2.6 ,n=14, from setiger 9 to setiger 17-25 )than in REFERENCES E. fiabelliter (us3- 85:.6±1.4 ,n=22, from setiger 9 to setiger 11-16) (P<O.OOOI()Figs.c), Annenkova N {1935 )Uber Dysponetus pygmaeus Levinsen und Euzonus atcticus Grube, Comptes Rendus de 1'Academi edes All the specimens of E. japonic usps. nov, were col- Science sde 1'URSS 3/ 233-236 lecte dfrom subtidal zones up to 15 m in depth, Similarl yE,. Buzhjnskaja GN <199 1D)iversity and biomass of polychaete sin fiabeiliier huass been reported from subtidal zones i nthe sheit ecosystems of the Far Eastern Sea$ of the USSR, North Sea and the White Sea (Ziegelme i1e9r5,5; Tzetlin, Ophelia Suppl 5: 539-545 1978; Hartmann-SchrOder1,996).The subtidalhabitatfsor Dales RP {1952 )The larva ldevelopment and ecology of thora- E. ja ponic sups. nov. and E . fiab eili i aerreu sin c ontrast w ith De j icao pnhYe,l iRau pmiucnrgo nSat a(19 (8T8 P)roelaycdhwa eeBtliolou l)Bsaun.nle ll1id0s2: 2co3m2mo-n2ly42 seen the interti dhaalbita tmsainly restricted within upper to mid- from the Chinese waters. Agriculture Press, Beijjng (i Cnhinese tida lzones fo rmost Euzonus species (Okuda 1,934; McCo- with Englis hsummary) nnaughey and Fox, 1949; Dales, 1952; Probert,1976; Hartman O (1967 )Polychaetou sannelids collected by the USNS JKaermapm, il1l9 8o18,9; 94 B;u zHhai rntsmkaanj n a-1,S99c1h;r 6 Jdaer aramnidl lo Peatr kaeL,r ,11999935;; Ha r tmEAatlntlnaa-nn SiHcn ahanrnOdcdo ecSrkt aM toGen no(lg1sr9i Ma9an6 rdc)A rnBuniiseoel sli2,d/ ac1,h -i3Be8ofP7rys tfernwoUm rAmenrt,ar cPto ilSycechaas-. Souza and Gianuca, 1995; our unpublished data), eta, 2nd ed, Gustav Fjsche rVerlag ,Jena NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan New species ofEuzonus fromJapan 1177 Hartmann-SchrOde rG, Parker SA (1995 F)our new species ot the Okuda S (193 6D)escriptl oonf a new sedentary porychaet e,7T}ora- fam[ly OpheliLda e<Polychae tfaro)m southern AustralF aR.ec S cophelia ezoensis n. sp. Proc Imp Acad Tokyo 12: 201-202 Aust Mus 28: 1-12 Prober tPK {1976 )New specLes of Euzonus (Polychae tOaph:eli- Horikosh iM, Tamaki A ( 1978) Benthi ccommunities in surf zone and idae }from a New Zealand sandy beach, NZ J Mar Freshwat otfshore area$ jn coastal waters along Nebama Beach, Unosu- Res iO: 375-379 mai Coast O,tsuchi Bay. Otsuchi Mar Res Cen Rep 4: 53-65 (in Sakura i1 ,Hayashi H, Kuwahara H (2eO lS)ediment environment Japanese) and macrobenthic community in surf clam bed ott Shimamaki lmajima M, Hariman O (1964 )Polychaetous annelids ot Japan. Coast, Hokkaido ,Japan. Nippon Suisan Gakkaish i67/ 687-695 Alla nHancock Found Occas Pap 26: 1-452 On Japanese with Englis hsummary) Jaramillo [ ( 1994) Pattern ost species richness in sandy beaches ot Souza JRB, Gianuca NM ( 1995} Zonatio nans seasonal vari ation of South America .S Afr J Zool 29/ 227-234 the interti dmaalcrotauna on a sandy beach ot Parana State, Jaramill Eo, McLachlan A, Coetze eP {199 3l}nterti dzaonlation pat- Brazi lS.c iMar 59: 103-"1 terns of macroinfauna over a range of exposed sandy beaches Tzetli AnB (1978 F)indings of polychaete snew for the White Sea. in south-central Chile M.ar Ecol Prog Ser 1Ol : 1 05-"8 Zool Zh 57/ 1264-1267 (i Rnussian) Kemp PF {1988 )Productio nand lif ehistor yot a deposit-teeding U$chakov P (1955 P}olychaet eworms ot the Far-easte rnSeas of polychaet ein an atypical environment, Estuar Coast Shelf Sci the USSR. 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