Volume 61, Number2 ST JournaloftheLepidopterists'Society 61(2),2007,S7-S9 A NEW SPECIES OFEUXOA (NOCTUIDAE) FROM WASHINGTON STATE Anders Craboand Lars Crabo 72414thStreet,Bellingham,WA98225,USA email:[email protected] ABSTRACT. Euxoa emrna Crabo & Crabo, allied to Euxoaannulipes (Smith), is described from North Central Washington. It is the secondmemberofdieannulipesgroupofthesubgenusEuxoa. Adultsandgenitaliaofbothspeciesareillustrated. Additionalkevwords: ColumbiaBasin,endemic An undescribed species of die genus Euxoa was The mean ratio of the lengths of either harpe to the discoveredin2004 from northcentralWashingtonstate. ipsilateral sacculus length is 0.78 foremrna (range 0.75- Itis superficiallysimilartoEuxoaannulipes (Smith) and 0.82) comparedto 0.66 forannulipes (range 0.63-0.71). thetwo species arecloselyrelatedbasedonsimilarityof In the female (Fig. 4a), the anterior apophyses of die genitalia. emrna tend to be shorter than those ofannulipes (Fig. 4b), although this difference is notconsistent. Females Materials and Methods are best identified by superficial appearance and Male and female genitalia dissections were associationwith the males. performedusingthe methods ofLafontaine (1987). Thetwospecies aresuperficiallysimilarbutthereare several subtle differences. The forewing ofE. emrna is Euxoa emrna Crabo & Crabo, new species warmer cream colored and less gray tiian diat of (Figures 1, 3a-b, 4a) annulipes. It is also smoother appearing than that of annulipes clue to the presence of fewer black scales. Diagnosis. The male genitalia of the new species The forewinglines are more distinctinE.emrna thanin (Fig. 3a) differ from those of annulipes (Fig 3b) in annulipes. several respects. The valves ofemrna are wider than The two species can also be separated bv locality. dioseofannulipes. Inemrna the meanratiooflengthto Emma occurs in northern Washington whereas mesialwiddiis 4.12 (range 3.96-4.35) comparedto 4.70 annulipes is found south ofeast central Oregon. (range 4.42-4.95) forannulipes. The sacculus ofemrna Description. Head, tiiorax, and abdomen nearly concolorous, is shorter, the harpes are longer, and the saccular VliIgIhIt;gfrraoynisshwittahn,tahidnartkreanrssvpeortseonbltahcekdlionresduomrsoaflatbodformoinntaalltsuebgermcelnet: extensions tend to be shorter than those ofannulipes. palpiwith first and second segments coveredwith mixture ofblack > i *** * * 1 Fig. 1. AdultofE.emrna. HolotypecJ.Washington,FerryCounty Fig.2. AdultofE.annulipes.6". Oregon,MalheurCountv,Namorf. . 88 Journalofthe Lepidopterist.s' Society mm 1 Fig. 3. Male genitalia, a) E. emma genital capsule b) E. emma aedoeaguswithevertedvesicac)E. annulipesgenitalcapsule and grayish white scales, the third segment grayish white. Male vaenntteranlnlaye;dboirssearlraatnetenannadofbibfoastchicsuelxaetse;witfhemtawloe-tfoinleidfolrimghtangrday,cidliaartke Fig.4. Femalegenitalia, a)E. emma b)E. annulipes. gray to black tipped scales; scape grayish white. Legs proximal to segmentVIIIshort, IXaslongasovipositorlobes;anteriorapophyses tarsus grayish white to gray; tarsal segments black proximally and 1.3XaslongasabdominalsegmentVIIIandposteriorapophysis3Xas whitedistally,producingastripedappearance. longas segmentVIII. Ductusbursae3Xas longaswideand3Xas Forewinglength: mean 14mm, range 13-15mm. Forewingwith longas abdominalsegmentVIII,with dorsalandventralsclerotized mixture ofgrayish white andlighttanto reddish tan and occasional bands extending anteriorly from sclerotized ostium bursae. Bursa black and grey scales, appearing smooth light gray tan, a few copulatrixunisaccate, 1.8Xlongerthantheductusbursaeand 1.5Xas specimenswithwarmred-brownsuffusion,posteriormarginandareas long as wide, attached to ductus bursae at right posterior end and distaltopostmedianlinewithvariabledarkergraysuffusion(morein ductusseminalisatleftposteriorend. females), subterminalspacedarkergravthan remainderofforewing, Type Material. Holotype: o: WASHINGTON: FerrvCo., Lake greatestonveins anddarkestatcosta, fringe groundcolorwith two RooseveltS.JimMt,47.900°N, 118.495°W,24June2004,2175',EK very faint gray lines. Basal, antemedian, median, and postmedian andLGCrabo.depositedindieCanadianNationalCollection(CNC), linesblack,prominentatcosta;basallineincomplete;antemedianline Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Paratypes: 31 i, 10 9. Same data as double with weak proximal component, toothed inwardly on veins, holotype (21 6,59); same localityandcollectors as holotype, 6July sometimes interrupted; median line most prominent, with convex 2005 (10i, 5 9). The paratypes are depositedin the CNC and the contourbelowreniformspot;postmedianlinedoublewidiweakdistal personal collection of Lars Crabo. Additional paratypes will be component, prominently scalloped, toothed outwardly on veins; distributedtoWashingtonStateUniversity,Pullman,Washingtonand subterminallinefaint,pale,evidentmostlyduetodarkgrayshadingin dieUnitedStatesNational Museum,WashingtonD.C. aCdljaavciefnotrmspsapcoets;abtseernmti;noarlbilcinuelaarsseproitespaolfedgarrakygwrhaiytec,hbeavrreolnystorancevaebilnse., Distribution and Biology. E. emma is known only evidentmostlyduetopalefilling;reniformspotpalegraywhite,filled from thetypelocalityinWashington. Itis asouthfacing with pale gray and pale graywhite scales. Hindwing ground color slope near the Columbia River (Lake Roosevelt) with mliegdhtiagnralyinwehaibtsee,ntt,erfrmiinngaelwthhiitrids,h.veins and discal spot darker gray, rocky outcrops. The rocks at this location are Male genitalia (Fig 3a-b). Valves symmetrical, 4.12X as long as metamorphic (Stoffel et al 1991), not basalt which wide,widemesiallywithconvexdorsalmargin,cucullus footshaped covers most ofcentral Washington. The vegetation is withcoronaof12-16stoutsetae;sacculus0.45Xaslongasvalveand 2.IX as long as wide, oval, with convex dorsal margin; saccular sparse ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. extensions cylindrical, asymmetrical, projecting slightly dorsad, die (Pinaceae)) forest with antelope brush (Purshia right0.33Xandtheleft0.31Xaslongasthevalves;harpesC-shaped, tridentata (Pursh) (Rosaceae)) understory. esyxmpmaentdreidcalm,esi0a.l7ly8,Xwaisthlotnhginashosoakcecudluasp.ex.UncJuuxstareslhaiteilvdelyshsahpoerdt., The tvpe serieswas collectedat lightin lateJune. Aedoeagus4Xaslongaswide;vesica1.9Xlengthofaedoeagus,bent The earlystages ofE. emma are unknown. 90°dorsadsubbasally,bearingsinglesubbasal,median,andverysmall Etvmology. Euxoa emma is named in honor of apicFaelmdailveertgiecnuiltaa.lia(Fig4a). Ovipositorlobestriangular,stout, IXas EmmaCrabo, theauthors' youngestfamilymemberand longaswide, medial marginswidi a short sclerotized flange, lateral an eager camper and moth collector. Emmahelped to surfaces covered with short tilin setae and base with skirt of collect the type series andwas directly responsible for innumerable long hairlike setae which cover the lobes. Abdominal Volume 61, Number 2 89 selecting the collecting site. Without her, this species Copablepharon mutans Crabo & Lafontaine, C. mightneverhave been discovered. Columbia Crabo & Lafontaine, C. spiriturn spiritum Crabo & Fauske, C. viridisparsa hopfingeri Discussion Franclemont, andOncocnemisparvacanaTroubridge& Euxoais averylargegenus ofdrablycolored medium Crabo. These are restricted to sand habitats, sized modis. Most species occur in dry temperate particularlydunes. E.emma istheonlyendemicspecies habitats, often open forests or steppe. Over three not restricted to sand and might therefore be more hundred species occur world wide, with over 175 in widely distributed. It should be sought at other NorthAmerica (Lafontaine 1987). Nearlyonehundred locations in northern Washington and southern British of these occur in the Pacific Northwest. The North Columbia, particularly in rocky habitats along the American Euxoa were revised by Lafontaine (1987), Columbia River. who definedsubgeneraand species groups. Acknowledgments speEc.ieesmignraoupisitnhethesescuobngdenmuesmbEuexroao.f tThheisangnruoluippeiss ideWnteifiaerdeE.iendmembateadsatoneDwr.spJe.ciDesonaanlddkiLndalfyonetnacionuerawgheodufsirtsot defined bvcharacters ofthe male genitalia, specifically nameit. the hook shaped uncus, oval sacculus, and pincer-like Literature Cited harpe and saccular extension (Lafontaine 1987). The distributions ofthesetwospecies are disjunct. E.emma Lafontaine,J.D. 1987. Noctuoidea:Noctuidae(part)In Dominick, R. B.,etal.,The MothsofAmericaNorthofMexico,fasc.27.2. occurs several hundred miles north of the range of AllenPress,Lawrence, Kansas.238pp. aWnensutlinpoerst.htTohtehelBatutrenrtisRifvoeurnidn eianstt-hceenitrnatlerOmroeugnotna.in Stof-fKeolNr,oorsKt.ehceLa.&s,tNB..QuLBa..dJrBoausnnetnp.ih,ngWS..asZ1h.9i9Wn1a.ggtgoGoneonlDeoirgv,iiscCi.MonaWp.ofGoufGleWioaclskoh,ignvMg.taonAnd. E.emmais endemictoWashingtonasitisknownonly EarthResources. GeologicMapGM-39. from the type locality. The Columbia Basin region has Receivedforpublication 27April2006: revisedandaccepted28 several other endemic noctuid taxa, including February2007.