Volume 60, Number 3 161 JournaloftheLepidopterists'Society 60(3),2006,161-164 A NEWSPECIES OF EUCOSMA HUBNER (TORTRICIDAE: OLETHREUTINAE) FROM THE TALL GRASS PRAIRIE REGION OF MIDWESTERN NORTH AMERICA Donald Wright 3349MorrisonAve.,Cincinnati,Ohio45J2.20-1430,USA email:[email protected] ABSTRACT. Eucosma haydenae, new species, is described from Iowa and Illinois. This species, which seems to be atall grass prairie obligate,issimilarinappearancetoE.rusticana(Kearfott)butismuchsmaller.Areviewofrusticanaisincluded,andillustrationsareprovided fortheadultsandgenitaliaofbothspecies. Additionalkeywords: Eucosmini. The once pervasive tall grass prairie of the North places, ol the corresponding values calculated for a American Midwest is now reduced to a scattered small sample of specimens. The number of assortment of small disjunct patches, but those measurements or observations supporting a particular remnants stillharborinsectsthatare rarelyencountered statement is indicated by n. Forewing pattern elsewhere. This paper proposes a name for one such terminology follows Brown & Powell (1991) and insect, asmallbrown moth describedbelowas Eucosma Baixeras (2002). haijdenae, newspecies. Itwas discovered during fauna! SpeciesAccounts surveys in five prairie preserves, one in northeast Iowa, four in the vicinity of Chicago, Illinois. In general Eucosma rusticana Kearfott appearance it is most similar to Eucosma rusticana (Figs. 2, 4, 7, 8) Kearfott, but the two species are separated easily by Eucosma rusticana Kearfott 1905:358; Barnes and their marked difference in size. McDunnough 1917:170; Heinrich 1923:125. Fig. 162; Eucosma rusticana is distributed widely in eastern McDunnough 1939:47; Powell 1983:35. North America but is rather poorly represented in AMTNyHpe.s.PaLreacltecottoytpyepedse.siNgnOaRteTdHbyCHAeRiOnrLiIcNhA(:192T3r)v:o6n",,KFeirsrkvei,ll1e,3TMexa.y, collections. Kearfott (1905) describedthe species based 1903 (1 d, USNM),28 May 1904 (1d, USNM), 1August 1904 (1o, on sixspecimens. Klots (1942) reported two svntypesin USNM,genitaliaslide70461),nodate(19,USNM). the American Museum of Natural Histoiy (AMNH), Remarks. Eucosma rusticana is identified bv the including one labeled LECTOTYPE, a designation he following forewing characteristics: dorsal surface (Fig. attributedto Heinrich (1923). Iexaminedthelectotype. 2) divided longitudinallyinto ablackish-brown anterior ThesecondsyntypeindieAMNH, reportedbyKearfott region and a brownish-tan dorsoterminal region, the (1905) from Algonquin, Illinois, was not found. I also line ofseparation runningroughlyalongthecubitalvein examined four syntypes at the United States National from base to ocellus and from there obliquelv outward Museum (USNM). to costajust short ofapex; region between said line and dorsal margin crossed longitudinallv bv three or four Materials and Methods brown streaks; ocellus with pale-tan central field. This study is based on an examination of 97 adult bordered basally and distally by indistinct, transverse, specimens and 10 genitalia preparations from the silvery-gray bars and crossed longitudinally bv two, following collections: AMNH, Loran D. Gibson, Todd variably expressed, dark-brown dashes; nindi costal Gilligan (TG), Mississippi Entomological Museum strigula white and conspicuous, odier costal strigulae (MEM), USNM, Ron Panzer, and Donald Wright gray and obscure. In melanic specimens die anterior J. (DJW). Forewing length (FWL), defined as distance region of the forewing is nearly all black, with black- from base to apex (including fringe), was measured to suffusion extending to dorsum, but the streaked thenearestonetenthofamillimeter. Arough indication appearance of the dorsal region is still apparent. FWL mm of forewing geometry is provided by the aspect ratio Forewing statistics: 6 9-12 (mean = 10.3. ri = (AR), defined as FWL divided by medial forewing 25), AR = 2,57, CFR = 0.47,2 FWL9.9-12.2 mm (mean width, the later measurement taken perpendicular to = 11.2, n = 5), AR = 2.43. the dorsal margin. Costal fold ratio (CFR) is defined as Male genitalia (Fig. 4) (n = 2): Uncus convex and moderatelv costal fold length divided by FWL. Reported values of developed, socii longandsetose, dorsolateral shoulders oftegumen welldeveloped,gnathosanarrowband;vesicawithca.22deciduous AR and CFR are averages, rounded to two decimal comuti, valva with dorsal margin strongly concave, apex rounded. 162 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society Figs 1^: Adultsandmalegenitalia. 1,haydenae,holotype. 2,rusticana, RowanCo., Kentucky. 3,haydenae, HowardCo.,Iowa, slide DJW556. 4,rusticana,WyandotCo.,Ohio, slide DJW 167. Scalebar: = 0.5mm ventral two thirds ofdistal margin convex, dorsal one third mildly Eucosma. Mean FWL ofsuperficially similar rusticana inset,producingnarrowingofapicalonethirdofcucullus,analangle is ca. 3 mm longer than that ofhaydenae. Distinctive rounded,neckwithscoopedoutinvaginationofventrolateral margin (indicatedbydashedlinein Fig. 4),cornerofsacculus roundedand male genitalic characters include the scooped out nearlyright-angled, margin ofbasalopeningwithweaklydeveloped invagination of the medioventral surface of the valval medial projection supporting a small patch of spines. Female neck and the rounded anteroventral projections ofthe genitalia (Fig. 8) (n = 2): papillae anales small, facinglaterallyand sparsely setose; sterigma (Fig. 7) semirectangular, length ca. 1.5x anellus. The sclerotized twist in die female ductus width,witiishallowtroughfromcenterofposteriormargintoostium, bursae is prominent but notuniqueto this species. lamella antevaginalis ringlike and very weakly sclerotized, lamella Description. Head: Lower frons creamy white, upper frons postvaginalis with lateral and posterior surfaces densely creamy white to light brown, vertex brown, scales adjacent to eye microtriehiate;posteriormarginofsternumVIIinvaginatedtothree lighter; labialpalpuswithbasalsegmentwhite,secondsegmentwith lourths length ofsterigma and closely approximate diereto; ductus medial surface and dorsal margin white, lateral surface graybrown bursae short, ofnearlyuniform width,withvariablysclerotized ring with white medial mark, third segment brown, often with blackish- posteriortojuncturewith ductusseminalis; corpusbursaewithtwo, brown apex; antenna with dorsal surface brown, posterior surface large,fin-shapedsigna,innersurfaceofmembranemicrotriehiate. white. Thorax: Dorsal surface orange brown, scales at posterior Biologyanddistribution. I examined52specimens extremityoftegulashadingtotan,ventralsurfacecreamywhite,fore (46 6, 69) from Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, andmidlegswithanteriorsurfacespalegraybrown,posteriorsurfaces white, hindlegs white to tan, midtibia with white, oblique, medial Missouri, Mississippi, NorthCarolina, Ohio,Tennessee, mark on anterior surface, fore and mid tarsi with pale white Texas and Wisconsin. The flight period extends from annulations. Forewing (Fig. 1): 6 FWL 6-8.2 mm (mean = 7.3, n = mid April to mid August, the earliest records coming A29R),=AR2.=71;2.8c2o,stCaFwRea=kl0y.4c8o,n9vFexW,Lap7e.x5-8n.e2armlymri(gmheta-anng=le7d.,9,tner=m2e)n, from Mississippi. Midwest records are predominantly weakly convex; dorsal surface with blackish-brown region bounded from June and July. No larval host has been reported, anteriorly bybasal one halfofcosta, posteriorlybycubitalvein and but other members ofthe genus are known to be stem distallybyendofdiscalcell,regionbetweencubitalveinanddorsum whitetotan,withorange-brownsuffusionnearbaseandalongbasal and rootborers ofAsteraceae. margin of ocellus, a narrow, sometimes interrupted, brown streak alongdorsalmargin;ocellusborderedbasallyanddistallybysilvery- Eucosma haydenae new species graytransversebars,centralfieldlighttan,crossedlongitudinallyby up to four, variably expressed, thin, black dashes; orange-brown (Figs. 1, 3, 5, 6) scalingalongdistalonehalfofcosta,crossedbyfive,paired,whiteto Diagnosis. Size and forewingmaculationdistinguish gray strigulae and their associated silvery-gray stria; ninth costal haydenaefrom othereastern NorthAmericanspeciesof strigulawhite; fringe graybrown anteriorly, becomingpaler toward Volume 60, Number3 163 tomus. Male genitalia (Fig. 3) (n = 4): Uncus a rounded, dorsally Paratypes. ILLINOIS: Dupage Co., W. Chicago Prairie, R. setose lobe, divided mediallybyshallowindentation; socii longand Panzer,23 May2004 (56, 29, 6genitaliaslide DJW129L2 genitalia densely setose; gnathos a narrow band, aedeagus tapered distallv, slidesDJW1290&1296),6June2004{16);LeeCo.,GreenRiverE., pversoijceactiwointsh acta.a2nt2erdoevceindturaolusexctormeumtiiti;esa;nevlalluvsawwiitthhscmoasltlalromuanrdgeind J6uJnuely22000002(1(16)6,).23IOJWuAne:1S9a9m7e(8loAc,algietnyitaaslhioalsoltiodyepDe,JDW.5J5.6W)r,i2g8htJ,u2n1e stronglyconcave,apexevenlyrounded,distalmarginconvex,ventral 1995(2£,genitaliaslidesDJW131&206),T. Gilligan(26).Paratvpe anglenarrowlyrounded,neckwidistronglyscoopedoutinvagination depositories:AMNH,TG,MEM,USNM,DJW ofmedioventralmargin,cuculluswith medialsurfacedenselysetose Etymology. Dr. Ada Hayden (1884-1950) was a and with ca. 10 stout setae evenly distributed along distal margin, sacculus moderately setose, margin of basal opening with narrow botanist at Iowa State College (now Iowa State raised pulvinus, die latter connected to neck byweakly developed University)whodevotedmuchofherprofessionallifeto ridge. Femalegenitalia (Fig. 5) (n = 2): papillae anales small, facing the study ofthe native Iowa prairie (Isely, 1989). Her ventrallv and moderately setose; sterigma (Fig. 6) long and semirectangular, lengdi more than 2x width, lamella antevaginalis advocacyindie 1940'sforconservationofprairiehabitat ringlike and weakly sclerotized, lamella postvaginalis with lateral was largely responsible for the preservation ofthe 240 ridges bordering shallow medial trough, surface microtrichiate; acre tract in northeast Iowa that now bears her name lsetnegrdniumofVIsItewriidgimap,osctleorsieolrymaaprpgrionxdiemeaptleytaondstnearrirgomwal;ydiuncvtaugsinabtuerdsateo and serves as the type locality for the moth described with sclerotized twist posterior to juncture with ductus seminalis; here. It's a joleasure to name this insect after Dr. corpusbursaewithtwofinshapedsignaposteriortomidbursa,inner Hayden. surfacemicrotrichiate. Holotype.6,IOWA, HowardCo., HaydenPrairie,23June 1997, Distribution and biology. I examined45 specimens D. J. WrighWt, deposited in USNM. Type locality at 43°26' 35" N, (436", 29), documentingaflightperiod from late Mayto 92°22'58" Figs.5-8: Femalegenitalia. 5-6,haydenae, DupageCo., Illinois,slide DJW 1290. 7-8,rusticana,CookCo., Illinois,slide DJW 1289. Scalebars = 0.5mm. . 164 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society the beginningofJuly. All were collected in remnant tall Brown, R. L. &J.A. Powell. 1991. Description ofanewspeciesof grass prairie habitat in Howard County, Iowa, and in Epiblema (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae: Olethreutinae)from coastal redwood forests in California with an analysis ofthe forewing Cook, Dupage, and Lee Counties in Illinois. The larval pattern.Pan-PacificEntomol.67:107-114. host is not known but, as with msticana, is probably a HEINRICH, C. 1923. Revision ofthe North American moths ofthe subfamily Eucosminae ofthe family Olethreutidae. U.S. Nat. species ofAsteraceae MusBull. 123:1-298. Remark. Thehaydenaespecimens from theChicago Isely,D. 1989.AdaHayden:ATribute.Jour. IowaAcad.Sci.96(1):1- area have a generally blacker appearance than those 5. from Iowa. Kearfott, W. D. 1905. Descriptions of new species of Tortricid moths from North Carolina, with notes. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 28:349-364. Acknowledgements Klots, A. B. 1942. Type material of North American microlepi- I thankJ. W. Brown, R. L. Brown, and R. T. Schuh for the dopteraotherthanAegeriidaeintheAmerican MuseumofNat- loanofspecimensundertheircare. KarlGnaedingergenerously ural History.Bull.Amer. Mus.ofNat. Hist.79:391-424. supplied me with specimens from the Chicago area, and D. McDunnough,J. 1939.CheckListofdieLepidopteraofCanadaand Howell, Iowa Department ofNatural Resources, helped with the United States ofAmerica. Part II Microlepidoptera. Mem. permitstosample the HaydenPrairie faunaandwithbiograph- South.Calif.Acad. Sci.2:3-171. icalinformation on Ada Hayden. Two anonymous reviewers of- Powell, J. A. 198.3. Tortricidae, pp. 31-41. In Hodges, R. W. et al. feredhelpfulcommentsonthe manuscript. (eds.),ChecklistoftheLepidopteraofAmericanorthofMexico. E. W. Classey & Wedge Entomol. Res. Foundation. London, Literature Cited England. Baixeras, J. 2002. An overview ofgenus level taxonomic problems Receivedforpublication6January2006;revisedandaccepted19June surrounding Areyroploce Hiibner (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), 2006 with description of a new species. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 95(4);422-431. Barnes,W. & McDunnouch. 1917. ChecklistoftheLepidoptera J. ofBorealAmerica. HeraldPress,Decatur,Illinois.392pp.