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A new species of Erylus Gray, 1867 (Porifera, Geodiidae) from the southeastern coast of Brazil PDF

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Preview A new species of Erylus Gray, 1867 (Porifera, Geodiidae) from the southeastern coast of Brazil

Beaufortia BULLETIN ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM UNIVERSITYOFAMSTERDAM Vol. 51, no. 4 October 22, 2001 A new species ofErylus Gray, 1867 (Porifera, Geodiidae) from the southeasterncoast ofBrazil Beatriz Mothes:*& Cléa Lerner** *MuseudeCiênciasNaturais, Setor dePorifera, Fundaçào £'oobotânicadoRioGrande doSul, CaixaPostal 1188, 90001- 970,PortoAlegre,RS, Brazil■ E-mail:[email protected] **Instituto deBiociências, Departamento deApologia, UniversidadedeSâoPaulo, SP, Brazil &Museude CiênciasNaturais, SetordePorifera, Fundaçào doRioGrandedoSul, CaixaPostal1188,90001-970, PortoAlegre,RS, Brazil- E-mail:[email protected] Abstract Anewspecies, Erylussoestin.sp.is describedfromSE Brazil. This studyispart ofanongoingrevision of genus ErylusGray, 1867(Mothes,Lerner& DaSilva, 1999;Mothes&Lerner, 1999)andadds afurtherbrazilianspecies tothe genus. Thisnew species canbe distinguishedby thepossession ofdichotriaenes, oxeas, and peculiar cushion-like aspidasters with extremely irregularoutline, microspinedmicrostrongyles and sphaeroxyasters.Akeyfor identification ofbrazilian species is provided. Keywords: Porifera, Geodiidae,Erylussoesti n.sp., Brazil, taxonomy INTRODUCTION Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundaçâo Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and A taxonomic revision of material recorded in slides deposited in the Zoôlogisch Museum Mothes-de-Moraes (1981) as Erylus topsenti Amsterdam, Netherlands. Lendenfeld, 1903 resulted in the discovery of a Skeletal slides and dissociated spicule mounts newspecies: Erylus soesti n. sp. from southeastern were made according to Mothes-de-Moraes Atlantic. Thenewspecies is describedbelowand (1978). Dissociated spicules were mounted on compared torelated species from the Atlantic. scanning stubs inthe following way:asmall frag- ment of the sponge was boiled in nitric acid MATERIALSAND METHODS inside test-tube. Suspensions were then washed withwater and thencentrifuged five times. Some Thestudiedmaterial was collected off southeast- drops of suspension were put on top of cover ern brazilian coast (25°01'S 44°45'W) by the glass previously attached on thestubwithcolour- R/V Almirante Saldanha'on 07-1-1972, 918 m less nail-polish. Then, it was driedundera lamp. deep. Holotype MCNPOR 352 is deposited at Stubs were then vacuum coated in gold or plat- 83 Erylus topsenti sensu Mothes-de-Moraes (1981: 105-111) MATERIAL HOLOTYPE.- Museu de CiênciasNaturais,MCNPOR352, offSàoPaulo coast,25°01' S44°45' W,Brazil,slope, 918m, January 1972, coll R/V 'AlmiranteSaldanha'. Microscop- ical slideis deposited inZoôlogisch Museum Amsterdam. DESCRIPTION (Figs. 2-4). - Small fragment with an inconspicuous lobatedexpansion, 1.5 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. Surface slightly hispid. Oscules not visi- ble. Uniporal openings randomly distributed at the surface. Colour of preserved material exter- nally grey and internally beige. Consistency is externally hardand internally slighdy compress- ible. Skeleton: ectosome: withusual detachablecortex, microrhabds paratangentially to irregularly placed near the surface of sponge, sometimes they are mixedamongtheaspidasters, aspidasters internally disposed in theectosome inseveral lay- ers. Choanosome: radial architecture, dichotri- aenes with subcortical clads paratangentially Fig. 1.Mapof SouthAmericaindicating thelocationwhere placed immediately underof the cortex, rhabds the sample was collected. pointed to the interiorof choanosome, oxeas iso- lated or in bundles with two or three spicules inum. The SEM study was made using a Jeol between the rhabds, sometimes oxeas cross the JSM-5200 Scanning Microscope. Spicule cortex and protrude at the sponge surface, micrometres given in the text refer to minimum- sphaeroxyasters randomly distributed inside the mean-maximum length/minimum-mean-maxi- choanosome, sometimes aspidasters and mumwidth. Measures are given in (j.m. N = 50 microrhabds are also visible inside the forall the measurements,unlessstated otherwise. choanosome. Thetype locality is shown inFig. 1.Abbreviations Megascleres (Figs. 5-9): dichotriaeneswith rhabd for institutions used in the text: FZB: Fundaçâo conicalandstraight withasymmetrical or slightiy Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto blunt distal extremity, 805-1105.8-1380/ 47.5- Alegre, Brazil. MCN: Museu de Ciências 71.8-95; clads of cladome slighdy rounded; pro- Naturais, Porto Alegre, Brazil. MCNPOR: tocladsslightly curved up anddeuterocladsslight- MCN, Porifera Collection. ZMA: Zoological ly curved downand horizontal, cladome 713- Museum, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 897.9-1058, length of protoclads 104.5-134.5- Netherlands. 171, length of deuteroclads 256.5-321.1-408.5, oxeas long and strong, sharply pointed, rarely SYSTEMATICS slighdy rounded or mucronated, axial channel Class Demospongiae Sollas, 1885 visible, 2093-2628.9-3220/ 33.3- 43.8-57. Rare Order Astrophorida Lévi, 1973 plagiotriaenes, clads 506-920/57-71.3(n=4). Family GeodiidaeGray, 1867 Microscleres (Figs. 10-15): aspidasters very pecu- GenusErylus Gray, 1867 liar, with extremely irregular outline, rarely disc or elliptical-shaped, cushion-like (not flattened), Erylus soesti n. sp. hilum measures approximately 23 (im in diame- Figs. 2-15 ter when visible, surface made up of groups of 84 Fig. 4.Erylussoestin.sp., tangentialsectionofskeletalarchi- tecture. REMARKS The taxonomic revision of material previously Figs. 2-3.Etylus soestin. sp., holotype (MCNPOR 352), pre- recorded by Mothes de Moraes (1981) and now servedmaterial. Each intermediate space in thescale = 1 under SEM revealed the presence of sphaerox- mm. yasters replacing oxyasters. Concerning Atlantic species E. soesti n.sp. resembles E. topsenti five conical microspines disposed over a sphaeri- Lendenfeld, 1903 [= E. mammillaris sensu calbase.Itispossible toobserve developing stages Topsent, 1892; not E. mammilaris(Schmidt) = E. of aspidasters radially striated producing deeply chavesi Topsent, 1904 sensu Wiedenmayer, 1977] serratedoutline; sometimes the surface is lacking (from the Azores) by the possession of dichotri- anyornament,length 46-92.9-128.8, width 39.1- aenes, oxeas, andmicrospined microstrongyles. It 64.6-92, thickness is difficult to measure because differs, however, in having sphaeroxyasters and of the position of spicules; only rare ones could peculiar cushion-like aspidasters with extremely be measured 9.2-28.8 (n=5). Microstrongyles irregular outline. Ofthebrazilianspecies, E. soesti straight or slightly curved, slightly centrotylote, n.sp. resemblesE. diminutusMothesetal., 1999by microspined surface, sometimes rare microspines the possession of dichotriaenesbut differs inhav- at the middle of spicule, rare smooth, ing microspined microstrongyles, sphaeroxyasters microspines are normally bifurcate, 36.8-59.6- andpeculiar cushion-like aspidasters with 75.9/4.6-6.9-9.2. Sphaeroxyasters with more extremely irregular outline. than 11 rays slightly microspined at the end of theaxis, straight and sharply pointed spines, rare KEY TO THE SPECIES OF ERYLUS FROM slightly curved, diameter9.2-14.4-20.7, length of BRAZILIAN COAST therays 1-2. (Modified fromMothes et al. (1999)and Mothes & Lerner (1999)toincludeanewspecies.) ETYMOLOGY.- Thename is inhonourtoDr.Rob la. Orthotriaenes 3 Van Soest, Zoological Museum, University of b. Dichotriaenes 2 Amsterdam, for his relevant contributions to diversity studies of Caribbeansponges. 2a. Dichotriaenes with short rhabd (cladome 285-418/ 38-57 jxm; rhabd 256.5 - 304/38 - 57 nm),with 85 Figs. 5-9.Erylus soestin. sp.,SEMmicrographs ofspicules. 5, dichotriaene.6, dichotriaene,overview. 7, dichotriaene,detail of cladome.8, oxea.9, oxea,extremitiesdetail. 86 Figs. 10-14.Erylus soestin. sp.,SEMmicrographsofspicules. 10,microscleres. 11,detail ofaspidasters surface. 12,detail of microstrongyles surface. 13,sphaeroxyaster. 14, microstrongyles variations. 87 Fig. 15.Erylussoestin.sp.,SEM micrographs of aspidaster variations. 88 strongyles varying tostrongyloxeas (460-920/9.5- descriptionof anewspecies. Mem. Queensland Mus. 44: 23.8 flattenedaspidasters with slightly irregu- 369-380. lar outline (159-228.8/105.8-151.8(am) SCHMIDT, O., 1862. Die Spongien des Adriatischen E.diminutus Meeres. Engelmann, Leipzig: 1-88. b. Dichotriaenes with long rhabd (cladome 713-1058 SOLIAS,WJ., 1886.Preliminary accountofthe tetractinel- |im;rhabd 805-1380/47.5-95 with oxeas(2093- lid sponges dredged by HMS 'Challenger' during the 3220/33.3-57 |im), not flattened aspidasters with years 1873-76. Part I. The Choristida. Sci. Proc. R. strong irregular outline (46-128.8/39.1-92ftm) Dublin Soc. 5: 177-199. E.soestin.sp. WIEDENMAYER,E, 1977.Shallow watersponges ofthe WesternBahamas. Experientia Suppl. 28: 1-287. 3a. Atypical aspidasters, sterraster-like, disc-shaped and not flattened (207-506/184-414 reduced toxas- likeoxyasters (73.6-103.5 fim) E.toxiformis b. Typical aspidasters 4 Received:January 20, 2001 4a. Elipticalflattened aspidasters 5 b. Finger-shaped aspidasters (95-305/11.5-52.2(im) E.formosus 5a. Onecategory ofoxyasters (9.2-23 (j.m) E.corneus b. Two categories of oxyasters (oxyaster I 23-57.5 (xm/oxyaster II8.1-27.6jun) E.alleni AKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to Dr Rob Van Soest (ZMA) for help in identification of material, to biology students Lisandra de Moura Umpierre andLiaPossuelo formakingspicules mounts dur- ing theirscholarship fromFAPERGS. Thesenior author thanks CNPq for financial support. REFERENCES BOURY-ESNAULT,N„ 1973. Campagnedela Calypso au largedes côtesatlantiquesde 1' Amériquedu Sud (1961- 1962). I, 29. Spongiaires. Rés. Sci. Camp. Calypso 10: 263-295. LAUBENFELS, M.W« DE., 1934. New sponges from the PuertoRican deep.Smithson.misc.Coll. 91 (17): 1-28. LENDENFELD, R.L. VON, 1903: Tetraxonia. Das Tierreich19: 1-168. MOTHES-DE-MORAES,B., 1978.Esponjas tetraxonidas do litoralsul-brasileiro:II-Materialcoletado peloN/Oc. 'Prof. Besnard' durante oprograma Rio Grande do Sul. In: Boletim Instituto Oceanogrâfico, Sâo Paulo, 27 (2): 57-78 MOTHES-DE-MORAES,B., 1981. Ocorrênciade Erylus topsenti Lendenfeld, 1903 na costa do Rio de Janeiro (Porifera,Demospongiae).Iheringia(Zool.) 57: 105-111. MOTHES, B. & LERNER, C.B., 1999. Erylus toxiformis (Porifera, Geodiidae),a new species from the southwest- ernAtlantic.Beaufortia49 (4): 29-33. MOTHES,B.,C.B. LERNER &C.M.M.DA SILVA, 1999. Revision of BrazilianErylus (Porifera, Geodiidae) with 89

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