TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan uetma LepidopteTaScience62(4>1:43-147,December 2011 A new species of Erebia (N.vmphalidae,Sat fyrromi Unsate')・Yansk yDistric Sta,kha Republic F,E Russia YiJich HiIRANo and Satoko HIRANo Nishichiyoda-c2h3o-20,Aoi-ku,ShizuokCaity,Shizuoku4,200847 Japan Abstrac tErebia deputath 'spk, anoy. i sdescrib eandd il]ustr aftrcodm Deputatsk iUys,t'-Yans kDyistri cSta,kha Rcpub,, FE Russia. Key words1[laxonoiny, Erehia deputats kspa, nov.. St!tyri nSaaek,na Repub., Russta, Introduction WLshaped .BJack vein-like line osn bot hsides thick B,ottom WNyem pdheaslcrrdiu bea ,enfewro smpDcecipetsa tofs kthieyD giesntersi EcrStea,bkihaa ,SRaeptuybrliinca,e,emedmgbeTan eo'f la wmietlhl aaa nstmeavalglin atlthsicke nies da sleseo tWiLosn .hFalpuep don. C oesntiturmal FE Russia ,on the b asis of inv estigat i oofn th e external bursa eoblong and tongue-like. morphology and the male and I'emal egenitalj aa,nd Remarks. We cornpared the male genital iofa new species comparison with those of similar species. We believ ethe with those ot' simjlar species ,such as Erebi aoecetlta Roos discover yol' this new species contributes to know]edge & Kimmich, 1983 (Fi g2.4) ,E, dabanensi sErschoff, 1 871 of the systemati cs and biogeograph yof the genus Erehia. (Fi g25.) ,E. kozhantshiko vSiheljuzhko ,1925 (Fi g2.6), E. an.vuica Kurentzov ,1966 (Fi g2.7) and E. .voungi Description Hol!and ,l900 (Fi g2.8). All 5 species bear a deyeloped foot in the yalva. Un'I'ortunat mealteyrial of E. occitita Erebi ndeputats kspa. nov (Fig 1s, 2, 13, 14, 23, 29) from Chkotka, FE Russia ,which was describe dby Tuzov (2000), E. Male(Fig1s,2).Forewing,Length21,3mminholotype, et al, and material of occulta with an undeveloped 19,4 -21, 9 mm in paratyp es .Uppe rside gr ou nd color fbo tto the valve, which was exam ine dby Churki n(2003), blackish-brown .In postdisca alrea 4-5 yellowish-red was not available, oblong spots wlth small black pupil sU,pper two pupils For the female genjtali aw,e adopted the method of in spaeeg 4 and 5 situated slightly inward ,Coloratio nof Sondereg g(r200 5wh)ic,h describ tehse detaile sdtructure underside reddish-brown except for marginal area. oti t'he sterigma around the ostium bursa ean,d compared Haocruoietlnawodar wrw idbintlhg a. fsc rmUkaopli]mp ste bhhrel-s abicedcrn e kpo t44e,uw-r-pn65 i yo,rtfeesd ltd.Elihsaoeh cwsh ips ospptohu.t -psUri swnel pisddotiethtsru aibstnlie pdadoc e sgsk lptriugdohpituislnlycdsal tsoohibtrvhinies iorslustas rr iusc npd tteuichriieee i ssiet,enr rtEiegh.nme a co. ncbeecuewsttt awgpee ecanin etdsh e Ew ni. etwdha btgphaeancit eeosnfs t ihaesn dT,twh toeh rem o etsawtroe tiny or absent. Median band generall oybscure, but some Arcticzone,inUst'-YanskyDistrict,SalchaRepub.Adults specimens bearin ga clear postdis clailne. fi yquickl yand at a constant heigh tclose to groun dabove Fienmpaalrea t(yFpeisg .lsG3r, o1u4n)d. cFoolrocwriynegl;l olweinsght-h b,1r9o.w9n-,2]1i, g5mhmterthadnnervey rsc raepepe aern tihn et thoe plso owfe rm omuenatdaojwnss, alt, 700-gOO m, and male on both surfaces. Hindwing: upperside, yellowish-Holotype: 8, Sakha Repub,, Ust'-Yansky Distr,, red spots with b]ac kpupil sin postdisc aalrea as in mules, Deputatskiy a.,lt c,a 700 m, 28. June 2008, Satoko Hirano but vari abte individua iln lnuymber. Underside c,o]oration leg.Palatypes: simple and postdisc allin eobscure, 20 males, 9 females ,same data as holotype, Mcoasltae. gAelnointga clo si(taaF ian g2d,.3 )p, aVratlivaa lf lalyma p,wtuiltlha s lsipgihntelsy mcaodnecav cup TZhoeol hooglyo,Ntaytp isepoencaimlSencie ins cdeeMpuosseiutme, diTn tbhkey Doe.partment of of one or two rows. Costa not fortnin ga foot. Female genitali a(Fi g2,9). Lamella postvaginalis develope dmi,ddle comb triangular, and the upper edge NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 144 Y HmANo and SHIRANO tt ttrf,:l ''diinseUti.ava'l' }'`fi ;・ts 's 'av' ' !l r 3 ':tt" t/tt t t"' i''' 'Klth{v ' 's1 tt' ES s ' .6 t tt 7 ' x'1Ne 'f ' ' ' g '12 FLgg l-12 Lrebta adults unale 1,2 E deputats kspa nov Ueiewmglengt h32 mm1) 3 4 E v"utta ,holotype (2 18 mm) 20 Jun I987 \LikonCdnad a5 6 E dabanens i(s2 33 mm) 23 Jun 2005 Ust'Omchug Magadan, Russia YuiLhi Hiiano leg 7, 8 E ko7hantshikoi (t2 16 mm) 24 Tun 2005 Ust Omchug Mdgadan, Russia Y H leg 9, 10 E anitttca (2 36 mm) 22 Jun 2005 Ust OmLhug Magadan Russia Y H leg 11, 12 E )oblngi C2 38 mm) 27 Jun 2008 Dcputatski ySakhd Repub Russi aY H leg Discussion mo]eculai phylogcnet cmidlyytg of thc genug Erebia by Ts(ph1eec9 inee9gw3 g) frs,pboeulcipl eoogf wEremrs egemtbbh]ieeg a m,telta ghggooidmfeied os fpbe cyWi eaKgiDrg meun] te h (aen ]adl9h eI3rwga6 anur)sTnhoeto Staennhe)leuakt rcigaaelg,dheurcga hn t uiEhseit s afslpl e(cegi2rteog0(u0 hgp2 r e)EsoiuluIgwipgn eeacgsnotd ngt r 1idtn8shct9le,9 und ,e eGedEdo r stubsoct uhurbne bcoteonanv dgx(otai i2latfs0u itiE0e1) NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan A new species of Eiebic tfrom Sakha Republic ,FE Russia 145 t/t ill'ii;lll}/i':;;11 thl,,.,;/1.,1;1/-/.,,l:1/1,・・u'; f '''"' tt 't''',t..,//,,, 'utz,tet/,ttt//:/1//t,"p,.'t'.'g,l,}',t"ll./t,t',-., :t/"tt"f t, tt tttt t tt tttt /ttt Figs 13-22, Erebia adu]ts female ,13, 14: E, dqputatsk asp. nov,. paratyp e(forew tlnenggth 20,9 mm) 15, 16: E, occulta (22. 1mm) 20. Jun, 1987 Yl]kon ,Cnada. 17, 1g: E. dabanens i(s23. rgnm) 21. Jun, 2005 Uyt'Omchu gMagadan, Russia Y Hleg, l9, 20: E. kozhantshik (o2v2i. mm4) 21 .jum 2005 Ust'Omchug Magadan. Russi aS.atok oHiran oIeg 2.1, 22: EL an)'"ica (23, 6mm) 22 .Jun 2005 UsL'Omchu gMagadan, Russi aS,higer Yuhgimoto leg. M6n6tries, 8I46, and, E. pawlowski iMen6tries,18 W5e9. by the followin gcharacters: 1) The size is smuller than consider that this new species is more closely related to dabanensi ybo'u,ngi ,kozhantshik aondvi anyuica. 2) The E. dabanensi Es., youngi ,E. kozhantshik oEv. ian,}'uica black pupils are clearer than in any"ica and occ"lta. 3) In and E. occulta, belongi ntgo the albeilganus species group thi sspecies thc upper two pupi 1 sin spaces 4. 5 are situated in Russia, and that it is distinguish ferdom the other species slightly i nward, but the arrangement of die pupil si sal most NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 146 Y HIRApa oand S. HIRANo l."t' Jyts'"'Htsv' -'-" x 'f/'T !- c.Sy 1 2 1, .,,,,irw"W,w J xesiii 2+-."....r/// za an ( -x - rw.---M"ul:Y Txpu . / - -..-/- (((i-...- 26 fmu '25 " Figs 23-24. Male gcnital Liaat,er ayliew. 23: E. ' deptttats ksap.nov, 24, E. occulta. IJ/ ・・ Ftg s25-28 .Male genital viaalv,a later vaie]w. -! 25: EL dahanensi 2s6, :E, kez・hanlshikovi. 2T 28 27: E, anvttica, 2g. E. .vottngi. .st .t'l, { :iEffi'i ・'ii), g e /it E't'';v A /t・,xt 'ttt Ly1 'L, . .. . t t ntyt-.,t h- . ..-,tt, .. tt t.t - . /t{, ttt l;t t,.t e - .l... t i 1.t ./rtt". tt ・Mtsl't -. ,tt' tp-.'tttYa.L'' ' t'. -t/.t . t s "ft ;' .iit tw"t' tt t' Et tt''tt .t't//t・t':ttt'2 ".tg'',lZt''-" t tktt/'t tv,t,ttt "vItt/1tt/t.ttt' ' i<lr//- tth.-S;)Lv- k, tfa,/ i・ f" ,,g\, Figg 29-31. Female gemtalia ,ventral view, lt x. :xtt[X. 29: E, derptttat gspk,nuov, 30i E, occulta. ' " t't.tttt' ' 31: E. dabanensis. ,r・ &1.. 'iL""i]A LP'lamcllapostvaginalis.LA:Lame]la ' .t .Iig,k:"'ri----Mb anteyaginalis.F:fiap.O:ostiuTnbursae. ' x.e'i ,{i'x/.w M: mtdd[e cemb. Mb: membrane. Lri.t.-.--, 31 NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical SSoooiceityety ooff JJaapapnan A new species of Erebia from Sakch aRepublic, FE Russia 147 straight in dabanensi,s’, yo麗ngi and koZhantShikレoi.4)The (Lepidopter,a Nymphalidae), Jllan. slepi.d So{/. Jaρan 53.(1): reddish postdis cbaalnd is extended i皿the FW underside . 1−1L (ln Japanese) 5)Fenlale:HW ロnderside 〔lisca alnd submarginal areas Tru.ozv, V. K,, P V Bogdanov, S. V. Churki,n G.D. Dantchenko nkootz hwhaitnisthsh,i mθkedviia nand b oacncndt tmaore. o6bs)curMeale t hvaanl vdaa bsah’a1p8e’z廊 i,s aannddA it. sBa〔l.Zjhadcaenn tkteorr,i2t0o〔r〕Dic. (s2G)u.i5d8e0 t茎(〕♪pt.h,8e 8b uptlts, eP伍reness ooffRt,u sSs〔i}afia− oldbaovicuokbusillyn eaga fdn() idonaf亡r), frrtQechwnte r,f owrwheo rome fats hsep io tntchhsere sobt, ehteihren csgsopisentcgaillecs s p〔}birn aepvdae r rmtiodrigea】eyl W a r reM1nQ0, 6sBpc.lOCsw. , .BSM,,N1H936, . LMoonndoognr,aph ofthe genus Erebiα.407 pp., 山an two rows , which are broad, }商 要 Acknow且edgments 北緯70度付近極東シベ リァErebia属の 1新種 (平野裕 一・ 平野聰子) We express cordial しhanks to the following persons;Mr ’ Mayumf Thk訌hashi offered us a dcscripti ooni the new E”ebia ‘ieputatsk sap. nov .(Figs 1) sEavprunlpesrycees ueeceirhicab−meteihg℃ .α shpaaM, ,nsfdfrd iue s oSomrlftuehgano vgtilsiehtgses,ee atef diyrw or aiun oroYsdnu mart mgM h aiaaanobmfug toasoa urcUttdersaioa pot nctaf’l nYf,a desaFrs nEe.i hdsMf eRi krculuya sT spt Dbisafo itinsu assap .d letuoAvcfroi niS cimdteuec hn wgtea lfa asg oov ogeer f oan重 huuEvursee.s EH2K類てにrou0{el得かr似〕ble8iaけn年らしant tdれてzて6o,t 生たのv月い,E 1P息E. る92rlt6す8cc.’6lbo円るおizしV,ha属a5かaよロ種nlのlびしhシsE一,he.・Eアi本d種r. kaoog種・ bcをvg caaサiSurnは新lhomteバeau以n種tlps 共jsのiR下uと so和E7oうにrhしssk国 てちよcoehtの,記 シりoK1fデjベ容9載’,fm21mプ易5リ8しi, 7cタたアに1Eh, .ッ.か 区E,a本.n 里キ嬲ら.v9種}o8iー北uさ3unはg米iれににi,ca る,1)dahanensis, yonngi, ko.7hantshikvvi , an.i,uica より小さい. References 2)観 翅Jcα, occulta よ17大きくはっ きりした眼状紋を持つ . C hu rkKiunr, eSn. tVz.o,,v12900636〔. LAe pniewdo pstubes,p rSecaaictsyr iodf)a fEcrrQemh Kiaa macnh)a;utikcaa. 3斑)の前中翅心のよ黒点り外,上側に2つ位が.ii内す側るに.4入)前り翅込裏み面,後の翅赤黒色点部はが赤基色部 HEL’OS 4:205−210, M〔}seuw , 近くまで広がっ てい る.5)♀後翅裏面全体が褐色を帯び G or bugneonvi,t ユaRi a,Y k e,y2s0士0b1r .i〔Tlheen tbiuttitcea伺rt,ii3co2s n0o fp pR.u,Tshsieas:iclsasEsk丘afticear’tiino,,bnurgpがos異tdなisりca,帯tc〔が〕sta鮮の明背で面なはいわ.ず6)か♂交に尾凹み器, vaamlpuvlalaの cとosのt、1段の形差状が K o gugrec,n Mus . Ear冂edbYi Iaiwn acolo皿rlo(t2o),.}1’d9e9d3o, rIigl.a(l1u5s4)t:r2a −c3tat8ea.ld(o[gnuJeapat ioets ethe) でほ粗とんい,ど見られない.また鋸歯は1列ない し部分的に2列 S Soen kdieBgriucc皿gegnh ccLMr,,且., ,T2. 〔N〕0a5ka.Dtiaen iE, Tre. bSiheiDn dlecar Swa cahndwe Mi.z . pKp{.〕1g4u−−r1e,62. B0i0e2l, 本E種をすは標れ高す約れに7010m直線の頂的かヒ付つ 素近早にのく飛み現翔すれ,る乾.い た砂礫地 Molecula rphy亅Dgenetic ana 亅ysis of the gellus Enebia (Received Fehruary l 8,2011.Accepte dScptcmbe 2r9,2{川 ) 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic LLiibrbarryary Service