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A new species of Doriopsilla (Mollusca, Nudibranchia, Dendrodorididae) from Cuba PDF

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Preview A new species of Doriopsilla (Mollusca, Nudibranchia, Dendrodorididae) from Cuba

PROCEEDINGS FEB 1 1999 OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES A O'JKA'i Vol. 50, No. 18, pp.389-396, 5 figs. December 18, 1998 A NEW SPECIES OF DORIOPSILLA (MOLLUSCA, NUDIBRANCHIA, DENDRODORIDIDAE) FROM CUBA By Angel Valdes DepartmentofInvertebrateZoology, CaliforniaAcademyofSciences Golden GatePark, San Francisco, CA 94118 and Jesus Ortea DepartamentodeBiologiadeOrganismosySistemas, LaboratoriodeZoologia, UniversidaddeOviedo, c/Catedrdtico Rodrigo Urias/n, 33071 Oviedo, Spain A new speciesofthegenusDoriopsilla, D. espinosai, isdescribed on thebasisoffourspecimens collectedfromCuba.Thisnewspeciesischaracterizedexternallybyhavingacombinationofred spotsandwhitepatches.Internally,D.espinosaidiffersfromotherAtlanticspeciesmainlyintwo characters: thebursacopulatrixhasasingleductleadingfromit.andthepenialhooksaresmall. Thusfar,D. espinosaiisonlyknownfromCuba. ReceivedSeptember28, 1998.AcceptedOctober 14, 1998. Valdes and Ortea (1997) recently revised the California Academy of Sciences (CASIZ) and species ofthe genus Doriopsilla in the Atlantic theInstitutodeOceanologiadeLaHabana,Cuba Ocean, regarding only three species as valid. (IDO). Doriopsilla areolata Bergh, 1880, with three subspecies, is distributed through southern Species Description Europe (D. areolata areolata Bergh, 1880), West Africa (D. areolata albolineata Edmunds, Doriopsilla espinosai sp. nov. 1968) and the Caribbean Sea (D. areolata ni- (Figs. 1-5) grolineata Meyer, 1977). Doriopsillapelseneeri — d'Oliveira, 1895 is only present in the Iberian Type Material. Holotype (CASIZ Peninsula, and Doriopsilla pharpa Marcus, 1 14836): MarinaHemingway, Havana, Cuba, at 1961, is known from theAtlantic coastofNorth 1 m depth, 20August 1997, onespecimen 8 mm America and the Caribbean Sea. long, collected by Jose Espinosa. PARATYPES: This paper describes a third species of the Marina Hemingway, Havana, Cuba, at 1 m genusDoriopsilla from theCaribbean Seabased depth, 20 August 1997, one specimen 7 mm on material collected from Cuba, and deposited long, collected by Jose Espinosa (CASIZ intheDepartmentofInvertebrateZoologyofthe 1 14837). Playa Los Maginos, Havana, Cuba, 3 [389] 390 PROCEEDINGS OFTHECALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Volume50, No. 18 mm September 1997,one specimen 5 preserved Theampulla is largeandelongate(Fig.4D). It length, collected by Jose Espinosa (IDO). Playa divides into a short oviduct, which enters the Giron,Cuba, at 1 m depth, 12October 1997,one femaleglandmass,andtheprostate.Theprostate specimen 15 mm long, collected by Jose Espi- is large, flattened (Fig. 4C). From its distal end, nosa(CASIZ 114838). — the prostate leads into an elongate and convo- External Morphology. Living animals luted deferent duct. The penis, when everted, is are up to 15 mm in length. The general colorof very short and contains 7 rows ofpenial hooks. the living animals is translucent white in the Thepenial hooksareapproximately 10 um wide smaller specimens (5-8 mm) and yellowish in at the base and up to 25 um in length (Fig. 4E). the largerones(15 mm)(Fig. 1).Thedorsum has The vaginal duct is short and convoluted. At its several large opaque white patches, proportion- proximal end it connects with the small, thin- ally larger in thebiggerspecimens. A numberof walled, spherical bursa copulatrix. The seminal conspicuousredspotsareirregularlyscatteredall receptacleissmallerthanthebursa,havingalong overthe dorsum, more densely arranged nearof duct thatjoins the vagina at about the halfofits the border ofthe notum. The viscera are visible length. From this pointtheuterineductemerges. through the skin as apink area. The rhinophores Thebuccal gangliaaresituatedjustbehind the are paleyellowish, with awhite stalk. Thegill is central nervous system. translucent white. Thecirculatorysystemconsistsofasmallheart The body is oval (Figs. 1, 2A), high, stiffened (Fig. 4A), joined by the aorta with a flattened byasubepidermal network ofstrongspicules all blood gland, placed behind the central nervous overtheentirebody surface. When theanimal is system. Therenal sac isvery largeandconspicu- moving the body becomes elongate, twice as ous in the posteri—or region ofthe viscera. longaswide.Thedorsum iscoveredbyanumber ETYMOLOGY. The name espinosai was oflow, simple conical tubercles (Fig. 2B), stiff- chosen to recognize Dr. Jose Espinosa of the ened with spicules. The medial tubercles on the InstitutodeOceanologiadeLaHabana,Cuba.He dorsum are larger, decreasing in size toward the originally discovered this species in Havanaand bordersofthemantle. Themantlemargin iswide PlayaGiron. — andslightlyundulate. Therhinophoresareperfo- Distribution. Thus far this species is liatewith9 lamellae. When theanimal isresting, known only from Cuba. It was collected from the rhinophores are pointing backwards, but Havana on the north coast and Playa Giron, on when moving they point forward. The gill is the south coast (Fig. 5). composed by 2-3 tripinnate branchial leaves. The anus is eccentric to the left. Discussion Ventrally, the foot is shorterthan the dorsum. The oral tentacles are small (Fig. 2C), fused According totherecentdiagnosisofthegenus together and grooved laterally. One short tip Doriopsilla published by Valdes and Ortea protrudes on each side ofthe oral tentacles. The (1997), Doriopsilla espinosai clearly belongs to anteriorborderofthe foot is notched. The notch this genus. The main diagnostic features ofthis borders the mouth that is—arounded opening. genus are mantle stiffened by spicules, dorsum Internal Anatomy. The buccal bulb is covered by tubercles, anus eccentric to the left, elongate (Figs. 3A, 4B), covered by minute, oral tentacles reduced, digestive system lacking well-differentiatedoral glandsalloveritssurface ptyaline glands and penis eversiblewith internal (Fig. 3C). Two retractor muscles insert into the hooks. In addition this species has the buccal anteriorregion ofthebulbandothertwo intothe ganglia immediately behind the central nervous posterior region. The tubular esophagus leads system, as indicated by Eliot (1906) for other from thebuccal bulb. Theesophagus isshortand species ofDoriopsilla. wide(Figs. 3B,4B). Posteriorly, itbroadens into The two other species of Doriopsilla recog- a short, wide muscular portion, which has one nized by Valdes and Ortea (1997) from the At- retractormuscleattached.Theintestinerunspos- lanticcoastofNorthAmericaand theCaribbean teriorly intheusual positionandhasaprominent Sea, Doriopsilla pharpa Marcus, 1961 (= pyloric gland (Fig. 4A). Doriopsilla leia Marcus, 1961) and Doriopsilla areolata nigrolineata are both clearly distin- VALDESANDORTEA: NEW SPECIES OF DORIOPSILLA FROM CUBA 391 Figure 1. Livinganimal ofDoriopsillaespinosaisp.nov.from Havana. guished from Doriopsilla espinosai by theirex- Doriopsillaareolatanigrolineata isanorange ternal morphology and anatomy. Doriopsilla species that has the dorsum ornamented with a pharpa is a yellow species with numerous dark networkofblacklinesandwhiteringsaroundthe brown spots (Valdes and Ortea 1997), which tubercles (Meyer 1977), which are absent in D. lacks the opaque white areas present in D. espi- espinosai. No anatomical data is available to nosai. Also, the tubercles of D. pharpa have compare. spicules projecting that are absent in D. espi- Theothertwosubspecies ofDoriopsillaareo- nosai. The number of branchial leaves is also lata, both inhabiting the eastern Atlantic, differ differentinbothspecies. Inan 1 1 mm (preserved from D. espinosai in the morphology ofthe re- length) specimen ofD.pharpa there are 5 bran- productiveanddigestivesystems.Fromthebursa chial leaves, whereas in a 15 mm (preserved copulatrix ofD. areolata three ducts lead, con- length) specimen of D. espinosai there are 3 necting with the seminal receptacle, the vaginal branchial leaves. According to Marcus (1961) duct and the uterine duct (Valdes and Ortea thereproductivesystem ofD.pharpaconsistsof 1997). However, inD. espinosaithere isasingle abursacopulatrixwithtwoductsleadingfrom it, duct that branches into three. The penial hooks insteadofoneas inD. espinosai. Inaddition, the ofD. areolatahaveasimilarshapetothoseofD. bursa copulatrix ofD. pharpa is very elongate espinosai, but they are much larger. In D. areo- and several times largerthan the seminal recep- lata they areabout400 urn in length, whereas in tacle, whereas in D. espinosai it is rounded and D. espinosaitheyareapproximately25 urn long. almost equal in size to the seminal receptacle. Another internal difference is the presence ofa Another difference between both species is that pyloric sac in D. espinosaithat it is absent in D. the penial hooks ofD. pharpa are very curved, areolata. Externally, the East Atlantic D. areo- instead of straight or slightly curved as in D. lata have a dorsal network ofwhite lines in the espinosai. largespecimens,orwhiteringsaroundthetuber- cles in the smaller specimens. That differs from 392 PROCEEDINGS OFTHECALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Volume50, No. 18 Figure2.Doriopsillaespinosaisp.nov.(CASIZ 114838).A.Dorsalviewofthelivinganimal,scalebar=2mm.B. Detail ofthedorsal tubercles,scalebar= 1 mm.C.Ventralviewoftheanteriorborderofthefoot,scalebar=2mm. D. espinosai in which the white patches never The penial hooks of D. pelseneeri are large formringsaroundthetuberclesorlines.Alsothis (about400 urn long)andhaveanelongatedbase, latter species has red dots, that are absent in D. whereas in D. espinosai they are short and have areolata. ashort base. TheremainingAtlanticspeciesofDoriopsilla, Doriopsillaespinosaiisalsodifferentfromthe D.pelseneeri,isverydifferentfromD.espinosai. Eastern Pacific species. According to Gosliner, According to Valdes and Ortea (1997) this spe- Schaefer and Millen (in press), Doriopsilla al- cies is uniform in color with the exception ofa bopunctata (Cooper, 1863) is a yellow species white ring around the branchial sheath, but it with a number ofwhite spots. A similar pattern lacks the opaque white patches and red dots has been reported for a new, still undescribed present in D. espinosai. In addition, the large species from this area (Gosliner et al. in press). irregular tubercles ofD.pelseneeri arevery dif- Other nominal species ofDoriopsilla described ferent from the low, rounded and simple tuber- from the Pacific coast of North America are cles of D. espinosai. Internally, the bursa Doriopsilla nigromaculata (Cockerell in Cock- copulatrix ofD.pelseneeri has three ducts lead- erell and Eliot, 1905), Doriopsilla rowena Mar- ing from it, whereasD. espinosai has only one. cus and Marcus, 1967 and Doriopsillajanaina VALDES ANDORTEA: NEW SPECIESOFDOR10PS1LLA FROM CUBA 393 digFeistgiuvrees3y.stSecma,nsncianlgeeblaerc=tro2n50mi|cimr.ogBr.apPohssteorfioDrorpioorptsiiolnlaofetshpeineossoapihasgp.usn,ovs.ca(leCAbaSrI=Z3101048u3r8n)..C.A.OrAanltegrliaonrdsr,egsicoanleobfarth=e 25 urn. Abbreviations: bb=buccalbulb,d=differentiatedportionoftheesophagus,e=esophagus,r=retractormuscle. 394 PROCEEDINGSOFTHECALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Volume50, No. 18 Figure4. AnatomyofDoriopsillaespinosaisp. nov.(CASIZ 1 14838). A. Dorsalviewoftheanatomy,scalebar= 1 mm. B. Anteriorportionofthedigestivesystem,scalebar= 1 mm.C.Generalviewofthereproductivesystem,scalebar= I mm. D.Dissectedreproductiveorgans,scalebar= 1 mm.E.Penialhooks,scalebar=25 urn.Abbreviations:a=ampulla,b=blood gland,bb=buccalbulb,be=bursacopulatrix,d=differentiatedportionoftheesophagus,dd=deferentduct,dg=digestive gland,e=esophagus,g=femalegland,h=heart,i=intestine,p=pyloricgland,pr=prostate,r=retractormuscle,rs=renal sac,sr=seminal receptacle,v=vagina. Marcus and Marcus, 1967. Doriopsilla rowena lack a combination of red spots and white is probably ajunior synonym of/), nigromacu- patches. The recently described Doriopsilla lata(seeBehrens 1991),butanatomicalcompari- spaldingi Valdes and Behrens, 1998, from this sons between specimens from San Diego, area,differsexternally fromD. espinosaiin hav- Californiaand PuertoPenasco, Mexico(thetype ing a blue iridescent band around the mantle localities ofboth nominal species) areneeded to margin (Valdes and Behrens 1998). Internally, confirm this point. These three species differ the prostate ofD. spaldingi is elongate, almost from D. espinosai in coloration and anatomy. tubular, and the buccal bulb is oval, whereas in Doriopsillajanainaislightred,orangeoryellow D. espinosai the prostate is flattened and the withwhitedots(MarcusandMarcus 1967a),and buccalbulbveryelongate.Thepenialhookshave D. nigromaculata and D. rowena are yellowish a similar shape in both species, but in D. spald- to orange with brown and white spots (Marcus ingi they are twice the length of those in D. and Marcus 1967b, Behrens 1991). Both species espinosai. VALDES ANDORTEA: NEW SPECIES OF DORIOPSILLA FROM CUBA 395 ATLANTIC t OCEAN THE X BAHAMAS CARIBBEANSEA 100 200 400 500 Figure5. DistributionofDoriopsillaespinosaisp.nov. inCuba. Acknowledgments se caracteriza externamente por la presencia de puntos rojos y manchas blancas. Internamente, Theauthorswould liketorecognizethegener- D. espinosaisediferenciadeotrasespeciesatlan- oussupportofseveral individuals.JoseEspinosa ticas en que posee un solo conducto conectado providedspecimensandfieldnotesofthespecies con la bolsa copulatriz y en el pequeno tamafio heredescribed, Leopoldo Moro madethephoto- de las espinas peneales. Hasta el momento, D. graphs ofthe living animals, Darrell Ubick pre- espinosaiseconocesolamentedelaisladeCuba. pared the samples using the critical point technique for examination on SEM, Dong Lin Literature Cited printed the scanning electron micrographs, and MaureenMorriseditedtheEnglishversionofthe BEHRENS, D. W. 1991. Pacific coast nudibranchs. A manuscript. guidetotheopisthobranchsAlaskatoBajaCalifor- This paper has been supported in part by the nia. SeaChallengers, Monterey. 107pp. Ministerio de Educacion y Cultura of Spain (SEUI),throughitspostdoctoralfellowshipspro- Eliot, C. N. E. 1906. The genus Doriopsilla Bergh. gram. Journal ofConchology 1 1:366-367. GOSLINER, T. M., M. C. SCHAEFER, AND S. V. MlL- Resumen LEN. Inpress. A new speciesofDoriopsilla (Nudi- branchia: Dendrodorididae) from the Pacific coast Se describe una nueva especie del genero of North America, including a comparison with Doriopsilla,D. espinosai,enbaseacuatroejem- Doriopsillaalbopunctata(Cooper, 1863). Veliger. plares recolectados en Cuba. Estanuevaespecie 396 PROCEEDINGSOFTHECALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Volume50, No. 18 Marcus,Er. 1961.OpisthobranchiafromNorthCaro- Meyer, K. B. 1977. Dorid nudibranchs oftheCarib- lina. The Journal ofthe Elisha Mitchell Sciences bean coast ofthe Panama Canal Zone. Bulletin of Society 77:141-151. Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean 27:299-307. Marcus, Ev. and Er. Marcus. 1967a. American OpisthobranchMollusks.Part 1:TropicalAmerican Valdes,A.andD. W.Behrens. 1998.Anewspecies Opisthobranchs. StudiesinTropicalOceanography of Doriopsilla (Mollusca, Nudibranchia, Dendro- 6:1-137. dorididae)fromthePacificcoastofNorthAmerica. ProceedingsoftheCaliforniaAcademyofSciences 1967b. American Opisthobranch Mollusks. 50(13):307-314. . Part2: Opisthobranchsfrom theGulfofCalifornia. Studies in Tropical Oceanography6:141-248. Valdes,A.andJ.Ortea. 1997. Reviewofthegenus Doriopsilla Bergh, 1880 (Gastropoda: Nudibran- chia) in theAtlanticOcean. Veliger40:240-254. CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 1998 Golden Gate Park San Francisco, California941 18

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