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A new species of diminutive salamander (Amphibia: Caudata: Plethodontidae: Nototriton) from the Montanas del Mico of Guatemala PDF

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Preview A new species of diminutive salamander (Amphibia: Caudata: Plethodontidae: Nototriton) from the Montanas del Mico of Guatemala

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 113(3):815-819. 2000. A new species of diminutive salamander (Amphibia: Caudata: Plethodontidae: Nototritoh) from the Montaiias del Mico of Guatemala David B. Wake and Jonathan A. Campbell (DBW) Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-3160, U.S.A.; (JAC) Department of Biology, University ofTexas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas 76019-0498, U.S.A. — Abstract. Nototriton stuarti, a new species of salamander belonging to the tribe Bolitoglossini, family Plethodontidae, is described from the Montaiias del Mico, north of the Motagua Valley, in eastern Guatemala. The species is geo- graphically isolated from congeneric species, and represents the northwestern- most record for the genus, which ranges from eastern Guatemala to central Costa Rica. This poorly known species is morphologically most similar to Nototriton barbouri, which occurs in northwestern Honduras. Homoplastic evolution has produced di- Chiropterotriton and all endemic to this minutive, attenuate salamanders in many area, are also diminutive. To the south and different clades of plethodontid salaman- east ofthe Isthmus ofTehuantepec, extend- ders in Middle America. These tiny species ing as far as central Costa Rica, diminutive are difficult taxonomically and it has taken species are found in one well-supported much effort to recognize that there are clade (Garcia-Paris & Wake 2000). This many more species than have been named clade includes the genera Cryptotriton, throughout this region. New discoveries Dendrotriton, Nototriton and Oedipina, and and new data have led to taxonomic revi- possibly the poorly known Bradytriton sions that are gradually identifying mono- Wake & EUas 1983 (G. Parra-Olea, pers. phyletic groups, and as this process goes comm.). Oedipina Keferstein 1868 includes forward the generic level taxonomy has some diminutive species, but also some changed repeatedly. This is especially true large and relatively robust, although elon- of the genus Chiropterotriton Taylor, 1944, gated, species. The phylogenetic diversity which as formerly recognized ranged from of this clade is now understood, at least in northeastern Mexico to Costa Rica, but broad outlines. Oedipina andNototriton ap- which was not monophyletic and now has pear to be the most deeply nested groups been fragmented into four genera {Chirop- (Garcia-Paris & Wake 2000), and they are & terotriton, Cryptotriton Garcia-Paris also the most southerly in distribution, ex- Wake, 2000, Dendrotriton Wake & Elias, tending to Ecuador (moderately large spe- 1983, and Nototriton Wake & EHas, 1983). cies of Oedipina occur in South America, At present diminutive plethodontids found Brame & Wake 1963) and central Costa to the north and west of the Isthmus of Te- Rica, respectively. Both occur as far north huantepec are assigned to Chiropterotriton as Guatemala, and Oedipina ranges into (Darda, 1994), but, in addition, all members Chiapas, Mexico. Cryptotriton andDendro- of the genera Parvimolge Taylor, 1944, Li- triton range from Honduras into Mexico, neatriton Tanner, 1950, and especially the former possibly even north and west of Thorius Cope, 1869, none closely relatedto the Isthmus of Tehuantepec [the species 816 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 1. Distribution ofcertain taxa discussed in the text from southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, showingthelocationofthetype-localityofNototritonstuarti.Themapshowsthelocationanddegreeofisolation of morphologically and ecologically similar, diminutive salamanders that have proVen to represent several dif- ferent smaller clades within a largerclade. Shaded areas on map represent regions with elevations inexcess of 2000 m. & Cryptotriton adelos (Papenfuss Wake, clades in different analyses, but the consen- 1987) from northern Oaxaca is tentatively sus view (allozymes plus mtDNA sequenc- assigned to this genus], whereas Bradytri- es) is that it is most closely related to the ton is known only from its type-locality in other Costa Rican species. The second western Guatemala (Fig. 1). clade includes one species described long As revised by Garcia-Paris & Wake ago but still little known biologically, A^o- (2000), Nototriton includes 11 nominal spe- totriton barbouri (Schmidt, 1936a), from cies, all diminutive (none exceeds 40 mm, northwestern Honduras, and three recently snout-vent length), long-tailed forms that described taxa, Nototriton lignicola Mc- & have small to moderately enlarged nostrils. Cranie Wilson, 1997 and Nototriton lim- & Based on molecular data, the genus itselfis nospectator McCranie, Wilson, Polisar, well supported as a monophyletic group, 1998, the first from north-central and the and there are two well-supported internal second from western Honduras, and Noto- & clades, one including Costa Rican species, triton brodiei Campbell Smith, 1998, and the other including species from Hon- from extreme eastern Guatemala (Fig. 1). A duras and Guatemala. The species Nototri- single specimen representing another spe- ton richardi (Taylor, 1949) from Costa Rica cies belonging to this clade was collected (and presumably its Costa Rican sister spe- in the Montanas del Mico in eastern Gua- cies Nototriton tapanti Good & Wake, temala and at first confused with small 1993) is basal to one or the other of these specimens of sympatric Oedipina elongata VOLUME 113, NUMBER 3 817 (Schmidt, 1936b). Fewerthan 50 specimens adult male) of moderate length. The naso- are available for the second clade, but ear- labial protuberances are modest in size and lier taxonomic judgements based on mor- barely protrude below the upper lip. The phology (McCranie & Wilson 1997, Camp- narrow head has eyes of moderate size that bell & Smith 1998, McCranie et al. 1998) are only slightly protuberant, barely extend- have been supported by subsequent molec- ing to the margin of the jaw. The parotoid ular studies (Garcia-Paris & Wake 2000), so glands are distinct but relatively small. The we are confident that this morphologically head is rounded rather than flattened, and is distinct form represents another new spe- little differentiated from the neck and an- cies. terior body. Maxillary teeth are relatively numerous (36 in the holotype, with 4 pre- Nototriton stuarti, new species maxillary teeth), and there are moderate Stuart's Moss Salamander numbers of vomerine teeth (20). The limbs — are short (combined limb length SL = Holotype. UTA A-33686, an adultmale 0.35), with narrow hands and feet that bear from 11.6 km (road) WSW Puerto Santo short, poorly developed digits. The digits Tomas, Montanas del Mico, Depto. Izabal, are partly fused basally and the outer digits m Guatemala, 88°40'W, 15°38'N, 744 elev., are very short. Digits 2 and 3 of the hand collected on 6 Jan 1991 by Jonathan A. and 2, 3, and 4 of the foot are narrow and Campbell. — have pointed tips. The tail is long (1.26 Diagnosis. Nototriton stuarti is a mem- times SVL) and tapered, withlittleevidence ber of a clade of northern species ofNoto- of basal constriction. The tail is stout ba- triton. It differs from all other members of sally and is ofthe same diameteras thepos- the clade in having a broader head (0.14 terior end of the body. — times SL, from tip of snout to posterior an- Measurements of holotype (in mm). gle ofvent, whereas males ofothernorthern Snout-vent length 32.6, tail length 41.2, tail species have the following values: barbouri depth at base 3.3, tail width at base 3.2, 0.12, lignicola 0.11, limnospectator 0.11) distance between forelimb and hind limb and fewer maxillary teeth (36, versus 48- insertions 19.4, trunk widthjustposteriorto 60 in other northern species). It is further forelimbs 3.7, distance from tip of snout to distinguished from lignicola, limnospecta- gular fold 6.2, head width 4.5, head depth tor, and barbouri by having a larger nostril 2.5, distance between eye and nostril 0.9, (0.012 times SL, versus 0.005-0.011 in elliptical nostril 0.4 X 0.2, distancebetween barbouri, 0.005-0.016 in brodiei, 0.006- nostrils 1.1, eye diameter 1.6, interorbital 0.009 in lignicola and 0.003 in limnospec- distance 1.8, forelimb length 5.6, hindlimb tator), although the nostril is small in com- length 5.8, width ofhind foot 1.6, third toe parison with some Costa Rican members of length 0.4, fi—fth toe length 0.1. the genus. It differs from some species in Osteology. Information has been ob- having longer limbs (combined limb length tained from radiographs of the holotype. 0.35 times SL, versus 0.31-0.33 in brodiei The skull is relatively well developed, and and 0.30-0.34 in lignicola) and narrower in general resembles the skulls illustrated feet (foot width 0.05 times SL, versus 0.06 for Honduran species of the genus by in barbouri and brodiei and in male limno- McCranie et al. (1998), but with some im- spectator). — portant distinctions. The nasals are relative- Description. This species is known ly large and are fragmented along the an- from a single individual that is about av- terior margin. The nasolacrimal foramen is erage in size for the genus (32.6 mm, SL). clearly evident and is surrounded by bone, It has small nostrils (0.012 times SL) and a but it is unclear if the nasolacrimal duct broadly rounded snout (but narrow for an pierces the prefrontal bone (as in the genus 818 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Cryptotriton) or if the nasal forms the an- sum and are relatively uniform pale gray, terior margin of the foramen and the pre- but there are some obscure whitish spots on frontal the posteriormargin (as in someoth- the throat.— er species of Nototriton). The prefrontal is Habitat. The holotype ofN. stuarti and present because there is bone posterior to several specimens of Oedipina elongata the duct opening and that bone is separated were found inside logs at the type-locality, from the facial process of the maxillary. and initially the specimen described here The premaxillary has a moderately well de- was thought to be a member of that taxon. veloped dental process, and paired ascend- One ofthis series ofsalamanders was found ing processes that are not fused basally, re- dead on a trail, and it may have been in leaf main separated for their entire length, and litter and stepped on by collectors earlierin which are not expanded terminally. The as- the day. cending processes are relatively short. No In contrast to higher, more extensive septomaxillary is evident. The maxillaries mountain ranges in Guatemala, theMontafi- are relatively long and slender, extending to as del Mico do not possess well defined m the posterior margin of the relatively small vegetational belts, although above 600 a eye. The preorbital process of the vomer is lush subtropical wet forest prevails. Cloud long and well developed, and bears teeth in forest occurs in the vicinity of the type-lo- a single row. The frontals and parietals are cality of N. stuarti a—nd on the two highest well developed and there is only a small peaks in the region Cerro San Gil and gap that barely qualifies as a mid-dorsal Cerro Las Escobas. fontanelle. No cranial crests are evident. No The Montanas del Mico are one of the columellar process can be seen on the oper- wettest regions in Guatemala. Although culum. There are 14 trunk, one sacral, and weather stations are lacking in these moun- two caudosacral vertebrae. The tail is in- tains, the lowlands just to the north receive mm complete and is regenerating; it may have in excess of 4000 of precipitation per regenerated twice. The phalangeal formula year (INSIVUMEH 1992), and it is hkely of the forelimbs is 1-2-3-2, hind limbs 1-2- that an even greater amount ofrain falls on 3-3-2 (digit three is incomplete on one the windward slopes of the Montanas del foot). The digits are all well formed. Ter- Mico. — minal phalanges of the longest digits are Distribution. Nototriton stuarti is slightly expanded. There is a well-devel- known only from the type-locality (Fig. 1) oped tibial spur. — in the Montanas del Mico, which reach a Coloration (in alcohol). The dorsum of maximum elevation of 1267 m on Cerro the head, trunk and tail is dark reddish San Gil. These geographically isolated up- brown, with a series of prominent whitish lands are located to the north of the inhos- chevrons (pointing cranially) covering the pitable valley of the Rio Motagua and are back. The head is somewhat mottled, with surroundedby lowland, tropical habitats. To pale patches on the eyelids, between the the southwest, a low ridge system (>300 eyes, and on the temple region, as well as m) connects the Montanas del Mico with on the nasolabial protuberances. A row of that of the Sie—rra de las Minas. small pale spots creates an irregular and in- Etymology. The species is named in conspicuous stripe along the upper ventro- honor of the late L. C. Stuart, who spent A lateral surface ofthe flanks. pair ofpoor- his scientific career studying the amphibi- ly formed pale spots is found just anterior ans and reptiles ofGuatemala, and who pre- to the tail base constriction. Lregular whit- dicted that the Montarias del Mico would ish spots mark the tail dorsum, and the produce apreviously undescribed speciesof limbs have abundant small whitish spots. salamander. — The ventral surfaces are paler than the dor- Comments. Nototriton stuarti repre- — VOLUME 113, NUMBER 3 819 sents the northwestern-most member ofthe of the genu—s Chiropterotriton (Caudata: Pleth- revised genus (Garcia-Paris & Wake 2000). odontidae). Herpetologica 50:164-187. Garcia-Paris, M., &D. B. Wake. 2000. Molecularphy- The species is morphologically distinct, but logenetic analysis ofrelationships ofthe tropi- the differences separating it from other spe- cal salamandergeneraOedipinaandNototriton, cies are subtle. Its closestgeographic neigh- with des—criptions ofanew genus andthreenew bboordyisanNd. nborsotdriilei,sizwe,hibcuht iitt driefsfeermsblmeasrki-n Good, osDpf.ectAih.e,es.&CosDCt.oapBe.RiiWacaa2kn0e0.M0o:14s93s9-37.S0a.Slyasmtaenmdaetrisc,stguedniuess edly in having a shorter tail, fewer teeth, Notot—riton, with descriptions ofthree new spe- and broader head. Both species, as well as cies. Herpetological Monographs 7:131—159. others (often only some individuals of a Institute Nacional de Sismologia, Vulcanologia, Me- species) in the genus, have a dorsal color teorologia e Hidrologia (INSIVUMEH). 1992. Datos Meteorologicos de las Cabeceras Depar- pattern ofpale marks arranged in a herring- tamentales. Gobiemo de Guatemala, 195 pp. bone pattern. Its morphological characters Keferstein, W—. 1868. Ubereinige Batrachieraus Costa are matched most closely by those of A^. Rica. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte 34:300, pis. barbouri, possibly for the simple reason 8-9, figs. 8-9. that that species is known from the largest McCranie, J. R., & L. D. Wilson. 1997. Two newspe- cies of salamanders (Caudata: Plethodontidae) sample. ofthe genera Bolitoglossa and Nototriton—from Parque Nacional La Muralla, Honduras. Pro- Acknowledgements ceedings ofthe Biological Society ofWashing- ton. 110:366-372. We thank M. B. Harvey, W W. Lamar, , , & J. Polisar. 1998. Another new montane salamander (Amphibia: Caudata: D. P. Lawson, and E. N. Smith for their Plethodontidae) from Parque Nacional Santa — participation in field work in Guatemala. Barbara, Honduras. Herpetologica 54:455- Gabriela Parra-Olea shared unpublished 461. molecular data. We are appreciative to the Papenfuss,TJ., &D.B.Wake. 1987.Twonewspecies officials of the Consejo Nacional de Areas offropmleMtehxoidcoont.i—dAscatlaamZaonodleorgsic(ageMneuxsiNcoatnotar(itnoune)- Protegidas (CONAP), who issuedcollecting va serie). 21:1-16. and export permits. The material is based Schmidt, K. P. 1936a. New amphibians and reptiles in part upon work supported by the Nation- from Hon—duras in the Museum ofComparative Zoology. Proceedings of the Biological Soci- al Science Foundation (DEB-9705277) to ety ofWashington 49:43-50. JAC. . 1936b.—Guatemalan salamanders ofthe genus Oedipus. Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological Series 20:135-166. Literature Cited Tanner, W. W. 1950. A new ge—nus ofplethodontidsal- Brame, A. H., Jr., & D. B. Wak—e. 1963. The salaman- a1m0:a3n7d-e4r4.from Mexico. GreatBasin Naturalist Campbelednelcr,es,J.oLfAo.S,so&uAtnhgE.eAlNme.esrSiCmcoiaut.nh.tyC1o9Mn9u8ts.rieNbuuemtwio6ns9sp:e1ci-ni7e2Ss.coi-f Taylor,dSEec.rieHni.nce1M9Be4u4xl.ilceTtohi,nep3gt0e.:n1e18r.9—a-o1Uf3n2ip.vleertshiotdyontofsaKlaanmsaans- NeomtoGturiattoenma(lCaa.u—datSac:iePntlieftihcodPoanpteirsd,aeN)atfurroamleHaisst-- U.ni1v9e4r9s.itNyeowfKsaanlsaamasndSecrisencferoBmulCleotsitna3R3i:c2a.79- tory Museum, University ofKansas 6:1-8. 288. Cope, E. D. 1869. Areviewofthespecie—softhePleth- Wake, D. B., & P. Elias. 1983. New genera and a new odontidae and Desmognathidae. Proceedings species ofCentral American salamanders, with of the Academy ofNatural Sciences, Philadel- areview ofthetropical—genera(Amphibia,Cau- phia 1869:93-118. data, Plethodontidae). Contributions in Sci- Darda, D. M. 1994. Allozyme variation and morpho- ence, Natural History Museum ofLos Angeles logical evolution among Mexican Salamanders County 345:1-19.

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