植物研究雑誌 J. Jpn. Bot. 79: 373-375 (2004) A New Species of Crotalaria L. (Leguminosae) , from Zhejiang ProvinceChina Yan-cheng JIANG\ Xiang-yun ZHUb Yu-fen Dub and Hiroyoshi OHASHlc ,*, .College of Biology and Technology,X injiang University, 14 Shengli Road,U rumqi,Xi njiang,8 30046 CHINA; bInstitute of Botany,th e Chinese Academy of Sciences, 20 Nanxincun,Xi angshan,Be ijing,1 00093 CHINA; *Correspondance author e-mail address:[email protected] CBotanical Garden,T ohoku University,Se ndai,98 0-0862 JAPAN (Received on June 21,2 004) A new species of Crotalaria L. (Leguminosae subfam. Papilionoideae),C. tiantai- ensis Y. C. Jiang,X . Y. Zhu,Y . F. Du & H. Ohashi,is described and illustrated from Zhejiang Province,C hina. Key words: China,C rotalaria,L eguminosae,n ew species,Z h司iang. Chinese Crotalaria L. (Papilionoideae: the latter in having leaves 4-10 mml ong,1 - Leguminosae) comprises 40 species with 2m mw ide,w ith appressed,d ense white pa- three varieties including six aliens (Yang pillae and rubiginous hairs (leaves 10-25 1998). While identifying specimens of mml ong,5 -12 mmw ide with white hairs in Crotalaria in PE,th e present authors found C.αlbidα,; and 20-35 mml ong,4 -10 mm an unknown plant. It is remarkably small but wide with brown hairs in C. chinensis); stan- bearing mature flower and fruit. It is most dard ovate,c a. 5m ml ong,c a. 3m mw ide similar to C. fel・rugineaGrah. ex Benth.,a nd (elliptical,6 -8 mml ong in C. albidα,,a nd also somewhat resembles C.αlbida Heyne ovate or rounded, 7-9 mm long in C. ex Roth and C. chinensis L. in having chinensis); and pods 6-8 mml ong (10-11 unifoliolate leaves with narrowly oblong mml ong in C.αlbidα,; and 8-12 mml ong in leaflets and ar aceme. Differences between C. chinensis).恥1oreover,the plant is distinct the new plant and these species are as fol- from C.αlbidα,in lacking stipules (stipules lows: small,s etaceous in C. albida) and in having The unknown plant differs from racemes with 3-7 flowers (more than 20 Crotalaria ferruginea in lacking stipules and flowers in C.αlbida). Also,it differs from in having smaller bracts ca. 1m ml ong (2- C. chinensis in having shorter pedicels 1.5- 4 mml ong in C. ferruginea),s tandard with 2.0 mml ong (2-4 mml ong in C. chinensis). appressed hairs on the adaxial surface Wec onsider,th erefore,th e plant represents a (glabrous in C. ferruginea) and keel-petals new species,al though it is based only on two with appressed hairs at the base (glabrous in herbarium specimens. C.ferruginea). The unknown plant is smaller than C.αlbida and C. chinensis,6 -12 cmt all Crotalaria tiantaiensis Y. C. Jiang,X . Y. against 15-60 cm tall in C. chinensis and Zhu,Y . F. Du & H. Ohashi,sp . nov. 25-70 cmt all in C. albida and it differs from [Fig. 1] 374 植物研究雑誌第79巻第6号 平成16年12月 Vj W Fig. 1. Crotalaria tiantaiensis Y. C. Jiang,X . Y. Zhu,Y . F. Du &H . Ohashi. P. A whole plant. C. Calyx,V . Standard (Vi,ad axial surface; Vo,ab axial surface). W. Wing-petal (from inside). K. Keel-petal. O. Ovary. S. Stamens. All from holotype. Scale indicates 1c m for pa nd 2m mf or others. December 2004 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 79 No. 6 375 Haec species maxime simile C. ferruginω two pulvinate callosities at base on abaxial Grah. ex Benth.,s ed differt plantas minori- surface,ap pressed with long hairs at the mid- bus, 6-12 cm altis, stipulis absenibus, dle on adaxial surface,c law ca. 0.5 mmlo ng; bracteis minoribus,l inearibus,c a. 1 mm wings oblong,c a. 4m ml ong,c a. 1.5 mm longis,v exillo piloso in medio doso,c arinis wide,w ith laminate cougationsat middle; 町 pilosis in base medio; aC .αlbida Heyne ex keel-petals as long' as standard,c a. 3 mm Roth et C. chinensis L. plantas minoribus, wide,in curved above middle,co ntracted into vexillo ovato minoribus 5m ml ongo,3 m m beak until apex,b eak incurved,w ith hairs at lato,l eguminibus ellipsoidalibus minoribus. base of middle p ton outside,ci liate along 訂 Holotypus: China. Zhejiang,T iantai. 10 margin; stamens 10, anthers dimorphic; September 1928. Unknown Collector 839 ovary sessile,c a. 3m ml ong,s tyle incurved, (PE). ca. 3.5 .mm long,p ilose,s tigma with hairs. Perennial herbs, 6-12 cm tall, with Pods glabrous,e llipsoid,6 -8 mm1 ong,4 -4.5 appressed rubiginous hairs. Leaves unifolio- mmw ide,w ith short beaks. late,n arrowly oblong,4 -10 mml ong,1 -2 The specific epithet of the new species is mmw ide,w ith dense white papillae and derived from the locality where it was col- appressed rubiginous hairs; petioles ca. 1 lected. mml ong; stipules absent. Racemes terminal, 1.5-3.5 cm long,w ith 3-7 flowers; calyx Wet hank Mr Y. B. Sun for the drawings. subcampanulate, 5-6 mm long, teeth 5, This work has been partly supported by the ovate-lanceolate, 4-5 mm long, with Na tional Science Foundation of China appressed rubiginous hairs, with distinct (Grant nos. 30170072 and 30270105 to X.Y. veins,c iliate along margins; bracts small, Zhu). linear,ca . 1m ml ong,pe rsistent; bracteoles linear,ca . 1.5m ml ong; pedicels 1.5-2.0 mm References long. Corolla pale yellow when dry,pr otrud- Yang C. Y. 1998. Crotalaria L. In: Cui H. B. (edよ ing from calyx; standard ovate,c a. 5m m Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 42 (2): 341- long,c a. 3m mw ide,r otund at apex,w ith 379. Science Press,B eijing (in Chinese). 美彦成,朱相雲 ,杜玉茶,大橋広好 中 a b b C' 国j折江省産マメ科タヌキマメ属の1新種 中国からは40種のタヌキマメ属が知られている. 標本に基づく. ここに記載した 1種は図に示すように,非常に小 (a新彊大学生命科学技術学院, 形で,高さ 6-12cm,長楕円形の 1小葉をつけ, 中国科学院植物研究所, b 托葉を欠き,総状花序に少数の花をつけ,果実は 東北大学附属植物園津田記念館) c 楕円体である f折江省天台で1928年に採集された