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A new species of Corynoppia (Acari, Oribatida, Oppiidae) from Biscay (the Basque Country, northern Spain) PDF

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Preview A new species of Corynoppia (Acari, Oribatida, Oppiidae) from Biscay (the Basque Country, northern Spain)

TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 151 1 53-1 57 (1998) @ 1998 Zoologica lSociet yof Japan A New Species Corynoppia (AcarOir,ibatidaO,ppiidae) of from Biscay(TheBasque Country,NorthernSpain) Juan Carloslturrondobeitia'aMnadrtalnesSalofia facultad de Ciencias ,Universida dde/ Pais 1i:asco, slh, E-48940,Leioa,Vizcaya,SpainBOSartiena ABSTRACT-A new oribatid mite belongin gto the famie yOppiida ei sdescribe dirom the province of Biscay in the Basque Country ,Norther nSpain ,We propose the name Cosynoppi apapiltiseti gteor riat w,hose shape and size of setae ta (Q) bearin gpapiii aies the main and distinct ifveeatur teo separate i tfrom allied species, such as Corynoppj afoiiatoide sSub[as et Rodriguez, 1986. For the moment i thas been found in a coastal meadow and eucaliptus, evergreen-oak, and pine iorests, INTRODUCTION species of the genus ,lnterbotri dspiaacei with four spots and soft lines as the remains of lamellar and translamella rstruc- Some years ago, specimens ot an oppiid oribatld mite, tures, Foveolate tdegument ls easily distinguish iend laterals which has been remalned unnamed up to now and being re- whereas a rugose cerotegument covers the re$t. corded as Corynoppi asp, were coltected (lturrondo abndeitia Sato6a ,1988), Although this species has appeared in a few Notogaster ocassions (Echevar r19r8a0;, Salofi a1,988; and recently, Anterjor borde rwjth two small humeral spines and $etae unpublished resuits) we have decided to record i tas a new ta (q) of a club-form structure bearin gpapill aaes the foliated for science today due to the clear djstinct itveeature si ncom- ones (Fig s1A. and 2). This is the main character of differen- pariso nwith its reiated species, The descripti ooin the shape tlatio nwith it selosest species C. iciiatoide sc,haracter that of the main structures has been done according to the no- has been used by the authors to name the new specie$: mendature ot Mahunka and Zombori <1985), "papiUisetigera" which means "...carrying setae with papillae" Ln reference to the setae ta <q )and the rest ot the toliated Coiynoppi apapiliiseti gne, rsap. setae. Notogaster bearing 9 pair set setae lik ethe widened one$ described for the rostral and iamellar setae, Surfac eof DESCRIPTION this body part with a rugose cerotegument anci uncter i ta ioveolatetdegument. Dimensions, colour and covering of body Slze of 270-285 itm Iengt hand 128-140 Ltm width. Coiour Ventral region Iigh tbrown. Body covered by an irregul raurgose-)ike cerotegu- Epimeral reglon has usual chaetotaxy 3:1:3i 3and rnent, formed by not very thick irregul awrrinkles, mixect with apodeme apq softly marked (Fig s1,B and 3) .Genita lplates di rt ,spread specialiy over the anterior and posteri oprart sot bear 5 pair sof setae and anal ones 2, The latterwi tcihliation the dorsa lside and, to a lesser extent, on the ventral plate, hardl yvisible using non-contrast microscope, Fissures iad whieh does not allow to discern well the tegument and other Iocate din paraana lpositio nA.danal aoj and adgenital ag se- body structures. Once i tis removed a foveoiate tdegument ali tae small and setiform and arranged in a lin ew,hile adanals over body, including the legs ,can be djstingujshed, aai anct ad2 widened similarly to those of notogaster and prodorsum .Softly foveoiated tegument of the epimeral regLon Prodorsum weV seen due to the absence of cerotegument whereasa softly Rostra Land Iamellar setae foliate r,acquet shaped and rugo$e cerotegument appear in the ventral plate. covered with small papiUae o,r spicuFes, sometimes scale-like papill adeepending on the view pesitio n(sFlg s1,A and 2).ln- Legs terlamella ranci exobotridial setae small and setiterm. Sensillus We have no genera lcomments about the legs and their fusiform ,curved and laterall yciliated as i tis typica lin most chaetotaxy because the Eack ot material to compare with, So, we refer totiguresas theyexp)ain themselves, Particularly 'Correspondingauthor: Tel, +344-4647700; remarkable are the following comments, All legs monodactiie FAX. +344-4648500. with a softly foveolate tdegument (Fi g3},, Chaetotaxy f}tting NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan 154 J.C,lturrondobeit[aandM.1S.alofia 1L ' Y ."i・ . ,.eNr.S v ) e- R B Fig,1A .Dorsa tand ventral side of Cotytnoppi paapiltisetiger an.sp. (scal bear ,1OO vm). int othe model proposed by Aril[ (o1995 f}or the family li l2/-3-1(1}-3(1)-1 2or 13, Oppiidae ,based ,at the same time, on the nomenclature pro- IV :1 -2-2-3( )1- 9or 1O, posals and setae posjtion sgive nby Norto n(1977 t)of the family Long solenidion ff ilocate don the extremity of an apo- Damaeidae. A possibLe tormu]a is the following: physis of tibi a1 ,matter ahready describe bdy Perez-1fi i<g1 9o67) I i1-5-2<1)-4(2)-20(2), in Stachyoppi akosaro vi matritensis, whereas the smaller g2 II 1i-5-2{1)-4(1)-14{2>, jus btehind i tT,ibia e)l l,l a:nd IV normal, without apophysis. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan BiscayCorynoppiaNew Species 155 Fig. 2.Laterai side of Corynoppia pa,piili'set in.gsep.r{ascale bar ,50 pm}. A)l solenidia short, not exceeding ihe length of podomere with Type-series the exception of a` whlch do not exceed the extreme ot the lndividual scollected in "Punta de Musques" <local oifty leg. A lot ot setae dilate dtjk ethose of notogaster, This hyper- Somorrostra, Biscay Pfovince, Northern Spain), on March of trophy could be the cause ot the reiative displacement ot the 1 979 by Marla Pila rEchebarria Rotaeche, have been selected setae arranged i npairs ,f tfor example, and, probably ,the as the type - series. One of them has been selected as holo- secondary Ioss of setae. Hence the tibia clhaetotaxy of legs type and the remainjng seven as paratypes, They have been ll land IV instead of having 13 and 1O setae respectively, have deposited in the Laboratory of Zooiogy of the Sciences Fac- 12 and 9 because the loss of one seta, ulty of the Basque Country University ,located in Leioa {Biscay province,Northern Spain>mounted wLth Hoyer insemiper- Studied rnaterial and habitat manent slides. Eightindividu acollslected in 1 979 in a meadow situated in the localit oyf Somorrostr o(B]sc Paryovlnce) ,exactly in the DISCUSSION smali cape "Punta de Musques" ln the seaboard facing north- west and in consequence bearing strong winds. The main The new taxon belongs to the subfamily Mystroppiinae vegetation composition covering the meadow isPiantago Balogh, 1983, and tothe genus CorynoppjBaalogh, 1983, man'tima (seaplan taandi ngr)ass .The pH is slightly alkaline according to the cla$siflcatory system of Balogh and Batogh and carbonate content is high ,The studled area i ssurrounded <1992 T)h,ere are tour taxa insid ethis genus, three species by afforested eucalyptus lands, and a subspecies CSubi aasnd Balogh ,1989: Balogh and One individu aco)llected i n1988 in an eucalyptus forest Ba)ogh ,1992) /Corynoppi aiotiat u(sMihel c1i95c7,) ;the type situated in the localit yof Carranza {Bisca pyrovince> 18 km species Cotynoppia kosarovi (Jelev a1,962); Cotynoppia far away from the forme rsite, This fores htas a pH vatve next kosarovi rnatritensis (Perez-1f 1i9i67g)o ,and Corynoppia to 5 and i thas almost no contentin carbonates, Twe individu- ioiiatoi dSeusbias et Rodriguez ,1 986. als collected in 1992, within a Project of Wiid Fire impact on Among all existing species, includi ntghe one proposed oribatids, in an evergreen-oak fofes t$ampie situated in the in thi spaper ,we fin ddlfferenc easffecting the fo)iowi nigea- locali toyf Car;anza (Bi¢say Province) ,One individua elollected tures /(1 )mean vaiues of body sLze (mean length and width in in 1992, in the same Proiect of Fire impact on orjbatids, in a ,um, )(,2 )the shape and iength of sensilius (th etypica lof the pine tores tsample situated in the locaMy ot Bilba o(Biscay genus versus a longer one), (3 )rostral setae {sma Hand Province). seWorm versus foliatedc)1,4)setae ta(q}(smalanld setitorm AIthoug hBisca yand AIaba province shave been inten- versus a iarge rc,lub-form one, bearin gpapillae (),5 )adanal slvely sampled, no more individual sof this species have ap- setae adi (sma ianld setiform versus foliate d(>6, a)danai se- peared up to now, So, i tseems to be a rare, not very abun- tae ad, (smal alnd setiform versus foljated )and (7 )the reia- dant,spec[es, tive positj obnetween ag and ad3 (arrang eind a lin eversus a positioinnwhich adanal setae are behincitheadgenital ones, NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society oofJfap anJapan 156 J, C, lturrondobei tanida M.1, Salofia CLO (P) l}}i I ( CPY) v (Lt II ifin m o ( 50pm Fig. 3,Legs 1 ,]1,11 1and IV of Coopoppia papiliisetiger na.sp.(scale bar ,50 pm}. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocallogical SSoociceityety ooff JJaapapnan BiscayCorynoppiaNew Species 157 Tablet. Corynoppiaspeciesdefinablecharacters Characters Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C. foliataC. 265x130325x1653t3y0pxi1c6a0l2t6y0pxi1c4a0l2fl7oo5nlxgi1e3ar5tteypsiectalslefttyoifproimrcmsael VormfofioilaLtaetfeolia tleargersetidfiesrpmlsaecteidformsetiformsetiform kosarovi setiform setiform in linedisplaced C, k, matfitensis setiform setiform C, foiiatoides setiform foliate in line C, papitSisetigera clubea foiiate in line 1/ mean values of body size, 2/ the shape and length of $en$illi .3/ rostral 4/ setae ta (q) .5/ adanal setae a4. 6/ adanal setae ac(]. 7/ the relative posjtio bnetween ag and aa,, (se etext'),setae. thatislongitudinalydisplaced), REFERENCES Referring to other characters, there are grea tsimilarities and ditferences seem to be non-significative. These species Arill Ao (1995 )Estudj oFaunistlc oy Taxon6mLco de los 6ppldos del detinabl ceharacters are shown ln Table 1 , sur de Espafia CAcar iOr,ibatida, Oppiidae). PhD Thesis Univ e$ t sple ticis eesvj diesn tC,o raysn ocopmpmieant etdolia tonoi id ne {tsSheu pba[pa easnr d,t hRaot dtrhieg culeozs,- B a l oCHgouhm nJpg,i aBuratileaonn gsNhea tMPu ar{dar1 liH9di9s t2To)hr eyM uOsreiubmati dMites of the World, Vol 1 , 1986> and all reviewed characters match in both species with Echevarria rvl P(1980 )Estudio fauni'stice y ecel6gico de las the exception of the setae ta ,which are setiform and small in pobjacione sde acares oribatidos de )a tranj aMoral de la Punta C. iciiatoidesand signiticant larger and covered with papillae lt u rdreo nMduosbqeuietsiJ, aCM,jnSoarl Tohfei$aMi$ ,(U1n9i8v 8P)aLias VfaamsicHoa Oppiidae(Acar:, in C. papiUisetiger aas i thas been already mentioned, The Oribati de na )la provinc i da e Vizca ya y zonas afines, Cua dernos problem arises when discussing the importance of characters lnves tBiol ,Bilba o13/ 107-135 in separating species, For the case this paper is referring to Mahunka S, Zombori L CI98 5T)he variabilLt oyi some marphologLcal only one featur et,he shape and size of $etae ta, appears to feature sin Oribat miidtes. Foli aEntomol Hungarica 46/ t15-f28 bien g dainf fanesrwee ronrt dtlo sscelrviem tihnea ptro orNbyel.veemr ,twehe lpreos psaon,sde wtihteh ocurtea thiaonv- N o r toionfn lORhrAe[ b(ora 1igtb7aL7t deM}ii A ta enRdse "v Eiidte swab pyop fDi FiLc, aGDtrilanennd datjlo e,tSahtn ea stDysea tUmenmaievi odofta leNe,eg wclh na Ye"Btoioolrotgyakx,y pp of a new species because the setae ta Cc, h)ave been tradi- 33-62 tFonall yconsidered as an important discrtminatory feature, Perez-Ifii gCo ( 1967) Deux nouveaux oribates (Acar d"es environs Moreover, the shape of this setae i$ constant in al1 individuals de Madrid. Acarolegi a9/ 639-646 osfp etchiee sn,ew C t, apxaopni alnld,i smeortpih egsbeegerimcasall yt,o b vee a r y rcatrei fsfpeercle efnsrt,o m botehienrg P e r ezi4-n61s1fiu2il6ga3 o re-C 3 l5(s01l9a s7B1a Al)ceaarroess (OAricbaar tOiird,io bsdaet esui eP)laosrt ed eM. EEsopsa,i Maa Pdern[-d coHected only in 1980, 1988 and 1992, although many other Salofi aM (1988 )Estudio taxon6m]co y eco16gico de tos oribatides samples have been taken late rin the provinces of Biscay and (Acar iO,ribatida) de varios ecosistemas de Vizcaya y Zonas Alaba. So, taking into account these reasons, we consider afines. PhD Thesis Univ Pais Vasco advisable thepropositioonfthi$new spec]es, Subfas LS, Balogh P {1989 )ldentificat ikoenys to the genera of Oppiidae Grandjean 1,951 {Acar iO/nbatei) Acta Zoologica Hungarjca 33: 355-412 SubiasLS,RodrfgJezP (1986)Oppltdae(AcariO:fibat[dad)elos ACKNOWLEDGMENTS sablnaTes (Juniper "tshurifera) de Espafia, IV, Subfami)ias We thank Dr .L, Subia sand Dr .A, Aril lfoo rthei rconstant help Mystroppiina eBalogh y Quadroppiinae Balogh. Anal Bjo l(Biol and advgce, J, Pereda and Dr. J, Moya torthel hrelp with Latin ques- AnLm) Mu rcia 7/ 37-45 IiDnsC,,Andresand A,l.Caballerotortheirhe]pinthe)anguage, (ReceivMeadrch12,19971 AcceptedOctober20,1997) NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service

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