PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 108(4), 2006, pp. 899-904 A NEW SPECIES OF COCHYLIS (LEPIDOPTERA: TORTRICIDAE: COCHYLINI) FROM ARGENTINA: A POTENTIAL BIOCONTROL AGENT AGAINST POMPOM WEED (ASTERACEAE) JOHN W. BROWN Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, c/o National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20013-7012, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract.4Cochylis campuloclinium, new species, is described and illustrated from Argentina. The new species was discovered during efforts to find biological control agents against pompom weed, Campuloclinium macrocephalum (Less.) D.C. (Asteraceae), a perennial of the New World tropics that recently has invaded South Africa. The new species is similar to C. argentinana Razowski but can be distinguished by the shape of the sacculus in the male genitalia: a hooked-shaped process in C. campuloclinium, a broad, distally excavated plate in C. argentinana. Key Words: Neotropics, South Africa, morphology, invasive species, Campulocli- nium macrocephalum Pompom weed, Campuloclinium mac- determined yet, I take this opportunity rocephalum (Less.) D.C. (Asteraceae), 1s to describe and illustrate this new spe- a perennial aster of the New World cies. tropics that recently invaded South Dissection methodology follows that Africa and is showing evidence of presented in Brown and Powell (1991). becoming one of the most aggressive Images of adults and genitalia were alien plants in that country (Malherbe captured using a Miuicroptics digital 2004). It colonizes disturbed sites such as camera system and enhanced using Ado- roadsides and has the potential to invade be Photoshop® and Illustrator® software. native grasslands and wetlands, displac- Terminology for genitalic structures fol- ing pasture vegetation. It presumably lows Horak (1984). Abbreviations for was introduced into South Africa as an depositories of specimens are as follows: ornamental plant in the early 1970s. SANC = South African National Collec- During foreign exploration in Argen- tion of Insects, Cape Town, South Africa; and USNM = National Museum of tina for potential biological control agents of pompom weed, a_tortricid Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA. moth (Cochylini) was reared from larvae infesting this plant. The majority of Cochylis campuloclinium Brown, cochylines feed on Asteraceae, but host new species fidelity at the species- or generic-level has (hips 3.555) not been studied for most. Although the potential of this moth to provide effec- Diagnosis.4In contrast to the situa- tive control of the weed has not been tion in most tortricids where adult facies 900 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOLUME 108, NUMBER 4 901 provide characters extremely useful in pale brown scales on outer surface, white assignment to at least the generic level, on inner surface, length ca. 1.3 times within Cochylini forewing pattern ele- horizontal diameter of compound eye: ments and color often are nearly useless; antenna with extremely short setae in the structures of the male and female male, less than width of flagellomere. genitalia provide the only reliable fea- Thorax: Cream intermixed with white tures for diagnosis and discrimination. dorsally; legs simple, without hairpencil Hence, it is not surprising that Cochylis or modified scales. Forewing (Fig. 1) campuloclinium is superficially similar to length 4.744.9 mm (X = 4.8; n = 5) in many species of Cochylis (e.g., C. hybri- males. 4.7 imme -44 2) in stemales: della (Htibner 1813)) and cannot be upperside with basal one-third mostly diagnosed on the basis of facies alone cream white, bordered distally by an ill- (Figs. 1, 2). The male and female geni- defined pale orange-brown median fas- talia are most similar to those of Cochylis cia, fascia represented on costa by large, argentinana Razowski, 1967, to which it gray, trapezoidal patch ca. 0.7 length probably is most closely related. The from base to apex and an orange-brown male genitalia of C. campuloclinium can blotch from patch to dorsum; median be distinguished by the broadly hook- fascia bordered distally by an area of shaped process from the base of the cream with small, irregular patches of valva (Fig. 3) which in C. argentinana is pale gray strigulation; numerous tiny, a broad plate, with a deep, rounded gray, ill-defined spots along costa from excavation in the distal portion (Fig. 4). base to trapezoidal patch; subtermen The female genitalia of C. campulocli- with irregular gray band; apical and nium (Fig. 5) are distinguished by a better terminal regions with small blotches of defined, sclerotized band at the posterior pale red-brown between major veins. ventral edge of the corpus bursa and at Hindwing cream, with scattered pale the ostium than that in C. argentinana brown scales, especially in apical region; (Fig. 6). The species is assigned to Cochy- basal three-fourths of costa of male with lis on the basis of the following features: narrow fold bearing specialized scales, dorsum of tegumen rounded (no trace of absent in female. an uncus); socius rudimentary, pendant, Abdomen: Cream. Male 4 genitalia with few scales and/or setae; valva (Fig. 3; image of USNM/ slide 95255; relatively slender, widest at base, atten- Argentina; n = 3) with tegumen very uate or parallel-sided distally; transtilla broad; uncus absent; socii weakly de- with a moderately long mesal process veloped; transtilla with elongate median that lacks a notch at the tip; and projection extending well beyond dor- aedeagus gently arched with an acutely sum of tegumen; valva broadest at base, pointed distal tip and dense patch of narrowed ca. 0.5 length, parallel-sided in large cornuti. distal 0.3, rounded apically; sacculus Description.4Head-: Vertex and frons short, basal, well defined, free, broadly white; labial palpus cream with scattered hooked-shaped, with attenuate tip; juxta Figs. 1-6. Adults and genitalia of Cochylis species. 1, Adult of C. campuloclinium (paratype). 2, Adult of C. argentinana (holotype). 3, Male genitalia of C. campuloclinium (paratype). 4, Male genitalia of C. argentinana (holotype). 5, Female genitalia of C. campuloclinium (paratype). 6, Female genitalia of C. argentinana (paratype). 902 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON segment A4. Venter of segments A249 smooth, dorsum of segment Al lacking spines; dorsum of segment A2 with two rows of similar-sized tiny spines; dorsum of segments A34A7 with two rows of conspicuous spines, those of anterior row 2-3 times as large as those of posterior row, extending nearly from spiracle to spiracle across dorsum; anterior row situated just posterad of segment junc- tion, posterior row on conspicuous ridge near middle of segment; dorsum of A849 with single row of large spines; poste- rior end of abdomen bluntly rounded,. without cremaster; AlO with a pair of thorns, one each at dorso-lateral shoul- der, each bordered by a pair of long, hook-tipped setae; venter of A1O with two short linear rows of four long, hook- tipped setae, each seta from a conspicu- ous pinaculum. Holotype.4 Male, Argentina, 23 km E Figs 7. Pupal exuviae of C. campuloclinium, Itaibate, 27°20'9"N, 57°05'049W, 76 m, 9 venter (left), dorsum (right). Dec 2003, S. Neser & T. Olckers, reared from capitulum of Campuloclinium mac- large: aedeagus short, broad, arched near rocephalum (Asteraceae). Deposited in middle, attenuate and pointed distally; SANC. vesica with ca. 15 variably sized cornuti. Paratypes.4(4 3, 2 2). Same data as Female genitalia (Fig. 5; image of holotype. Deposited in SANC (2 2,1 2) USNM slide 95268; Argentina; n = 3) andsWwSNMa@od scl 2): with papillae anales relatively small; In addition to the) type (senes; ll apophyses_ slender; sterigma broad, examined 11 specimens reared from weakly and evenly sclerotized, with flowers of Campuloclinium macrocephe- a narrow, strongly sclerotized arch ven- lum labeled <8S. America, Argentina, trad of ostium and relatively broad collected at various locations, the main sclerotized band at posterior edge of ones being: 74 km south of Santa Tome ostium; ductus bursae short, extremely (28°31 10:9"S .) S672G6" NV )) eri eee broad, somewhat sclerotized, with an north »of Santa Wome (23°29'58cs: elongate wedge-shaped sclerite com- 56°6'42.4'99W); 16 km east of Machagai prised of a pair of lateral, nearly parallel (26°59'30.499S, 59°53'36.8""W); 10:(km plates; corpus bursae slightly broader outside,. Goyann (29712 2267Ss al Sone than ductus bursae, strongly wrinkly, 29''W); 125 km west of Buenos Aires lacking spiculae; ductus seminalis from (33°28'53.1°7S; S38 S754 aw): i= 2006; anteriormost region of corpus bursae. AJ McConnachie, ABR Witt and P Pupa.4Based on 2 reconstructed exu- Mpedi.=9 Although these specimens un- viae (Fig. 7). Length 5.8 mm; cylindrical, doubtedly are consepecific with the type typically tortricine, without conspicuous series and in better condition, they are sculpturing, no process from head; wings not designated as paratypes owing to the extending just beyond the middle of ambiguous collecting locality for each VOLUME 108, NUMBER 4 specimen. The specimens are deposited LITERATURE CITED in USNM, SANC, and The Natural Brown, J. W. and J. A. Powell. 1991. Systematics History Museum, London, U.K. of the Chrysoxena group of genera (Lepidop- Etymology.4The specific epithet is tera: Tortricidae: Euliini). University of Cali- the genus name of the host plant. fornia Publication Entomology 111. 87 pp. + figs. Discussion.4 While host 4 specificity Diatloff, G. and W. A. Palmer. 1988. The host has not yet been investigated in Cochylis specificity and biology of Aristotelia ivae Busck campuloclinium, several species of Co- (Gelechiidae) and Lorita baccharivora Pogue chylini have been employed as biological (Tortricidae), two Microlepidoptera selected as control agents against weedy asters, in- biological control agents for Baccharis halimi- cluding Lorita baccharivora Pogue folia (Asteraceae) in Australia. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 90: against Baccharis halimifolia in Australia 458-461. 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(Lepidoptera: Cochyli- Washington, D.C., USA, for preparing dae), a suitable prospect for biological control the illustrations and arranging the plates. of spotted and diffuse knapweed, Centaurea I thank the following for reviewing the maculosa Monet de la Marck and Centaurea manuscript: Eric Metzler, Las Cruces, diffusa Monet de la Marck (Compositae) in North America. Canadian Entomologist 120: New Mexico; Sonja Sheffer, Systematic 109-124. Entomology Laboratory, Beltsville, Pogue, M. G. 1988. Revision of the genus Lorita Maryland; Thomas Henry, Systematic Busck (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Cochylini), Entomology Laboratory, National Mu- with a description of a new species. Proceed- seum of Natural History, Washington, ings of the Entomological Society of Washing- D.C.; William E. Miller, University of ton 90: 440-457. Powell, G. W., B. M. Wikeem, and A. Sturko. Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota; and 2000. Biology of Agapeta zoegana (Lepidop- Richard L. 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