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NEW OF CEROPEGIA (APOCYNACEAE: ASCLEPIADOIDEAE) SPECIES A AND THREATENED FROM WITH NOTES ON RARE INDIA WESTERN GHATS OF CEROPEGIA IN NILGIRIS Kumar and PM. Salim N. Anil Sujanapal P. MS Foundation Swaminathan Research Kerala Forest Research Institute Kalpetta 673 111. INDIA Puthoorvayal, 680 INDIA - Peechi, Thrissur - 653, Sasidharan N. Research Institute Kerala Forest -680653. INDIA Thrissur Peechi, ph genus Ceropegia in Nilgiri uing studies in the & manoharii Sujanapal, Salim, Anil ju . . nt undescribed host pliants ol a hbi. Cempegia species, as hitherto on of three edible has shed the details al study light RESUMEN INTRODUCTION systems of mountain of three meeting place Nilgiris, or Blue Mountains, the bks^d a^d aiu the west, j combinations in evergreen-moist deciduous southern and tne ce hotspot biodiversity graphical oddity wrought the region a .^rAamarn eucalyptus m ^ sub Mk destrucuon unprecedented aiKi have resulted in the j^mn anthropogenic ^ are the Nilgiris "Cfflic vaUeys. Since the hill stations of most th Now, ol vegetation. engagements natural shattered the existing Areas, are highly degraded. ,„„i„l01dWorldgenasofmorethan200species,exhib. a trop Ceropegia (Asclepiadoideae-Ceroj^ae), L, (Dyer adaptations hahut 'B tremendous with respect to habit, diversity downwardly pointed tubu mllated Bniyns Basely 1983; Kambale 2012). 1997; et al. (Masinde 2004; „ap flowers' .stt^elykn^ot.m^ify Pf group ^ and the iBirs, torrnsaternporary trap for snmll flies «^onetal.20(^,.ALri%84),intherev..on«C^.^^^^ tave ^ ^rted noveltnrs ^ to be endemic Later six to India. ^ m *e dismbuted by '"dia about 50 species, of which 38 are lUCN Red-List „„der different P endemics narrow Shendage are Many Ceropegia 2010). species of & categories (Nayar 1987-1989). Sastry ; 342 cm cm cm tuberous, few, to 30 long, 1-1.5 diam.; stem to 0.5 diam., terete, gla- t brous, branched. Leaves cm simple, decussate, thickly coriaceous; petiole 0.8-1.5 long; lamina 5-10 x 2-3.5 cm, lanceolate, apex acuminate, base rounded or acute, dark green, shining above, pale green below, margin smooth, Cymes laxly ciliate. axillary or extra axillary, mostly one- or two-flowered; peduncle 0.8-1.2 cm long, mm mm ca. 1.5 diam., glabrous; pedicel 1.8-2.4 cm, 2-4 mm, ca. 1 diam., glabrous; bract solitary, x 0.2-0.5 linear, acuminate, glabrous. Sepal 3-5 x 0.6-0.9 mm, 3-4 cm linear, acuminate, glabrous. Corolla long; tube cm 1.4-1.8 long, greenish yellow, dilated at base, conical vsdth sudden constriction above, striated with pur- brown on plish lines the upper mouth half, glabrous, of the inflated part with inwardly directed hairs inside, cm inner deeply purple; lobes 1.6-2.2 long, and strictly completely folded back along midrib, linear oblong with rounded apex, lower half creamy white internally with an roundish with brown artistic end, externally upper blotches, half dark greenish, margin with long brown adpressed hairs, lobes connate at tip forming an ovoid head. Outer corona cupular, lobes each 5, lobe bifurcate into two divergent horn-like projections, each mm projection ca. 1.5 long, ciliate, horns of adjacent lobes paired apically; inner corona of five linear, conni- mm vent, purple lobes, ca. 2.5 long, apically rounded. Pollinia yellow, attached to the brown corpusculi by mm short caudicles; pollinarium x 0.3 0.25 cm in total. Follicle pairs unequal, 15-18 x 0.3-0.4 and the larger smaller 10-13 X 0.3-0.4 cm, ' ' ‘ slightly curv glabrous; seeds coma 0.8-15 1, c< :-oblong, black; 1 long, white, silky. Local and status Population.— Rare in the locality, a total of 44 matui Montane Grasslands Meppadi of Forest Range. Most of the growing spots and sharp rocky cuttings. — m Habitat Grasslands between 1500-1850 . asl. Geographical known distribution.—So far only from the montane Wayanad Forest grasslands of South Division Western (Nilgiri, Ghats, Kerala, India). — Etymology The specific epithet monoharii’ derived from a Malayalai beautiful, denotes the elegant flowers new of the species. Flowering and Fruiting.— August-February. ^ of Ceropcgia were collected from Among an unde- Nilgiris. the collections scnbed, elegant species was named included, & here as Ceropegia monoharii Sujanapal SaUm, Anil Sasidh sp. novshowsavery„an.owdMnbuaoni„*eMeppadiHUl,angesofWayajE^.C.W^^^ olher species are endemic lo die Pemnsular Unba India - Sri jmcea Roi* T mega-diveisity center Ccropeein . wT “ “*"'** ^Nilgiris. suc^i r foureln, IS the moist decidnonsforestsandsimiUr decLconnWigh.^^ areas. Ceropegia i.irsm<.Wigli.&Ani..andCdegi.ns Wall, are occurring 500® in eveixreen and ^arhabitats above forests Most asl. of the speoes of Ceropcgin in dtis region are habitat ramteTbere- specific witbanarr^idisiribii, ion A new species of Ceropegia from India 343 Sujanapal et al., 344 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 7(1) 5 1 345 new Ceropegiafrom A species of India etal., Sujanapal of Cervpegia of NUgiris Socio-ecology tuberous characterized by root tubers either as single large potato-like tuber or fascicled Ceropegia genus is The Old World (Mab- Tubers and leaves of many species of Ceropegia are used as food in various parts of the roots. Inquiry with the tribes, as well used indigenous systems of medicines (Pullaiah 2006). also in 1987). is berly It people of the study area, revealed that tubers of C. hirsuta and leaves of C. deccdsneana are con- other local as Though decaisneana doesn’t form a potato-like tuber, the leaves are used as C. ,. such Amaranth) and are a delicious item during the fasting period as ‘Eidh’. Lanka Biodiversity endemic Western Ghats-Sri from the study area, seven are to a collected Among Western Ghats en- the three Western Ghats region. southern and three taxa are restricted to HotspJt and lUCN; species such as C. ciliata Vulnerable category of in the demic species C. decaisneana is already listed anthropogenic due various species to and higher threat than the red-listed very facing a manoharii are rare C. and environmental factors. because succulent vines; have and few species leafless with magnificent flowers a Ceropegia distinctive is Observation revealed ornamental plants. many widely cultivated as species of Ceropegia are of this peculiarity, C gardening. Stnce are suitable for decaisncam, etc, elegms. tat species such as C. juucett, C. mauohurii. C. found that the gardens. is butterflies to It they wilf attract many of these species are host plants of butterflies, and newly described C. the on C. Ihwnitesii elcgnns, Dunaus feeds C. genutia, the caterpillar of the butterfly. Rtntntsg™^^^ plants of undescribed host These speciesare hitherto "Mtioborii. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 5"“"' Bruyns Bolus Maharastra; Peter Kolhapur University, Anthois thankfuf Yadav, are to S.R. SnWharthan Genuany; Bayreuth of UK, Meve. University AWca; David Goyder, Kew Herbarium; Ulrich J. Kannur relevant iteratures, for Balakrishnan, Hong Kong and V.C. Surveswaran, University of anonymous reviewere or two Thanks also to ments, expert opinion, and identification of the caterpillar. “P d"™® then Department for We Kerafa Forest Jh' thankfuf to careful review an ate of earlier draft. We e fellowship. DST track writ. First author thankfuf to SERC, for fast is tribal communities and people, local \ Survey of Botanical Calcutta; k of Flora of India, 1 Fascicles Answh, genus-Ceropegw. M.Y. 1984. Asclepiadaceae: 07-1 Rbeedea 7:1 India. Kerala, Valley. L of Silent PM, 997. A note on Ceropegia (Asclepiadaceae) . 1 . 78-1 68:1 ^ Curr. Sci. 1 Chaherjee, S. 995. Global 'hot spots' of biodiversity. 1 RA. 983. Ceropegia, Brachyste from 1 Ceropegieae) iceae: '^ambaie, S.S, A.N. Chandore. and S.R.Y/ Western Kew 67:843-848. Ghats, India. Bull. On 14-1 1 1 ambridgeUnl«ralvPre^-bnJ^^^^^ ^r.DJ.,987.The book. plant C peg ^nde, African East RS. 2004. Trap-flower pollination in ™ fly < Botanical Survey of India. Book of M.P. A.R.K. s«nu. 987-1 989. Red Data (Apocynaceae: Asclepia- 1 c^^pegio z r Whittington, ^^ttBnoN,J.,s.MAsiNDE, M. AND A.E. • U. Meve, Picker, „.cni_i5i4. Bo Ann. perspectives. doideae): biogeographic and phylogenetic _ • ^ '^H,T. plants. medicinal 2006. Encyclopedia of world Ceropegias S.R. and Threatened < M.Y. Kamble. 2008. Dehradun; Wildlife Inst of India. ts habitats ai Special Rawat, Chadha, and Kumar, eds. J. P. C?R:^s'M"8L^l...„10.Cempe9k.bb0d,.anewsp^^^ •^ew Bull. 65:107-1 10.

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