TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society oofJfap anJapan ZOOLOGICALSCIENCE14:691-700(1997) @ 1997 ZoQIogica Slocie toyt Japan A NewSpecies of Balaenophitu (sCopepod: aHarpacticoida), an Ectoparasit eof a Sea Turtle inJapan Kazunar iOgawa"', KanaeMatsuzaki2 andHlroshi Mjsaki3 "Z NakaiLaboratotyMi,nami 2-24-23,Koenji,Suginami-ku,fokyo 166,Japan 2Chjyoda D & M Co. Ltd. ,5-38- 3Kamata, Oota-ku, fokyo I44, Japan 3Kushimoto MarineParkCenter,1157Arita/K,ushimoto-chou,Alishimuro-gun, VVakayama Preiecture649-35,Japan ABSTRACT-Ba/aenophi/us umigamecolus n. sp., the second species known at presen tin the aberrant harpactico ifadmily BaLaenophilid ahea,s been collected from the neck skin of a juyenH eloggerhead sea tu rtIe Carett acaretta in the aquarium of the Kushimoto Marine Park Center ,Wakayama Prefectur jea,pan, This is the fjrs trecord of copepods occurring on a sea turtI eT,his new specLes djtfe rtsrom Baiaenophiius unisetus, which has been recorded only as an associated species on balee nplate sot baleen whales, in its small size, the numbei of apical claws of )eg 1, ihe setal arrangement of Ieg 4, and the length of the caudal rami. Gut contents indicat ethat the copepod $crapes the skin ot the host sea tu rtle directl ytor food. [ng the material, we concluded that the species from the sea INTRODUCTION turtl eis new to science and describ e[ tas the second species Whiie breedin gjuveni Lloeggerhea dsea turtles Caretta oi Ba/aenophitus together with it snauplius and copepodid caretta (Linnaeu ast }the Kushimoto Marine Park Oenter (K. stages. M, P.C),Wakayama Pretecture,Mr.1,Miyawaki found one weak individua wlhich had discolored neck skin, Atter bathing MATERIALS AND METHODS the turtl ejn tap water, one of the authors (H ,M,} obta[ned numerous associated copepeds by filter itnhge bath water More ihan 440 specimens were obtained from ihe slngle juvenile tthernotuagthi vbeoL ilydtei nnctgliotfh i t(ehmde ecosph e$piozdes/ O .a1 sO mBma) Tnhoeph isefnuiso run iasuetthuosr fcCloa・rremeaartlet d iaacn nar,tdert tamanous nfotnee rdMra e rtidnco lh7a 0c2"t4li,o c ae1c tgihd8.a7n ,oM loT,rh eest sateihn aewdne r2e 0i n mpaatrnuierlesineer svpbeelcd iuimene n,2sa0n%d Aurivillius(Harpacticoida:Balaenoph-dae),hithertoknowewrena sdissected in order to observe variat[ons and gut contents. Ten a commensat on baleen plate sof baleen whales/ blue whale specimens each of females and males were used tor measuri ng the Baiaenoptera muscurus <L ,()AurM)l 1i8u79sa,, b; Lill i1e9,1O; body Iength ,maximum width, and the length of the caudal setae. pMhaycskaiinutso s(h L1, 9)4(2B; aVenrnvioso rta tnaednrd GTrrianndtleer y1 ,,9196616); , fiRn awghaale an dB. tLaroneadanteBedod x issn hpteachlleml e(sna1sme99 tom)fan ,nBe.r .unt sTehtues le prmriensoelrogvye d iis n aedtohapntoeld iwerreom Haulsyos Sanpera ,1986) ,sei vvhale B. boreati Lsesson (Colle 1t8tB6,; Mackintos h1, 942, B'anniste arnd Grindle yt,966), and Bryde's whale B edeni Anderson <Bannist aendr Grind)ey ,1966), DESCRIPTION landed or collected in northern Norway, the lris whest coast, Order HARPACTICOIDA Sars ,1903 western Australi aD,urban and Cape Town of South Africa, Fam"y BalaenophiHda eSars ,t91O and Atlant ilcberla nwaters. Banniste rand GrLndle y( 1966> Genus Balaenophilu AsurMIIjus, 1 879 compiled the record of occu;rence on whales caught in the Balaenophitus umi'gamecotus n, sp. southern hemispher eand concluded that the sei whale is the (Fig 1s-,1 0) most important host, Ba/aenophiius unisetus being found on [Japane nsamee/ umigame-kagitsume-harupa, new] 80% of that species, but on less than 2% of ti nwhales and 7)peseries. Theholotype(NSMT-Crl2022,female),the Bryde'swhales, allotypic paratyp e{NSMT-C 2r0l23, mai e), 1O other paratypes We requested Dr .J, A. Raga, Universi tofy Valencia, to (NSMT-C 2r0l24, 5 45i 5 XL I) are deposited in the National ioan us specimens of B unisetus collected trom the baleen ScienceMuseum, Tokyo,,Ten paratypes(IORDIN97001 5 plates of fin whales(Raga and Sanpera, 1986), After compar- \g , 5 .i "6" ) are de posite idn th e 1nstit uotf eOcean ic Resea r, ch and DeveFopment, Tokai Universit Syh,izuoka Prefecture. ' Correspondin gauthor/Tel, +Bl・3-3312-4506; FAX, +81-3-3312-4506, NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan 692 K. Ogawa, K, Matsuzaki and H. Misaki tuww as- mp- ww ww- --ee g ・, m. pdre.-:am:izaun':.:・re.tww.. 'za'・] ma.wwwwwh':ww':hat' Fig ,1.Balaenophilus umigamecolus n, sp/, A, male (paraty; pB,e f)emaie {holoty pScea}l.e bars = O. 1mm. Additiona mtaterials. 2 copepodids, 5 nauplii, and all plus numerous short setu]es, only one of tormer appreciably slides of dissected paratyp eansd gut contents are deposited longe rthan the others. Egg sac (Fi g2.C) e[ongated, O.45 × in the National Science Museum, Tokyo, The remajning speci- O.13 mm, containing eggs of about O.05 mm diameter .No mens are deposited in the collections of the K. M. P, C, and spermatophore obsewed. theZ.NakaiLaboratory. Measurements. Femaie: average lengt ho"O speci- mens 1 ,24 mm (rang e1:.14-1.32 f)rom anterior end to end of caudal ramus, a litt lbei tlonge rthan male (leng otf h4:g= 1.07 ] 1.00) .Caudal setae adding on average O.81 mm (O.71- O.88 mm) to length ,Maximum width O,19-O.24 mm, O.23 mm on average. Average number of eggs 30 (rang 2e9:-35) per egg sac. Male: average lengt hof 10 specimens 1,16 mm ' (1.1O-f .mm2),0 with caudal setae adding on average O.8I mm (O.71-O .mm9).0 Maximum width averaging O,20 mm (O, 91-O.23 mm). The sex ratio is t : 3.6 ( 6n:4), fernate(holotype) : Bodylengthd.18mmincludingcau- dal rami, caudal setae adding O.74 mm. Maxjmum body width O.20 mm measured at poster[ omarrgin of cephalothorax. Body shape slender and elongated {maximu wmidth : body leogth =O.17 : 1,O) .No di$tinctio nbetween prosome and urosome but slightly constricted at mid]ength, with anterior part scarcely wider than posteri o(rFig 2.A). Firs tlegs remarkably strongiy developed (Fi g1B.). Head and firs ptedigerou ssomite fused to form cephalothorax, with no lin eof tusio nvisible (Fi g2A,). Cepha[othora xlonger ,than combined length of pedigerous somites 2 to 5. Pedigerous somites 2 to 4 all of about same length 5,th somite sborter, Genital double-somite with no line of fusio nvisible, longe rthan combined lengths of abdominal somites 2 and 3, Anal somite shorter than abdominal somite 2 or 3. Caudal setae more than hal fas long a$ body (propor- tjons O.60 : 1.0) .Integument aslen$i[la scarce on who[e body, with exception of abdominal and anal somites. Rows of pt, spinules arranged lateral loyn trunk as shown in Fig .2B. Ros- trum (Fi g3A.) linguiform ,its length equaling the combined F- lengt hot fir sttwo antennular segments, a pai rof sen$illa vis- ib l eoCna umdeadlia nra mdio r{sFai lsg u2,rfAa)c es,hort, slightly longer than ana[ Fmdaiolger,s 2 a< .l vhieoBwal tooaft emnyalo peBpe,h i}(li;paut asuemrrig aaavlmtieecyow lpEu soe, f)[ fa;etme arnl. a velis; epwC.,, Aopf,a midar loeor;fs ea gFl g,v i aensawalc so ;sfe gfD-e,- somite, and provide dwith 4 well developed and 2 small setae ment and furca of male, dor$a lview. Scale bar$ = O.1 mm. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan Balaenophitu sumigameco;us n. sp.Folind on Sea Tu rtle 693 th1 sstw t/ c x ' H E Gx" F - Fig. 3. Ba/aenophiJus umigamecolus n, sp., female (paraty Ap,e a)nt,ennuje/ B, antenna; C. labrum ;D, mandiblel E, paragnath; F, maxMule: G, maxilla; H, maxilliped. Scale bar = O.1 mm. The inserte dschematic figure shews tne mouthpart airangement viewed from the ventraL side. AntennuFe <Eg, 3A) 9-segmented. Number of setae on stronglyhaLredintegument,longandbearing3chitinizedplate$ segments: O on flrs 1t ,on second with spinules, 1 1 on third ,8 at tip, on fourth ,3 on tif twhith distin catpical cone, including 1 Mandible (Fi g3D.) with crown of strong teet hand pecti- aesthetasc, 1 on sixth, 2 on seventh, 3 on elghth, 6 on ninth nate dista s[eta. Palp reduced, represented by 2 long setae, includi n1g aesthetasc, Paragnat h(Fi 3gE.> consisting of two haired lobes placed Antenna {Fig 3,B) Coxa extremely short, Cylindrical between mandibLe and maxillule, al)obasis carrying coronula of splnules near inne rmargin and Maxillu l<eFI 3gF,) with well developed praecoxa larthrite, small, stylitorm exopod halfway along outer margin, Exopod carrylng 6 strong spines, 1 trifurcat sepine, and 1 piumose 2-segmented, with 2 setae on minute, free apicai segment seta on jts margin, preceded by 2 long setae. Protopod and and 1 seta locate dnear inserti oofn thi ssegment on proximal both rami reduced to unsegmented rod with 3 dista l3 ,outer one, Well developed ,powerful, free podion of endopod com- middle, and1 basal setae, posed of single segment articulated at right angle to allobasis, Maxili (aFi 3gG,) with 3 endites, tirs tendite with 2 si mple bearin g3 strongly curved and hooked and 4 straight but setae, second endite with 1 simple and 1 spinulose seta, th[rd hooked claws, and row of coarse teeth along outer margin, endite with strong apLcal spine and 1 seta on basis of thjs Labrum <Fi g3C,) wlth masticatory process backed by spine, Endopod reduced to a seta loeated near base of ihird NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society oofJfap anJapan 694 K, Ogawa, K, Matsuzak iand H.Misaki ""si Fig. 4.F, umigamecotus n. sp,,female {paratyp Ae,) l,eg 1;B, leg 2; C, Feg 3;D, leg 4; E, leg 5; leg 6.BSaciaalee nbaorp h= iOl,u1 smm, endite, as clasping organs, with rather long coxa and basis ,short, 3- Maxillipe d(Fi g3,H) 3-segmente dand developed as pow- segmented exopod, and long, 3-segmented endopod. Coxa erful clasp[ng organ, Syncoxa with 2 long setae at dista lend with sparse short spinules: outer borde rof praecoxa spinu- of inne rmargin. Basls elongated and swollen with 2 short se- lose, Basis about as long as coxa, inne rand outer margins tae at mid]ength of inner margin, Endopod represented by spinulose, with proxlma land dista Lseta, Firs texopod seg- ve ry strong claw with fin eseta on inne rmargin at m]dlength. ment short, with strong outer spine djstal lsyec;ond segment Leg 1 (Fi g4.A) bearin gstrongLy developed, unequal rami longes tw,ith row of spinules and spine a)ong outer marg[n; NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan Bataenophilu sumigamecotus n. sp.Found on Sea Tu rtle 695 third segment $hortest, wjth 2 strong but unequal, curwed api- baseoendopod, Exopod with 1 long ,plumose seta, 2 long, cal claws, serrated along outer margin, with accessory claws naked setae, and 2 spines, Baseoendopod of lef tand right basal) yand 2 unequal simple setae apicaily, Firs tendopod sides well separated, each with 1 simple outer seta, 3 long segment great) eylongated, cu rved a 1it tilnewards ,inne rmar- apical setae, and 2 pectina tsepines. Leg 6 {Fi 4gF.) very $mall gin hair ywith single subapical seta: second segment short, but distin cbte,arin g2 minute setae and genit afllaps C.opula- unarmed; thLrd segment as long as second, with 3 unequal tory pore circular, minute, and covered by bulb-shaped protu- cLaws, two Iarger ones serrated along outer margin, berance, Legs 2 to 4 each with 3-segmented exopod: Ieg 2 clFig, 4B) with 2-segmented endopod, leg 3 (Fi g4.C} and ieg 4 {Fjg, Mate (paratyp e)Boicty length 1,14 mm incLuding cau- 4D) with 1-segmented endopod, Spine and setal formula eas daE rami, caudal setae adding O.82 mm. Maximum wjdth O,20 follows ,with Roman and Arabic numerals indlcatin gspines mm measured at the posteri omarrgin of cephalotharax. Gen- and setae, respectively: eral body form resembling that of female except fo rrobust, geniculate antennuies (Fig 1sA., 2D), Genita slomite short and Leg2 coxaO-O basisl-O exp, l-O:1-1;Ill,2,2 fir satbdomina] somite ionges ta,bdominal somites 2 and 3 of end, O-O;O,3,O about the same lengt hA,nal somite shortest, with caudal rami Leg3 coxaO-O basisl-e exp, 1-O;1-1;H,2,2 devejope das iR females ,Except for being absent on abdomi- end, O,2,O nal somites, rows of lalera slpinules arranged similarly to those Leg4 coxaO-O basisl-O exp, 1-O:1-O;ll,2,1 of female <Fi g2,E), end, O,2,O Caudal rami (Fi g2D., F) a)most as in female ,but caudal setae slightly Ionge rin proporii otno body Iengt h(O, i 71,O). Bases and outer margins of a)) exopods armed with short Antennul e(Fi 5gA.) 9-segmented ,geniculat reo,bust, and spinules. One acute process presen tnear lnsenio nof each longe rthan in femaie ,Number of setae on segments; O on exopodal spine. Outer margins of alF endopods bearing tirs t1 ,on second vvith coronula ot spinules, 11 on thir d8, on spinules, AI Idista sletae of exopods and aH endopodal setae fourt lhncludi n1 gaesthetasc, 8 on fif tihncnudin g1 aesthetasc, naked near thei rbase, 1 on sixth, 2 on seventh, 1 on eighth, 9 on ninth including 1 Leg 5 (Fi g4.E) small, exopod articulating distinc twlityh aesthetasc. f Dtt/ ErllS H ' Fig .5. Bataenophitu sumigamecoius n, sp,male{paratype}, A, antennule; B, antenna; C, labrum; D, mandible/ E, paragnat Fh, ;maxillule /G, maxll[a/ H, maxll)iped. Scale bar= O.1 mm. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society oofJfap anJapan 696 K. Ogawa, K, Matsuzak iand H,Misakl Ei'' - / Fig ,6, Bataenophjlu usmigamecoius n, sp,, male (paratyp Ae,} l,eg 1; B, leg 2; C, leg 3; D,leg 4; E, ieg 5; F, leg 6. Scale bar= O,1 mm. Antenna (Fi 5gB.) almost the same as i nfemaee ,but more of ief atnd right $ides weH separated, each with 1 simple outer robust and apical endopod segment with stronger spinules seta] long inne rspine pectinate ,but with denticl erseplaced along inne rmargin and at bases of spiniform hooked setae. by setules distal lLye,g 6 (Fj g6F,) very smal1, represented by No differenc beestween sexes in structure ot mouthparts 1 simpre seta on prominence. (Fi g5C.-G), but smal)er in male than in female A.rmature also the same in maxiUjped as in female e,xcept that of male slightly Firstnauptiusstage(Fig,7A,B) i 10specimensobta]ned stronger and large trhan in female(Fig, 5H). clinging to egg sacs jus atfter hatchin gB,ody convex and oval, Leg 1 (Fi g6A.) as in temale ,except more strongl ydevel- 127 pm wide and 89 Ltm long, bearin g3 palr sof appendages oped and longe rS.pine and setal formula of legs 2 to 4 as ifi and caudal rami repFesented by small protuberances, each femaie, except endopod of leg 2 with only 1 segment, and with a plumose seta, Antennul e(Fi 7gA,l) bearin g3 long se- exopod with more strongly developed outer $pjnes <Fi g6B,- tae, short plumose seta, and smal spine, Antenna (Fi g7.A2) D). Seta ltormul afo rleg 2 as follows: with dentate coxa, endopod bearing strong claw, 2 small spines, and 4 Iong setae, exopod terminating with 4 bristly, Leg2coxa O-Obasis 1-Oexp, 1-O ;1-1;Hl,2,2 hooked spines, Mandible {Fi g7.Md) 1-segmented ,bearing end. Ii,1,O strong claw, a smali spine, and 2 setae, Leg 5 (Fi 6gE.) smaller than in temale ,exopod articulaF Copepodidstage s(Figs,7C 8-, E9),: Five copepodids in gdistinc twilthy baseoendopod as in femaje .Exopod with 1 obtained among all avairable specimens, includFng third (1 short simple seta, 1 long seta, and 2 spines, Baseoendopod specimen), fourth <2 specimens), and fif t(h2 specimens) NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan BaJaenophilusumigarnecorusn.spF,eundon SeaTurtle 697 Af : Md A2 7N A,B,Al,A2,Md " 1 t ttttt '..11rfLt' D c C-E- Fig.7 , Baiaenophi/u usmigarnecotusn. sp., fir sntauptius and copepodids, A, fronta lview of nauplius; B, dersa lview of nauplius; Al, antennvle: A2, antenna; Md, mandible: C, third copepodid; D, fourth copepodid; E, fit tchopepodid. Scale bars ; O.1 mm. stages, mented exopod and no endopod, Third stage. Body consistlng of 6 postcephalothoracic Fourth stage ? . Body consisting of 7 postcephalotho- somites, O.50 mm Iong from anterior end to end ef caudal raclc somites, O.65 mm Iong (Fi 7gD,). Antennule 9-segmented ramus (Fi g7,C), Antennule 6-segmented with an aethetasc with an aethetasc on fift hand ninth segments (Fi gB.A-CIV). on second segment (Fi g8A,-C)ID. Antenna consisting of coxa, Antenna with short coxa, apical endopod with 3 geniculate alLobasis, and 1-segmented, fre eendopod segment; apex of spines and 3 claw-like spines; exopod with 3 setae (Fi g8,B- endepod bearin g3 geniculat sepines and 2 claw-like splnes CIV), Leg 1 consisting of coxa, ba$is ,and 2-segmented with fin esetule; exopod 1-segmented with 2 setae {Fi g8B.- endopod and exopod, Firs t$egment of endopod e]ongated, Clll )L,eg 1 consistlng of coxa, basis, and 2-segmented second segment short with 3 unequal terminal cfiaws. First endopod and exopod. Firs tsegment of endopod elongated, segment of exopod with 1 spine and second segment with 2 second segment short with 2 terminaF claws and a small tixed teFmina lclaws accompanied by 2 setae, and 1 subapical spine ciaw, Firs stegment of exopod with a small spine and second {Fi g8,C-CIV). Legs 2 to 4 with 2-segmented exopod and 1- $egment with 2 claws wlth 2 Fong setae (Fi g8,C-CHI) ,Legs 2 segmented endopod (.Fi g8,D-CIV - F-C)V). (Fi g8,D-Cil la>nd 3 (Fig 8.E-Cll lw>ith 2-segmented exopod and 1-segmented endopod: leg 4 <Fi g8F,-CIU) with 1-seg- NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan 698 K, Ogawa, K, Matsuzak iand H.Misaki 'f Leg 4exp. I,2,1 1-Oi1il-2 ,2i,-O 1l-e ;H,2,1 1i end. - O,2, O O,2,O Etymology.Thespecificname,umigamecolus,jsacom- bination of Japanese umigarne, meaning sea turtl aen,d the sutti x-coius d,enotin g`inhabiting' jn Latin G,ender masculine. Variatio n,Noticed in: (1)th seetatjon of the second antennulaty segment {1O-11in?,11-13ine>andthethird segment (7- 9in both sexes); (2 t)he number of smallest daws on the thir dexopod segment of the firs tleg {D- 3jn Z 2-3 in g') (;3 )one iemale specimen with abnormal exopod setal ar- rangement of 2nd leg (Fi 1gO.); (4 )the number of small setae on the furca rlaml (2-3). Remarks, This is the second species of Balaenophilus, l tcan be clearly distingushed from B. unisetus by : {1 )it ssmalt N size, the length ratio of B. umigamecoius and B. unisetus be- 1 ing 1,O : 1 .8 i nboth sexes; (2 t)he 3 strong apical claws on the ' thir sdegment of both the exopod and endopod of the 1st leg (B unisetus has2 claws); <3 t)he )ac kof an [nner seta on the rCHI '$ second exopod segment of le g4(B. unjsetus has1 seta); (4) N. D -) the short length of caudal rami (B .unisetus has long rami), C I V R ""xh ;"' ln the descriptio nof thjs genus' stype specjes B, unisetus, e"2- CN there are some confusion and errors. Regardin gthe anten- nule, AurMIIiu <s1879 ba) ,describe di tas 8-segmented ,Sars z-vY (191O }describe di tas 9-segmented, and Lang (1948 )de- scribed i tas B- or 9-segmented .Vervoort and Tranter (1961) described i tas 8-segmented excluding the f jrst segment, which F ctls "CIV they called socle, Aurivillt <us1879 ba) ,correctly describe tdhe labrum as the upper lip ,and the paragnath sas the under Iip, Fig ,S. Balaenophi rurunsigamecoius n, sp., third (Cl laind)fourth Ve rvoo r tand Tranter (1 961> described the paragnath sas the {CI VEe) copepodids, A, antennule/ B, antenna; C,leg 1; D, leg 2; E, Iabrum and the )abrum as the labium, Aurivi-u$ <1879a b,) leg 3/ F, leg 4. Scale bar= O.1 mm. and Sars {191 Od>escribe dthe caudal ramus armed with 4 setae and some small spines, but Vervoor tand Trante r{1 961) described 6 setae. Mfth stage -? .Body consisting oi 8 postcephalothoracic The aberrant nauplius has very strongly developed claws, somites, O,97 mm long (Fi g7.E) .Antennul e9-segmented with almost the same as illustrat eldn B. unisetus by AurivlHius an aethetasc on fift hand ninth segments (Fi g9A,), Antenna (1879a b,) ,atthough some errors are found in the figur eby with extremely short coxa, apica] endopod bearin g3 genicu- Bannister and Grjndle y{1966 I)n .addition, thi snauplius has lat espines, 2 apical claw-Iike spines, and 1 subapical spine, clasping appendages rathei than ones typica lof a tree-living, and rod-shaped, unsegmented exopod wLth 3 setae (Fl 9gB,). piankton incauplius, Some copepodids of stages 11I- Vwere Leg 1 consisting of coxa, basis ,and 2-segmented endopod also tound on the host sea turtle .These fact sindicate that and exopod, Firs tsegment of endopod elongated and un- this new species may spend it swhole 1if eon the skin ot a host armed, second segment short with 3 unequal termina lclaws, sea turtl ej,us ats B, uniset"s ljve son the baleen plate sof a Firs stegment of exopod wtth 1 $pine and second segment 3 host balee nwhale. unequa"erminal claws accompanied by 2 long setae, and 1 We could not deduce where the copepod comes from. subapical spine (FI g9C,}. Legs 2 to 4 with 3-segmented juvenil seea tu rtl ewsere bein gartificial liyncubate adnd reared exopod and 1-segmente dendopod (Fi g9,D-F): $etal formu- in raw sea water from direct liyn fron tof the K. M. P. C, with- [ae of copepodid stages M-V as followsi out passFn gthrough othertanks of the aquarium, The gut con- tents of B utnigamecolus consisted of packed brownis hma- Copepodld stage Third Fourt h Fifth terial which had the same appearance as material scraped Leg2 exp. l-OillL2, 2 t-Oilll, 2,12-Oil-li]11,2,2 from host juveni lloeggerhea tdurtle' nseck skin (Fi g1.1A, B). end, O,1,O O,3, O O,3,O Thjs is positav eevidence tha tB. umigamecoJus eats sea turtle Leg3 exp, )-O lil,2, 1 1-Olllr,2 ,21-O il-liil,2,2 skin directl yfor food, and that this copepod i san epibiotic end. O,2, O O,2,O O,2,O paraslt eWe. also found packed brownis hmaterial in the gut NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan Balaenophjtu sumigamecolus n. sp, Found on Sea Turtle 699 '.t ' ' D - `f" Fig. 9, Balaenophilus umigarnecolus n. sp,, fit tchopepodid \. A, antefinule; B, antenna; C, leg 1; D, leg 2; E, leg 3; F, leg 4, Scale bar = O.1 mm. ysN Fig. 11. Comparison of gut contents and the host sea turt]e :nesck skin. A, gut contents of Balaenophilu usmigefnecolus n. sp.; B, scraped Foif gf. e1m0.a [e BS.atcaaenlo ebphairi =us O .u1 mmimg,amecolus n. sp,, Aberran tIeg 2 exopod nuencikset usskin ocfo lsleeact etdurt lf erCoamr ebtatl aceaerent lpa;l aCt,e gs uoft cfoinn twehnatles of BBaailaaeennoopptheirlaus physatus. Scale bars = O,1 mm, contents of B, unisetus collected from the baleen p]ate sof fin whales without any unicellular algae or remains of diatoms ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (Fi g1 1. C). Though Vervoo rt and Tranter(1 961} di$cusse dthe possibil itthyat B. unisetus eats the sessile algae on the ba- We thank Mr. 1 .Miyawaki of the Kushimoto Marine Park Center eGlprejideenn rpdmlilsae,ty <e w s1hw,ie9ch6 su 6p ip)dso ssi,ehroewcn tt hlifayn ot tBr hf e oupnoihdse otatunsdog r tmaahypu hsb yam laBsyoa n snbcireas ptae e t ratrnhudee fjosdioustr .yvk oieDfn endVel aispyel la eogefn rftcaeuitrra iitfnlto ge ufr ud tosiehr sc eta oilhmsoipo aasv rne aixolpsfruo eanBsbs.le dewuin timhsa tettoteh urDesi r,ag . lDuJ rt.t c.A ooM.rn . stR teTaunagdtkayse, dooafaf s tt hohwefee tlUchlno epia eNvspa e-a-r- epibiotic parasit oef baleen whales. tional Science Museum for useful comments, Dr. M. J. Grygier of the NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan 700 K, Ogawa, K,Matsuzaki and H,Misakl Sesoke Statio Tnr,opica lBiosphere Research Center ,Universi teyf Huys R,BoxshaleGA (1991C)opepodEvolutlonT.he Ray Society, tsNchareik pRatyi uLwikatybhuo srus, aeatfnudolF aycn.oomnmyemnotuss, rTehfiers eies s Cfoonr ctrritiibcaultly iro eaNndoin, g23 t hoef mtahneu -Z. L a m gGL Keo nr( dm1oa9nn, 4y4 8{6MB>Ro nepoppgr ria np1hti9e,7 5d )e ,r8 H9a6 rpppac ticid e1n .0t to K oelt zSci Pub, LillieDG(191O}Observationsontheanatomyandgeneralbiologyof REFERENCES some members of the larger cetacea, Proc Zool Sec Lond 191O/ 76gt792, pl 74 A u r iBviihlal niPguO tsCil Kl(, 1S8v7e9n saOk)na aVe nte Awk agden Huas nadndl 5 s/ pe1c-iets6, opfl Hs a1r-p4acticida. M a c kDiinstcoosvh eNrA yR (ep1 9 4222)/ T1h9e7 -s3o0ut0hern stecks of whalebone whales, Au rivill PiOuCs ( 1S79b> Balaenophitu usnisetusnov.gen. et spec, Ett Raga JA, Sanpera CX (1986 )Ectoparasitos y epizoitos de bovciihddtb resaryo gsmttdeia mHkataink, nfeid loAokmasedonefm ioimss kk faHaa kraufplhatacnetdtileicnn isgdi eUsrponm sauat slvmeaecd klmja nttge-shmsiatstatinorsdika -af Sa r sBi GaniOv aPe (enos1pqt9 e51r0 aO: A4)n p8 h9acl-cc4ous9na8tiu (sofL t,1h,7e 5C8r)u esnt aacgueaas ot aNtolrawntaiyc,a ws iithbe srhiorctas. naturvetenskap!igasektionforfilosofiskagradenserhaljande,etc,: description sand figures ef all the species 5: Copepoda Ba n n1i-s2t6e, rJpLl, s G1r-i n4d l{eyC eJnRt (r 1a96l6-) TNroytce sk Seetnro iBcakelhtao,elnmo)phitu usnisetus P. HMaertpiadctaiec ,Boaildaae,n oPpahMrdtas eX,XI Xs u&p pXleXmXe.nt Ta (chpidair i3dt3a)e6- (36c8o ,npclsl2u2d5e-d}, O, C, AurMIIiu s1,879, and it soccurrence in the southern hemi- 230, suppl p]s 1-1O Co l lsept htRer <e 1(8C8o 6pO)ne pthoe d Heaaxrt,eprancatl icchoalradea tC)er.russ tofa cReuadnoa l1p0h/ i2i9 s6R-o3r0q2ual V e r vAouerri tvWi,l lT ir(uaCsnotepr eDp (o 1dH9aa6r1p a)Bcatliaceoniodp ahf>irtoum s tuhnei ssoeuttuhse rPn. Oh.e rCn.j- (Balaenop btoereraab's P)(.oc Zool Soc Lond 1886: 243-265, pls sphere. Crustaceana 3/ 70-84 25-26 (ReceivAeugdust 5,1996/AcceptedMay 14,1997) NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service